Rules-Free VRMMO Life: Volume VII: The Tribeslands

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Rules-Free VRMMO Life: Volume VII: The Tribeslands Page 2

by Stuart Grosse

  Thankfully, I wasn’t going into this blind. My Quest Map had both Black Rock and the troll village marked, as well as a hazy area marked for where the goblin could be found. Enough to get me leaning in the right direction, but not taking all the bother out of searching. And the border of the hazy area was nearby. Hmm. Well, since that was closest, I’d go Goblin hunting.

  Our pace had slowed considerably, even though we were walking on the road (which was supposed to be less filled with monsters), thanks to my new debuff. But fortunately, we were in a zone where the monsters were in the 40-50 range, so our random encounters weren’t too bad. If it was a single monster, it would be in the 60-75 level range, but with groups of monsters, what would be a group of 6 would become 9, and so on. Sometimes they would split the difference, with a slightly increased group of slightly more powerful monsters. In this area, that wasn’t so bad. But I could tell that by the time we got to high level areas, I was going to have to really be on top of my game.

  Ah well. Wouldn’t be worth playing if there weren’t any challenges!

  Anyways, we mostly fought monsters of various types, though a couple groups of goblin warriors told us we were going in the right direction. And that direction appeared to be the ruins of a city. Oh, not a city of stone or other materials like you see in fantasy worlds, but like a modern city in one of those post-apocalyptic movies that get so popular.

  You have entered an Alchera.

  An Alchera. Fragging wonderful. Alcheras were like magic pocket dimensions overlapping the world. Sometimes they were simply extra space. Sometimes they were ‘elsewhen’ places, or even places that hadn’t been in this world. Hard to explain, but when they showed up, everything usually got either merged with the new reality, or shoved aside. Didn’t cause damage, but it was freaky as hell. Alcheras were classified as a kind of temporary dungeon. Only, they didn’t always have monsters and the like in them. According to the information online, some had shops, libraries, and other services. I even heard of one, off on the continent the Asians get to start in, that had a massive brothel filled with ‘workers’ of all species.

  Walking through the ruined city, along the cracked streets and between the crumbled, rusting fragments of skyscrapers, we finally came to what was like a clearing in a forest of metal. Looking ahead, I saw a low building made of stone, which may have been white at one time, but was now stained and weathered by the elements. At a set of stairs leading to what must be the entrance, there were two pedestals, and upon each was a statue of a lion laying on its haunches, as though guarding the building. Above the columned arches, I could see a message carved into stone, obscured in places by moss.

  Curious, I had the girls help me clear away the moss (it was easy enough to climb the weathered columns, after all), and was shocked by what was written there. MDCCCXCV THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY MDCCCCII. We had found an Alchera of New York City.

  Looking at the others, I said, “By the gods, if I see one person wearing a Vault-suit or five-foot tall turtles, I’m going to blow this place sky high.” That got a laugh from the other Travelers, though the ‘locals’ didn’t understand the significance.

  Pushing on into the library, weapons at the ready, we found the place, understandably, wrecked. Well, it was a post-apocalyptic alchera, so I guess that was par for the course. In one hall, we found the remnants of old computers at one side. I kicked at some debris, and found a box that, surprisingly, had survived all this time. Opening the plastic box, I pulled out something I’d never seen before. It was a blue square, about three and a half inches on a side, with a metal plate over part of it.

  Enchanted Archival Disk





  This unassuming piece of technology has been infused with magic, giving it properties it never had before now. This disk is reusable, but can only be used for one purpose at a time.

  Choose one of the following:

  Skill Save – Store one of the user’s skills at one rank lower than its current level (Basic 8 would be stored as Beginner 8). The user’s skill is reduced by one rank.

  Skill Load – Grant the stored skill to the user, at the stored rank. If the user already has the skill, increase the skill rank to match stored rank and level. If user’s skill level is higher than the stored skill, this function cannot be used.

  Upload – Convert written text into appropriate stored skill (can be used for Skill Load).

  Archive – Store an archival copy of the user at their current level, including current XP and skill levels. Costs 1000 XP.

  Restore – Restore an archived copy of an individual to their saved state. If living, the individual is restored to their saved state (including loss of XP and character or skill levels if they’ve progressed since the last save), but retain their memories of the intervening time. Deceased individuals are restored to life as they were at the time of saving, but without memory of the intervening time.

  There were twenty-four disks in this pack. Twenty-four reusable ‘get out of death free’ cards. Well, not free, and while it wasn’t as good as what we Travelers got, it was certainly a good deal for the locals in our group! It would be better if they never had to use it, but if we could ‘back up’ our locals before a really tough fight, then that would give me a lot more confidence in taking on fights above our level. I knew as well as anyone how lucky we’d been to not run into anything we couldn’t fight or talk our way past, and there had been some close calls.

  The silence was broken when Kamla spoke softly, and said, “I smell blood nearby.”

