Book Read Free

Hers to Save

Page 11

by Talia Ellison

  We reached a set of stairs, and as we descended, the smell of must and mold grew stronger. It seemed like we’d been following the dark passageway for centuries, so once we climbed up and emerged in the middle of a wooden shed that was filled with gardening tools, I thought someone would attack us.

  Marco dashed forward, gun in hand, and lightly pushed at the door. “Seems clear.”

  “Okay. This door’s facing away from the house, so run as fast as you can to that tree in front of you. There’s a chance my father’s men will spot us,” Aaron said. I tripped on an empty toolbox and Aaron caught my arm, preventing my fall.

  “Thanks,” I said, taking his hand, and we ran out of there. The tree wasn’t that far, and no one fired at us. I leaned against the trunk, panting hard. Aaron and Marco were looking around, ready to shoot anyone who came into view.

  “Let’s go! The gate’s right there!” Aaron said, and I looked at the spot he was pointing at.

  “Watch out!” Marco opened fire at the men running toward us from the direction of the house. They fired back, and Marco ducked behind the tree.

  “When I tell you to, go for the gate. Once you get past it, run as fast as you can until you reach the trees. Marco, cover Octavia as you go.” He pulled a grenade out of his pocket.

  “Go!” he yelled, and Marco and I broke into a run, still protected by the tree trunk. A loud bang filled my ears, the ground shaking slightly under feet, but I kept on running. Marco and I raced through the gate and toward the trees. Marco stayed a little behind, and I glanced over my shoulder to make sure Aaron was coming after us. Another blast shook the ground, and then the three of us reached the line of thick trees.

  “Stay behind the trunks,” Aaron said, and pointed toward the east. “Just go in that direction. If they follow us, that’s the only way we can lose them.”

  As we zigzagged through the woods, I couldn’t stop thinking about my family and hoped Roberto wouldn’t declare a war so fast and attack my family without a warning.

  Chapter 15

  “Tony? Oh, thank God!” I said when my brother picked up. Once we’d emerged from the woods, we’d found ourselves in a motel parking lot. Aaron and Marco had managed to break into a car and to get it to run. We’d gone to the closest city in the area and found ourselves a room, even though we knew we couldn’t stay there for long before someone came for us. Still, it gave us enough time to grab something to eat and to contact my family to make sure they were okay.

  “Octavia? Are you alright?” His voice was strained. “Why the hell did you stay in that house for so long? Your tracker almost malfunctioned.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Where’s everyone else? Are Mom and Dad with you? Has Roberto already declared a war?” I blurted out and hoped Tony would understand at least something of what I’d said.

  “Umm, Dad’s in his office. Mom’s watching some show, and everyone else’s playing pool. Wait, did you say something about Roberto declaring a war? Did you kill Aaron?”

  “No. God!” I scowled. “I didn’t kill Aaron.” In the corner of my eye, I could see Aaron’s lips tilting up. “Roberto somehow found out that Aaron and I... That we’re together. He wants to set our family up. He made his men think Aaron’s a traitor and is working with us, along with everyone guarding him, so he sent them to that house. They killed the guards and tried to kill Aaron too. Roberto will use the opportunity to blame it all on us.”

  “But how?” Tony said in disbelief.

  “They left a message... in blood and entrails... on the driveway. With our name signed underneath. No one’s going to believe Roberto would slaughter his own men and try to kill his son, and his men will stay with him because they think Aaron’s a traitor. I’m sure Roberto will convince them that the truce has already been broken by Aaron and that doing what they did was the right thing.”

  A gasp could be heard from the other end of the line. “Roberto hasn’t attacked. He didn’t contact us.”

  “He’s probably planning to convince other families that we violated the deal and that they should join in against him.”


  “We have proof that his men are behind the whole thing. A video. I’ll send it to you over our secure connection.” It was a good thing Aaron had an awesome camera with a good zoom. Some of the faces were a little blurry, but it was obvious those weren’t my family’s men. “The only problem is, they might not believe the video’s real, especially when it’s coming from us.”

