Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1)

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Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1) Page 24

by Brenda Trim

  Having taken his fill, he gently lapped at her throat, while his orgasm ebbed, and she shuddered against him. His father had shared information about the extended orgasms a vampire garnered after intimate relations with their Fated Mate, but that portrayal was abysmal. There were no words to describe the bliss he experienced.

  He licked the twin punctures in her neck, sealing her wounds, and lifted his head to gaze into hot, blue eyes. Her DNA was already altering from his bite. He was desperate to complete their mating. “Are you okay, a ghra? Did I hurt you?”


  Blissful was the only word that came to mind. Elsie floated back to her body, slowly blinking at his questions. Had he hurt her? In no way was she hurt. In fact, she felt fantastic. The warmth of his seed on her stomach brought a smile to her face. At least she wasn’t the only one who had an orgasm from his feeding. She had almost passed out it was so intense.

  “I’m fine, better than fine. Wow, you weren’t kidding about your bite being pleasurable. I’m surprised you don’t have a line of women begging for you to feed from them.” And, why did the thought of him feeding from another woman cause her to become homicidal? She did not want to, and would not be, in another relationship. But, that did not stop her body from craving this vampire.

  “Och, my Lady E. That was truly realm-shattering. Thank you for your gift. Can you feel how much stronger I am, already? ‘Tis magnificent. And, I doona care how many females may beg for my bite, you will be the only one receiving it. We need to clean up before anyone comes in.”

  “Yeah,” she had to stop and clear her throat, “we should clean-up.” No matter how much her body had wanted it, she should never have allowed such intimacy between them.

  He tugged her chin. She couldn’t look up and see the pleasure on his face. Not when she was dying inside. He gently forced her to meet his gaze and she knew he saw her tears. His horror at her reaction was immediate and obvious.

  “Nay, doona regret what we have shared. It was the most incredible thing I have experienced in my life and I know deep doon you feel the same.”

  Tears gathered in her eyes. He was breaking her heart even more. He was everything any smart woman wanted in a man. Smart, kind, thoughtful, and giving.

  “You’re right. You look better, and I can feel the energy under your skin. But, despite this connection and attraction I feel for you, I cannot give you what you want, Zander. You are so incredible and deserve someone who can give you what you need.”

  “You, are what I want, and need, a ghra. There will never be another for either one of us. Doona shut me oot completely.”

  “I can’t do this. I have to go,” she shoved at his chest and hopped down. It was all too much. She ran from the room as tears streamed down her face, bereft without his arms around her, holding her close. God, she needed to get her head on straight.


  Three days had passed, and Zander was growing increasingly agitated. He had not had any time alone with Elsie since his feeding. He was ready to beat somebody senseless. Frustrated, he shook his head, as he listened to Rhys and Gerrick tell him that another patrol had yielded zero results on the skirm front. The fact that he had not been able to eliminate the threat to Elsie made his mood worse. He and his Dark Warriors were sitting around the large, maple table in the war room, postulating reasons for the lack of skirm sightings.

  Part of his problem was that his focus continually shifted to Elsie, and how his mate’s continued rejection stung. He had not lost complete hope for them. She had not left Zeum, nor had she avoided him completely. Her thoughts and emotions remained in turmoil over wanting him.

  His head shifted to the door, as he heard Breslin talking. The alliance council had arrived. Time to suck it up, he had put this off far too long and knew they were going to be pissed. Finding his Fated Mate was the biggest news in the realm and he had not told them or arranged an announcement for over two months.

  His body went rigid as Killian and Nikko sauntered in with Evzen Raziel, the Guild Master for the sorcerers. Evzen’s arrogance was evident in the swagger of his tall, lean frame. Dante Tresean, the Cambion Lord, and Hayden Jesaray, the Omega Shifter, followed them into the room. Would they understand why he had withheld information that affected the entire realm? Probably not.

  Zander grabbed his tumbler of scotch and took a drink then waited until the chatter in the room quieted. “Welcome everyone. Thank you for coming this evening. I know some of you have traveled far to be here t’night and I appreciate it. Help yourselves to drink and food,” Zander gestured with his glass, towards the feast in the middle of the table.

