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Doggone Daddy

Page 7

by Liam Kingsley

  However, he abruptly turned and stepped away from me. “Breakfast is ready. I’ll make you a plate.”

  Biting my lip, I nodded. “Thanks, sounds good.” I went to sit at the table, feeling a wave of nerves well up inside me. This was all completely unfamiliar territory for me. It was okay to joke with someone who was a friend, but I didn’t know how to act around a man who made it clear he desired me. I was afraid of saying the wrong thing, doing the wrong thing.

  “How are you feeling?” Jason asked as he set a plate in front of me then took the seat opposite me at the table.

  “Much better, actually.” I gave him a grateful smile. “Thank you again for being here for me. I slept much better knowing I wasn’t alone.”

  He nodded. “I figured as much. But I don’t want you to worry about those guys, Trevor. I’m here for you in whatever way you need.”

  Warmth spread throughout my chest. He meant what he was saying.

  As we ate breakfast, we talked a little about our shops and the dogs, and Jason assured me everything was fine.

  “I’d really love to see them, though,” I said. “I miss them. Do you think we could go pick them up today?”

  A flicker of hesitation crossed Jason’s face, but then it was replaced with a smile. “Sure. I’m sure they miss you too. I’ll just shoot Gavin a text and make sure someone is home.”

  Less than thirty minutes later, we were headed out to the homestead. Gavin had told Jason that Kyle stayed home with the kids and the dogs today. As we drove along the coastal highway toward the woods in the north where the Timberwood Cove wolf pack had their shifter lands, I thought that maybe it was for the best we weren’t going in to the shop. I wasn’t sure I was ready to face the place where I’d been attacked.

  Jason and I talked the entire ride out there, never at a loss for what to say. That was something that had surprised me about Jason the last few days. I’d always seen him as the quiet, brooding type. That’s the way he’d come across whenever I’d seen him, like at Kyle and Gavin’s claiming ceremony and right after Raina’s birth.

  But I’d seen a different side of him. Or maybe this was the real side of him, the one he didn’t show to strangers. Over the course of the last few days, I’d definitely moved out of that category.

  “Why is it you hate dogs so much?” I asked, thinking it just didn’t compute with the Jason I was starting to get to know. He seemed genuinely kind and caring. I’d seen him with his daughter, and he was a wonderful father. It didn’t make sense why he hated such loving animals.

  Jason tightened his fingers on the steering wheel and glanced at me briefly before turning his eyes back to the winding coastal highway. Finally, he pressed his lips together, and then sighed.

  “When I was a kid, I was bitten by a dog. It was…traumatic, to say the least. The dog was wild, feral. There was some pretty serious damage done, and I’ve never been able to see a dog since without thinking of that day.”

  “Wow. Jason, I had no idea…”

  He nodded. “I don’t exactly go around shouting out that I’m afraid of dogs.”

  He laughed it off, but I could sense he meant what he said. That there really was some fear behind what seemed to be just dislike. It was funny in a way. I mean, Jason was a wolf. An overgrown dog himself. But I also felt badly how I’d always written him off as a jerk who liked to yell at my dogs. There was a reason, but it didn’t really justify being mean to them. Though, to be fair, I hadn’t actually seen him be mean to animals.

  When we arrived at Kyle and Gavin’s on the homestead, I was nearly bouncing with anticipation at seeing Bonnie and Clyde. Kyle must have heard us pull up because the minute I climbed from Jason’s car, the front door of the house flew open and my babies came charging at me.

  I laughed as they jumped up on me, trying to lick my face. “Oh, did you miss me? Of course you did, that’s the most energy I’ve seen you two exert in years.” I hugged them, my heart filled with joy at being reunited with them. I saw Jason watching out of the corner of my eye, his arms crossed over his chest as he stood at a distance.

  I gave him a cheerful smile and waved him over. He smiled back but kept his feet planted where he was. I got it, but I knew he’d eventually come around and see for himself that Bonnie and Clyde were about as gentle as dogs could be.

  After they wore themselves out playing with me, which didn’t take long considering their stamina wasn’t exactly Olympian level, Jason and I talked to Kyle for a few minutes, letting him know how I was doing.

