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Dream Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book 1)

Page 30

by Brenda Trim

  Kyran squeezed the amulet. “We call to the Goddess Morrigan, and invoke her to bless this mating.”

  Smoke and mist filled the room. A bright, white light dispelled her belief that it was caused by the twins’ powers. The light was blinding, as strong power buffeted through the room. All the supernaturals of the Tehrex Realm must have recognized the source of the power because they went to their knees with their heads bowed.

  Ignorant to what was happening, or why, she and her sister remained standing. They need a class, or book, on supernatural etiquette, she thought, as a shower of fine, silver glitter had her eyes traveling to the ceiling. She sensed the power coalescing, and gaped as a woman of incomparable beauty took form in the fog.

  She wore a blood-red, velvet cloak fastened at the neck with a silver broach that looked like the amulet Kyran was clutching. A silver circlet that contained a small, blood-stone in the center of her forehead wound into her silky, black hair. She had soft features with a small nose, full lips, and long, thick lashes framing ice-blue eyes. Her midnight-black gown had an empire-waist, accenting her ample bosom. Elsie noticed her hair had silver streaks and flowed mid-back. She may have been barely over five-feet tall, but Elsie knew she could crush anyone. Her power commanded the entire room.

  “I will take over from here, Kyran. Thank you.” She extended her hand, and Kyran placed a kiss upon the back of it then he placed the mating stone in her palm. It was a smooth, round, granite rock.

  “It has been many centuries since the last mating. I regret the need for such a cessation, but I’ve always had plans for the realm. Before we continue with the ceremony, I would answer one question that has plagued all of you. Yes, Elsie is the first, and will be the only turned vampire. Now, rise. We have a mating to complete.” The Goddess smiled magnificently at Zander and placed the stone into his right hand.

  She gasped at the electrical pulses that crawled up her arm when the Goddess grabbed her right hand. She felt power when her hand was laid on top of Zander’s hand that was clutching the stone. “We call upon the spirits of the East, of Air, Spring and new beginnings. We call upon the spirits of the South and the inner Fire of the Sun, Summer and personal will. We call upon the spirits of the West, of Water, Autumn, and healing and dreaming. We call upon the spirits of the North, of Earth, Winter, and the time of cleansing and renewal. Join us to bless this couple with your guidance and inspiration,” the Goddess chanted. Magic cocooned Elsie and Zander. Emotion choked her while she watched the Goddess.

  The Goddess lifted her hand from where she had joined them, leaving theirs clasped together, surrounding the stone. Zander grabbed her left hand and placed it on his chest, over his heart, then placed his left hand over hers.

  “I bless this mating under the Sun and the Moon. This circle of love and honour is open and never broken, so may it be,” the Goddess’ voice resonated with her blessing.

  Heat built in the stone as she felt both souls leave her body to enter the stone. She wished fervently to keep a small portion of Zander’s as it was the only thing that had kept her alive during her torture. It was selfish yes, but it was such an integral part of her she didn’t want to part with it.

  A brilliant light flashed between their fingers. Her skin tingled with the magic. The connection she felt to Zander strengthened, and she could now see the bond between them. A thick, golden ribbon wrapped around her heart and ran to his, entwining them. Her soul surged back into her body at that moment, causing her to gasp. Looking up, she saw the joy and astonishment she felt mirrored in Zander’s eyes.

  She was complete in a way she’d never been before, and knew Zander was experiencing the same. Prodding her newly reformed soul, she discovered her and Zander’s soul had been so entwined during the mating, it was as if they both resided within her. Wishes do come true, she thought. Her chest may burst from her joy, and she became aware of Zander’s every thought and emotion.

  She heard the Goddess’ voice whisper in her head. “No power, not even death, can ever sever this bond. Mating stones protect and bless different aspects for different couples. Yours blesses and protects your womb.”

  Unable to hold back her curiosity, she raised one of her fingers and gasped. The ordinary-looking, granite rock was now the biggest, most dazzling, blue sapphire she had ever seen. It matched her vampire’s eyes.

  Zander raised their hands and the stone. “My Queen.” Zander reached into his sporran and removed a large, pink diamond ring.