  Evzen met his gaze and got right to the point. He’d always been all-business and no-pleasure. “There’s no need for formalities. We’ve been friends longer than we’ve been allies. It’s past time to discuss the attack on Confetti and your Fated Mate.”

  He perused Evzen’s angry countenance. “I sense your anger aboot concealing my mate. She is human and recently experienced a horrendous tragedy at the hand of skirm. They murdered her husband at his place of employment. She became a member of a vigilante group hunting skirm, and was also attacked. Because of all this, she wasna in a position to learn of the Tehrex Realm, or that fact that she is my Fated Mate. She still isna aware of what she is to me.”

  Dante grabbed a plate and filled it with food before he responded. Zander was glad for his easy mood. “So, the rumors about her husband being murdered are true. I hadn’t heard she was a viscous little thing, killing skirm. That does complicate matters, but I am surprised that you kept such important information from your council. We’re here to help you through situations like this.”

  Hayden flexed his enormous biceps where his arms rested on the table, as his dark-brown eyes remained fixed on his shifters across the table. As the Omega Shifter, it was expected that all shifters were loyal to him, and inform Hayden of everything. Orlando and Santiago had kept him out of the loop on Zander’s orders. He knew Hayden would be upset and want someone’s ass for it. Zander saw the wolf, leopard, and bear waver over Hayden’s face and hoped the huge shifter kept control of his animals. He was furious.

  “I understand your reasoning for keeping this from the general population, but as Dante pointed out, we have an alliance. We can’t advise you, or offer assistance, if we don’t know of the issues. And, if you ever force my people to dishonor their loyalty to me again,” Hayden thundered, showing elongated incisors, “you will not like the outcome.”

  Zander kept eye contact, aware that he was walking a tightrope. He needed to acknowledge Hayden’s dominion over his shifters, but at the same time, retain his power over the Dark Warriors. “I meant no disrespect. Your shifter’s loyalties are always to you first and their Dark Warrior status second. I’ve been dealing with one shit-storm after another since I learned of Elsie.” He briefly shared the events of the past two months.

  Their expressions darkened with their own anger at the circumstances. “It was no’ my intent to keep Elsie secret. I know more than anyone the importance of this for the realm. The hope she represents. We must strengthen our alliance, dark as it is. I need your help to develop a plan to locate the bluidy bastard’s lair and keep my mate safe.”

  Hayden bristled, but Zander knew he was mollified that his position of power over his people had not been derided. “It seems unbelievable that the Goddess is once again bestowing her greatest gift. That is something to rejoice over and celebrate. I understand why you haven’t done this given the bold actions of this new archdemon. His behaviors place the realm at a much greater risk of discovery by the humans.”

  Zander grabbed one of the sandwiches Elsie had made for the meeting and refilled his drink. “During the attack at the club, we met the new archdemon. He is a Behemoth demon named Kadir, and the most powerful archdemon I’ve ever encountered. And, he has enlisted the help of a Fae. Zanahia has assured me they Fae are not aligned with the demons but she refuses to gives us any real aid
e. Aquiel isna the most powerful Fae, but he is capable enough. The bastard helped them find Elsie’s apartment.”

  Hayden ran a hand through his long, brown hair. “We need all the information you can provide about the skirm in your area. I’ve already put out the order throughout the clan that each pack and pride need to be on the look-out and relay any information. So, you think this Kadir’s lair is in Seattle?”

  “Aye, I do. How else did he get a large number of skirm outside the club in a short time?” Zander asked.

  Evzen clasped his long, regal fingers together on the top of the table. “What is most disturbing is how fast they found Elsie’s apartment.” Zander had also been troubled by that question for days. Thank the Goddess there was no way for the Fae, or any other sorcerer, to trace an individual inside Zeum with its shields in place. It was one of the main reasons he had insisted Elsie stay with him.