  Jason turned to me. “Do you want to go see my place? Maybe sit down and rest since you’re supposed to be taking it easy. It’s not far from here. We could even walk?”

  I tried desperately to ignore the exaggerated wink Kyle gave me. God, the last thing I needed was him teasing me about Jason right now. I hadn’t told Kyle what Jason had told me, unsure if this might turn into anything. Fated mates or not, Jason wouldn’t claim me if we weren’t compatible, in everything, and that included the bedroom. Just the thought of finding out if we were had me feeling slick.

  “Sure,” I said, my voice coming out a little breathy. I quickly turned to Kyle. “Thanks for taking care of Bonnie and Clyde.”

  “Don’t even mention it,” he said, his smirk so obvious I nearly groaned. And then I nearly died when Jason linked his fingers with mine and started off down a path, tugging me along with him. Kyle was not going to let me get away with not explaining that.

  The extensive gardens of each house were immaculately manicured and were also surrounded by large trees that allowed privacy. It was quiet, with only the sounds of birds flittering around in the trees to break the silence. I really liked it out here. It was so different from being in town. And I knew the dynamics of the wolf pack were like having one huge extended family. The part of me that had always longed for a real family of my own leapt to the surface, and I hoped that one day I could be a part of that too.

  Jason’s home came into view, just as beautiful as those homes around it. Made of rustic looking wooden planks, it was nevertheless two-stories high, surrounded by a wraparound porch. Large windows made up most of the walls, letting in plenty of sunlight. I was sure it gave the house an open, natural feel inside.

  “Nice place,” I murmured.

  Jason squeezed my hand where our fingers were still intertwined and gave me a wink. “It’s not much, but it’s home,” he said, echoing my words from yesterday.

  I burst out laughing. “If this isn’t much, I’d like to see what you think is.”

  He just grinned then led me up the steps to the door. Just as we started to go in, Bonnie and Clyde right on my heels, Jason paused.

  He looked from me to the dogs and back again. “Do you mind if they stay outside? They can go around to the back garden.”

  I almost said no, that where I went, they went, but I had to remind myself of Jason’s limited experience with dogs, and hope he’d come around soon. Though I was bitterly disappointed right now.

  I settled my huskies in Jason’s fenced off, extensively treed acre, knowing they’d probably nap in the shade of one of the Western Red Cedars that lined the rear of the garden. Only then did I let Jason usher me inside, his hand on the small of my back. The minute the door shut behind us, it was like a switch was flipped. An awareness of him flooded my senses. I certainly didn’t have the heightened senses of a shifter, but even I could smell the pure masculine scent of Jason in the air.

  My breath caught, and I turned to him, feeling my heat intensify now we truly were all alone. No doctors or nurses. No doors between us. No reservations now I seemed to be recovered for the most part.

  I was slick with need, my heat suppressors meaningless when I was this close to my mate. Kyle had told me all about it, being in heat with his alpha near. How it was irrepressible. More intense than anything he’d ever known. I’d never been able to fathom what he meant, especially since I had nothing to compare it to. But the need burning inside me right now was a clear in
dication I was in full-on heat, suppressors be damned.

  Jason turned to me, breathing in deeply, and his eyes seemed to darken with lust. The look on his face had my breath catching.

  “Fuck, Trevor… Do you have any idea how much I want you right now?”

  I trembled at his words, a mixture of anticipation and nerves. I had no idea what to expect here, if something was going to happen between us right now or not. What I should do, how I should react. But one thing was crystal clear; I wasn’t going to do a damn thing to stop any of it. I wanted him as well, desperately, and I wasn’t going to let my inexperience stop me.

  “If it’s anything like what I’m feeling right now then I don’t know what’s stopping you,” I whispered.

  It was as if a dam broke, as if my words crushed through whatever might have been holding Jason back. He pulled me to him, his expression raw, needy. Full of longing. Then he lowered his lips to mine. It was just a brush of lips, a tease. But it sent a shiver through my entire body. I gasped, and Jason took the opportunity to sweep his tongue inside my mouth. It was like a tiny explosion of sensations. The gentle caress of his tongue against mine had me moaning, leaning in closer to him. A long, deep pull, low in my belly, had me aching for more, and my cock throbbed, hard in a matter of seconds.

