Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1)

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Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1) Page 23

by Brenda Trim

  “What spell are you casting now? Are you doing a portal back to Zeum? That wouldn’t be smart to do here. And, how come I can’t see the lights this time?”

  Gerrick gazed at her, his exasperation clear. “No, I’m not doing a portal. I’m trying to determine if there are Fae present. I’ve detected no Fae, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t in danger. I can’t say if there are any skirm in the apartment.”

  Santiago looked over at Gerrick then Rhys and Orlando. “On my mark, we go in. You two, follow, and, Elsie, stay in the sunlight until we clear the apartment. On three, one, two,” Santiago called, and on three kicked the door open, charging in.

  She saw the destruction from where she stood. “Oh, my God! It’s all destroyed! I can’t believe someone would do this. It can’t all be gone. I will turn every last skirm to dust for this,” she vowed as she stumbled into her apartment. Everything was ruined. Her entire life with Dalton had been in that apartment. The talons anchoring her black hole drew in sharply. She stumbled into the apartment, not waiting for the all clear.

  The Mexican blankets that once hung proudly on her walls were in shreds on the floor. She picked up slices of the lime-green throw and felt tears stream down her cheeks, as she surveyed the destruction all around her. Pictures were torn and pottery shards and glass littered the floor. Numbly, she entered her bedroom and fell to her knees by the remains of her wedding album.

  She frantically pushed through the coils and foam padding torn from her mattress. She tossed aside desecrated clothing and knickknacks, gathering anything she could salvage. The sound of her friends’ boots crunching the debris was like an elephant traipsing through the jungle, destroying everything in its path. She cried harder, every link she had to Dalton was gone. Her black hole engulfed every fiber of her being as she sobbed.

  “Is there something specific you are looking for?” Rhys asked gently. “I can help search. Hey, take a deep breath and try to calm down.” She ignored Rhys and continued her frenetic search. She needed to find something of Dalton to salvage. She couldn’t bear it if nothing was left.

  “Elsie, you need to stop for a minute. There is broken glass everywhere. Damn it, you’re bleeding. Stop!” Orlando squat next to her and placed his warm hands on her shoulders. She looked up at him unable to hide her sorrow. He pulled her into his arms, cooing words of comfort to her. They did little to ease the pain that had engulfed her.

  “There’s nothing left here of him anymore. They destroyed it all! I can’t even find a picture of him!” She wailed as she beat her fists against Orlando’s broad, muscular pectorals. It felt as if she were beating her fists against a brick wall. The cuts on her palms were leaving blood on his light-blue shirt. She told herself to stop, but her anger and frustration could not be reined in.

  “We’ll find everything we can, and if there isn’t a picture left whole, I will take the pieces to Killian. He’s a genius with the computer. I’m sure he can fix them,” Gerrick promised.

  Silently, each of them picked through the debris. They filled a box with the intact items, along with several pieces of photos.

  “Can you guys give me a few moments alone in here?” She watched them exit the apartment and went back to her bedroom. Personal items went into a duffle bag. A gleam caught her eye. Bending over, she picked up Dalton’s wedding ring from under debris in the hallway. Her breath hitched on a sob as she wiped it off on her green sweater. She knew better than most that change was an inevitable part of life. Still, she was unprepared for the anguish that resulted from the destruction of everything that meant anything to her.

  She stood up and brushed off her knees. She would move forward, but could never forget. Those assholes had taken enough from her. Anger settled like a pit in her chest. They wouldn’t know what hit them, she vowed. She turned and left the apartment.


  The stupid float drifted away from her again. All Elsie wanted to do was relax in the sun. She had been trying for several minutes to successfully heave her body onto her new float, and not sink. The neon-pink contraption was fighting her. She was tempted to grab her blade and slash it to shreds.

  Emotionally, she was drained. In an attempt to forget the destruction they discovered yesterday at her apartment she had donned a bikini, grabbed a margarita and headed to the pool.