  “‘Tis the Queen’s ring, passed down in my family, and last belonged to my mamai. Now, it belongs to you. I am yours, a ghra.” He slid the exquisite, platinum-gold band with a fifteen-carat, pink diamond onto her slim, left finger. Energy zipped through her skin as the ring sized itself, automatically. She gaped at Zander, in awe. “And, you are mine,” he declared.

  Kyran nudged her. “Give this one to Zander. ‘Tis the King’s ring,” he whispered into her ear, handing her an intricate, platinum band with a smaller, black diamond.

  She raised her lids, meeting Zander’s bright, glowing eyes. “I am yours, my King,” she said simply, not knowing proper etiquette, and slid the ring onto his finger.

  Even in her six-inch heels, she had to go to her tip-toes to reach his mouth. She twined her hands into the hair at his nape. “When is the blood exchange? I need you,” she murmured in his ear. The faint, tinkling of laughter told her the Goddess had disappeared. The evening was surreal. And, it wasn’t over.

  Bluidy hell. I can see her nipples through that silky gown. I am a fully-mated male and my mate wants me. I willna make it two more minutes unless I am inside that sweet body.

  She stared at Zander. She had heard him, but his lips hadn’t moved. Were those his thoughts?

  I agree, love. How do we get out of here? She reached out to him, testing her theory.

  The telepathy has already taken effect, mate. Unfortunately, we must greet our subjects. Then, we will make our escape. Or, a quick visit to the pantry.

  A quickie will never sate me. Besides, Hayden is approaching, followed by too many others. Let’s do this.

  Hayden’s well-wishes blurred into hundreds of others and her cheeks hurt from smiling. She nearly wept with relief when she saw Rhys was last.

  Rhys swore his fealty to the couple and whooped loudly, if irreverently. “Let’s partay, warrior style!” He sidled up to Cailyn, “Hey, sweetcakes, want some of my hey juice?”


  Jace stared openly at Cailyn while she spoke with Rhys. This was the first time he had seen her face, and he was awed by her soft features and pouty lips. Her light-brown hair was loose around her shoulders, and she looked elegant in her simple, green, silk gown. He was immediately drawn to her. His body came to life and hardened, readying to take her. He braced himself for the nausea and self-hatred that always followed his arousal.

  His body zinged and his erection grew out of control. That familiar self-hatred hit, and was compounded by a new level of disgust. Cailyn intruded in his recriminations when she slapped Rhys’ shoulder.

  “Not in your wildest dreams. However, I want to toast my sister and it calls for champagne.” Cailyn grabbed a flute from the tray of a passing waiter and called out, “To Elsie and Zander.”

  “Here, here,” Elsie responded, as she accepted her glass of bubbly and shared a drink with her sister.

  Jace’s gaze was riveted on the sight of Cailyn’s slender throat, swallowing. It was erotic, and brought images of her sucking and swallowing him. He groaned. Time to think of something else. She had a fiancé. A complication he was glad to avoid. He was damaged goods, anyway.


  Millions of tiny, white lights sparkled in the solarium, around the pool, and in the trees of the backyard. Staff milled about busily, and within minutes, a buffet was on the table and a band, the Night Crawlers, had set up and was playing music.

  “Shall we, a ghra?” Zander led her to the buffet.

  “As much as I want to rush to our bed
, we should eat first. You will need your energy later,” she squeezed his hand, and felt her heart melting even more for her king. She hadn’t believed in fate or destiny before, but she had no doubt that she was fated to be Zander’s mate. Her place was always meant to be by his side.

  Zander filled her plate, and then spent she next few hours eating, drinking and dancing with the Dark Warriors and various council members. All the while, the sexual tension in her body continuously rose as she imagined what the night had in store.

  No longer able to wait, she grabbed Zander’s hand. “Let’s go,” she whispered in his ear and hauled him towards the stairs to their bedroom.

  Clothing hit the floor as they made their way upstairs. When they reached the rooms they’d been sharing since her rescue, he was bare, but for his socks and Ghillies. Question answered, they don’t wear anything under their kilts. And he was a spectacular male specimen!