  Following her vampiric senses, we soon came to the remains of quite the battle. And I groaned as I realized that I had left something out of my list things I’d blow this place for up if I saw them. Scattered on the ground were five rats, each the size of a St. Bernard. Of course, when you think about New York, you gotta consider the rats. At least it wasn’t giant roaches.

  I sighed, and pointed down the hall, where it looked like there was a blood trail to follow. Whoever killed the rats had survived, it seemed, but was wounded, and pretty badly by the looks of it. Weapons drawn, just in case we discovered any more of the furry pests, we followed the trail. As we followed, we began to hear sounds of battle, and quickened our pace.

  Irradiated Super-Rat

  Level 50 Rat

  Titles: Plaguebearer

  K’thka the Vile

  Level 65 Rat Lord

  Titles: Plaguebearer

  Minsee Hardstaff

  Goblin Female

  Level 70 Beastcaller (Shaman) / Stormsinger (Druid)

  Titles: Genius, Devoted, Hunted

  It seemed we had found our goblin, and she was fighting for her life against five rats, one of whom was at least the size of a dwarf. Well, shit. We were going to have to save the goblin so we could then decide the goblin’s fate, weren’t we?

  Chapter 75 – Goblin Loremistress

  Nonchalantly as I could, I called out from where I was standing. “Hello there! Looks like you’re in some trouble. Would you like a hand with these vermin?”

  The goblin was grunted as she used her staff to push back one of the rats, and unleashed some kind of lightning spell at another. She was clearly displeased with my asking questions, but said, “I’m doing just fine.”

  “Sure, sure. But you look like you’ve been backed into a corner. Oh, look out for that one behind you!” The goblin rolled forward, just in time to avoid a rat lunging at her unprotected back, but she ended up in the face of another one, which promptly took a chunk from her leg, causing her to scream.

  “Ooh, that looked like it hurt. Did it hurt? You’re probably willing to pay for some assistance now, right? No, don’t do that, hit the other one! Well, now you’re just bleeding all over the place. Look, that second rat is about to eat your green butt!”

  The goblin growled, but finally said, “FINE! I’ll owe you a boon if you’ll help me fight these rats! I swear by Bargrivyek
the Peacekeeper!” I grinned, since she had just sworn an oath by one of the Goblin gods, and motioned forward with my hand. Della, Nithroel, and Hrozne unleashed their spells, simultaneously freezing, smiting, and blighting the rats. In the next instant, Yukiko, Severa, Kamla, and I all struck, our weapons taking down the stunned and battered rats in an instant.

  It was, to be blunt, a slaughter, as one would expect of my party, after all the killing we’d done. The rats weren’t that strong, really, but they liked having numbers, as one could see with how the goblin had been struggling before, even though she had twenty levels on them. A sudden assault with all our group that specialized in overwhelming damage, well, the result was easy to see. And hey, the XP wasn’t bad, either.

  The shaman was breathing heavily now that the fighting was over. Well, she wasn’t really a front-line type, so it was no surprise that she didn’t have the stamina for drawn out battles. Looking up at me with hateful eyes, she said, “So, you rescued me and all that. What boon would you like of me, so I can be rid of your company?”

  I chuckled. Ah, it was so refreshing to see someone who truly disliked me for no reason other than me being an asshole to her. Most of the people who hated me were either jealous of my success, or they thought I was evil incarnate or some crap like that. Someone hating me because I was a dick to them was pleasantly normal.

  Walking forward, I pulled a simple Iron chain necklace from my inventory. As I approached the goblin shaman, I said to her, “Simple, really. The boon I require is for you to wear this necklace.” And with that, I tossed it over her head, letting the chain fall around her neck.

  Improved Necklace of Servitude





  A well-wrought iron chain necklace, the likes of which many crafters often make. This necklace has been enchanted with the improved version of the Enslavement curse, and acts similarly to an improved slave collar. The necklace may not be removed except by the master, or in the case of the slave’s death.

  Works on creatures up to level 100.

  +10 CON

  Enchanted: Mana Sealing – Spells and abilities using MP cannot be used without Master’s permission.

  Minsee’s eyes got wide as she realized what I had done to her, but a word from me, and she was frozen in place. I left her there, while I looked over the drops from the rats. There were some skins and teeth, which were probably worth something, as well as two skill books.

  Tome of the Plaguebearer


  Skill Book



  This tome, written on parchment and bound in the skin of rats, grants the reader the Plaguebearer title. The bearer becomes a carrier of a terrible plague, but is immune to its effects.

  Plague Strike – 50 MP cost. Next Melee weapon attack infects target with Plague.

  Plaguebearer – All bodily fluids and natural melee attacks have a chance to infect those who come in contact with them with Plague.

  -5000 Fame

  +5000 Infamy

  Banner’s Guide to Gamma Rays


  Skill Book



  This textbook is hard to understand without the proper level of Intelligence. However, those who read it are able to use energies from the lost civilization in the Alchera to change creatures in unpredictable ways.

  Requires 100 Intelligence.

  Learn Mutation.

