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Loving My Best Friend's Daughter

Page 10

by Jordan Silver

  "What's up bro, the little pissant here yet?"

  "Nope, should be any minute." Jonas the nut was wearing his side piece on his hip in full view, Elliot didn't need a gun, his massive bulk was enough to scare grown men, and me, I had a shotgun, standard fare in these situations.

  The boys started gathering around, all except junior who had a hot date for the prom, she was a seventeen year old looker, my boy was dating an older woman. Score.

  Anthony came out to meet his cousins with, in order and one year apart, Masen, Daniel, Justin and Ethan, the only one of my sons missing was little Thomas and that's because he was only seven weeks old. We'd had a ten year breather from pregnancy, I don't know how she pulled it off because there was no birth control involved, just one day her body decided it was taking a break, no worries, I nailed her good last year though, it was one of those rare weekends alone when grandma and grandpa took the little terrors off our hands and we chose to stay home and fuck like bunnies, not that our sex life had suffered any, you would think having so many kids in the house would've put the skids on, no such thing, she still sang her anthem at least twice a week, I still took her down whenever and wherever I could, it was actually fun trying to find places to fuck when the mood struck before bedtime.

  Like I said, Ethan was eleven now, Thomas was seven weeks old, and Derry's tight ass was looking mighty fine.

  At forty eight I felt just as good as I did at twenty eight, no joke, we took very good care of ourselves health wise, we ate right, exercised without over doing it, took down time and laughed a helluva fucking lot. The sex didn't hurt either.

  Before Thomas was born right after Ethan started school Derry had gotten back into the habit of bringing me lunch at the office.

  In fact she'd done that one day last week, the day grandpa Darren had the baby doing God knows what, he liked to take the kids out on the water, we'd ended up getting him a bigger boat since the cousins did not like being left out, he usually had his hands full.

  Anyway last Thursday she showed up in this little baby pink tennis outfit, tight shirt, short flared skirt, as soon as I saw her the jig was up, my wife does not play tennis, she claims the only balls she wants coming at her face are mine, what she means is that she's athletically challenged.

  She'd barely locked the door and tossed the picnic basket on a chair before climbing up on my desk in front of my chair and spreading her legs.

  Her bare pussy was peaking back at me, what was I to do, I buried my head under her short skirt and ate her to two orgasms before bending he over the desk and fucking her doggie style, still our favorite position.

  With my body covering hers, my hands over her own on top of the desk, I had whispered in her ear.

  "It's time for another one." I was still trying to get me another daughter though the one I had was trying to put me in an early grave.

  So now the count was up to thirteen males, plus junior who thank God was going to be at the party, the only problem with that is that Sofiya had the males in this family wrapped tightly around her little finger, no one more so than her twin.

  Now you've got to understand something before you judge me too harshly, one minute my little girl is all braces, acne and gangly legs, she'd sprouted up with her brother though he now topped her by a good few inches, he was six three to her five eleven. Yes they towered over their mom, even Anthony was taller than Derry and the others were showing signs of reaching the same heights.

  Now when my little princess turned thirteen and her body went haywire on her, it took all my powers of persuasion to convince her that yes, she was as beautiful as mommy. She bemoaned the fact that her aunty Lily and her mom were petite beauties while she was an amazon. Boys were a nonentity thank you very much, then her mother got a hold of her and put some nonsense in her head and the next thing I know there were head shots and modeling scouts and bullshit. Now my little girl's face was all over the fucking place in magazines and on the Internet and TV commercials, no more pigtails and braces, no pigging out on ice cream with her old man, gossiping about all the mean girls in school, all that, out the window.

  If that wasn't bad enough now I have to deal with boys, fucking parasites, I'm always tempted to take her cell phone and throw it in the pool whenever I see her twirling her hair when she's on it, that's her tell, it's how I always know when there's a boy on the other end of the line.

  That's why Derry owed me another daughter and I wasn't stopping until I got one. She thinks I'm crazy, ha, she knows the drill, she might've been on hiatus but she knows as soon as her six week check up is out the way I usually plant another one, that's what I did last week when she came to my office.


  "Yes princess!"

  "What's going on, why are my uncles here?"

  She folded her arms and tapped her foot, a Derry move; yikes, I'm sure her mother had already filled her in the snitch.

  "And why is Anthony dressed, he's not going to prom."

  "Actually he was invited." It's true, Anthony had been invited by a bevy of teenage beauties, I don't know what it is with my boys and older women.

  Though my kids all looked like me, they each had their own thing going on that made them different. Junior was my quarterback geek, that's what his friends called him, because the boy had brains to spare, was absentminded as fuck, but put the pigskin in his hand and he was a fucking automaton, it was something to behold. Anthony on the other hand was all boy, he had brains yes, but he didn't play them up, he played second string quarterback on the same football team as his brother, the youngest they'd ever had on the team.

  He wouldn't have gotten much play except his brother was very inventive, ever the big brother he would come up with ways to get his brother in at least one quarter of every important game. I'm so proud of my boys.

