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Doggone Daddy

Page 10

by Liam Kingsley

  “Please,” Jason said, his eyes searching mine. “Say yes.”

  I chose to follow my heart. “Yes.”



  On the way to get Stacia from school a couple days later, I told myself I’d made the right decision asking Trevor to move in with me.

  Not that I regretted having him with me in my bed every night. I loved every second of our time together. It made perfect sense. He was my mate, he was having my baby.

  It was also much easier—and more enjoyable—to ride to work together. I loved our conversations every morning and every night. I liked being able to take care of Trevor, to know he was safe and secure with me. I knew it also helped set his mind at ease since they still hadn’t caught the men responsible for the robbery and attack.

  The only thing that had me questioning my decision was the dogs. They came part and parcel with Trevor. I knew this. I’d known it when I’d asked him to live with me, when I’d surprised him with the dogs already at my house. But knowing we were about to make it even more official by telling Stacia—she’d been at Keifer’s the last couple days since Trevor had moved in—meant I had to be absolutely certain.

  It wasn’t a question, not really. Just a hesitation, I supposed. It was really damn hard to push aside a lifetime of hating dogs and having them in my home. Trevor was worth it though. Without a doubt.

  “You okay?” Trevor asked, breaking my reverie. “You’re awfully quiet.”

  He’d wanted to come along to pick up Stacia, wanting to be sure I didn’t give anything away to her on the way home and spoil the surprise. We had quite a few in store for her today.

  I smiled and reached for his hand, lacing my fingers with his. “I’m wonderful.” And I meant it. I pushed all my hesitations aside. I had Trevor in my life. How could everything not be absolutely wonderful?

  “She’s going to flip out,” he said with a laugh.

  I grinned. “About which part?”

  “All of it.”

  We went through the car pick up line at the elementary school, and as soon as Stacia got in the back seat, she sighed dramatically.

  “Amy is going to see Taylor Swift tonight,” she exclaimed, throwing a hand over her forehead.

  “Oh, is that tonight?” I asked innocently, giving Trevor a wink.

  “You know it is!” She shook her head in exasperation.

  “Well, I think we have something that might be just as good,” Trevor said, shifting in his seat to look back at her as I headed back toward the homestead.

  “How could anything be as good?”

  “You’ll see when we get home,” he said mysteriously, and then he kept her busy the rest of the ride home playing a guessing game.

  I could practically see the excitement coming off Trevor in waves when we finally got home. Stacia had no idea Trevor had moved in or the dogs were here. I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face. As soon as she got out of the car, she heard them, her wolf senses making her hearing extra sensitive. She looked first at me then at Trevor.

  “It’s Bonnie and Clyde! What are they doing here?”

  Before we could tell her, she darted up to the porch and burst through the front door. The huskies jumped up on her, barking excitedly. I cringed, trying my best not to shout out a warning. My instincts told me Stacia was in danger. But I knew that wasn’t the case. I’d seen the dogs enough to know they were gentle.

  Still. It was really damn hard to keep myself from saying anything. Trevor must have noticed because he frowned slightly, but then he was hurrying up to join Stacia.

  “Can they stay the night, Daddy?” she asked when I came in the house. She was down on the floor with the dogs, rubbing their bellies.

  Trevor sat down on the floor beside them. “That’s part of your surprise.”

  “Part of it? Just having them here is the best surprise ever. I can’t believe you let the dogs come here, Daddy. Does this mean maybe we can get a dog now?”

  I smiled at the pleading look in her eyes. I didn’t want to spill all the surprises just yet. We had the whole night planned out with how we wanted to tell Stacia our big news. Little did she know her dream of having a dog was coming true—times two.

  “We’ll talk about it,” I said.

  Her astonishment was written all over her face. She never expected that from me. For good reason. If someone had told me a couple months ago I’d be moving two dogs into my home, I would have told them they were crazy. But here we were. Finding your mate and falling in love could change everything.

