Rules-Free VRMMO Life: Volume VII: The Tribeslands

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Rules-Free VRMMO Life: Volume VII: The Tribeslands Page 3

by Stuart Grosse

  You have betrayed the goblins of Gogruk Hold, and delivered the shaman, Minsee Hardstaff, to a dragon swearing fealty to Mirelth, the Dragon Goddess! Due to your actions, the shaman is sure to undergo terrible tortures before her death. All members of Gogruk Hold have been informed of your treachery, and are commanded to kill you and your party on sight. A war band is being assembled to hunt you at this very moment.




  Find Minsee and protect her until she reaches her clan at Gogruk Hold.


  Kill Minsee.

  Deliver Minsee to the Dragon Goddess’s agents.


  3000 Gold

  Reputation with Mirelth now Revered

  Reputation with Gogruk Hold now Hatred (At WAR!)

  Looking over the notification, I nodded to myself, and then looked to the others. “Well, Mirelth loves us, and me especially, but the goblins are going to be hunting us. Apparently, they’re putting together a war band to try and kill us. Who wants to go and wipe them out first?” That got a few laughs, and wicked grins from the party. It was time to do what we did best, hunt humanoid targets.

  Chapter 76 – Hunting the Hunters

  Finding the War Band wasn’t hard. We had a map of the area, and knew where we were, and where Gogruk Hold was. So scouting the intervening space along the easiest route was a breeze. Finding an appropriate spot for an ambush was a little more difficult, but finally we found a lovely area at a wooden bridge that spanned a river in a little gully. It was possible to cross without the bridge, but it wouldn’t be easy, and mounts probably would have to be left behind. The nearest crossing most mounts could ford was a few miles away, according to the quick aerial survey we took.

  Anyways, we knew where the War Band was coming from, and they would have to come through here, so we set up a welcoming party to let them know how fucked they were. That took the rest of the morning, but since it was a two day’s ride to Bogruk Hold from where we captured Minsee, we still had some time. It wasn’t until after lunch that we saw the dust rising up from the trail as the war band came at their best speed.

  The war band was bigger than I expected. There thirty goblins in total, all riding Wargs as mounts. The Wargs looked to be level 30-40, and most of the goblins were in the 40-50 range, but there were a few exceptions.

  Chonk Bloodtooth

  Goblin Male

  Level 55 Berserker (Barbarian) / Warrior

  Titles: Thug, Manslayer, Human Bane, Goblin Bane, Battle Raper

  Vrord Sharptooth

  Goblin Male

  Level 60 War Leader (Marshall) / Blademaster (Fighter)

  Titles: Chieftain, Human Bane, Goblin Bane, Troll Bane, Ork Bane

  Keelt Bonetalker

  Goblin Female

  Level 30 Shaman / Necromancer

  Titles: Consort, Lichloved, Broken One

  Savina the Dark Fang

  Werewarg Female

  Level 60 Pack Alpha (Warg) / Twilight Mistress (Warlock)

  Titles: Slave, Alpha, Nightrunner, Brood Mare, Goblin Bane, Human Bane, Lycanthrope

  Hmm. So, we had a berserker, the chief, and probably their strongest spellcaster, along with a ‘werewarg’ that the chief was using as his mount. Looking at the classes, I guessed she was a Warg that ascended into being a Werewarg, and was being ordered to keep in her wolf form.

  That tears it, I want that Werewarg! If I can have a pack of the things guarding my lands… Well, I’d have a lot of options available to me. Especially if she could infect others with lycanthropy. A pack of werewolves, or werewargs, with their alpha as my slave… yeah, I could work with that!

  Fortunately for my plans, the Berserker was riding at the front of the band, while the Chief and the Shaman were in the middle, where they were most protected. Their wargs hit the bridge at a run, but were ready for them.

  Diving down out of the sun in my Drake form, I breathed hellfire on the berserker and the leading warriors. They screamed in pain, but that breath wasn’t enough to kill them, even though they were now on fire. But killing them outright wasn’t the point. The wargs they were riding and the bridge they were crossing all caught fire as well! Riders lost control of their mounts, and were hurled into the churning water below. The bridge, covered in oil conjured by Kylana, immediately caught flame, and in less than thirty seconds it was falling apart, sending the Berserker, and the remaining wargs, to their doom.

  Well, mostly. A couple of them managed to survive, and cling to rocks in the rapids, but arrows and spells from my girls quickly ended their lives. I was pleased to see the berserker die, impaled on a pillar of ice, even while the hellfire burned him. It was a poetic end for a warrior, I thought.

  The remaining goblins, still numbering about twenty, were beginning to come out of their shock as spells and hellfire began landing amongst them now. Nithroel swooped down out of nowhere, and used her hammer to take the shaman’s head from her shoulders, using the speed of her flight to add to the impact. The Chief turned, and was about to give orders when I swooped down, and grabbed him from his saddle with my forelegs. The goblins (the ones that weren’t on fire, at least) got to watch as I took the Chief up to a couple hundred feet, and then proceeded to drop him, head first, to the ground.

