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Loving My Best Friend's Daughter

Page 3

by Jordan Silver

  I got off the bed and pulled on my pajama bottoms before heading out of the room in search of the guys.

  It's been two days since they found out who was behind the attempt, in that time they had been gathering information on Natalie's company, trying to find the best way to make the set up, from the looks of things they weren't too far off the mark, seems she liked living the high life but not necessarily paying for it.

  From what they'd been able to hack so far it seemed she was taking money from one account at her brokerage firm and using it to cover another, this was going on with more than one account and seemed to have been going on for quite some time, including when we lived together.

  That does not make me feel too good, it was one thing that the bitch had cheated on me, but to learn I had been involved with a thief, one who was ripping off little old ladies so she could wear mink and Hermes did not sit well.

  I found them in the media room hard at work; there were papers and files over almost every surface.

  "Getting anywhere guys?"

  "This bitch is a barracuda, straight up it has to be said bro, how the fuck did you stomach her for so long?"

  I wouldn't get into the fact that I stopped giving a fuck about her a long time before it ended or that the relationship lasted that long because of laziness on my part, laziness and the familiar, I just didn't care back then, her cheating on me was the best thing she ever did for me.

  So I brushed Jonas's question off and went over to see what he had.

  "Seems like she started out with hedge funds, but when those went south instead of coming clean with her investors she started the pyramid, she had this shit buried deep but not deep enough, how no one saw this shit before is a minor miracle because she's not too bright, then again maybe she is because most of her marks are elderly widows and shit like that.

  Out of the thirty or so people she's bilking maybe three have close relatives, I don't know how she's casing them, but that's too much of a coincidence."

  "Got it, coincidence my ass, she's the equivalent to an ambulance chaser, only she trolls the retirement living homes in wealthy suburbs, my guess, she studies them before she makes her approach, some of them are word of mouth."

  Elliot was scrolling as he talked.

  "Some of them have been in for years, she had to have help with this shit, there's no way she pulled this off for so long on her own."

  "Come to think of it the guy she was fucking was an estate lawyer."

  "That'll work but she has to have other help, she's made millions of dollars here, that's not pocket change, how the SEC hasn't sniffed her out yet boggles the mind, dumb fucks."

  "Dude they're worse than she is."

  "Truer words Elliot, truer words, but we don't give a fuck about that, we need to get this ball rolling." Jonas nodded in agreement.

  "What did you have in mind?" I wanted this shit to get off the ground as soon as possible.

  "Just the right word in the right ear, it doesn't really take much to unravel these things once you get started, just put fear and doubt in a few of the investors, have them start demanding their monies, and watch the whole house of cards fall."

  "It can't be that easy bro." I wasn’t convinced.

  “I simplified things a bit but that's basically all it takes, especially since this is a small company. Since she's using the money from one investor to pay off the other, if we get a few people asking questions and demanding to see paperwork which will most definitely be fraudulent then we can go from there. Damn we didn't even need to set this bitch up.

  I'm confused though, she's got this shit going on she needs to fly beneath the radar, why try for my nephew?"

  "Maybe because she's a sick fuck?" Even I could hear the disgust in my voice.

  "This we already know bro, gotta say bro, you traded up, way the fuck up, that little girl up there, my lil sister good as gold."

  "That goes double for me Dee, Derry's good people and fuck man your kids, man you fell in the gravy, happy as fuck for you bro. I don't have the hard on for Natalie like Jonas does but I have to admit she was never my choice for you, always knew you’d see the light eventually."

  "Woman like that, sweet, young, devoted, make the years of shit worth it, she's good for you and to you bro, looks at you like you hung the fucking moon, acts like Elliot and I are more than welcomed to stay as long as we like."

  "What the fuck?"

  "You know what I'm saying bro, that other one, cold as ice, that little girl upstairs, she's all fire and sweet."

  "You never told me Natalie gave you shit when you came around."

  "She was yours then bro, man thinks his brother is happy with something doesn't matter how much he might hate that thing, he wants happy for his brother, had I known the bitch was making your life miserable I would've left her in a ditch a long time ago."

  "He means that shit literally bro, you do know he's a bit touched in the head right?"

  Elliot was trying to lighten the mood; things were getting pretty serious there for a minute.

  "Shit I came down here to tell you guys something I remembered, couple months ago I ran into this chick, Prissy, Priscilla something or other, said she was a friend of Natalie's from back home, I'm not sure if that's how she found me but it's worth a try, I don't know where she lives or anything about her though."

  "Did you say Priscilla?"

  "Yeah why?"

  "Jonas pass me that file next to the lamp over there, I think I remember seeing something in there."

  Jonas threw the file across the desk to Elliot, then we both crowded him to see what he had found if anything.

  "There she is, Priscilla Mann, she’s an officer in the company, fuck they went to school together if her credentials are legit, you never met her before that day in the park?"

  "Nope, she claimed that Natalie didn't like to share and that we'd met at some party or other."

  "Doesn't jibe brother, you go to school with someone, they work in your company means you're tight, you guys were together for years and she never introduced you to her pal, something doesn't smell right there."