  Zander had been wonderful of course, delivering dinner to her in her room. She hadn’t responded when he tried to talk with her. She wasn’t able to muster any reply, yet he sat on the sofa in her room, telling her all about his realm. The vampire could be a real chatter-box, at times. She had to admit it was a nice distraction. Plus, the sound of his voice soothed her.

  That morning, she had taken the Jag she loved so much for some shopping therapy. Her trip vetted a new bikini and a great new float. Well, not so great, she amended, when she sank again.

  She stood and tugged on the bottom of her new, blue, string-bikini, thinking she may have needed the medium. She was too pale to wear a bikini, but that particular suit had practically jumped off the rack into her cart. The sale price had clenched the deal.

  Dragging the pink, plastic, floating dragon back toward her, her thoughts returned to the changes in her life, and her black hole throbbed painfully. The ache had been steadily diminishing in size and intensity, but she knew it was there to stay. The anchors around the edges tugged and pulled, every which way, with her tumultuous emotions. With a heavy sigh, she hefted herself onto the ridiculous contraption. She smiled as she settled onto the float, thinking she had finally won the battle, and laid back to enjoy the sunshine. That triumph was short-lived.

  “What in the name of Hades are you doing?” Orlando laughed, as he walked into the pool area and saw her being consumed by neon-pink plastic.

  “I’m catching some rays on my great, new float. Don’t you love it?” She faintly smiled, unable to hide her misery and frustration.

  “You do realize you aren’t floating, you’re drowning. I can barely see your beautiful face. Were you waiting for someone else to blow it up for you?” he teased.

  She intended to roll off the float gracefully, but ended up sinking beneath the water. She surged back to the surface, sputtering, and placed her hands on her hips. “Of course, I blew the stupid thing up. I have been fighting it for thirty minutes.” She brushed her wet curls out of her face.

  “Let me guess it was an eight dollar special, Ms. Bargain Shopper,” he said, dryly. “You have to start shopping somewhere else.”

  “I’ll have you know that it was only five dollars, and I did shop somewhere else. I bought it at the dollar store. I don’t know why they call it that. I’ve never seen anything for a buck,” her lips twitched as she tried not to laugh.

  His gaze roved over her. “You were ripped off, but that bikini is a keeper. You should buy it in every color.”

  That broke through her grief and it felt good to laugh with Orlando. “Yeah, right. I’m so round and pale, I look like a snowman with boobs. And, the suit exaggerates that fact.”

  Their combined laughter echoed off the glass panels that made up the walls and ceiling of the pool’s enclosure. She climbed the stairs and crossed to get her towel off the lounge chair, but turned at the last second, and pushed him, fully clothed, toward the water. She screeched as she felt his hand latch onto her arm. Their limbs intertwined as they fell beneath the surface together.

  She came up sputtering and hiccupping, as her giggles continued. He splashed her and a water fight of epic proportions ensued. The deck surrounding the pool was soaked and the water was flowing into the covered patio area. This was the therapy she needed.


  Zander removed his shoes, so he could enjoy the feel of the dispelled water on his feet. Hidden in the shadows near the patio and kitchen, he watched his mate laugh and play with Orlando. He wished he was able to enjoy the sunshine and pool with her, but contented himself with his view. He wanted to pound Orlando for admiring her, but was in agreement tha
t she looked fantastic in her suit. He didn’t see her as pale, but saw luminescent, peaches-and-cream skin he wanted to devour.

  He fantasized about licking the drops of water, which had the luxury of trailing down her shoulders, and under her top, to kiss the nipples, that were clearly erect beneath the fabric. His eyes traveled down further, and he envied the liquid that dripped below the waist of her bottoms. He imagined untying the sides, and baring her glistening flesh to his hungry mouth. With a hiss, his fangs shot down. The ache in his gums was as bad as the ache in his pants. His daydream was cut short, as the plush towel cut off his view.

  Her soul stirred in his chest and he cherished the warmth that spread through him with each movement. It brought him such love and comfort. Selfish as he was, he wanted to keep her soul where it was, nestled close to his heart, rather than release it to her during their mating.

  “Do you want some lunch? The cooks prepared chicken salad,” Orlando asked, bringing his attention back to them. His wet t-shirt flew over his head, sopping shoes followed the shirt, and soon there was a pile of wet clothes and a ruined iPhone.