  That went about as well for him as you would expect.

  You have slain Vrord Sharptooth. As such, you gain control of his slaves:

  Salvina the Dark Fang – Werewarg Female

  Sely Grocer – Human Female

  Sharn Blackhand – Orc Female

  Lotula Kegblade – Dwarf Female

  As Salvina the Dark Fang is a Monstrous Humanoid, Master Chainmaker’s bonuses apply to you. +5 to all stats.

  With the four big names out of the way, it was a simple matter to kill the remaining goblins. The wargs that survived were all part of Salvina’s pack, and I didn’t doubt more than a couple were actually her pups. They submitted once it became clear that I was now holding her leash, so to speak, and we managed to save fifteen of them. Not one of the goblins survived.

  Fortunately, we still got the loot. In addition to several Warg Pelts, Goblin Teeth, potions, and various vendor trash, there were a few neat items.

  Hope’s End






  200 – 300

  Damage Type


  This double-bladed greataxe is forged of Adamantine, and infused with the power of the Nine Hells. It was made for one of the sons of Maglubiyet, Goblin God of War, to be used in the eternal battles against the other denizens of the Hells. When that son fell in battle, this axe was lost for a time, becoming a trophy on the wall of an Orc chieftain, until it was stolen by Adventurers on an epic quest. Since then, it has circulated through goblin tribes in the material plane.

  Requires: Must be a Goblin or Goblinoid species.

  Requires: Must have Rage or Frenzy ability.

  +100 STR

  Battle Fury – All effects of Rage or Frenzy are doubled. +100 to all stats while under the effects of Rage or Frenzy. Weapon damage taken reduced by 50% while under the effect of Rage or Frenzy. Immune to mental compulsions while under the effect of Rage or Frenzy.

  Scaling – This Weapon’s attributes and damage increase depending on the user’s level.

  Enchanted: Vampiric – Heal self for 25% of all damage dealt with this weapon.

  Chieftain’s Tyranical Slicer


  Sword (Scimitar)




  100 – 150

  Damage Type


  This scimitar is made of finely wrought steel, and is blessed by a priest of Maglubiyet, as his role as the Great Chieftain of the goblin races. When held by a goblin leader, they gain power based on how many of their followers are nearby.

es: Must be a Goblin or Goblinoid species.

  +30 STR, +30 CON, +30 DEX

  Cheiftain’s Might – Gain +5 to all stats for each living subordinate within 100 feet.

  Protection of the Horde – Reduce incoming damage by 5 for each living subordinate within 100 feet, per strike.

  Enchanted: Flaming – Weapon deals 20 – 30 Fire damage with each strike, may catch target on fire.

  Slaver’s Ring of Control





  This silver ring is a favorite adornment of slavemasters the world over. When it is worn by an individual who owns slaves, it allows them to command and control their slaves at a distance.

  Requires: Must own a Slave.

  Requires: Level 50

  +20 INT, +20 WIS, +20 CHA

  Telepathy – May communicate telepathically with any owned slave within 10 miles.

  Summon – 1/day Summon any owned slave to his side.

  Looking up from the loot screen, I turned my attention to the Werewarg, I said, “Can you transform?” The creature nodded. “Turn into something where we can speak. It seems I have other slaves to pick up, and these goblins must be taught not to come making war upon me, or my people.”

  The Werewarg howled, and that howl became a scream of pain as she shifted. The process took only about a minute, but they clearly were painful as hell, complete with the sound of snapping bones and dislocating joints as her body changed shapes. Definitely not the kind of instant painless transformation you see in certain books about whiny emo girls and sparkly vampires that pick up jailbait even though they’re hundreds of years old.

  When she was finished, a woman with dark brown skin, and an unkempt ‘afro’ stood before me, still naked, except for the spiked iron collar around her neck. She had a good-looking figure, with full breasts (about a C cup), a tight round butt, and a lean set of curves giving her some definition. Looking at her, I said, “Salvina?”

  When she spoke, I saw that her teeth were pointed, like a canine’s. “Yes, Master. This is the human form I gained after Ascending to become a Werewarg.”

  “Then I was right, and you started life as a Warg? Interesting. Tell me, can you spread this lycanthropy of yours?”

  “Yes, Master. I was born a Warg, in service to the Goblins. When I defeated the former Alpha, the chief put this collar on me. At the time, I thought it was just a collar to show who the Alpha was, but it bound me to the chief, and the Pack through me.”

  She paused, and then said, “As for spreading the lycanthropy, it is possible, if I bite someone in my wolf or hybrid forms, but they will have to survive the sickness first. If they survive, then they will be able to change.”

  “Will they be a werewolf or a werewarg?”

  “The skill says that it depends on their level. If they are less than level 40, they will be a werewolf, not a werewarg.”

  “I see. And how many of this pack are your pups?”

  “Five of those here, and ten more in the Hold.”