  "So what, she traced me here and what, what was her reason?"

  "We won't find that out until we get the parties involved in an abandoned warehouse and I'm sporting my brass knuckles."

  He cracked his fingers, bloodthirsty fucker.

  Elliot and I shared a look, we'll have to keep an eye on the wildcard, because he would do some shit like that. Nothing new for us we've been doing it since childhood.

  "You guys turning in soon, this shit left a bad taste in my mouth, gotta get back to my woman get some of this filth off me."

  "You go ahead bro we're good, see you in the A.M." Elliot gave me a salute.

  "Night boys, and thanks for looking out for me and my family."

  "Wouldn't have it any other way, long as I get to bitch slap that bitch that's payment enough for me."

  I left the room laughing; I'm thinking agent Davis was right to be worried.

  I took the stairs two at a time, I wasn't kidding when I said I needed my girl to get the taste of filth out of my mouth. I felt dirty as fuck, I'd been with that bitch while she was ripping off innocent people, fuck me.

  I know she hadn't been asleep too long, I also knew she needed her rest with three babies depending on her for their everything , but I needed her , and as usual when it came to her I was a selfish fuck. Only one way I knew of to get clean again and that was by making love to my babygirl. Well technically I couldn't lose myself in her body in that way, but I had my ways, we had our ways.

  My brothers were right; I'd traded way the fuck up.

  I watched her for a good minute or two trying to decide how I was gonna come at her.

  I walked to the night stand on my side of the bed and got what I needed.

  I didn't bother waking her up with words, just turned her over on her back, raised my tee, and set to work.

  I tried not to draw too hard on her nipple;
my little princess didn't have too much to eat at dinner which meant she would be up for the tit in the middle of the night, so I fed lightly.

  I bit down gently until she stirred.


  "Right here."

  I licked my way up her neck, to her ear, her lips.

  She sighed into my mouth as I rubbed her breasts under my hands.

  "I need your mouth babe."

  Her body shook at that, that's my greedy bitch she was always ready for me.

  "Up, on your knees in front of me."

  I pulled the shirt the rest of the way off of her, I'd already lost my pajama bottoms, and my dick was more than halfway hard.


  She licked her lips before she took me in.

  I reached over to the side and got the lube, rubbing a good amount in and around her ass as I leaned over her back.

  She wriggled it in the air and pushed back against my fingers.

  I teased her with them as she took more of me in her mouth.

  I slowly pushed her new toy in until about five inches were buried, her pussy might turn up her nose at fake but her ass could give a fuck.

  She arched her back and rotated her hips as I started the fucking motion with eight inches of vibrating dick in and out her ass as she licked and sucked my cock like it was her last meal.

  I reached under her and took her clit between my thumb and forefinger which sent me into her throat.

  She swallowed around my dick and my toes fucking curled

  "I need to go harder baby."

  She nodded her head and I started thrusting harder, faster as she rode the vibrator. She was really into it and the sound she was making around my dick was sending me into overdrive.

  "Fuck baby pull off."

  I had to force my dick out of her mouth, pull the fake cock out of her and drive all eleven inches of me in her well primed ass.

  Fuck, I hadn’t touched her ass since that first time two nights ago; she needed time to heal after that. I hoped like fuck it was enough time.

  She was gone, her head whipping around as I pounded her nonstop my dick hitting all the right places inside her, my grip on her hips was tight and almost bruising but I was too far gone to stop.

  "Shit, fuck, fuck."

  That was the extent of my vocabulary right now.

  "So fucking good daddy, harder, fuck me harder...yeah, just like that, spank my ass."

  She was pushing back against me so hard I thought she might break my shit off; I brought my hand down on her ass cheek as I ground into her. She was cumming as I was shooting deep inside her ass.

  "I don't think we're gonna last the whole six weeks babe, I'm a fucking bastard I know but I don't think I'll make it. Fuck."

  I took her into the bathroom and cleaned us both up.

  After we were settled in bed, her head on my chest, one of her legs thrown over both of mine, my hand in her hair holding her close the questions started.

  "The boys find anything?"

  I didn't answer; I had already told her she wasn't getting involved in this shit.

  She squeezed me to get me to answer.

  "Not going there with you babygirl I already told you, this shit does not touch you."


  "Babe seriously, I learned some shit tonight that did not leave me feeling all warm and fuzzy, that's why I woke you up out of a sound sleep even though I know you need your rest, because I needed your sweet to wash away the stink, so no, not gong there with you."

  I squeezed her to let her know I wasn't mad, kissed her hair and closed my eyes.

  Eventually she'll find out most of this shit but I will shield her from the ugliness as long as I could.

  "Go to sleep baby, there's nothing for you to worry about, daddy loves you okay?"

  "Love you too daddy."

  She rose up and gave me a goodnight kiss that soon turned heated; I used my thigh to bring her off as we kissed.

  My girl did love her orgasms.

  "What about you?"

  She stroked my rod, damn, no Dimitri you bastard, let her sleep.

  "I'm good baby."