  “Sure, right after you put some clo—” Elsie’s response died, as he growled at the way his mate stared at Orlando’s bared flesh. He knew from her thoughts that she found him far sexier than Orlando, but his mate should not look at other males. He was glad that she showed no fear when she met his bright, glowing eyes.

  “Oh…Zander, hi.” The fact that she was speechless under his heated gaze, further inflamed his lust.

  “A ghra, you look ravishing. And, you, arsehole, put on some fucking clothes.” He had to calm down or he would end up maiming one of his best warriors. The pain in his mark and the lust from the mating compulsion coupled with his need for Elsie’s blood was making him downright unbearable.

  Like a homing beacon, he turned to Elsie as she joined him in the shadows. “Do you mind if I join you for lunch? Och, before I forget, Killian said he was able to recreate some of your photos.” He didn’t hide from her past any longer, but put it out there. It was always going to be a part of her and thus him. He wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her for his kiss. She molded perfectly to him. His erection nestled against her soft abdomen as he poured his hunger into their kiss. It had been too long since he had been with her. He needed her.

  He paused in his kiss noticing how her eyes remained riveted to the fangs that peeked out from his full lips. His mate was thinking of his bite, wanted his bite. He slid both arms around her back, and tugged her tightly into his chest. He enjoyed her sigh of pleasure, and wished his chest was bare to her breath, instead of encased in a fitted t-shirt.

  “Of course, you can join us. But, I’ve seen you eat regular food and drink normal stuff,” she stopped and he was tempted even further by the pink that lightened her cheeks. “You’re a vampire…do you drink blood? You aren’t going to bring some woman to the table and feed from her are you?”

  He heard the jealousy in her tone and wanted to smile. “Are you volunteering? That would solve my problem.” She blushed to the roots of her silky, brown hair. He touched her mind and was floored to realize she wanted it badly, ached for it even.

  “No…wait, what problem?” Elsie asked.

  “Let’s grab some food, and I will explain while we eat,” he said as he led her into the kitchen where she saw Santiago eating a sandwich. Orlando exited the attached laundry room, zipping up a pair of faded jeans.

  “Good one, Chiquita. I’ve never been able to get the drop on O,” Santiago remarked, taking a bite of his food.

  Orlando sliced a croissant and added a generous portion of chicken salad. “That’s because you don’t have the assets to distract me.” He handed the sandwich to Zander. “Here you go, Liege. This will tide you over until you can get some blood from Elsie.”

  The towel dropped from her body and her eyes were saucers. “Excuse me? I never said I would…that he could,” she sputtered then gathered her wits. “Is that why you guys wanted me to stay? To be take-out? I’m not a vampire Slurpee.”

  He laughed at his mate’s humor. “Nay, I didna ask you to stay here for that reason. You were no’ asked to stay here and be food. Vampires do need to drink blood for sustenance, but, we survive like any living creature on food, and blood is akin to a necessary vitamin. And, while I want verra much to sink my fangs into your supple flesh and watch you shudder with pleasure, my intent is to keep you safe, lass.” He picked up the towel and wrapped it around her shaking shoulders. She had too much exposed skin for him to think straight.

  “Vampires are no’ ruled by bloodlust. However, there are circumstances where that need is impacted. I have found that since I met you, I canna feed from anyone else. My body rejects it. No one understands why that has happened, but I suspect the connection I feel to you is part of the reason. When Jace took blood from you, it was for me. I ran oot of that blood weeks ago, and I have been feeling the effects of having gone without, for too long. We can have Jace take blood again, if you doona mind. It isna necessary for me to feed directly from you.” He ran his hands up and down her arms, as he kept her close. He hated the idea of drinking her blood from a plastic cup, but would take it any way he could get it.

  She chewed her lower lip between her teeth. “Will you die if you don’t get blood?”

  “Aye, eventually. But, because of my age, it would take a verra long time for me to die from lack of blood. It would be a long and painful process.” He ran his fingers across her supple cheek. The blood rushing to the surface was a siren’s call.