  “I’ve been at her house for weeks, and there hasn’t been a sign of skirm,” Orlando shared.

  “We need to increase our patrols. With the clan involvement, we will be able to cover more ground. I think we need to entice Elvis to assist us in locating the demons. He has his ear to the ground and probably has information we need,” Hayden said, filling his own plate with food and settling his six-foot-six-inch frame into a chair.

  The meeting turned to business, as the council and warriors threw out strategies, plans, and options. Zander was half-engaged. His mind kept wandering upstairs, to his lovely mate. It had been too long since he had seen her.


  Elsie finished putting the rest of her new clothes into an antique, Venetian dresser in her bedroom at Zeum. She loved her job and had spent most of the past few days at Elsie’s Hope, which was downtown, near the courthouse. To keep her restless mind busy, she threw herself into cleaning, organizing, and adding her personal touch to the office.

  Unfortunately, nothing held her attention for long. Her thoughts continuously wandered to Zander and their encounter. Heat coursed through her veins every time she recalled the feel of his lips and fangs on her skin. She needed to get out of this room and crossed to the door. She almost tripped over a wrapped package that was sitting outside her room. It was rolled foam tied with an enormous, iridescent bow. Beside it was a wrapped box. What had that vampire done now? She picked up the card and smiled at the elegant, masculine script.

  I thought you may enjoy actually floating in the pool this time. I anxiously await seeing your luminescent skin glistening in the sun. I crave everything about you. Tasting you has irrevocably altered me. Forever yours, Z

  “Oh, wow.” She gathered the gifts and carried them to the king-sized, canopy bed. She pushed her clothes out of the way and set down her presents. She climbed onto the heirloom quilt and tugged the bow loose. An expensive, pool float unrolled. One that she had dreamed of buying for the past year. She squeezed the thick lime-green foam. No way was she sinking on this puppy. She unwrapped the box and removed a sexy, black, sequined bikini. Another designer of Breslin’s, she guessed. Of course, it was her size, and way too skimpy.

  She stood up and looked from the Brazilian-cut of the bottoms to her ass. Not a chance that thing was covering even half of her cheeks. Oh, what the hell, she thought. It had been a long time since she had felt so alive. Not allowing second thoughts to stop her, she stripped and put on her new suit. She didn’t care that it was nighttime, she was going for a swim. And, she’d grab that hunky vampire on her way to the pool. Brushing aside her admonitions, she grabbed her float and rushed out the door to search for Zander before reason set in.

  Her bare feet slapped the wooden floors as she flew down the stairs, only to come to an abrupt halt, at the main landing. Stupefied, she watched a dozen of the hottest men she had ever seen exit the war room. Apparently, the Goddess Morrigan didn’t do ugly.

  A hush descended over the group, making her want to crawl back to her room. She found that Zander was staring at her from the middle of the group. As one, the entire group turned to look at her and she was, for all intents and purposes, naked. Self-conscious didn’t begin to cover how she felt. Heat blazed her cheeks, and she searched for an escape or a place to hide.

  Okay, don’t turn around and run or they will see your butt jiggle. Coming to terms with the fact that she was trapped she waved nervously, “Hi.” Her smile faltered when she was caught by glowing blue sapphires.


  “My Lady E.” Zander said, approaching her where she stood, wide-eyed, on the stairs. “I see you received your gifts,” his devouring gaze had her stomach tightening with need and heat spreading through her sex. It was unnerving how that man undid her with his mere presence.

  “You look truly stunning. Let me introduce you to the council.” He took her by the hand and presented her to each council member, explaining their roles.

  After she had been introduced to everyone and shook their hands, they had all gone down on one knee and lowered their heads, Zander and the Dark Warriors included. Why were they bowing to her? The look in their eyes as they stood was serious and spoke of a deep reverence. Okay…

  Zander kissed the back of her hand and murmured, “Are you going for a midnight swim?” She jumped on his change of subject gratefully. His world was foreign to her and there was so much she didn’t understand. And standing in his elegant home in a barely-there bikini was not the time or place to try and figure out what the gesture meant.

