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Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1)

Page 25

by Brenda Trim

  Undeterred, he slid his arms around her waist. “Doona ever hesitate to get me if you need me. You will always come first. I’ve missed you these past few days.”

  “I have missed you, too,” she whispered, finally meeting his eyes, letting him see the conflict raging inside.

  Orlando broke the moment. “Here is your Monsterita, milady.” With a flourish, he handed Elsie a sparkly, pink cup with a straw in the lid. She gratefully grabbed the drink, using it as a barrier between her and Zander.

  “I loved the margaritas you made for us the last time, Elsie, but this,” Santiago said, taking a healthy gulp of his drink, “this recipe of yours, is fantastic.”

  “Why, thank you, good sir.” She tipped an invisible hat to Santiago and yelped when Zander nipped her neck in a possessive manner. She liked the nip a little too much. Wanted his fangs to sink into the flesh at the base of her neck, again. Needing distance, she hefted her body up and onto her float. And, didn’t spill a drop of her drink.

  “I now understand why people say, you get what you pay for. This float is fabulous! Don’t you wish you had one?” She splashed Zander. They both needed to cool down.

  “Nay, lass, I plan to share yours.” In a surge of motion too quick for her human eyes to follow, she was off the float, then straddling Zander, as he lounged with his hands behind his head. How did he do that? She had not even seen him move. She was dazed. And, this was a dangerous position for her to be in. Especially, since he had a huge erection straining to get inside her. At least she had her answer. He wore black boxer-briefs that struggled to contain him. Oh my!

  She quickly jumped off him and the float, spilling her drink into the pool. It was too dangerous to remain on his lap. When she glanced up, his groin was right next to her face. That position wasn’t any better. She attempted to flip him off of the float, but didn’t budge him. “Ugh, this was supposed to be easier,” she grunted, as she put her shoulder under his back and heaved. “Come on, Orlando, help me dump him.”

  “It won’t do any good, now that he’s aware, Elsie. You need the element of surprise for that to work. Otherwise, our reflexes are lightning fast.”

  Zander rolled off the float and she sputtered as she went under. Underwater, his body slid against hers. They became entangled and were wrapped around each other. She held him tight and tried not to enjoy the friction of their bodies moving together.

  Hormones won and she gave into temptation and devoured his mouth hungrily when it came down over hers. Hearing his pleasure, wetness flooded her and she moaned against his mouth. They became lost in the passion, until the waves from an all-out-no-holds-barred-water-fight washed over them. She thanked Zander’s Goddess for the reprieve.


  Elsie glanced up from her preparations at the large, granite-topped island, and watched Zander stride into the kitchen. His presence made the huge room seem small and intimate. The sexual tension between them had been steadily rising. She finally admitted to herself that she was falling for him, and it frightened her. Still, she was not ready for a relationship.

  He did nothing to hide his love and desire for her and continued to give her gifts. That morning, she entered the kitchen to find Angus, their majordomo, who Elsie had learned was a dragon shifter, directing the staff as they replaced all of the cookware with a brand she had always wanted. Now, the kitchen contained every piece the company ever made. She’d never been lavished upon by anyone, and found that she rather enjoyed it.

  Her heart fluttered as she met his sapphire-blue eyes. “Hi. How are you?”

  “I’m better now that I’m with you. I doona know my way around the kitchen, but, may I help you cook?” He came up behind her and placed his hands on her hips. She gasped at the electricity the contact elicited, and twirled around to face him. His heated gaze lingered on her breasts. Did he know she had on the lingerie he’d given her?

  “Sure, I was about to start making my Vietnamese burgers and egg rolls. I would love your help. I hope you aren’t too hungry, because it will take a while.”

  “I’m rather hungry, actually. I want to lick and nip your body, until you scream my name.” She shivered, as waves of arousal rippled through her core from his husky words. The low timbre and lilting accent of his voice evoked provocative fantasies.

  “That’s good, hungry is good.” The ability to put words into a sentence eluded her at the moment. Her eyes ran over him greedily, taking in his powerful stance, and halted at his rather impressive bulge.