  Her body zinged when their gazes locked. She felt this undeniable pull to him, and the thought of him suffering was repellant. Through the turmoil of emotions, she acknowledged that it felt right for her to give him what he needed. Could she deny this formidable being something he needed to protect and lead so many?

  The fact that she was the key to this vampire’s strength and possible survival was outrageous, but his honesty rang through his every word. “I want you to be strong. It’s incomprehensible to me that you have an entire realm that relies on you. So much is on those broad shoulders. Do it. Take my blood.”

  Breathe, in and out. Repeat. Before she allowed her nerves to resurface, she thrust her wrist to his mouth, closing her eyes to Orlando and Santiago’s shocked faces. She prepared for the pain to hit.

  She heard him inhale deeply and then felt a kiss on her wrist. He placed his hands on her slim hips, and lifted her onto the brown, granite countertop. “Relax, my Lady E, it willna be painful. In fact, a vampire’s bite can be verra enjoyable,” he lifted her chin and she opened her eyes to meet his glowing gaze, “orgasmic, even,” he finished against her lips.

  “I guess I’ll be the judge of that,” she said boldly.

  “And, that’s our cue to leave, I believe,” Santiago quipped as he gathered his plate, and nodded for Orlando to follow. The shifters slipped out of the kitchen, and closed the door, giving them privacy.

  Zander searched her countenance. She knew he would see the raging emotions of guilt, fear, betrayal, and…eagerness. “Are you certain you want to do this?”

  “Yes,” she said with more breath than voice. Anticipation bubbled through her body. She took a moment to memorize every inch of him. She wanted to remember this moment before her life changed forever. She knew that once she crossed this threshold, there was no going back.

  His feet were bare and sexy as they peeked out the bottom of his jeans. She followed those tight jeans to the low-rise waist and snagged on the way his t-shirt molded to a heavily muscled chest. His pectoral muscles flexed and her eyes flew to his glowing blue eyes. His desire for her bled from him and her body responded automatically. She looked to his fangs, hoping to dampen her ardor, only to find the sight did anything but. Soon, they would pierce her skin, and he would draw her essence into his body. Was she ready?

  “A ghra, your blood has a verra powerful effect on me. I doona want to lose control. I willna har
m you but…I want to tup you so badly, I can hardly think straight. I ache for you,” he leaned in, and kissed the column of her neck. “I doona know if I can stop myself from claiming you once I take your blood.”

  “I can feel how much you want me. It’s prodding my lower belly. I have feelings for you I did not think I ever would again, but I can’t go there. I’m sorry.” Would she stop him if he lost control? Did she want to risk it?

  “Just do it,” she blurted. All thought ceased, as his attention to the area where her neck met her shoulder, continued. He was going to bite her.

  “Doona worry, we willna be tupping on the kitchen counter. When we make love, it will be in our bed, with the finest, silk sheets. You deserve only the best.” She didn’t know who he was trying to convince, him or her.

  He laved her neck over and over before a small prick, like a bee-sting, below her left ear, surprised her. The sting was quickly replaced by incredible warmth and arousal. She had braced herself for the pain of his bite, but felt her body explode with pleasure, the moment his teeth breached her virginal neck.

  She arched to his quaking body and felt hot liquid of his seed spread across her abdomen and breasts. Her nerve endings fired messages of bliss throughout her body, and she felt tension in her lower abdomen. Her own orgasm exploded before she formed another thought. Twining her legs around his waist, she rode the rigid length of his still erect and spurting cock, unable to stop or control her reaction to his bite. She screamed out his name, as her body shattered and stars blinked behind her eyes. He held her tightly, while his orgasm continued, and he took from her vein.


  Zander was in Annwn as he was rocked by an orgasm so intense, he nearly blacked out. Every draw of her blood hit him much as the first sip had, like lightning hitting a rod and re-shaping the sand beneath, creating a beautiful, glass sculpture. She was already integrated into his cellular make-up, but now there was more. He was anxious to claim his mate and had felt her soul reaching out from his chest to her. Her soul was as much a part of him as his was.


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