Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1)

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Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1) Page 13

by Brenda Trim

  She turned her head back around and swallowed at the intensity in his stare. “We all are. Trust me. He can afford to give you this car. He only has twenty others and that doesn’t include his collection of motorcycles. Besides, for him, it is the equivalent of you buying me a cheeseburger.”

  He stood gracefully and walked toward her. She noted that he was wearing black boxer-briefs. She refused to acknowledge the erection that filled his underwear. Men always woke up with morning wood, right?


  “No, stop right there.” He cut her off as he grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “You need a car, he had one to spare. You owe him nothing. This subject is done. The car is yours, period. Now, be a good girl and grab me one of your energy drinks, the one in the white can, not the blue one.”

  She hated to admit defeat, but she knew when she had been beat. Besides, she desperately needed a car. And, what a car it was. “Kiss my ass, Orlando. You get me one. I have a thank you note to write.” She spun around to stalk over to her desk, yelping in surprise when he slapped her ass. She flipped him the bird.

  “I’ll take that drink now, Orlando,” she demanded as she walked to her desk in a huff. His chuckle followed him to the fridge.

  She searched through her drawers and found her nicest stationary. How did you thank someone for such an extravagant gift? She grabbed the energy drink Orlando brought her and popped the top. “Thank you, Cabana Boy,” she smirked up at Orlando. He gave her his sexy scowl.

  “Why I let you boss me around, I have no idea,” he called over his shoulder, before shutting himself inside the bathroom.

  Staring back at the blank page, she considered everything. Zander’s words caused flutters in her belly and warm tingles to spread through her body. She had never received such a provocative letter. Thoughts of skin and leather brought back her fantasy from the night before. Her guilt reared its ugly head, followed by a sense of betrayal. Still, a part of her could not resist Zander.

  “I have no words to express how grateful I am for such an extraordinary gift. It is way too expensive, but I have been advised to accept it. Besides, I know you’d order me to anyway, Mr. Bossy Pants. So, thank you. I plan to take it out for a spin and will tell you how it handles the curves. Always, Elsie”

  She was not as eloquent with words, but she hoped her reply would relay her heartfelt gratitude.


  Climbing into her car, she lamented the loss of Zander’s intoxicating scent. It had been three weeks since he had given her his car and she had become addicted to the earthy, masculine scent. It was way better than the smell of a new car! It aroused her and made her feel wanton and, of course, guilty. It made her think of hot, uninhibited sex. Her stomach tightened, and to her surprise, her groin moistened, readying her for the man who left his smell behind.

  She was betraying Dalton by obsessing over and being turned on by another man, but she was unable to help herself. She had reasoned that there was no harm done, she was not actually sleeping with him. She did sneak out several times a day to drive to the corner store. To make matters worse, the sharp edges of the black hole that had once consumed her entire being had muted a degree, only adding to her guilt.

  Familiar ire rose as her thoughts slid from Zander to the situation regarding her bills. She had been forced to quit her job after her attack. Oh, she had gone in the next day, and several days after that, and tried performing her duties but the cast prohibited it. Consequently, Zander and Orlando, along with their friends, had been helping her pay her bills. Over her rather boisterous objections, they had given her a check that would support her comfortably for three years.

  The fact that the check was written from a charity, Elsie’s Hope, that Zander and his sister had established ultimately made her agree. She would never use all the money they had given her and she planned on paying every cent back to the charity. The organization was set up to assist the families of murder victims. No other gesture had touched her so deeply, not even the fabulous car. Sure, she appreciated the car and other gifts, but this was a legacy she could help them leave behind. Something that would help countless other victims.

  Her cell phone rang and she fumbled in her purse.

  “Hey Mack. How’s it going?” Mack had been a great support for Elsie since her husband had been killed. Elsie had missed doing patrols with Mack, but she was more of a liability with her cast than an asset.

