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Loving My Best Friend's Daughter

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by Jordan Silver

  Loving My Best Friend’s Daughter

  Jordan Silver

  Copyright©2013 by Alison Jordan

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter X

  Chapter XI

  Chapter XII


  Chapter 1

  It's safe to say I've never seen a human being this pissed off; I'm still a little stunned by the whole attempted kidnapping thing but watching him in action has kind of made me put my fears aside.

  My hubby has left the building, seriously, in his place is General Patton and he's not fucking around.

  After he brought us home, he got the kids settled after setting me up on the couch with instructions not to move. When the kids were bedded down all three, he went around the house checking to make sure everything was copacetic , then he tried explaining our security system that I didn't even know we had to me, okay obviously I know we have security, but I didn't know it could turn into Fort Knox damn.

  "I don't want you to worry about any of this shit right now anyway, just concentrate on my kids I'll take care of this. She didn't touch you, you're sure?"

  He was crouching down in front of me, both hands on my legs rubbing up and down in a soothing manner.

  "No babe, she was too busy focusing on Anthony I guess."

  "I'm sorry I left you there."

  "It's okay, how were you to know some nut was gonna pull a stunt like this?"

  "I'm still sorry you went through that shit listen why don't you try to get some rest we're perfectly fine here and I know you must be tired."

  "I'm tired but I don't think I'll be able to sleep you know, I just keep seeing that woman standing over our baby and it gives me the chills."

  He pulled me to the edge of the couch and kissed me. Okay we were in crisis mode right, and I'd just given birth to a person so kitty should be out of commission, but she fucking yawned awake. He got me every time.

  "It's stupid to tell you not to think about it because you will for s very long time, but trust me when I say this shit will not happen again, no one will get near us again I won't fucking let them. Look at me babe; I promise you that nothing will touch you again."

  He was a little scary like this, I hoped whoever this person was had the good sense to be in another state somewhere by now because Dimitri Stanton was out for blood.

  "I'll run you a bath babe how about that?"

  He rubbed his thumb along my jaw line as I looked up at him, my strong manly man; ready to take on the world to protect me and our babies. So hot.

  "Fuck daddy, I’m leaking." That's what I get for my lascivious thoughts; either that or it was feeding time.

  "Lemme see."

  He lifted my shirt, unclasped my bra and studied my engorged milk filled tits before he leaned over and put his mouth to one of them.

  His first suck was so strong I felt my pussy contract and my hand went to his head so I could hold him closer to me.

  Damn, this is the only thing I hate about having babies, the wait after to get some dick, just because I shouldn't didn't mean I didn't want to, or maybe that wasn't normal.

  Who gives a shit, he was changing tits now and he was ravenous, I guess he had missed his milk, the kids had theirs expressed so they'd been fine.

  How the fuck was I gonna feed four people from my little body, granted my tits were monster now compared to before, but damn.

  He lapped up the escaped droplets and put me back together.

  "I fucking needed that." He pressed his face into my tits and hugged me hard.

  "I have to call Elliot and Jonas; they need to get here to deal with this shit."

  "Uhm, babe, you think that's a good idea, I mean shouldn't the agents deal with it?"

  "You think I'm leaving the safety of our babies up to strangers, not a fucking chance. Don't worry babe like I said everything will be fine."

  Okay so Elliot and Jonas are Dimitri's cousins on his father's side, they too come

  from money, their mothers are Alexander's sisters who also married money, but these two are like no trust fund babies you've ever met before.

  See, they're mental, Elliot might have a few sane moments here and there, and he could be a real goof ball at times, but Jonas, he was plain outright sociopathic, no lie.

  If Dimitri let them loose in our little town things would never be the same, and since they both looked up to Dimitri as the oldest of the three, and they loved my babies to pieces I could only imagine what would transpire after they landed, Lord help us all.

  I'd met them a couple times after we were married and again after the twins were born that's when Lily told me the stories.

  These two got stuck on MacGyver reruns or something and decided to become private investigators, they had their own agency which was supposedly one of the best in the country.

  The only thing is, they had some pretty unorthodox ways of doing things sometimes, I guess I should be happy to have them going after the bitch who tried to grab my kid, and I was, I just couldn't imagine the havoc they were gonna wreak while doing it. Oh well.

  Dimitri hovered around us all day while making phone calls to his cousins and then his parents, who decided they needed to come out as well.

  We're going to have a full house; I had to talk Dimitri into letting the day staff stay on to help with the extra work, the crazy man was going to make his family fend for themselves while they were here because he didn't want anyone except family near me and the kids.

  I could just see it now; he'd probably be monitoring every step I take for the next year.

  I know I'm driving her crazy but she'll get over it, I don't think for a second that she's taking this thing lightly, I just don't think she can let her mind go to the places mine traveled.