  He grabbed her up and sat her on the empty counter. He wedged his legs between hers and touched his lips to hers. With that one touch, fire erupted and their passion quickly whirled out of control.

  His lips slid over hers mimicking what he wanted to do to her. The force of his kisses was bruising. She gasped for breath as he trailed his mouth across her jaw and along her throat, to return to her mouth.

  “I need you, a ghra,” he murmured.

  As he licked and sucked her tongue, he removed her top and bra. He caressed her breasts and pinched her nipples. She arched her back, pressing her flesh into his palms. Fire licked over her skin as it heated with his touch. A fluttering caress in her chest enhanced the sensations. This happened every time he was near her and it robbed her of reason.

  She grabbed at his chest wanting to touch him. She fumbled at the bottom of his shirt. “Off,” she ordered.

  He broke the kiss long enough to pull it over his head. He leaned in and began kissing and licking her nipples. With Zander there was a connection between her nipples and her core, and at the moment his mouth was making all of her throb. He took one between his teeth and his fangs penetrated the skin around her areola, making her go up in flames. The orgasm hit fast and hard. Stars winked in her vision and she cried out, riding the pleasure. Cool air hit her legs, telling her that he had hiked up her skirt. Moistness flooded her panties.

  She ran her hands up and down his chest, exploring his nipples and reactions to her touch. His skin was hot and sweat beaded his brow. He was using all his strength to hold back so she was comfortable. He responded to her slightest touch and she loved having the ability to make this strong, alpha shudder with desire.

  Her fingers lingered at the band of his pants. He suddenly gripped her panties and ripped them from her body. She had pushed him too far. But, nothing felt as good as his thumb pressed against her clit as his fingers teased the moisture dripping from her core.

  “Oh God, Zander,” she moaned.

  She was close again and didn’t want him to stop. The sound of a zipper reached her passion-muddled brain, but she didn’t realize what it was until his hard cock slid through her slick channel. Back and forth it rubbed against her clit and she soaked him in seconds. The pressure of his shaft at her entrance had her panicking.

  “No, stop, please, Zander. I want you, I do. I never meant to tease you, but I can’t do this.” She pushed against his chest.

  He refused to let her go. “Relax, a ghra, I willna take you. Allow us to find our pleasure like this. We willna go any further, yet,” he promised, his cock gliding over the sensitive skin at the apex of her thighs. He set a relenting pace and was careful to keep his promise and not enter her. Slowly she allowed the pleasure to swamp her. He gripped her tightly, kissed her hotly, and started panting. She didn’t doubt she could trust his word and completely let go. She may not be ready for intercourse, but she needed this as much as he did. She placed her guilt and betrayal inside a box and locked it. Her body was going up in flames as his pace increased. He was close and so was she.

  He wrapped his arms fully around her and murmured words of affection in her ear. She buried her face in his chest and placed kisses across his flesh. As her muscles tensed with her impending climax, she grabbed his ass and pulled him as close as possible without him entering her. His cock continued to glide relentlessly through her wet female flesh.

  “A ghra,” he screamed out. The moment he called out to her, she came so hard she swore she
blacked out. His entire body tensed before his shaft began to convulse against her, releasing his seed.

  As their orgasms waned, they stood in each other’s embrace, while they caught their breath. Her body was a limp, satisfied noodle. The lid to her lock box rattled, ending the mood. She lifted her head and met his gaze.

  “Are you alright?” he asked tentatively.

  “Honestly I have no idea. That was fantastic, but,” she worried her lower lip between her teeth. “It shouldn’t have happened. I don’t seem to have any self-control where you are concerned.”

  “I’m glad of it. ‘Tis how it should be between us. You own every part of me.” He picked her up and carried her into the large laundry room. “Doona say anything more. I have told you before, nothing we do is wrong and I willna tolerate you saying otherwise. Now, I had some of our clothes stored in here. Let me clean you up.”