  “Hey girl. It’s good. How are you feeling? How’s the arm? I still can’t believe you were attacked and I wasn’t there to keep you safe. I promised you when you joined me that I would always keep you safe and I didn’t hear a damn thing.” Elsie could hear the anger and self-recrimination in her friend’s voice.

  “Mack. It’s not your fault. It was those vampires. I was pre-occupied thinking about that guy I told you about. You taught me better than to allow my guard down.” She contemplated telling Mack about the fact that Zander’s brothers knew about vampires and she should recruit them for SOVA. She opened her mouth, but the words remained stuck. She wasn’t entirely certain what was stopping her. They’d be an asset to have on their side. Especially Kyran, he had taken out two vamps without breaking a sweat. With them, they could rid the city of this threat with ease.

  “Don’t tell me you’re falling for good looks and money. Just remember you get involved with a guy and they want to take over your entire life. Our job as survivors is to take out the evil that preys on the innocent. That is the reason we survived. We can’t stop until every last vampire goes up in flames. They are a plague on humanity and need to be exterminated. It’s our mission. Nothing else matters.” Having been victimized twice by these vampires, Elsie couldn’t agree more. She hated being injured and unable to help.

  “I’m not falling for anyone. I saw the doctor today and he said that my bones are healing nicely. Few more weeks and I should be back out there with you.”

  “Don’t rush out too soon. The last thing I want is for you to injure yourself again. The rest of us are all still out there killing the bastards, don’t worry.” All Elsie did was worry. She hated the thought that there were people out there being hurt and killed because she was unable to patrol.


  Elsie loved the electric chopper she had purchased to help with her dinner preparations. The cast made it impossible for her to chop the veggies without it. Cooking was cathartic for her, and she hadn’t prepared a full meal since Dalton died. It felt great to be in the kitchen again. And, she was glad to be cooking for her new friends. It was the least she could do for them.

  “Put down that margarita and make yourself useful,” she told Orlando. “I need the cornbread taken out of the oven. Then, you can pour me a margarita. I have to stir this roux, constantly.”

  Orlando came up behind her and looked over her shoulder into the pot. “Who’s the bossy one now? Mmmm, this smells great so far.”

  “Wait until you taste it.” The black hole throbbed as she whisked her roux, thinking of Dalton and how much he loved her cooking. “This was one of his favorite meals, you know.”

  He put his arm around her shoulder and gave her a one-armed embrace. “I’m sure he loved everything you made. He loved you very much.”

  She gripped his hand where it rested on her shoulder. “I will always cherish the love we shared. My heart is in that satin-lined box with him. I know I’m young and everyone keeps telling me that I have my entire life ahead of me, but I made a vow to him. For me, there can’t be another.”

  “I know it’s hard for you to accept, but you will have love again. It is your fate to have extraordinary love and happiness. Don’t close yourself off to that.”

  The smell of burned flour reached her nostrils. “Shit, the roux, it burned. Great, now I have to start over.”

  She knew he meant well, but he was definitely wrong. A comfortable silence descended over the kitchen as she hummed, cooked and drank. The sun set and darkness descended. She was wonde
ring when the others would arrive right as there was a knock at the door. She watched them all file into her apartment and her heart skipped a beat when Zander walked in last, closing the door behind him. Their eyes locked on one another and she couldn’t move. Time stood still.

  She heard Rhys call out, “I brought some hey juice, so the party can now begin!”

  She began placing the dishes next to the plates and utensils on her table and turned to Rhys. “You’ve been holding out on me. What, exactly, is hey juice?”

  Rhys walked over to her and placed his large, muscular arm around her shoulders. “Well, sweet cheeks, hey juice is my top-secret mixture of the finest ingredients. Best part is, about twenty minutes after you drink it, I guarantee you will be rubbing on me saying ‘hey baby’ and begging to experience my… magnificence,” Rhys whispered sensually in her ear.

  She burst out laughing, slid out of his embrace, and shook her head. “Not likely, slick. I’m smarter than that.”

  “Damn, bro, she put you in your place,” Orlando laughed.