  “How many warriors are there in the Hold? How many spellcasters?”

  “With the loss of the war band, there are only thirty or so warriors remaining, mostly the younger goblins, and the other apprentice shaman, to help with healing. The goblins tend to be too stupid to have many spellcasters, I think.”

  “Yes, I gathered that from the way they didn’t even bother having scouts ride ahead to warn of a possible ambush.”

  “They did not expect you to be hunting them. They were trying to make all speed to the place where they were told you had captured the High Shaman, and track you from there. In truth, I did not expect them to be so easily overmatched, even in an ambush.”

  I shrugged. “Humanoid foes are basically our favored prey at this point. We have more trouble against monsters or constructs, but goblins? We mow through them like a scythe through wheat.”

  Turning to look at the path the goblins came down, I made my decision. “Turn back into a warg, Salvina. We ride for Gogruk Hold, and none shall stand in our way!”

  Chapter 77 – Abyssal Rift

  Vark was scared. He was just past his first hunt, and now he was one of the ones responsible for guarding the Hold. The War Band had rushed off three days ago, after the notification came that some Traveler had betrayed them by enslaving the high shaman and giving her to the dragons. They all knew that Hardstaff was dead, or would be soon, and that attacking the Warlock would not return her, but they had the clan’s pride to consider. So they began the hunt.

  The Chieftain rode with the war band, taking all the best warriors and the shaman with him, as well as the strongest wargs. What was left to guard the hold was simply the younglings, like himself, and twenty wargs that were too young to go on the hunt. That meant that the remaining thirty warriors had to do their part to defend the Hold until the War Band returned.

  Even if they were scared.

  Suddenly, the howling of wargs pierced the night. Had the war band returned already? Before Vark could turn his eyes to try and find the source of the howls in the dark, there was a commotion by the pen where they kept the warg pups. They were barking and howling, attempting to get through the gate of the pen!

  One of the other goblins laughed, and said, “That’s Salvina’s howl. Probably wants her pups to come and taste some fresh meat from that Warlock and his friends.”

  “Well, if Salvina’s out there should be safe enough for the pups.”

  “True. But if Salvina’s that close, then the Chief is out there, too. Don’t think he’ll take too kindly to you letting the Wargs run free, or to opening the Hold’s gate for them.” There was a good deal of laughter at that. Vark hurried to straighten his posture and focus his gaze outward. Jaaq was right. If the wargs were that close, then the Chief would be back soon, and it wouldn’t do to look like he’d been slacking on protecting the Hold.

  That was when he suddenly found himself in great pain. Looking down, he was shocked to find an arrow sticking out from his knee. Other screams of pain joined his own, as other sentries were attacked. Each one brought down in some way to keep them from joining the battle, but not killing them.

  Vark gulped. Whoever was doing this wanted them alive.


  Taking down the pitiful excuse for sentries was child’s play. Doing it without killing the level 20s outright was somewhat more difficult. Fortunately, they were able to take down the six sentries, which put the hold on high alert. Just like I wanted. After talking with Kylana, we had come up with a plan for this hold. Blood, pain, fear, and sacrifice were what we needed now, and these goblins were going to provide it for us.

  Looking at my team, I nodded. “Let’s go. Remember, take as many of them alive as you can. I don’t mind a little breakage of the warriors, but the more living sacrifices, the easier this will be. Now, ATTACK, ARIANS, IN THE NAME OF THE TWILIGHT! LET ALL OUR ENEMIES KNOW THE TERROR THAT AWAITS THEM!”

  With a battle cry, that turned into a roar as I shifted into my Drake form, we charged forward, my wings taking me faster than the rest as I reached the wooden gate. It was a crude design, one I could have simply broken down with raw strength, but that would not be as effective for my designs. Hellfire flew from my mouth as I breathed upon the gates, causing them and the wooden walls to light up in the hellish green flames. The few screams of pain inside were now joined by screams of terror.

  The breath of hellfire did a great deal of damage to the gate, and weakened the thing so that on my next pass, the breath blasted the remains of the gate open, sending green flames streaking over the heads of the twenty or so goblins who had gathered to try and defend the gate. I aimed high so that I wouldn’t kill them outright.

  Flying through the gate, I allowed my team to disable those goblins. I, on the other hand, went to the rear of the Hold, to the large house the Chieftain lived in. There I found the remaining
defenders, along with the apprentice shaman. None of them were over level 35.

  The result, as you can imagine, was a very short, and very one-sided, ‘conversation’.

  Once the village defenders were captured and maimed, to keep them from mounting any resistance, we began rounding up the villagers and the few slaves left alive in the village. Goblins are not known for their stellar treatment of slaves. When all was said and done, we had thirty-one defenders, the apprentice shaman, and sixty-five women and children, all gathered in the ritual area the goblins used for their own distasteful rites. I was pleasantly surprised that it counted as a Dark Shrine. The slaves that still lived we separated out, for the moment. They would bear witness to what happened next. Those that survived, any way.


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