  Now Anthony came to me with his female problems, mind you, the boy isn't supposed to be dating for another year no matter that he's six feet tall, but he had a good point, Junior might be too busy with his own date to keep an eye on his sister, plus she would run rough shod over him anyway, so Anthony, instead of accepting an invitation from any one of the four girls that asked him, would go as a free agent, that way he has an invite and he's free to keep his sister in his sights, look it sounded like a good idea at the time alright.

  "Dad, stop it."

  "Stop what pumpkin, what did daddy do now?" Shit, I learned the art of playing the innocent bystander from the best; Derry was a master at that shit.

  "You're going to ruin prom."

  "There'll be another one."

  "Moooooommmyyyy." She ran crying to her mother.

  "Good one dad." I got a round of high fives from my boys, they each had a part to play in this evening's theatrics, the plan was to make the little fucker feel as unwelcome as possible so he could take his ass somewhere else and make some other father's life miserable.

  All in all life has been good to us, we have our quibbles seeing as how my wife is stubborn and hardheaded as fuck, me I'm an easy going type of guy, the only thing that gets a rise out of me is if you fuck with what's mine.

  Derry gets her panties in a twist every once in a while about some shit, but I always nip that shit at the bedroom door. We can go all day without saying two words to each other but when those doors close, the pussy is mine. Once, only once she tried to play the cold in bed role, back turned and pajamas on; that was the night Justin was conceived, that's right, I took the shit, she learned that lesson very well.

  She still got her ass beat every once in a while for being a brat, which was usually followed by a hard fucking, had to let her know that I might be getting old but I was still in charge.

  She enjoys being a stay at home mom, which makes life easier all around, with eight kids, shit, she still refuses to have a babysitter though, but I got them a driver, someone to help her load the kids up when I'm not around, plus he doubled as security, we've had him for fifteen years, he was like part of the family now.

Since Derry hated country club living and charity deals most of her time was spent on things for the kids and there was a lot. Her idea of charity was finding a family in the poorest part of town and fixing up their house, or buying them needed furniture or food, wherever she saw a need. She was usually dragging the older kids with her to a soup kitchen on the odd weekend here and there.

  I don't ask questions, she had the same access to all our money as I did, so when she spent thousands of dollars on a complete stranger it didn't faze me, as long as she found joy in doing that shit that's all that mattered.

  The women in the family kept us men in check, from mom down to Lily, the whole lot of us liked to pretend that we were hard but those females were slick.

  My boy Junior, I think he was on to something, from my mother to his aunts and his own mother would fall over backwards for this kid, and not because he was the eldest grandchild, he just had a way about him.

  He approached everything like a scientist, he needed to know the ins and outs of everything, he would pay as much attention to painting his mothers toes when she's sick with the flu, as he would watching the games with me on Sundays, I'm thinking the kid was onto something, then again he's my son, what can you expect?

  Anthony is a mama's boy to his core, nothing wrong with that, he helps her out around the house, goes grocery shopping with her so she doesn't have to lift anything heavy or carry bags, and he still lets her play tickle monster with him, what fifteen year old six foot tall teen would do that, no wonder the ladies love my boy.

  Masen, Justin Daniel and Ethan are demon spawns, between them and their cousins it's a wonder the town hasn't been grazed to the ground.

  Jonas and Elliot's boys, what can I say, those apples didn't fall too far from the trees, except I think the kids are worse.

  We didn't spank the kids well not after they reached the age of five, after that a smack on the ass meant nothing to them, we graduated to taking away privileges and cell phones and in Sofiya's case her car keys when she was caught driving and texting.

  Whoever decided that it was okay to let sixteen year olds have a license was high, Junior was fine behind the wheel, my little princess, not so much, and now that there were boys sniffing around anything with a backseat was out, so while her brother got the Rover, she got a sporty little Maserati. They aren't allowed in anyone else's car unless it was family so that took care of that. Kinda made it hard for a date to pick her up. Snicker.

  Well now, that brings us full circle to this bullshit her and her mother were trying to pull, I should've known something was going on when I saw all the shopping bags, and then later that night Derry's little hot as fuck strip tease, she'd waited 'til I was balls deep to spring that shit on me, all breathy and innocent.

  Next thing I know I'm agreeing to my little girl going on a date, she might've won that battle but I was gonna win the war.

  Dad and Phil came up the drive; the women gave us sneers and headed inside to find the rest of their coven while dad and Phil joined us on the front steps.

  Phil clapped my shoulder as he stood next to me.

  "Almost time?"

  "Yep." I shook my shotgun listening to the shot settle into the slot.

  "We need beer, I'll get it."

  Good thinking dad, let the little shit see five grown men and a couple strapping young lads waiting to go nuts on his ass if he made one wrong move.

  We heard laughter coming from the women, I'm sure they thought we were acting like assholes but whatever.

  Dad came out with beer.

  "It's scary in there, I brought this round but one of you're gonna have to get the next one."


  "That's right son and don't you forget it."

  The sheriff came barreling up the drive.

  "Am I too late?" He was in full uniform which made no sense because I knew for a fact that he was off today.

  "Nope, any minute now."