  “It could take time for them to check, but if Roberto already contacted them and told them his story first... I’m going to get everyone in here with me, so we’ll figure something out. Wait. The plan was that Aaron’s dead, right?” Tony asked, and I heard the distinct sound of the keyboard as he typed something. “But he’s not.”

  “Yeah, Roberto wants us all dead, including his son.” I glanced at Aaron, who was whispering something to Marco.

  “Then Aaron can testify about what really happened,” he said.

  “I guess. But if we reveal the truth, Roberto could say he didn’t know and was trying to keep Aaron safe and get him to his senses, and that we came to rescue him because we’re working with him.” I was sure Roberto had kept all the messages he’d sent to the guards telling them Aaron shouldn’t be trusted because he’d been acting strange lately and should be kept upstairs so he couldn’t leave. “His men will never admit the truth.”

  “Great,” Tony mumbled. “Is Aaron one of the Ferraras now?”

  “Roberto could claim that Aaron has been working with us or something. So in a way, yeah.”

  “Okay, can you give me a sec? I need to explain to everyone what’s going on.”

  “Sure.” As I waited for Tony to get back on the line, I extended my hand toward Aaron. He took it and placed a soft kiss on my knuckles. “My family’s trying to figure out how to proceed.”

  “We shouldn’t stay here for long.” Marco went over to the window and peered through the blinds. “Roberto wants both of you dead.”

  “He’s wanted us dead for weeks, I think. I wonder how he figured it out,” I said.

  “Someone must have seen me,” Aaron said.

  “Maybe, but why didn’t he confront you about it?”

  Aaron pulled away from me, his shoulders stiff. “I don’t know. I don’t remember him mentioning anything like that. Maybe he found out recently. But he clearly wants more than just to kill the two of us, and he’s using the opportunity.”

  “Well, I knew he’d try to find a way to get to me without violating the truce, but now that he’s going to blame my family for it, he can come for me without having to hide.” Hell, maybe he’d already hired someone to find and kill me.

  “Someone must have told him by now we were all there in the house and escaped,” Marco said. “He’ll just adapt his plan accordingly. He could meet with the others in secret and attack. A scene like that at the house, and with Aaron presumed dead... Although, if he knows Aaron escaped, he can use another story so that it doesn’t seem he’s lying. He could convince everyone to join him against the Ferraras without anyone even contacting them, especially if everyone believes they already prepared for a war.”

  “Princess?” my father’s voice came from the other end of the line, and I squeezed the phone tighter.

  “Yeah, Dad, it’s me.”

  “I’ve alerted everyone to be ready for an attack,” he said. “Your brothers reached out to all the other families and those who witnessed the deal, but no one’s answering our calls. Jason and Michael just went out to try to talk to them in person. But there’s one important family that could change the war if they side with Roberto, and they’re too far for us to reach.”

  “Who is it?” I asked.

  “The Hulseys. It would take too much time to arrange a meeting with them and they don’t have any contacts here. You’re the only one who can meet with them.”

  “Me?” I said incredulously. My knowledge of the Hulseys was... Well, I’d neve
r even heard of them, or I had and had forgotten all about them. “But why are they so important? Aren’t they too far from our city, so they don’t have any influence?”

  “Roberto always had a good relationship with them, and, while it’s true they don’t really conduct their business in our city, they are powerful and could persuade others to join Roberto if he offers them something in return, even if they refuse to get involved themselves. But their leader is very sensitive when it comes to breaking deals since most of their business relies heavily on various deals they made, so they could even send their own men to help Roberto.”

  “Umm, okay. So how do we contact them?”

  “Aaron will know,” my father said.

  My eyebrows shot up. “My father says you know how to get in touch with the Hulseys. Is that true?” I looked at Aaron.

  He nodded.

  “Okay, then,” I said. “Dad, so what are we supposed to do? Just talk to them and get them to watch the video and listen to Aaron?”