  She could only nod her agreement. He carefully cleaned her and gave her clean clothes. She removed her soiled skirt and dressed as she watched him do the same.

  He grabbed her close and kissed her forehead. “I need sustenance, shall we cook?” All of a sudden, she was starving.


  Elsie was so grateful that he wasn’t pushing for more. She would have run away if he had. “Cooking would be good.” She fought back her emotions as she walked into the kitchen with him close behind. “You said you don’t know your way around the kitchen, but can you use a knife?”

  “I can slice a skirm, but no’ a vegetable.”

  “I’m not sure what to say to that, but damn, you’d think after seven hundred years, you’d be well-rounded. Don’t tell me you’ve spent all that time fighting,” she said. “I’ve learned about the realm, but I don’t know anything about you. Clearly, you don’t cook for yourself. What is your favorite place to eat?” She grabbed the knife, demonstrating how to dice an onion and get her mind off the desire still flooding her system.

  “I love your spunk, lass. I’ve spent much of my life leading the alliance, my warriors, and my people. And fighting. After my parents were killed, all responsibilities fell to me. The Goddess made clear her expectations, and I couldna ignore it all to pursue my own desires. For immortals, the passage of time is verra different than that of a mortal. We doona experience the pressure to live our lives the same. The only thing I’ve ever desired outside of fulfilling my duties, was to find my Fated Mate and I didna find her…until recently.” He kept his eyes on the chopping block where he attempted to meticulously dice the onion she handed him. She sensed he was avoiding something.

  There was that Fated Mate thing, again. Suspicion was snaking through her. “So, tell me about this Fated Mate. You said you finally found her, and I’m guessing she wouldn’t be too happy with the intimacy we have shared.”

  He looked up and she was hypnotized by the intensity in his eyes. “I hope you’re verra happy aboot the intimacy. I know I am. I finally found the keeper of the other half of my soul.” His statement unnerved her and her suspicions had been correct. Keeper of his soul? Nervously, she dumped some ground turkey and ground pork into a bowl, along with other ingredients. She began smashing the mixture with her hands, trying to wrap her mind around what he was saying. He remained silent, allowing her time to process.

  Had she heard him correctly? The tug in her chest told her what he said was the truth. “Your soul?” she croaked.

  “This seems unbelievable, I know. But, a ghra, I was born over seven centuries ago with a portion of your soul that I’ve protected and loved every day since. You were born with a portion of my soul to care for and safeguard, as well.”

  For the first time, she understood she had been feeling his soul pull to its other half. Words escaped her. Finally, she uttered, “What does this all mean?”

  He ignored her question and posed one of his own. “What next, a ghra?”

  He sensed her turmoil and was providing an out by holding up the onions. She felt his anxiety, but he was putting her needs before his own. He clearly wanted to establish their mating, or relationship, or whatever, but wasn’t going to force anything on her. Instinctively she knew he would never push her to do anything even if it meant he would suffer. For him, her happiness came first. She realized the idea of him suffering was repellent to her as well. Unfortunately, that didn’t mean she was ready to embrace this relationship.

  She was unsure how she felt and needed more information. “Can you get that Nuoc Mam, please? No, it’s the fish sauce in that big bottle. I have to tell you that what you are saying sounds crazy, and if I hadn’t been fighting vampires for over a year and seen the things I have, I wouldn’t believe you. But, I know better. So, what exactly does being a Fated Mate mean? And, grate these carrots, next.” She needed the distraction of cooking while she had this conversation.

  He moved the carrots gingerly over the grater and she watched him consider his response. “Look who’s being Bossy Pants, now?” he winked, and she gave him a tremulous smile. She liked his sarcasm and had come to realize that he didn’t show others this side, that it was reserved solely for her.

  “It’s been centuries since the realm has had a new union between Fated Mates,” he continued. “As I mentioned before, the Goddess created the supernaturals of the Tehrex realm. Aside from preternatural senses, she gifted them with a Fated Mate. Each mate keeps and protects half of the other’s soul. The souls pull their other half to them. There is also an undeniable compulsion to be physical with one another. This ensures they will procreate and continue the various species.”