  "Good idea sheriff, scare the little shit with the law." Jonas fist bumped Darren just before my little whirlwind came flying through the door.

  "Are you happy now Dimitri, our baby's crying her eyes out?"

  Well shit.

  "Why is she crying?"

  "Duh, you brought her uncles, cousins, grandfathers, hell the whole family's here and you goobs are out there acting like Neanderthals.

  "What's your point?"


  "What did I tell you about my kid and dating?"

  "You can't be serious; you do remember how old I was..."

  "You sure you want to go there, let's not forget who seduced whom."

  Her face turned red as she looked around to make sure her dad didn't hear that.

  "Uh huh, no way."

  "Dimitri, you're being ridiculous."

  "I give a fuck; if she's anything like you which I'm sure she is, she's lucky I don't lock her ass away somewhere for the next five years."

  "You're a real pain in the ass you know that."

  "I'm one in yours anyway."

  "Gross." She slapped at me.

  "That's not what you said this morning."

  "Dimitri." She clapped her hand over my mouth like I would say that shit in front of anyone else."

  "Please will you let Sophie go on her date without any drama?"

  "Nope, if she goes I'm gonna make sure the little fucker stays as far away from her as possible."

  "If she goes, is that what this is about, you're hoping she changes her mind?"

  "Yep." I popped my lips on the P.

  She stomped her foot and folded her arms giving me the bitch brow, I shrugged my shoulders. There was nothing she could do or say to make me change my stance.

  "Double standards or not that's my little girl she's not allowed to date."

  She pulled her hair like I was the one driving her crazy.

  "If you didn't think you were so damn slick this wouldn't be happening.

  She had the good sense to keep her mouth shut on that one, but I was sure I hadn't heard the last out of her.

  "Where is she?"

  "In her room."

  I took a deep breath and prepared to face the fire. I know my little girl very well she has enough of both her mother and I in her to make her a royal pain in the ass, not to mention she was spoiled as fuck, I might've had a hand in that but whatever.

  I had to tread carefully so I didn't hurt her feelings but things are moving way too fast around here for my liking, my kid's face was plastered all over kingdom come, it hadn't escaped my notice that she's been wearing face paint more and more often and her skirts were getting shorter. Her and her mom must think I'm stupid. Hah.

  I found my princess in her room sitting in the window seat; she looked more to be fuming than crying to me.

  I hid a grin, shit it's my job to be her own personal tyrant, it's in every father’s handbook or it should be, fuck it, I'll write my own.

  “Okay let dad have it, what's the problem?"

  She gave me one of her mother's raised brow looks that clearly said I was being a jackass. Tough.

  " Daaaaaaad, why are you trying to embarrass me?"

  "How old are you?"

  "Sixteen..." She answered me cautiously.

  "What did I tell you when you were seven and asking me about the birds and the bees?"

  "Dad come on, you can't be serious, how come Junior gets to date, even Anthony is going to Prom."

  "They're boys, and Anthony isn't going on a date he's going solo."

  "Dad, unh, that's so sexist, it's not fair, all my friends are going."

  “I’m pretty sure I don't care what your friends are doing they're not my responsibility you are. If you do go your brother is going to be there, you will be driven to and from. You are not to leave the premises for any reason; if your brother tells me that he lost sight of you even once you're grounded for the next six months."


  What now, was that so bad, what the hell did she have to go running t
o her mother about?

  Derry met me on the landing as I was heading back out.



  "I sent you up here to fix things and you made them worse."

  "How the hell did I do that?"

  "What did you say to her?"

  "The same thing I've been saying all week her brother's playing chaperone if she gets out of hand she's grounded for six months."

  "You're insane."

  "Uh-huh, at least she's going, if that doesn't work for her she can get undressed and sit her little ass in her room with a book."

  She huffed and headed back to her coven in the kitchen while I headed out front with the guys.

  "That little prick not here yet?"

  "Here he comes now."

  A hot little silver Porsche came down the driveway. I hated the little fucker already.

  He climbed out all cocky smile and tux. Sap.

  His smile fell away gradually when he got a good look at the looks on all our faces, that's right asshole.

  "Who the hell are you?" I led the interrogation.

  "Um, Daniel sir, I'm here to take Sofiya to the prom." His voice cracked there on my girl's name.

  "How old are you Daniel?"

  "Eighteen sir."

  "Are you aware that my daughter's only sixteen, don't they have any eighteen year old girls in your class?"

  "Yes sir but she's hot, oh shit." His eyes bugged out of his head when he realized what he'd said and to whom.

  I'll bury this kid in the backyard.

  "Let me see some ID son." The sheriff took over.

  Meanwhile Elliot, Jonas and Phillip were standing arms folded legs braced apart.

  "Dad cut it out, oh my word, come on in here Daniel." Derry came rushing outside all huffy and shit.

  "What, we're just saying hello weren't we Daniel?"

  "Yes...yes sir."

  The little shit hid behind my wife who was almost half his size. Freaking jock.

  She took him back there with the rest of the girls. Marcus got the car out of the garage and pulled around front.

  "Alright Tony, you're up, don't forget, he try anything get your brother and the two of you drop his ass."


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