Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1)

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Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1) Page 14

by Brenda Trim

“Touch me, a ghra, I need to feel you,” he implored as his hands went to her button. The sound of the zipper descending was loud and she stiffened in his arms. The sweat beading their bodies made her shiver. She panted on his lap and he felt that she was no longer in the moment with him. He waited a beat then lifted his head when he was sure the glow had left his eyes.

  “What it is?”

  “I can’t do this. I am so sorry. I thought I could, but I just can’t. This is wrong.” She scrambled off his lap and he had to bite his tongue to keep from lashing out. He wasn’t angry at her and wouldn’t take it out on her. He caught the chaos of her thoughts and emotions and saw how tormented she was by the situation.

  They had made more progress than he expected and held that close to his heart. He would have her, he had to be patient. “I understand you are no’ ready for me to make love to you, but understand that this is no’ wrong. You canna deny the bond we share.”


  “Where the hell are you? We’re heading to Club Confetti and you’re going, too. Time for that fun you were talking about,” Orlando demanded when she answered her phone.

  Excitement built at the thought of finally going to the club the guys had talked so much about. She was reluctant to admit that she was anxious to see Zander again too. It had been a week and he had kept his distance. Orlando had given her numerous excuses, telling her Zander was busy, but she knew he was upset about her rejection. That was plain enough when he had left her house that night. The hurt on his face broke her heart, but she wasn’t able to help it. Her guilt and grief were too big.

  “I was at the grocery store, buying food for you. I’m tired of you complaining there is never anything in my house. Tonight might not be the best night. My friend, Mack wanted me to stop by now that my cast is off,” she said, nervously checking her rearview mirror. She was anxious to go out with them while at the same time she wanted to get back out on patrol with Mack. Thoughts of patrol made her wonder if she should broach the subject of vampires with Orlando.

  “I’m at your apartment. Get your sweet-ass home. You’re going out with us. Breslin even picked up some clothes for you to wear tonight. And, Zander is going to meet us there. Said he was eager to see you tonight.”

  Desire ignited. The mere mention of his name made her lust go wild. “Ugh, okay. I’m pulling in right now.” She grabbed the groceries from her trunk and raced to her front door.

  He pulled the door open before she reached her stoop. “I’ll trade you,” he took the bags and handed her a box. “Tell me about this Mack and why haven’t I met her?”

  From behind the bathroom door, she gave him a brief rundown of how she met MacKendra careful to keep out any reference to SOVA. She pondered how to bring up the subject of vampires as she lifted the lid and saw a new iPhone in a sleek, black case. It had a raised, silver, Celtic cross on the back. Beautiful. Had to be from Zander. The guy was always giving her gifts. He was persistent, she’d give him that. She pressed the button and saw a text message waiting.

  “I look forward to dancing with you this evening. I haven’t stopped thinking of you since the other night. I know you need more time, but if you ever need or want me, I’ll always be one touch away. Your Z.”

  With flutters in her belly, she typed a reply.

  “You continue to amaze me. Deeper indebted to you, I only hope I can find a way to repay everything you have done for me. I look forward to dancing with you. Until later…”

  Setting the phone aside, along with her guilt, she saw that Breslin had given her a designer dress and shoes. The dress was a gorgeous rose-gold that had a lustrous, metallic-bandage construction. It was tailored with a flattering cross-front bodice and low-V neckline. She tuned out what Orlando was saying on the other side of the door while she eyed the clothing.

  The shoes were a pair of six-inch-platform sandals that had a glittery snake-print. Only celebrities wore designer clothes like this. They probably cost more than she made in a month. She slid into the dress. It fit her like a sensual glove and the shoes made her legs look a mile long.

  Even without her hair or make-up done, she felt like a supermodel. She had never worn anything so exquisite before. Nor, had she ever felt more sensual and she was anxious to see Zander’s reaction. Thinking about that was a bad idea. He had made no secret of how much he wanted her, and she didn’t want to add fuel to the fire. She had come frighteningly close to being intimate with him, and that wasn’t acceptable. She had been reminding herself of her loyalty to Dalton so much over the past week, she felt like a broken record.