  “I think that’s a first. Has anyone ever turned you away so quickly, Rhys?” Bhric asked.

  Zander walked up with a tall, voluptuous brunette who had Bhric’s amber eyes. She was stunning. “Elsie, ‘tis my sister, Breslin. She keeps us all in line.” She exchanged pleasantries with Breslin but she was hyper-aware of Zander.

  He brushed up behind her, sending her up in flames. “The food is ready. Get it while it’s hot,” she croaked out. The man had a seriously devastating effect on her, and his clear desire unnerved her.

  Everyone clamored to fill their plates and began eating. Zander was never far away from her and used every excuse to touch her. A brush of a hand here or a clasp of a shoulder there. It was driving her crazy.

  She spent most of the evening fighting the heat that pooled in her stomach and resulted in moisture dripping from her core. She was inexorably aroused as his scent permeated her nostrils and he made his desire clear. It was tiring how her body waged its battle with arousal and her mind raged with guilt. Get over yourself. I want some of that fine ass! Her inner-sex-fiend taunted.

  Zander pulled her onto his lap in the leather chair and whispered in her ear. “’Tis okay, lass, you doona have to beat yourself up. I have told you many times, I willna press you if you’re no’ ready. But, you need to stop denying what you want,” he murmured the order.

  Their eyes locked in silent battle and she finally hissed, “I’ve told you, Mr. Bossy Pants, you can’t order me around.” He caressed her thigh and she allowed it. It felt too good to stop him.

  She smiled at the banter in her small apartment and turned, realizing Zander was mere inches from her face. She was struck by the desire to kiss him, but turned away, refusing to give in. She had already allowed too much and had probably given him the wrong idea. She didn’t want to send mixed signals, but that was exactly what she was doing by sitting on his lap. She tensed and started to stand, but he clutched her to him and held on. She gave him her fiercest let-go-if-you-know-what’s-good-for-you look. He released his grip.

  She stood and went to get her plate. “So, when are you going to take me to this club you guys keep talking about?” she asked joining the conversation. Everyone looked to Zander as if waiting direction. She rolled her eyes. No wonder he gives orders and expects to be listened to. Unbelievable.

  Zander grinned, making him look even better, and responded, “Anytime you want. Say the word, a ghra.”

  “Maybe we can go this weekend,” she said as she settled on the couch next to Orlando and dug in. The food was delicious, just the right amount of spice and garlic. “Oh, Cabana Boy, I’ll take some of that hey juice. And, why haven’t you told me about this club? You have been stuck on my couch for weeks and haven’t been out once.”

  Orlando handed her a glass of Rhys’ concoction and she sipped it cautiously. Hmm, strong, but fruity and good.

  “I wasn’t about to leave you alone. You couldn’t possibly stay out of trouble without me here,” Orlando teased her.

  She laughed and a boisterous round of ribbing ensued. At some point, Zander gave Orlando one look and he stood up, allowing Zander to take the seat beside her. He took her hand in his and entwined their fingers. She rolled her eyes. The man didn’t even have to use words to give his orders.

  She was distracted by the soothing circles he rubbed with his thumb. It grounded her and settled her roiling emotions and stomach. She finished her entire plate while she enjoyed the easy banter of this odd, but wonderful family. There was no doubt that this group of men, and Breslin, had indeed taken her in. She leaned back and settled her side more fully against Zander. Why did this feel so right?


  Zander silently ordered everyone to leave Elsie’s apartment. He couldn’t take the torment any longer. Between his aching cock, his need for her blood, and the ever present pain in his mate mark he was close to losing it. She had been sitting next to him on the couch for hours and he could smell her arousal. Her anxiety rose until he smelled her fear as Orlando left last and closed the door. She turned to him and he placed his finger over her mouth stilling her words.

  “Nay, doona think right now. I want you and you want me. Be with me,” he pleaded.

  He watched the battle rage in her clear blue eyes and saw when her lust won out. He wanted to shout in triumph, but wisely kept to himself. He didn’t want to give her any reason to stop this.