  “Jason…” I moaned as he dove his hands into my hair, cupping my head and angling it back so he could deepen the kiss.

  I’d never felt anything like this. How many times had I imagined what my first kiss would be like? Nothing compared to the real thing. My body felt alive in a way it never had before. I dug my fingers into Jason’s shoulders, and I clung to him. He kissed me slowly, luxuriously. Taking his time as he tasted and explored my mouth until he left me breathless.

  Finally, he broke away. I leaned toward him, not wanting it to end. “Please,” I mumbled. I opened my eyes to find him staring down at me, pupils blown, and it made my cock jump. He lowered his forehead to mine, breathing heavily.

  “I wanted to go slow. Take my time getting to know you. But when you say things like that, when you look at me like that…”

  I wasn’t sure how I was looking at him, but if it was sending him over the edge like this, all the better.

  “I want you, Jason,” I said, no words ever being truer. No, I didn’t know what to expect here, I was so out of my element. Maybe even a little afraid. But I genuinely believed he’d take good care of me. I wasn’t sure how I knew that, but I deeply sensed that Jason was one of the good ones.

  “I was going to show you around,” he muttered, but then he caught me by surprise by sweeping me up in his arms. He grinned. “Guess we can start with the bedroom.”

  I laughed in relief. If he didn’t do something to take the edge of this desire I was quickly losing control to, I might have had to take matters into my own hands. Thankfully, he took charge, carrying me upstairs and lying me down softly on his bed. He was gentle with me, seeming to instinctively know I was nervous. He didn’t rush me, gave me plenty of time to change my mind. Yeah right, like that would happen. I was in bed with Jason Meredith, the man I had a crush on. The man who was my mate…

  When he brought his mouth back to mine, it felt nothing but right. He climbed on the bed beside me, and I felt the hardness of his cock pressing against my hip. I whimpered, jerking my hips instinctively.

  Jason chuckled against my mouth. “You like that?” He ground his cock against me for good measure, and I thought I might lose my mind. I’d never felt another man’s cock before. I wanted to see it, touch it, taste it.

  “Fuck, yes.” I slid my hand down his back, digging my fingers in when he moved his own hand to cup my cock through my pants. A strangled cry escaped my mouth as he squeezed then began to rub me slowly.

  Holy fucking shit. My mind felt like it was shattering into a thousand pieces, all bits of reason and sanity flying out from the center as all I was aware of was Jason. His hands. His mouth. His cock. It felt like he was everywhere at once.

  Then he was expertly unfastening my pants, shoving them down along with my underwear, never breaking our kiss. He brought his hand back up and gripped my cock. I rocked up into his fist, and my head fell back against the pillows as Jason began to stroke me. Up and down, tugging gently, rubbing his thumb over the head of my cock.

  “Fucking hell, Trevor,” he growled. “You smell so fucking good.” Then he ran his hand over my hip and around to grip my ass. I gasped as he dipped a finger between my cheeks.

  He groaned. “So fucking slick.”

  Blood was rushing through my body so fast it felt like my ears were ringing. I closed my eyes, and a rainbow of colors filled my vision when Jason began to circle his finger around my tight hole where he used my slick to push just the tip inside. I panted, barely able to catch my breath. How the hell had I gone thirty years without feeling something like this?

  “Are you okay?” he asked, stopping his gentle probing.

  My eyes flew open and I gripped his arms. “Why are you stopping?”

  He chuckled lightly then went right back to work on me, pressing deeper, and then sliding his finger slowly in and out, running it around the inside edge of my walls. Getting me ready for more of him. I whimpered. “Ohmygod, yes. Fuck me, Jason, please…”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, sounding like he was hanging on to his last thread of control.

  “Yes,” I said, my reply turning to a long moan as he added a second finger, stretching me further than ever.