  “Your turn,” he rumbled in her ear. She squealed and ran toward the bed. He tackled her mid-leap and twisted, so he took the landing. Somehow, her dress had been ripped off in the process, and lay in tatters on the floor.

  “Damn, I liked that dress…mmm.” Thoughts scattered as he nipped and nibbled his way down her neck and she gasped as he sliced through her silk panties with his razor-sharp fangs. Before she opened her mouth to admonish him, his fangs had sunk into her intimate flesh and she was climaxing.

  “Do…we need…to do…a blood…exchange?” She asked between panting breaths. He was so sexy as he prowled up from between her legs. And, so aroused. His cock stood out against his stomach.

  “Aye, it seals the mating. We take from each other at the same time, while we are joined. Are you ready, a ghra?” he asked as he removed her bra.

  She fell in love all over again as he poised between her thighs. “Yes, Zander, take me, now,” she cried out.

  That was all he needed and plunged into her to the hilt, in one swift thrust. She felt her eyes glowing brightly as their gazes locked. She saw their full, happy life together reflected in his depths. Her fangs shot out and she heard him suck in a sharp breath. He enjoyed her bite. She bit into the nape of his neck where it met his broad shoulder while his fangs sunk into her shoulder. Their bodies exploded into the most intense orgasm of her life.

  Light exploded through her and her entire body tingled with magic. She felt him shudder his release and arch his back, pressing his chest into her. The ribbon she had seen earlier binding them together expanded with every draw they took of each other’s blood. The golden glow transformed into a million, tiny, gold chains, linking him to her from every point of his body. It formed a cocoon around them and seeped into their pores. Intense emotions overwhelmed her as she felt the change within and their closeness intensified. She could see how much he loved her, and felt his pleasure, as his orgasm raged on. She was thankful for her new immortality because she never would’ve survived the night his body was demanding.


  The sorcery of the mating took hold and irrevocably altered him. He felt their entwined souls swell once again. He took in the bond encompassing them and relished experiencing how she felt about him. He was transformed as new powers surged from his Fated Mate into him. Mates always shared a portion of their abilities, and while he was aware that she had inherited additional powers during her transformation, he didn’t think those powers would be bestowed upon him during their mating, but he could feel new magic filling him.

  Tingles erupted into flames over his mate mark between his shoulder blades. “My mark. Och, it burns. What does it look like?” He twisted to catch a glimpse of his back.

  “Stop moving, let me see,” she looked over his shoulder and gasped. “You have the same circle surrounding the body of your cross. We match and now it’s inked into your skin. You are mine in every way,” she told him fiercely.

  “Always.” The surge of magic sent his libido skyrocketing. His body took on a mind of its own, and intended to take his little mate in ways she had never dreamed. He groaned, “My mate,” and gave himself over to passion.

  The night was incredible, his mate was incredible, and he was truly complete for the first time in his life. They were two halves of one heart, and shared an intense bond. It went beyond mere love or lust.

  After hours of blissful love making, his mate blinked sleepily at him. He would let her rest before he took her again. “Sleep, a ghra,” he whispered.

  “Mr. Bossy Pants,” she muttered as she drifted off to a peaceful, sated sleep.

  He pulled her sleeping form closer to his heart. He brushed her brown curls from her beautiful face. She sighed and snuggled closer into his chest. He had never dreamed of being gifted with such a mate. She was simply perfect.

  He lay there for hours gazing at his queen and knew the moment she dreamt. He wondered what was happening in her clever mind. Her eyes roved wildly behind her closed lids, and she tossed and turned. As he was about to join her dream, her eyes flew wide and she sat up, gasping for air.

  “Oh my God, Cailyn!”

  Authors’ Note

  Thank you for reading DREAM WARRIOR! We hope you enjoyed Zander and Elsie’s story. Mystik Warrior is next in the Dark Warrior Alliance series and Jace and Cailyn heat up the pages. Look for it early March 2015!

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  Trust your journey and remember that your future is filled with endless possibilities! DREAM BIG!


  Brenda and Tami




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