  “Yes, I was on my way to find you and see if you wanted to join me. I love the float, and the new, uh, bathing suit,” she fingered the ties on the side of the bottoms. “I couldn’t wait to try this out.” She held up the green float and lost her breath with his appraisal. He looked at her in the way that men did when they were totally taken by a woman, like he would die if he didn’t have her. Electricity zinged across her skin, leaving chill bumps. And for one blessed moment, she enjoyed it.

  “El, honey, a plastic bag would be better than that pink nightmare you had before. It was rather funny to watch you heave yourself onto it, though,” Orlando laughed, breaking the tension.

  She whirled around and smacked Orlando in the shoulder. “You’re still upset because I punked you, and you got wet. Poor kitty doesn’t like the water.”

  “Oh, now you’ve asked for it,” Orlando picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, running toward the pool. She couldn’t help laughing as she bounced around.

  “Skinny-dipping,” Rhys whooped, as he tossed his shirt off and undid his pants.

  She didn’t miss the angry growl from Zander, or the way he smacked Rhys upside the head. “Put your eyes back in that empty skull before I crack it. She’s mine!”

  She screeched like a banshee as she was tossed into the pool, but managed to grab onto Orlando’s shirt sleeve, and they both fell into the still water. They both came to the surface, sputtering and laughing.

  “You’re the only creature who has managed to get the jump on me in centuries. Damn, woman, that makes two phones in one week,” Orlando cried out, holding up his soaking-wet cell phone.

  “Serves you right. You had my ass bouncing to a room full of strangers. I think they were following the white light, thinking your Goddess was calling them home,” she slicked back her wet hair.

  Rhys shed his black leathers and charcoal-grey, boxer-briefs in a rapid, graceful sweep. The move was definitely not human, and he wasn’t shy about his arousal being on display. “Sweetcakes, watching your ass bounce on Orlando’s shoulder is indeed like gazing into Annwyn.”

  Rhys ducked Zander’s punch this time, and jumped naked into the pool, without grabbing the bathing suit Zander shoved at him. As he floated on his back, his erection stood at attention, a foot above the water, and bobbed like the periscope of a submarine, raised and looking for a target. Elsie chuckled, having become accustomed to the way he operated. He was a sex demon and none of his flirting or arousal was ever really about her.

  “Rhys, put some bluidy trunks on. Now. My ma�
�Elsie doesna want to see your naked arse.”

  She waved his words off. Rhys didn’t bother her with his actions or his words. While Rhys was a gorgeous man, with a hot body, he did nothing to make her blood boil. No, that would be the sexy, brooding vampire looking at her from the side of the pool. “He’s Rhys,” she shrugged, as if that explained it all. “And, he’s harmless enough. Besides, he isn’t the one for me,” she quirked a brow at Zander and splashed him.

  Zander tore off his shirt, kicked off his shoes and dove into the pool. He swam up and grabbed her by the legs. She went under and had to catch her breath once she resurfaced. She glanced around to see that all the others had joined them in the pool and Zander’s soaking wet jeans on the deck. Was he commando? The thought was tantalizing and made her hot with desire.

  She needed a drink before she dove under to discover the answer. “What we need now is some Monsteritas. Orlando, make us some, please,” she batted her eyelashes at him with a sly smile.

  “Sure, anything else, my Queen?” Orlando asked, sarcasm dripping from every word.

  She stuck her tongue out at him. He was her brother from another mother. He brought out the child in her, every time. Despite everything that had happened in her life, she was part of this family now and couldn’t be happier. The one dark cloud was her inability to give Zander the relationship he wanted.

  “I see you have my warriors wrapped around your wee finger.” Zander picked up her hand and kissed said wee finger. Goosebumps broke out over her skin.

  “They aren’t wrapped around me at all. I didn’t mean to interrupt your council meeting, but I can’t say I’m sorry.” His lips lingered on her fingers, causing her breath to hitch. She needed to stop this, before it went too far. She pulled her hand from his grasp.


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