  Then he pulled out and stood beside the bed. I reached for him, afraid he’d changed his mind, but then I realized he was stripping down. Oh, hell yes. He ripped his shirt off, revealing a chiseled chest and defined abs to accompany his broad shoulders and narrow waist.

  His gaze fell to my cock as it twitched at the sight of him. “Like what you see?” he asked, his lips twisting up at the corner.

  “Obviously,” I said with a smile of my own. Then I bit down hard on my lip when he dropped his pants. Holy shit, he was massive. Long and straight, and thick. Precum beaded on the tip of his wide cockhead, and I licked my lips instinctively. Wanting to taste.

  This was my chance, probably my only chance, and I certainly didn’t want to waste it if it was. Scarcely believing my nerve, I reached out and rubbed my finger over his tip then brought his juice to my lips. He bit out a curse as I sucked on my finger. I looked up and met his eyes, and something in him snapped.

  Gone was the gentle, careful Jason. In his place was a primal animal. He looked feral in that moment. So primitive. Animalistic. Maybe it was because I was his mate, but I sensed his wolf nearing the surface, which only turned me on more.

  He climbed back on the bed and flipped me over, pulling my ass up in the air. I gasped again, my mind reeling as I realized this was it. Jason was about to slide inside me, and I’d no longer be a virgin. I briefly thoughts of condoms, but I was on suppressors, which should protect me from pregnancy, but right then I didn’t really care. All I could think about was how lucky I was that I was with him. But he didn’t gently enter me as I assumed. He took me hard, pushing his cock deep into my slick hole and not stopping until he bottomed out.

  I cried out, my body arching. He wrapped his arms around my chest, holding me tightly as he stilled.

  “Shit, I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Are you okay?” he asked.

  I pushed back against him, adjusting to his size. I was so hot and ready, so slick, so far gone to him and my heat that okay didn’t even begin to describe it. I clenched down around him, and he groaned.

  I smiled then, suddenly feeling bold. I’d just made Jason lose control, and god it felt good. I nodded and tilted my hips, moving them experimentally. In response, Jason pulled back, dragging his cock along my slick walls.

  “No, don’t—”

  “It’s okay. I’m not going anywhere.” He pushed back in, slowly this time. I lowered my head between my shoulders and groaned at the sensation. Then when he retreated once more
, I knew it was only so he could thrust inside my warmth.

  “Good?” he asked, keeping up that slow advance and retreat.

  I nodded again, and then gasped as with his next thrust he did so harder.

  “Oh. Oh, that’s…” I don’t think I knew the words. Jason chuckled, and then pulled out before slamming home. Then he did it again, and again, thrusting faster, harder. It was far rougher that I would have expected for my first time, but it was exactly how I wanted it, especially because it felt as if Jason were giving himself over to me. He was letting go and just doing what felt so perfect, so natural, so right.

  I felt my orgasm begin to build, my balls tightening and the base of my spine tingling as Jason continued to plunge into me, gripping my hips now. Then he groaned and slammed into me so hard I nearly toppled over.

  The base of his cock swelled impossibly larger, filling me. His knot. Oh god, I’d heard about it. But like everything else, experiencing it for myself was entirely different.

  “Yes, god, yes,” I moaned.

  It felt incredible, Jason being locked tightly inside of me, his cock throbbing and swelling with every heartbeat.

  “Oh fuck! Trevor—” Jason shuddered, and then I was coming, my body wracked with waves of pure ecstasy. My skin was on fire, heat burning through my veins. Fireworks exploded along each nerve, and my vision blurred.

  When I felt him come inside me, I cried out his name over and over, and my body clenched down even tighter around him.

  We collapsed in a tangle of limbs, and I closed my eyes, floating. Bliss coated my senses now as Jason gently pulled me to his chest and held me as we both tried to catch our breath.

  Eventually, I managed to get a couple words out. “Holy shit.”

  Jason laughed, his breath warm on my shoulder. “I take it your first time was good then?”

  I looked over my shoulder and lifted an eyebrow. “You could say that.”

  He growled low. “You better say that.” But the sparkle in his eyes showed me he was teasing.


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