  She set about doing her hair and makeup and refocused on her discussion with Orlando.

  “So, Mackendra told me something that I wanted to ask you about since you are a big, bad detective.”

  She heard his laughter before he responded. “I am big, but I’m not bad, cupcake. I can hear the tension in your voice. What did Mackendra tell you?”

  “Well, this may sound crazy, but she said that vampires are real and they stalk the city at night.”

  “Wow. Not what I was expecting you to say. You believe her?” The nervousness in Orlando’s voice caused her to smear her eyeliner across her temple. Wetting a cotton ball so she could fix the disaster on her face, she hesitated in her reply.

  She wiped at the black smudge and replied, “I think that I have been through enough not to dismiss what she said outright. I saw that guys fangs and felt them sink into my arm. They both had unbelievable strength and speed when they attacked me. I wasn’t strong enough to fight them both off and would have been killed if Bhric and Kyran hadn’t been there that night. I’m…not sure what to think.”

  “So, you could believe vampires exist?”

  “Yes I do, and I question if there could be more creatures out there that we are unaware of. I never did buy the TwiKill bullshit the media developed. What about you, O? What do you think?” she asked pushing him to answer, as she stepped out of the bathroom. She reveled in the way his emerald eyes bulged, his body went taut, and his mouth dropped open. Confirmation, she looked as good as she felt.

  “I think you look unfuckingbelievable! And, we’re late, let’s go,” he croaked.


  Falling off the bar seat, Zander’s shaft stiffened and his fangs shot down the instant Elsie walked in with Orlando. Once again, he lost all control. His Fated Mate made him feel alive for the first time in his life. She was a gorgeous faerie with her petite frame, long brown hair, and Scottish-Loch-blue eyes. The rose color of her dress enhanced her peaches-and-cream complexion and the lights reflected off her glittery high-heels. Stunning.

  Each step she took drew every eye in the club. Thankfully he had asked Killian to keep supernaturals whose differences were obvious out of the club this night. It was one of the reasons it had taken so long to arrange this night for her in their club. Hangouts for those with features that clearly set them apart from humans were few and far between. He owed Kill big for this, but it was worth it to see his mate in that dress.

  He wanted to tear apart every male lusting after his mate. Who could resist her mile-long legs in those come-fuck-me heels? His black, Armani pants were unable to hide his obvious desire. As she approached the group, he shut his eyes against the lust glowing brightly behind his lids. Thankfully, she was busy greeting his siblings and warriors. Goddess, but he wanted to caress every inch of her gorgeous body. He remembered exactly how soft and sensual she felt in his arms. He longed for a full taste of her and wasn’t certain how he would make it through the evening without taking her body and blood, claiming her at long last.

  Lena sidled up behind him. “Mon coeur, I can help with that. Come, let’s go to our room,” she purred, reaching around to stroke his erection.

  He had been so engrossed in ogling Elsie that he had not heard Lena approach. His mate made the world around him vanish. As the vampire king, and leader of the Dark Warriors, he could not afford such distractions. He closed his eyes to reign in his
temper as she stroked his now flaccid cock through his pants. Elsie’s soul was clawing in his chest wanting to tear the female to shreds. He gently removed Lena’s hand from his groin.

  “Lena, I told you, I have found my Fated Mate, and there willna be another for me!” He turned abruptly before he said or did something he would regret, and walked toward his destiny.


  Elsie was laughing with Rhys as he offered her some of his hey juice when she felt a pull from across the club. “I’d love some of that hey…” she trailed off, drawing out the last word the moment she locked eyes with Zander. Her heart skipped a beat.

  She couldn’t take her eyes from his perfectly-chiseled features. His countenance screamed aristocracy, power, and ruthlessness. He was tall, even in her heels she had to look up at him. He had to be six and a half feet tall easily. He had black stubble across his square jaw and his full, luscious lips were tilted at the corners as if he knew her thoughts. She looked into his piercing, sapphire-blue eyes and blushed at how he was undressing her.