  Mutation – Touched target is rapidly changed (consumes 50% of user’s MP and 50% of target’s HP), with random and unpredictable results.

  Yeah, considered that, not going to bother with either one. They’ll go to the auction house, where hopefully whoever uses them will be located far, far away from me. I can already see how very wrong that can get if someone lets a plagued or mutant monster get away from them.

  With that done, I turn back to my new pet. “Minsee Hardstaff. Remove all your clothing and gear, and empty your inventory. While you do that, tell me why you came to this place. And sound cheerful while you do it.”

  The goblin scowled at me with a murderous glare, but began to comply with my orders all the same. And I’ll just have to say that goblin just doesn’t do it for me. Sure, I guess she’s better looking than some of the other goblins in the world, but that’s like saying a frat boy isn’t quite as big an asshole as the others. Not really a great comparison to begin with.

  “I came here seeking the lore contained here. With only a few more pieces, I will earn the Loremistress title.”

  “Oh? And what did you discover here?”

  “That this is indeed the fabled Lost Archive. For centuries, it has moved about the continent, staying in one place for only a week, before disappearing. Fortunately, this Alchera is one of the ones that does not take outsiders with it when it seals itself and moves.”

  “So anyone left inside when it closes appears where the Alchera used to be?”

  “Yes. They appear on the ground again, and are unharmed by the transition. No one understands why the magic works like that, only that it does.”

  “I see. Now, on to other matters. Are you the descendant of one of the four individuals who sealed away Mirelth?”

  “Yes. Bogruz Hardstaff fought alongside the Heroes, and helped to defeat the Dragon Goddess.”

  “Excellent! Then I haven’t been wasting my time.”

  With that, I turned away from the goblin, to examine the pile of loot. There was a nice store of gold, as well as a bunch of potions for MP and HP recovery, and other useful gear, as one might expect from a veteran adventurer. Her equipment was race-locked to goblins, and all of it was only suitable to shamans or druids, so it wasn’t really useful to me, or my guild, but I was sure I’d be able to find someone to buy it on the auction house. There was some loot from the Alchera, as well, but honestly most of it was crap compared to my current gear, though I could see newbies or people on a post-apocalyptic kick liking it.

  On the other hand, I found a complete set of the Twilight novels, and took great pleasure in Kamla’s reaction when I presented them to her. Seems our resident vampire hated the whole ‘sparkly emo’ vamp thing as much as I did. We had a good laugh at her expense, except for Minsee, who was thoroughly unamused by us taking all her stuff and going through it in front of her, while she was forced to stand there naked and watch.

  Still, I had no reason to continue searching through this Alchera. The enemies would likely be more of the rats (or worse) and since everything here seemed to have plague or other nasty shit about it, I didn’t want to risk any of our group coming down with something we couldn’t cure. Plus, I had to deliver my prize and get my reward.

  With that in mind, we trecked out of the library, and made our way to the edge of the Alchera. Stepping through the edge was weird. One moment, we were in the apocalyptic wasteland, and the next we were in the Tribeslands again. I noticed that, apparently, time flowed at a different rate in the wasteland as it did out here, because it was already nightfall out here!

  Without any further ado, I took a breath, and chanted the incantation for the Dragon Summoning ability I’d gained after the battle of Duskhaven. I was pleased to see that, for the first time since I’d put the necklace on her, she was more scared than angry. Apparently, she recognized what the chant was for. But since I’d told her to remain still, she couldn’t even try to run away or hide herself.

  With a crash of thunder, a portal opened in the air above, and a dragon with crimson scales flew out, majestic as only a dragon could be. Landing before me, the dragon said, “You have summoned me by the ancient magics, mortal, and yet I see no enemies here to fight. What is it that you wish of me?” The dragon looked slightly annoyed, but friendly enough. I was a Dragonfriend, after all.

  I took a breath, and said, “As the mortal consort of Mirelth, the Dragon Goddess, I ask for you to deliver this goblin to her side. She is the descendant of one of the four who i
mprisoned the Goddess long ago, and is now herself bound by my will.” I looked at the goblin, and said, “Step forward, Minsee, and obey all instructions a dragon gives you as though they were mine.” The pool of liquid forming at her feet was a clear indication of what she thought about that idea.

  The dragon, on the other hand, laughed. “Ah, for a mortal you think almost like a dragon! But I do sense some draconic blood in you, so that may be it. Very well, mortal. I shall take this goblin to the Goddess, where you can be sure that there will be many long ‘discussions’ about her fate.” With that, the dragon’s clawed hand grabbed Minsee, and they flew off, back into the portal. Which caused a notification to pop up in front of me.

  Quest FAILED!

  Find the Heir

  Minsee Hardstaff, a goblin shaman, is rumored to be the descendant of one of the Four Heroes who defeated Mirelth, Bane of Cities, before the Scourge. She was last reported to be in the Tribeslands. It is known that the Dragon Goddess is searching for the kin of the ones who defeated her. Find Minsee and deliver her to the tribesmen of Gogruk Hold.


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