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Ben & Matilda- Infinite Promise

Page 14

by Tania De Melo

  He bursts into a fit of laughter, cutting off my words. “Please, he’s an absolute God. I was just playing with you.”

  “It’s scary how well you can lie,” I groan.

  “It’s a gift, and a curse really,” he replies with a nonchalant like shrug.

  I lay down my knife and look to Quinn. “Why don’t you ask him to dinner? We could make it like a double date.”

  “No. I couldn’t intrude on your dinner with Ben. I’m sure after a week, he will want you all to himself,” he replies quickly.

  I wave him off. “He won’t mind, he likes you. And I’m positive meeting your significant other will only further reassure him that you are not trying to get in my pants.”

  “I may not be trying to get into yours, but I’m sure he’d be interested to hear all about my depleting stack of boxers.”

  I shrug. “They’re less constricting to walk around in. But seriously, Quinn, ask him. It would be so much fun, and I really want to meet this guy. From what little you share, he seems pretty cool.”

  Quinn lets out a sigh, locking his gaze to mine for a moment before answering. “Okay, I’ll call him, but I can’t promise he’ll come.”

  “He will; just tell him how awesome I am.”

  “He already knows.”

  I look to Quinn with a broad appreciative smile. “Aww, you talk to him about me?”

  “Yeah, something like that,” Quinn replies with a sly side smile.

  I wiggle a little on my stool with excitement. “What do you tell him? Do you tell him about how great I am? About how you lucked out getting me as a roomie? Or do you apprise him with my skill as a medical professional?”

  He lets out a sigh. “Actually, I told him that you’re like the annoying little sister I am now grateful my parents never had.”

  “Aww—you think of me as a sister?”

  “An annoying one.”

  I pick up my knife and get back to slicing. “I’ll take it. I’ve been around the Adair family long enough to know, that means you’d give your life for me.” Quinn lets out a chuckle, and I look up to see the warmest and most loving smile. “No worries, I love you too, Quinn.”


  Quinn extended an invite to his boyfriend, and much to his surprise, the mystery man, accepted.

  “So, you have no idea who this guy is,” Ben asks from where he is sitting on the edge of my bed. He showed up a little earlier than I had expected, so now, I’m currently running around trying to make myself presentable.

  “No, Quinn’s kept it pretty hush-hush. He’s private like that, that’s why this dinner is now so important—I want to make sure everything runs smoothly.”

  Ben stands from the bed, walking to the closet, and pulls me in. “Come here. I haven’t got to hold you for a week, I’m starting to forget how you feel.”

  “You just want to grope me through my towel.”

  He lets out a laugh. “Guilty. No, but seriously, everything will be fine. You don’t have to try to impress anyone. You are the most enchanting person I know.”

  I let out a breath. “I know, I just really want this to go well...for Quinn. He really seems to like this guy.”

  “Well, I think him agreeing to this dinner is a good sign,” Ben assures.

  “Yeah, I guess so. Just, let’s be extra spectacular—no eating with your hands, Ben. We don’t want him thinking we’re savages.”

  Ben lets out a hearty laugh. “If I remember correctly, it was you who polished off the rack of ribs at dinner last week before the flatware even hit the table.”

  “Oh, please. Who do you know that eats ribs with a fork and knife, and besides, Kai bet me fifty bucks that I couldn’t out eat Ginny?”

  “Oh, I remember. It was something else. Whoever thought someone so tiny could pack away so much food,” Ben comments.

  “Yep, I never had a chance. The moment Ginny heard the word go, that was it for me.”

  Ben and I laugh, recalling the unforgettable image of Ginny when she came out as the victor. Covered in barbeque sauce from head to toe, her husband, Kai, took one look at her, and it’s as though he fell in love with her all over again.

  Just as Ben lowers his mouth to mine, the doorbell rings. He manages only to get a quick peck in before I pull away. “Crap, I have to get ready. Go out there and help Quinn entertain his guest.”

  Ben lets out a mildly irritated groan but graciously complies. “Don’t be too long; you look great, just like that.”

  “Yes, because I’m sure me walking out in a towel will make a great impression. Not to mention all my lady parts would be hanging out,” I reply.

  Ben pinches his brow in thought. “Yeah, no, take your time. I can keep a conversation going.”

  He heads out to join the others, and I quickly run around trying to find something to wear that doesn’t say dowdy college student—I really need to do some shopping.


  When I exit my room, I can hear a burst of booming laughter coming from the kitchen; okay, the evening is off to a good start, this is perfect. Entering the dining area, I instantly spot Ben and Quinn. I take a few more steps, anxious to see the man of the hour, but as I come around the corner, I am placed face to face with Abe Jefferies.