  “You can try. Make sure Aaron doesn’t forget to take all the precautions when dealing with them. I’d tell you to stay behind on this one, as the Hulseys aren’t the easiest people to deal with, but you’re the only Ferrara who can reach them. Just be careful. I trust you can do this.”

  “Sure.” Ever since the deal with Roberto was struck, everyone had found out about my existence because we couldn’t exactly say Roberto wasn’t supposed to harm my father’s non-existent daughter. I wondered if my father preferred that I stay away from the city in case the war broke out, so he’d rather send me to deal with the Hulseys than have me come running back to the city to help them.

  “See you soon, Princess,” my dad said. “Don’t forget to call us so that we know you’re safe.”

  “I won’t.” I’d have to check up on them and tell them if our little chat with the Hulseys was a success anyway. The line went dead, and I handed the phone to Aaron. “So how do we get to the Hulseys?”

  “I know a guy who can get to them.” He tapped the screen a few times. “He’s the one who can contact almost any crime family in that area. It’s a good thing he owes me. We can get some more weapons from him too.” His lips spread into a smile.

  “Fine. You deal with that and I’m going to take a shower.” Every muscle of my body was tense and a little sore, so I hoped a hot shower would help me relax and prepare me for whatever was coming next.

  Chapter 16

  “Are you sure we’re in the right place?” I asked as Aaron and I entered a bar full of people. Everything was bathed in a soft red light. He nodded. The only way the Hulseys wanted to speak with us was if we came in person and if we didn’t bring any guards with us, which meant Marco had to stay outside and wait for us. We weaved around the tables and the people with drinks. No one seemed to pay too much attention to us, but I could see a few people glancing our way. Aaron held my hand in his, and I almost bumped into him as he stopped in front of one of the black tables.

  A woman with long black hair and gray eyes was sitting in one of the black chairs, her long legs crossed. She was wearing a black skirt and a lacy black top. If I wasn’t wrong, she was my mother’s age. Next to her were two dark-haired men in suits. They both stood up, getting in our way.

  “Ms. Hulsey,” Aaron said, letting go of me and raising his hands. One of the men patted him for weapons, and then he did the same with me.

  “Please, sit,” she said, waving her hand toward the two chairs across from her. We took a seat, and she smacked her bright red lips together as she looked me up and down.

  “Ms. Ferrara. I didn’t think I’d have the pleasure of meeting you,” she said, extending her hand toward me. “I’m Lora Hulsey.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I said, squeezing her hand.

  “I heard you had some urgent business you wanted to discuss with me,” she said, and snapped her fingers together. The two men who’d been sitting with her moved to stand behind her. “Tell me. What could possibly be so important? It better be worth my time. I’m not going to lie, though. I’m intrigued. A Ferrara and a Viteri together. How unexpected.” She placed her thumb on her bottom lip, eyeing us carefully.

  “Is it really that unexpected?” Aaron asked.

  A ghost of a smile played on her lips. “Are you implying something, Aaron?”

  “Did you speak with my father?” Aaron leaned forward.

  “Maybe. Why?”

  “My father’s looking for allies, and he wants to trick them into helping him.”

  “And you’re worried that he’s going to trick me?” She threw her head back and laughed, then her gray eyes focused on Aaron. “How can I know it’s not you who is trying to trick me?” She shifted in her seat. “But yes, I spoke with him.” In one smooth movement, she pulled out a gun and aimed it at me. Her guards got their guns out too and stepped forward, pointing at Aaron and me. The whole bar went silent, and I heard rustling, as if more guns were being pulled out. This wasn’t an ordinary bar. This was a bar just for Lora’s people. Wonderful.

  “Roberto offered a nice sum of money for your heads. Maybe I should just collect,” she said, lowering her gun on the table. Aaron eyed the gun, but it was too far for him to reach it without almost every single person in the room pulling the trigger as soon as he moved.

  “You don’t need money,” Aaron said.

  “True. I don’t. But I don’t like traitors either.” Her lips curled into a twisted smile.