  I'd be damned if I let some bitch fuck with what's mine again, no way no how, my woman and my kids were going to be safe. I turned up the security settings around the house, she wanted to have the cleaning lady come in as usual and help out, I'll think about it. I wasn't too keen on having anyone outside the family on my property right now; everyone was fucking suspect.

  I knew why she was hesitant about the boys coming out to handle the case, my cousins are certifiable, no joke, but they get the job done, I didn't care if they had to flatten the whole fucking town to do it, as long as they found the fuck that's all that mattered to me.

  "Daddy, I think you need calming down."

  Yeah, alright, I needed calming down it wasn't that your greedy ass needed a fix.

  I'm sitting in the living room after putting the kids down for their afternoon nap, little Anthony had his own schedule so who knows when he'd be up again.

  I hadn't slept a wink since we came back, I don't think I would until my boys got here which

  Wouldn’t be until sometime this evening. I'd made Derry take a nap though even if it was just across my lap on the couch, at least she got some rest. Now she’s decided I needed calming down.

  I opened my jeans and whipped my dick out, far be it from me to deprive her greedy ass, besides I'd already
had my fix though I could go for another round on the tit.

  I held her hair back while she teased my dick with her tongue, lapping at the beads of pre cum that had formed on the head while fondling my balls, her little tongue slid down my pole as she got my dick nice and wet before devouring it.

  "Fuck babe." I grabbed her hair tighter and fucked her face just the way she liked, I could see through her shirt that her breasts were leaking, shoving one hand beneath her shirt and bra I swirled the spilt milk all around making her sticky and wet. I'll lick that off later; right now I had to concentrate on shooting down her throat.

  She was swallowing my eleven inches like a pro, cheeks hollowed, throat muscles

  Massaging, it wouldn't be long before I came, I really wanted to cum on her tits, but I knew she would pitch a fit if I took it away from her, she did like her vitamins. Maybe later when everyone had come and settled in I would fuck her tits if she wasn't too sore or tired.

  The thought of it had me shooting like a geyser which made her very happy as she lapped it all up.

  "Greedy bitch." I rubbed my fingers across her puffy lips.

  "Yum, the next six weeks is going to be very very long."

  "Don't worry, I'll find ways to take care of your greedy ass."

  She crawled into my lap like a kitten.

  "I love you daddy."

  "Love you too baby girl."

  Chapter 2

  The others finally arrived, it's early evening and my family's asleep, Derry's worn out and the babies are just naturally tired, I drank from her breasts once more before putting her to sleep.

  Seriously I think the twins should be weaned soon, she says one more month, she wants them to be a year old when she takes them off the tit, I can live with that. Don't think I'm trying to get them off so I could have more for myself that's just sick, I just don't want her running herself down.

  Anyway Elliot and Jonas are here, we're sitting around the kitchen where I have a spread, my baby should be up soon and the kids not far behind.

  "So what does the law have so far?" Jonas sneered; he had very little respect for law

  enforcement and the way they handled certain things, I guess in his line of work he'd seen one too many scumbags get off because of a screw up by law enforcement or what the hell ever, I didn't care about any of that shit I just wanted the fuck that tried to fuck with my kid.

  "Not much, just some grainy video that they can't make heads nor tails of."

  "We're gonna to need a copy."

  "I'm telling you you can't see shit on there man."

  "Our equipment will clean that shit up not to worry, those cheap fucks only wish they had the

  shit we do, probably still using that antiquated piece of crap from the nineties, our shit has voice print recognition, it can clean up rain and show you a fucking dust mite if you want."

  "Okay I'll get you a copy."

  "Nah, you leave that shit to us, you just take care of lil sis and the babies we'll deal with the fucktards. By the way have you given any thought to what you want done with the bitch when we find her?"

  "Give her over to the cops I guess."

  "Where's the fun in that?"


  "Just saying."

  "Elliot keep an eye on him will ya, the agents are already going to be pissed the fuck off that I'm bringing you guys in, don't get me wrong I'd like to draw and quarter the bitch whoever the fuck she is, but we gotta play it by the book."

  "I'm on it boss." Elliot was busy stuffing this face which was one of his favorite pastimes.

  "I'm gonna go up and check on the fam, you guys know where your rooms are yeah, and you’re setting up in the room off the media room, though I don't expect the bitch to be calling here."

  "If what the law thinks is true and you were specifically targeted there's a chance that she might you never know. We'll check the grounds again even though you have this place locked down like Fort Knox."

  "I'm not taking any fucking chances with my wife and kids, bitch got way too close for

  comfort." And thinking about it made me need my girl in the worst way.

  I headed up the stairs taking them two at a time; it had been too long since I looked at her face.

  She was still asleep on her side, hands folded under her cheek. I hated to wake her but the babies would be up soon anyway, and I needed her.