  “You ready for part two?” Trevor asked Stacia, his eyes shining, his smile huge. He was just as excited about this next part as Stacia would be.

  She jumped up and nodded enthusiastically. “What is it?”

  I ruffled her hair. “Why don’t you run upstairs and look on your bed and find out?”

  She took off, and after I helped Trevor to his feet we followed after her. As we topped the stairs I discreetly rubbed Trevor’s stomach and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. His cheeks pinkened, and I grinned, liking the look on him. He was adorable when he blushed like that. When Stacia released that high-pitched scream only little girls could do, I laughed. “I think she likes it.”

  Trevor bounced on the balls of his feet then rushed in after Stacia. I stood in the doorway, smiling when I saw her looking up at him with wide eyes.

  “You picked this out, didn’t you?” she asked him, holding up a frilly dress covered in rainbow pastels and sparkles.

  Trevor nodded. “Obviously. Does this look like something your dad would buy?”

  “Hey,” I protested with a chuckle. “I know how to pick out cute outfits.”

  They both looked at me with the same expression, their eyebrows lifted.

  “But not for something like this,” Trevor said, winking at Stacia.

  “Like what?” she asked, picking up on what Trevor wasn’t saying.

  Then, like a kid on Christmas who just couldn’t contain himself any longer, Trevor burst out with, “We’re taking you to the Taylor Swift concert tonight!”

  Stacia screamed again, flinging herself into Trevor’s arms. I watched him with her, my chest tight—in a good way. He was so good with her, and I could tell he already cared so much for her. It wasn’t always the case that you could find someone to love your child unconditionally, but I knew Trevor would come to think of her as his own. I would have to do the same with Bonnie and Clyde. It was only right, and the least I could do for my mate.

  “That’s not all,” Trevor said, getting to his feet and reaching into his back pocket to pull out an envelope.

  I thought he was going to tell her about the fun dinner we had planned—when we’d tell her about the baby and Trevor moving in—but he surprised me too.

  “I got us some upgraded tickets,” he told me with a wink, and then he pulled out three VIP cards attached to lanyards. “A meet and greet after the show.”

  Stacia looked at him, not sure what that meant. “Meet and greet?”

  I was floored. Trevor had gone all out for this, wanting to make this a night she’d never forget. I knew he still felt badly about the dress his dogs had torn up—especially when he’d found out it was a dress my mother had made. He’d gone to huge lengths wanting to get Stacia the perfect outfit for the concert—and he’d succeeded. But he’d gone even further.

  “That means we get to meet Taylor after the show,” he told her.

  The dogs started barking and raced up the stairs when they heard her scream this time. They could obviously sense her excitement, and they ran around the room, jumping and barking.

  Trevor laughed. “You seem to know just what to do to get these two to stop lying around like the lazy puppies they are.” No kidding. Bonnie and Clyde had been pretty docile the past two days. I’d started to think maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all. Hopefully this wasn’t how it would always be with them around Stacia, though. It had my nerves on edge.

m going to go get a shower and get ready,” I told them, backing out of the room and leaving the two of them with the dogs. I could hear them talking excitedly about the concert as I went to my room. By the time I was ready, Stacia had gotten all decked out, as had Trevor.

  “Well, look at the two of you,” I said, feeling underdressed in my jeans and button-down.

  Trevor was dressed in silver pants and a brightly colored shirt that went perfectly with Stacia’s shimmery rainbow dress. He looked gorgeous. I went to him and pulled him into my arms.

  “You ready for a night to remember?” I asked him, unable to resist kissing his lips.

  Stacia giggled as she watched, and Trevor wrapped his arms around my neck. “As total Swifties this is something we will never forget, right Stacia?”

  Stacia chatted excitedly the entire ride to the city, an hour outside of Timberwood Cove where the concert was being held at a huge amphitheater. Even though we left early, anticipating the traffic with the concert, it still took us longer than expected to get to the restaurant we’d made reservations at. But we still had plenty of time once we finally found a place to park.