  "Whatever take your greedy ass to sleep; your daughter will be up soon enough needing to be fed."

  "Oh alright." She was pouting; fuck how did I get so lucky?

  Fell in the fucking gravy.

  I fell asleep with a smile on my face, that taste in my mouth long gone.

  Chapter 6

  The guys have accelerated shit and what they've uncovered in the last week alone has made me madder than all hell. Seems there's a whole contingent of assholes in this town who has it in for my wife, or should I say us.

  I don't know how they did it, but somehow they got a bead on the Priscilla chick, turns out she moved here around the time the twins were born, her apartment is a month to month rental, there's hardly anything in it, in other words she's not so much living there as she's squatting.

  It should've registered that if she works for Natalie then she shouldn't be living here, since the company wasn't here and had no affiliations here that I knew of, I'd never told Natalie about my earlier years here, not that I can recall. That should've tipped me off back then, I never shared certain things with her, with Derry I was an open book, she knew all about my wayward youth.

  Anyway, the boys tracked Priscilla to my hospital where apparently she knows someone who works there, a nurse by the name of Juliet Jackson, which they found out by snapping her picture and putting it in some face recognition data bank, I don't ask, they don't tell, but they have some kick ass equipment that seems capable of all manner of things.

  They're planning to break into Jackson's house at some point later today or this evening whichever one works. They'd already broken into Priscilla's but whatever information she had was well hidden, more likely somewhere else since they didn't find anything that could be of use.

  Now here's the thing, in some of the surveillance pictures of the nurse I saw a face that looked familiar but couldn't quite place until a few days later when I remembered where I'd seen her once before, it was in an ice cream parlor the night I threw that fuck Bryan across the room, she was his girlfriend. So the plot thickened.

  Of course I haven't shared any of this with the authorities, not yet anyway, we're still mulling over our options, with all these new players the game plan might have to be tweaked a little.

  My parents and Lily left, but not before I'm told she exchanged contact info with Davis. Whatever, according to how this thing played out I might need her to put in a good word for me. I'm not worried though; my brothers were on top of their game. My only problem was keeping my wife out of this shit.

  While mom and sis were here I kept her occupied with shopping, now they're gone and you would think with three kids to take care of she'd be too busy for anything else, but not my little dynamo, every chance she got she was bombarding me with questions about what we had found, what were we gonna do?

  She doesn't buy my bullshit brush offs either, but she knew there was a line she couldn't cross. It's the only thing letting me sleep at night, knowing that she hated when I'm mad at her and would do anything to avoid that.

  As to her father, I didn't bring him in on what we were doing, he's a cop after all, I don't want him at some point having to answer any uncomfortable questions.

  Bath time at the Stanton mansion is a riot first of all, but when you add a goof called Elliot to the mix things can get downright circus like.

  My almost one year old son and daughter are running around naked as the day they were born squealing and snorting their laughter as their uncle Elliot chase them around the house. How the hell they got away from their mother is beyond me, I'm already elbows deep in baby bath water taking care of little Anthony who seems to be growing at a faster rate than his elder siblings, little fucker was a bruiser for sure, Derry was very pleased with herself because none of the kids were missing out, though thank God the twins were
on solid foods as well and only really took the tit a couple times during the day.

  Anyway I can hear the ruckus going on outside in the hallway and it made me smile, my kids were happy, you ever heard a kid laugh with pure joy, that sound that comes from their bellies, a hitch in their throats when they've laughed too much but can't stop, a long drawn out breath before the giggles start again, that's the kind of laughter I could hear.

  "Elliot if they're not here in five minutes you're giving them their baths."

  I could hear Derry grumble as she stomped around after the three of them, no doubt Jonas was somewhere with a camera capturing the show, we have more videos and still shots of the kids than a professional studio, for two confirmed bachelors my brothers were sure fascinated with babies, Jonas was the worst. When he wasn't plotting mischief and mayhem, he was studying the kids and he had a million and one questions.

  How come they grow so fast, how can they walk already and they were so tiny? I've seen him more than once reach to catch Sofiya when it looked like she was going to topple over only to sit back and laugh when she made it to her destination unscathed.

  Derry came into the bathroom to get the towel for Anthony, I lifted him out and passed him off, she was looking all kinds of sexy in hot pink terry cloth shorts that hugged her bubble ass and a tight black tank her hair swinging from a ponytail.

  I couldn't help copping a feel, hugging her from behind, my already hard cock sliding into the crack of her ass as my hand found its way down the front of her shorts.

  She rubbed against me as Anthony was cuddled to her chest folded in the towel. A little flick of her clit, a finger dip or two and I let her go.

  "Tease." She pouted at me.

  "What, you wanna fuck with all that going on out there?"

  "No, but you knew that before you started, now I'm horny and it's going to be at least another hour or so before we get all the kids down for the night."

  "You're always horny babe, what's new about that, let's get this one fed and to bed, I'll round up the others."

  I found them in the kitchen with big chocolate stains all over their face and chests as they dug into the twin chunks of chocolate cake Elliot had given them.


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