  “I’m scared,” she admitted. “I can’t give you what you want and—”

  He cut off her response by lowering his lips to hers. The jolt of electricity that zapped him when they connected was exhilarating. He moved his mouth over hers, licking and coaxing hers open. The moment she parted her luscious lips, he delved deep his tongue sliding sensuously against hers.

  His mind blanked and all he could think was how badly he needed his mate. She was soft, her curves fitting perfectly against him. Her soul stretched and slid against his in an erotic caress. Being bombarded from the inside as well as out nearly robbed him of control and had him tearing her clothes from her body.

  He trailed his mouth to nibble her pulse pounded in her neck and regain some composure. Her rich, earthy honeysuckle scent drove him on. He pulled her shirt aside and kissed her collarbone. Such delicate bones, so fragile. He wrapped his arms around her waist and tugged her into his lap.

  “I haven’t kissed anyone since Dalton. I should feel terrible that he is no longer my last first kiss, but all I can think is more.” She looked down and her cheeks tinged with pink. “What does that make me?”

  He gripped her chin between his thumb and forefinger, making her meet his gaze. “You are perfect. And alive. He wouldn’t want you to die with him. He will always be a part of you, a part of us. Doona allow the ghosts of the past to dictate your future.”

  He swiped at the tear glistening in her eyes and kissed her lightly. The moment the tension left her shoulders he deepened the kiss. He kept his ardor in check and made this kiss slower with less of the frenetic energy. She wrapped her arms around his neck and began to loosen up.

  He trailed his hands down to rest on her hips. “What do you like, a ghra? What turns you on?”

  He enjoyed the blush that tinted her cheeks. “Oh…I, uh…I don’t really know. The usual, you know.”

  He chuckled and ran his hands across to her pert ass. It took a nanosecond of contact and he was ready to rip her clothing from her body again. He buried his face in the crook of her neck to hide his glowing eyes and fangs then began raining kisses on her sweet, velvety-soft skin. She shivered in his hold.

  “I doona know what the usual is, Elsie.” He had no idea what humans enjoyed. He had never been with one. The usual for him involved his fangs and what some thought of as rough sex. “You’ll have to be specific with me. I give the orders, but I want you to tell me how to please you. I want to do this right.” He wanted to be gentle with her. He wanted to make love to her and explore and savor every inch of her
sultry body.

  “Surely you have been with a woman before. I can’t believe that a man as good looking as you has never been with a woman,” she told him as she arched into his embrace. He leaned down and sucked her breast into his mouth through the fabric. The flesh tightened and lengthened in response. He growled when her moan escaped.

  He slid his hand under the fabric of her shirt and continued the sensual torture. “I have been with my share, but none of them has been you. You are different. With you I have a connection that I have wanted for longer than I can recall. I want to know how to please you.”

  She ground her crotch over his erection making him moan. “I can see you like this, lass.” He trailed his hand to her neglected breast and guided her movements with the other.

  “Yeah, that’s nice, but I want to touch your skin.” She tugged his shirt over his head and tossed it to the ground.

  “Your turn,” he murmured and the rending of fabric echoed in the small room. Her eyes flew wide and he claimed her mouth again before the words left her mouth. She was soon squirming in his lap, driving his crazy.

  Their tongues clashed together and he removed her bra while the room heated another degree. His hips rose as hers descended and the friction nearly robbed him of his seed. That he had to hide his fangs and glowing eyes kept him from losing it completely. He refused to let her see what he was. She couldn’t accept it yet.

  “How do you do this to me? I’ve never been like this before…” Her words trailed off when his hand skimmed her bare breast. He reveled in how responsive she was to him. He bet he could make her orgasm by suckling her breasts alone.

  Her sounds of pleasure were matched by his. His hands were everywhere exploring every silky inch and his mouth followed. Touching, tugging, tasting. Her hands fisted in his hair and clutched him close as if afraid he would pull away.


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