  “Ready for surprise number three?” Trevor asked her when we were seated in the busy restaurant.

  Stacia’s eyes gleamed and she clapped her hands together. “This is the best night of my life!”

  I chuckled. I sure hoped so. We were about to drop a huge thing in her lap. Not every kid would take to the idea of their single dad bringing someone else into their lives in such a permanent way as we were about to. But I had a feeling this would really be the icing on the cake as far as she was concerned.

  “Stacia,” I said, reaching across the table to hold her hands. “Trevor and I have some big news for you.”

  She looked back and forth between the two of us. “Well, I already know you like each other. I saw you kissing.”

  I chuckled. “Yes, but sometimes people who kiss each other do so for a reason, baby. Trevor and I… We’re in love.” I looked over at Trevor as I said it, loving the way his face lit up. So full of happiness, and a little awed, though I should be the one who was awed here. I couldn’t be luckier to have found Trevor.

  “Trevor is my fated mate,” I told her, knowing that was something she’d understand having grown up around shifters and seeing them with their mates and families. For a few moments I wondered if she’d be sad. What if she had harbored some secret wish Keifer and I would end up together? But I shouldn’t have worried. She was ecstatic.

  “Does that mean we’re going to be a family?” She gasped, her hands flying to her cheeks. “Like forever?” she asked Trevor.

  He smiled. “Yes. If you’ll have me, I’m ready to be a part of your family.”

  I loved the sound of that coming from him. “Well, if you like that, how would you feel about being a big sister?”

  For a minute, probably the first time since she’s spoken her first word, Stacia seemed speechless. I nodded at the question in her eyes and took one of Trevor’s hands, holding on to the two people who now meant the most to me in the world. “Trevor’s going to have a baby.”

  Tears filled her eyes, happy ones I hoped. Her mouth opened and closed a few times, and I thought she might scream again right here in the middle of the restaurant. Which would have been fine with me as long as it meant she was happy.

  But she suddenly sobered. She looked between the two of us. My chest tightened. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  She pressed her lips together and shook her head, finally saying, “Does this mean my baby brother or sister will have to share houses with its dad like I do? Because that can be a total drag.”

  I never knew she felt that way. “No, baby. You don’t have to worry about that. In fact, Trevor is moving in with us. That’s why the dogs were there today.”

  She grinned, and I wondered if the whole bit about sharing houses was an attempt to get me to say that. It was confirmed when she put her hands on her hips and gave me a meaningful stare. “Well, you know what that means. What’s supposed to happen. You have to claim Trevor.”

  I laughed. This girl was too smart for her own good, and I loved her for it. “Don’t worry. That will all come in due time. Right now I’m just so happy you like the idea.”

  “Like it? I love it!”

  And that was that. I looked over at Trevor, and seeing the smile on his face, I knew this was one of the best nights of his life as well. And it only got better.

  Trevor could have been the president of Taylor Swift’s fan club from the way he acted at the show. He and Stacia were two peas in a pod, both beside themselves with excitement from the minute we stepped foot in the amphitheater. It was precious the way he interacted with my baby girl, and I loved him all the more for it. I wasn’t nearly as hardcore of a fan as either of them, and the concert was a bit loud for my tastes, but I enjoyed it just the same watching them have the time of their lives.

  By the time we made it back to the car after the meet and greet, Stacia was more keyed up than I’d ever seen her. She and Trevor talked the whole way home and sang songs at the top of their lungs. They’d both put their new autographed shirts on over their outfits, and just seeing them together like this filled my heart completely.

  Eventually, exhaustion from the night hit Stacia, and she was sound asleep in the back seat when we finally pulled into my driveway—or rather, our driveway. Our home.

  I smiled at Trevor. “Welcome home.”

  His eyes met mine, and they were full of love. I couldn’t get Stacia out of the car fast enough. The night wasn’t over just yet.

  I carried her up to her bedroom and got her tucked in. The dogs joined her on the bed, and I had a feeling this might be where they camped out every night going forward. Better than my room, I supposed.