  “Good,” I said. “Then you should quit talking to Roberto Viteri.”

  Lora’s eyes snapped to me. “And why is that? Did you fuck him too?”

  Aaron twitched next to me, and I raised my hand to stop him from doing anything that could get us both killed. “He’s setting my family up. We don’t want to start a war. He does.”

  “Hmm,” she purred. “You betrayed your family, Aaron. I might understand Roberto’s plight.”

  “How’s falling in love with someone a bad thing?” I glanced at Aaron. “And killing your own people to set someone up a good thing?” I focused my gaze on her.

  “That’s what you two claim.”

  “We have proof. A video that shows Roberto’s men are responsible for that attack he must have told you all about.” The corners of my lips quirked up to mimic her smile, which had turned unpleasant. “You wouldn’t want anyone to get ideas that they could do the same to break one of your deals for you and get away with it, would you?”

  “Show me that video,” she said, raising her finger.

  I held my breath as I reached into the pocket of my jeans and pulled out the phone with the video. It was a phone we’d gotten only to play it for her, just in case she decided to take it with her or to destroy it. I slid it across the table, and she waved at her guard, who picked it up and inspected it. A few moments later, he handed the phone to her. She stared at the screen, her face impassive. Finally, she set the phone down on the table and raised her eyes.

  “That sneaky son of a bitch,” she said, narrowing her eyes. “I knew he was capable of a lot of things, but asking me to get involved in something like this is preposterous.” She signaled with her hand, and everyone lowered their weapons as the music started to play again. People continued to chat and drink as if nothing had happened. Her guards returned to their spots behind her.

  “So you’re going to tell my father you decline his offer?” Aaron asked.

  “Yes. I’ll send his messenger’s head in a box,” she said calmly, the smile returning to her face. “He wanted me to get involved in his war. Promised me control of some of the Ferraras’ property. And, of course, that money for your heads. The latter was announced throughout the area, so I’d be very careful if I were you.”

  “Thank you for the warning,” Aaron said.

  “You’re welcome.” She lifted her glass and took a sip. “So you two are really in love?”

  Aaron and I looked at each other. “Yeah,” I said.

  “I was wrong, then. I assumed your union was
more of a business matter mixed with some pleasure. Not that I care, since that doesn’t violate any of the deals.” She tilted her head. “You should have a drink with me.”

  “No, thanks,” I said, and Lora froze, her perfectly shaped eyebrows arching.

  “You would insult me in such a way?”

  “Octavia...” Aaron started to say, but I turned to him and lifted my finger to shush him.

  “I’m sorry, but since it was so easy for your father to drug you, we really shouldn’t be drinking anything at unknown bars,” I said, then turned toward Lora. “No offense, but we’re really not in the mood for a drink.”

  Aaron’s face was an expressionless mask, but the vein in his neck pulsed. He hadn’t wanted me to share this piece of information, but as I looked at Lora’s wide eyes, I didn’t regret it. She wouldn’t have just dropped the matter, and I really didn’t want to take a drink. There were a lot of people here. Who said Roberto’s spy wasn’t among them? It was easy to slip something in our drinks, even if it was just to collect Roberto’s reward.

  “What?” she said, her gaze fixed on Aaron. “Your father drugged you?”

  “That’s none of your concern,” he said coolly.

  An emotion I couldn’t identify flashed through her eyes, but she quickly masked it. “Maybe I still feel a little combative today.” She turned to me. “How would you like if I sent twenty of my men to help you out with the Viteris?” Her eyes shifted to Aaron. “Well, except for him. You have that one handled.”

  “I’d appreciate that. Thank you,” I said. “We should really go now.”

  “Of course,” she said. “It was a pleasure talking with you. I hope we can get that drink sometime.”

  I got to my feet and inclined my head to her, then took Aaron’s hand, and we walked out of there, followed by everyone’s gazes. Marco let out a loud sigh of relief when he spotted us.

  “You’re alive,” he said. “I assume that means they believed you.”


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