  I crawled on to the bed behind her and my hand went right to the tit. Damn, they were even fuller than before.

  My dick was iron hard as I rubbed it against her ass, why did it seem like these six weeks was going to be longer than the last. I nibbled on her neck as I freed her breast; already milk was escaping, running over my hand. I licked it off and went back for more.

  She came awake reaching back to grab my dick.

  "Hmmmm, so nice and hard."

  "I want in your mouth." I turned her over, she looked so fucking hot lying there, I couldn't resist.

  I tore her shirt and bra off, grabbed her tits together, used the pre cum that was leaking from my dick to grease it and tit fucked her.

  She took over holding them together for me, her tongue hanging out to catch the head of my dick when it came close.

  "Fuck baby, your tits are amazing."

  "I thought you were gonna fuck my mouth!"

  She's whining; greedy bitch. I eased out from between her tits, stole a few sucks of her engorged nipples which were leaking all over the place, then gave her what she wanted.

  She looks so hot with my dick in her mouth, milk on her tits, bare down to her shorts, hair a mess from sleep, and eyes bright with lust.

  She's humming around my cock as she fondles my balls; her cheeks puffed way the fuck out.

  "I'm about to cum baby."

  She nodded her head in thanks for the heads up and swallowed the last few inches down her throat.

  When she started swallowing around my shit that's when I lost it and shot down her throat on a loud groan.

  When she was finished getting every last bit of my jizz with her greedy ass, I cleaned up her milky tits with my tongue.

  I could hear baby Anthony making noises over the monitor, perfect timing.

  "I'll go bring him in; the guys are here by the way."

  She stretched and yawned and I couldn't resist one more suck on the titties. Fuck I'm getting hard again.

  I kissed her once more before leaving the room. I hope I make it the six weeks this time, I don't know if it's adrenaline from the fear of what almost happened or what the fuck, I just know I need inside

  her soon, I need that connection. I also know there's no way I will do that to her, her body needs that time to heal. I'll just have to figure shit out.

  Chapter 3

  There was some kind of pow wow going on in my house. Agent Davis was here, I guess he heard the Pickard, Braxton duo had landed in his territory and was making sure there was no vigilante justice afoot, Elliot was doing his Ace Ventura act to keep him off the scent I'm not sure it was working though.

  By now the whole crew was here, mom, dad and Lily, full house, this was good and it was bad, having a house full of people helped keep my libido in check, but still it kept me from cornering my girl whenever and wherever for some milking time.

  Of course everyone was going gah gah over the babies, it's the only time Elliot and Jonas hung up their crazy hats.

  My sister was giving poor agent Davis a run for his money, something smelled fishy there, we'll see.

  I don't know how the guys eventually got hold of their copy of the tape from the hospital but they had one and had been busy cleaning it up when the agent landed.

  "So, Davis, what seems to be your problem?"

  "Dr. Stanton, do you know who these two are?"

  "I should hope so, they're my brothers."

  He had a confused look on his face, I guess the three different last names threw him, but we had always seen one another as more than just cousins and that's how we always introduced oursel
ves, as brothers.

  "Well shit, I mean, excuse me ladies."

  He looked at Lily when he said it, Uhuh.

  "What is it that you think to do here sir, cause I have to tell you if they plan on getting involved in this case, things could get...complicated."

  "How so?" Like I give a fuck.

  Now I'm playing the idiot.

  "You do know their reputations right!"

  "I know that my wife and I just had a new baby and my family is here to see him, beyond that I think you've lost me."

  I would like to tell him to go fuck himself that I'll handle my family how I see fit, but there was no telling what these two might get up to before all was said and done, there was no sense in alienating the local authorities. That wasn't going to stop me from letting them loose on whoever was fucking with what's mine though.

  He decided to drop it I guess, or maybe it was Lily drawing his attention away that did the trick, whatever.

  I had just returned home from my shift at the hospital, all I wanted to do was kiss my kids, suck on my wife's titties, and relax.

  Jonas was sending me signals with his eyes; it's an old trick the three of us had learned as kids when we wanted to hoodwink the parents. They'd found something; I felt my blood heat in anticipation; I just needed to get the law outta my house so I could go see what the fuck was up.

  I whispered in Derry's ear and excused myself from the room, the twins will be fine with my parents for a while and the baby was already down.

  I caught her as she came around the corner; my mouth was on hers before she could take her next breath.

  It was one of those wild ass hair pulling kisses that could only lead to one thing, too bad I had to wait another five weeks before I could go there. Fuck.

  "I missed the fuck outta you baby girl."

  "Aww, daddy got lonely?"

  Yeah, cute.

  Of course my baby didn't leave me hanging. She pulled me down the hallway and into the laundry room closing the door behind us.

  My scrubs were down around my ankles and my dick was hitting the back of her throat. Damn.


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