  He was the sexiest man she had ever seen. Normally, she disliked long hair on men, but his shoulder-length black hair was gorgeous and fitting. It flowed freely around his broad shoulders. She was mesmerized. Her entire frame trembled as she read what was in his eyes…sex. And, not just any sex, but wild, uninhibited, can’t-walk-the-next-day sex.

  She craned her neck as he stopped so close to her, she felt the heat emanating from his body. Her body went up in flame like dry tinder and that fast she had to have him. But, immediately felt guilty for wanting to explore this delicious package. Silence descended over the group, intensifying the moment.

  “Shit, I hope my mate eye-fucks me like that when I finally find her,” Santiago murmured so low that she questioned if she heard him correctly.

  “Yeah, I’m on the edge and need to find a female soon. The sexual tension between them is as thick as I am at the moment,” Rhys groaned. That one was unmistakable.

  From the corner of her eye she noted that Kyran hit the backs of both their heads. “Shut the hell up, you arseholes. Show some respect.”

  Her curiosity about the men’s comments was short-lived when Zander enveloped her hand and kissed her knuckles, letting his lips linger a moment. “Nine circles, you look absolutely ravishing. I am starving for you.”

  She blushed at his words and closed her eyes as the lilt of his accent washed over her. The timbre of his voice caressed her body. It was a full-body caress. Sensual and promising. She had no right thinking like that, but no one had ever looked at her like this man did. In fact, no one had ever worshipped her like this. The desire in his gaze unsettled her and brought up her defenses. She could not fall for this man. That would only lead to loss, and she was never going there again. Something throbbed painfully in her chest.

  “Thank you, but I can’t take credit, it’s the dress and shoes. Breslin did a great job of picking this out.” She forced herself to break contact and turned to Breslin. “Thank you for the fabulous clothes. I have never owned anything this exquisite.”

  Breslin smiled, “You are verra welcome.” The woman leaned close and whispered in her ear. “I hoped it would drive my brathair mad with how he wants you and I was right.” Elsie flushed and was caught in the trap of Zander’s sapphire-blues as she reached for her drink.

  “I would normally be angry at my puithar’s interference, but this time I couldna be more thankful.”

  “You look fantastic, as well. Of course, I am partial to your leather pants but these…” she ran her hot gaze over his body. “I’m sure you are aware how sexy you are.”

  “I almost wore my leathers, but I havena been able to think straight when I put them on. I keep recalling what it felt like when you were in the hospital and rubbed my…trews.” It hadn’t all been a dream. Oh God, had she actually been rubbing on him? She flushed with embarrassment and buried her face in her hands, wanting to crawl in a hole.

  He grabbed her hands from her face and kissed each of her fingertips. Her cheeks heated and she knew they had to be cherry-red. He pulled her against his chest. “Never fear, my Lady E, you said nothing inappropriate at all. On the contrary, your words incited a passion I have never experienced. A passion I crave every moment,” his breath whispered hotly against her ear, causing shivers to race through her blood, followed by a burning heat.

  “I rather like being called Dr. McYummy. You can eat me up any time you want,” he growled, licking the shell of her ear.

  “No fair,” she breathed, hoping to regain composure before her panties flooded. She stepped back and put some space between their bodies. The situation was heading places she couldn’t allow. She would not betray Dalton. “I let things go too far the other night. I never meant to lead you on. I have told you that I cannot get romantically involved with you. Or anyone, for that matter.” She met his eyes and felt the breath leave her body. No one had ever looked at her with such raw desire and hurt, but she could not allow herself to indulge.

  She finally looked away from that unsettling gaze and searched the bar, for what, she did not know. Numerous women, who were far better-looking than her, were ready to swoop in and devour him. Back off, bitches, he’s off limits. That was uncalled for, and she was mystified by her jealousy. “I can see that there will be no shortage of opportunities for you here. There are countless women vying for your attention as we speak.”

  “I’m no’ the one who is wanted. I have counted no less than twenty males who have stripped, tongued, and tupped you in their minds, every which way from Sunday, since you walked in that door.” He was so close that she felt his breath across her lips as he spoke. Her mouth watered.