  She grabbed bulbs of garlic and began peeling them. “So I can thank your Goddess for not being able to keep my hands off you. That is very unfair. Does she not believe in free-will?”

  “The Goddess has a plan and knows what’s best. Think aboot it. If she hadn’t made me for you then you would have spent the rest of your life hunting skirm, never really living and would have died too young because of it.”

  She ignored the truth in his words. It was hard to recognize that her life had become filled with her desire for vengeance. “Why has the Goddess waited so long?”

  “After the archdemons first escaped Hell and attacked the realm, new matings ceased. Some have said the Goddess’ denial of mates for the past seven hundred years was a curse. I believe she always had a plan, but whatever the reason, that changed when she created you. You were made for me,” he explained, pausing to gauge her response.

  He gripped her hand and continued, “Being a Fated Mate means that we are destined for one another. For me, there will be no other. Eventually, we will join in a mating ceremony, after which I will claim you, in every way. A blood exchange will bind us for the rest of our immortal lives.”

  He released her hand to trace the blush she felt stained her cheek. “Both humans and supernaturals go through many changes with a mating. I’ve already experienced some of those changes. You already know I canna ingest blood from any other source, but you. I also doona desire any other female. In fact, my body refuses to respond to anyone, but you. Typically, these changes only occur after all facets of the mating ceremony are completed.”

  Her gaze remained on her hands, kneading the meat mixture, while nerves and disbelief warred within her. “So, how do you know that I’m yours? And, what is this ceremony?”

  “Mates are distinguished by a Fated Mate mark. Those marks appear after sexual intercourse.”

  Her head snapped up. “But, we haven’t had sex. How can you say that I’m your mate?”

  “Nothing aboot our situation has been normal. Not only is my body acting as if the mating has been completed, but my mate mark appeared after I had sex with you in our shared dream. You’ve seen and touched my mark. It’s the cross branded on my back. And, your wee Celtic cross is right here,” he grazed his knuckle under her left ear. Suddenly, overwhelming arousal and need coursed through her. “You canna see it until we exchange blood and your DNA alters. After we complete our mating, both of our marks will m
orph into a tattoo and yours will become visible to humans. I canna wait for that to happen. My mark becomes more painful the longer we wait.”

  She shivered with his touch. “You hurt? Why didn’t you tell me? Exchange blood how? And, what exactly, do you mean my DNA alters? Would I become a vampire?” The questions left her in rapid succession. It sounded unreal, like something out of a paranormal romance novel.

  “Doona worry aboot my discomfort. Nay, you willna become a vampire. Myth has that wrong. Vampires are born, not created. Your DNA will adopt strands of my DNA, so that you become immortal. We will share and enhance each other’s powers. You will become stronger and faster, with heightened senses.”

  “So, I have this mark that I can’t see, and that means that I was made for you? What would have happened if we had met, but my husband was still alive? I don’t see how I was made for you.”

  “’Tis called fate, lass. We were meant to be together. I know you feel it, too. And, while I doona wish, or believe, that Dalton deserved what happened to him, it happened for a reason.” He hugged her to him and leaned his forehead against hers.

  “The mating ceremony is a ritual much like any joining in your human culture. It involves being blessed with the mating stone, making love, and the exchange of blood. I can see from your face that the idea of a blood exchange is frightening. Trust me. The blood exchange is verra sensual.” He released her and leaned his hands on the counter, trapping her in the cage of his arms. “Do you recall when I took your blood last week? How pleasurable we both found it?”

  “It was rather unforgettable,” she smiled wryly at him. She turned in the cage of his arms and added the cellophane noodles to the meat and shrimp mixture. She felt his warm body close behind her.

  “Now, let me show you how to form an egg roll.” She grabbed a wrapper and used a melon-baller to scoop filling into the middle. How long could she ignore the hard length prodding her backside? Especially, when she wanted to take hold and go for a ride. “Are you paying attention, or are you ogling my breasts over my shoulder?”


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