  I left the door open a crack, and then led Trevor to my room. Our room.

  “Thank you for a wonderful night,” I told him, pulling him to me and holding him close.

  He shook his head, looking up at me with a smile. “Thank you. This is definitely up there as one of the best.”

  “How about I make it even better?” I reached over to the radio on my dresser and flipped it on. The love songs station that Kyle ran came through the speakers. And as if to emphasize how we were both feeling, “Wonderful Tonight” by Eric Clapton was playing softly.

  I pulled Trevor closer and began swaying with him, just taking my time and enjoying the moment. He sank into my embrace and sighed deeply, resting his head on my chest.

  I sang along softly, my lips grazing Trevor’s ear. His heart beat strong in time with mine, and I lost myself in the feel of having him here with me. I knew deep in my soul this was right. It had all happened so fast, so suddenly. And some people might say we were moving too fast, especially with the baby coming. But it felt right to me. I knew I could trust Trevor with my heart, and that made me more willing to give it to him completely. For so long, I’d guarded it, not wanting to open myself up to getting hurt again. I didn’t want to do that anymore. Not when it came to Trevor. Not when everything was coming together so perfectly.

  He tilted his head up to mine, softly brushing his lips across my mouth, singing along as well. His voice was smooth, silky, full of promise. I smiled against his mouth, and then kissed him, deeper this time. Slowly. Exploring. Taking my time.

  Every time we’d been together, it had been like we couldn’t get enough of each other. Like we’d been starved for each other’s bodies our whole lives. But right now, I wanted to truly take my time with him. I wanted tonight to be all about him. To make him truly feel wonderful in every way.

  Cupping his cheeks in my hand, I walked him back toward the bed. I undressed him slowly then laid him out on our bed, just taking him in. My body immediately responded to him lying here, need and longing in his eyes. His body came to life under my gaze, his breath catching as I watched him.

  I moved slowly onto the bed, kissing my way up his body and back down. I pressed a soft kiss t
o his belly and felt him quiver beneath my touch. Then I moved lower, taking his cock in my mouth. His flavor burst on my tongue, and I greedily lapped it up.

  His moan of pleasure had me stripping off, and then taking my cock in my hand as I continued to lick and suck him. He reached for me, but I shook my head slightly.

  “Tonight is about you,” I told him, meeting his gaze. As I looked into his eyes, it was as if I could see his very soul. I knew I truly loved him, and I felt like the luckiest man alive. I wanted to show him just how much. So I made love to him slowly, working him up until he was slick and ready. When I finally slid inside him, inch by inch, I kept my gaze locked on his the entire time. I moved slowly, dragging my cock against his tight walls, his prostate, drawing out the pleasure for both of us.

  Before long, he was gripping the sheets, gritting his teeth together and turning his head from side to side, whimpers and pleas falling from his lips. Then he was coming, clenching tightly around me. That was all it took to send me over the edge along with him.

  I watched him come undone in my arms, feeling the connection between us stronger than ever.

  After, we went to shower, and I took my time cleaning him up, running my hands all over his body, massaging his muscles, making this all about him too.

  “I love you,” I murmured, capturing his lips in mine. He was almost like jelly in my arms, and I smiled against his mouth.

  I dried him off and led him back to our room, ready to climb into bed together and hold him tightly through the night. But I stopped in my tracks the second I stepped into the bedroom because on my bed were Bonnie and Clyde. I went rigid, my body flushing with anger.

  What the hell? They were supposed to be in the other room with Stacia. But if that wasn’t bad enough they were actually in my bed. On my sheets.

  “Out!” I commanded, my voice harsher than I meant, and the dogs jumped up to look at me. When they didn’t get off the bed right away, though, I stomped my foot and pointed at the door. “I said out!”

  They rushed out of the room.

  Trevor gasped and turned, his hand flying to his chest. He looked at me, his eyes wide. Hurt.


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