  Guilt assailed her. She was betraying Dalton. Anger quickly followed. She wanted to be free to live her life. She’d never forget about Dalton, he held a piece of her heart and always would. She found herself asking when it was going to be okay to move on. Didn’t she deserve happiness and passion? Her heart told her now and yes, but her mind refused to get on board. She was angry that this man came into her life and made her want things. It was unfair that she met this guy now when she wasn’t able to allow what she wanted. A part of her mind told her there was no reason she couldn’t have everything she wanted and more.

  Suddenly exhausted from her internal battle, she needed space. “Excuse me. I need to use the restroom.” She had to collect herself.

  He placed his hands on her waist and turned her in his grasp. “Of course, a ghra, the lasses room is over there.” He extended one strong arm over her shoulder and pointed the way before his hands settled back on her hips.

  She shivered as he squeezed her possessively and his fingers skimmed her lower back. She forced herself to walk to the bathroom, when every fiber of her being wanted to turn around and ravish him.

  Her heart was pounding at the walls of her chest as shame engulfed her. She was the worst wife in history. Her black hole agreed as it shot shards of pain through her chest.

  Besieged by her raging emotions of lust and betrayal, she entered the bathroom. The intense desire was disconcerting, to say the least. She had never considered herself wild, but at the moment, she was anything but civilized. She walked to the sink and took a few deep breaths, trying to gain her composure.

  A gorgeous woman entered the bathroom and stood behind her at the mirror. The woman was tall with long, silky, blond hair, large breasts, and the face of a supermodel. What is it with these women and their big boobs? The woman even had perfect skin. She couldn’t detect one pore on her lovely face. She instantly disliked her and it had nothing to do with her beauty. Her instincts were going haywire.

  “I couldn’t help but notice you were with the Dark Warriors and my Zander. We haven’t met, I’m Lena.” She took out a tube of lipstick and applied the pale-pink color to her bee-stung lips as she made eye contact with Elsie. “Mon tressor is quite the specimen, non?”

  Now she understood why she hated this woman. She was staking claim on Zander. “I�
��m Elsie. I don’t know any Dark Warriors. I’m here with my friends.”

  Lena straightened from the mirror and adjusted her skin-tight sweater. “Oh yes, Elsie. You must be the one Zander started the human charity for. He is so giving to those of a lesser station.”

  This bitch was cray-freakin’-cray! How dare she look down her nose at me? Didn’t she know slut-gear was out? “Not that this is your business, but Zander has been spending a lot of time at my place. Funny, he’s never mentioned you. Is he your boyfriend?”

  Lena pasted an innocent smile on her face, but she wasn’t buying it. This bitch was bad news. “Oui, Zander is mine. I’m glad he’s done giving you your two minutes. I plan on taking him back to our private room. He can never get enough of me and it will be hours before we return. What he does to me…truly mind-blowing,” her smile turned calculating. “You’re nothing more than a charity case, certainly not something he’d mate with. Zander would never be attracted to a lowly serf like you.”

  Her hackles went up and she felt a surge of malice. “Oh, he’s far more than attracted. And, something tells me he won’t be up for you anytime soon. My guess is you will have to wait,” she was unable to keep the disgust off her face as her gaze roamed Lena from head to foot, “indefinitely.”

  Where had this possessiveness come from? She had to leave the restroom before her nails dug into that flawless face. Turning sharply on her heels, she strutted back to Zander and the others. Lowly serf, my ass.


  Zander sensed the fury rolling from Elsie’s body as she stomped up to the group and snatched Orlando’s drink from his hand. Downing it in one gulp, she muttered, “I needed that more than you. Psycho-bitch back there wants to mate Zander or some shit. What kind of place did you bring me to? More importantly, can you get me another drink, please?” she asked a speechless Orlando then turned to Zander.

  His body rippled with desire, she was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Eyes glittering with barely contained anger, irritation flowing beneath her skin. So damn sexy!


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