  “Hey, Ati,” he greets, and I’m sure he’s also not missing the utter look of confusion on my face.

  “Um, hey, Abe. I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware you were popping by.”

  “At, you were adamant that I invite him. Did you forget already?” Quinn replies with a

  playful snicker.

  It doesn’t take long for it all to register. “Wha—wait. Are you telling me that Abe is the man you’ve been dating—like the man?”

  Abe flashes me his ever so mesmerizing pearly white smile. “The one and only.”

  I stand there for a moment taking him in, then decidedly raise my brow, turning to Quinn. “You know, you could have told me. I’ve spent the better part of an hour trying to make myself presentable as to not completely embarrass you, and here I find out I could have just thrown on a pair of scrubs.” I turn and shoot Abe a smile. “No offense, Abe, but you already know I’m all kinds of awesome; I didn’t have to impress you.”

  Abe lets out a laugh. “None taken.”

  I look to Quinn, then back to Abe. “Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. Actually, yes, I can—I’m floored. I would never have thought.” I look back at Quinn. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  Abe speaks up. “I’m to blame for that. I asked him to keep this under wraps for a while until we were sure. There’s a lot of red tape, so to speak when it comes to reporting to HR about this kind of stuff.”

  “Why didn’t I think of that? Of course, there would be with you sort of being his boss,” I reply.


  “Well, your secret is safe with me. This is so perfect.” I move to Ben, linking my arm with his. “I’m guessing you’ve met Ben?”

  “I have. Ben, I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what an amazing woman you have here,” Abe says.

  “That you don’t. I made the mistake of letting her go once before, and I can guarantee you this, that is one I will not be repeating.” Ben looks down at me, meeting my smile with one of his own. “And that’s one promise I will keep.”


  The night went amazingly well; conversation flowed as did the wine. We called it a night around one in the morning, and not a moment too soon. As much fun as I was having, I had a long day, and sleep was needed.

  When I walk out of my bathroom from washing my face, Ben is already laying on his side of the bed. As I look at him, a little chuckle escapes my lips.

  “What’s so funny?”

  I give him a smile, then make my way to the bed pulling back the covers and sliding in beside him.

  “Nothing, actually, it’s more just me observing.”

  Ben turns to his side, pulling me in close. “And what are you observing?”

  “Just how easily we sli
pped back into a routine. How effortlessly it all seems to be moving forward with us.”

  He places a soft kiss on my forehead, then another on the tip of my nose. “Isn’t that a good thing?”

  “Of course, it is. I just wasn’t sure when we started this up again, exactly how things would go. I figured, eventually, we would get back to being comfortable around one another, but I thought it would take some time.”

  He lets out a breath, props his head with his hand, and looks at me for a moment, just studying my expression.

  “Say something, Ben.”

  His free hand slowly caresses my bare shoulder as he starts to speak. “Honestly, Ati. To me, this feels right. You and—we always just fit. Look, we have a history. We both made some mistakes because we were young and both at different stages in our lives. As much as we didn’t want to hear it at the time, your sister was right. We needed to live our lives, and eventually, if we were meant to be, we would. Ati, this is eventually. When I said I would never let you out of my life again, I meant it.”

  “So, what...our past is just forgotten?”

  Ben shakes his head, his hand now cupping my cheek. “No, because that’s how we learn never to make those same mistakes twice.”

  “Communicate?” I ask.

  “Yes. I need to learn that it’s not solely my job to take care of this relationship. That you are my partner and not some delicate person I need to protect.”

  I give him a nod. “Yes. I want to know everything that is going on with you, good and bad.”

  “And you will, but you need to learn to trust me. Trust that sometimes I just need to figure things out in my head before I lay it all out for you. Ati, I know you’re strong. I am well aware that you don’t need a man taking care of you or trying to fix all your problems. But sometimes, I may just want to be your knight in shining armor… you know, for the ego boost.”

  I let out a laugh, but it’s cut short as Ben takes me in his arms, pulling me on top of him. “It’s and me for the long haul, Ati.”

  “I’m all in. Now, enough talking, it’s been a whole week since I have you in my bed for me to take advantage of.”

  Ben chuckles. “You’re so demanding.”

  “Oh, Ben, Ben, Ben, brace are yet to experience demanding.”


  It’s a little after four in the morning when I hear clatter in the kitchen. I quietly get out of bed, quickly peeking over at Ben to make sure I didn’t wake him, then make my way out of my room. When I enter the living room, I see Abe sorting through his overnight bag.

  “Hey, you’re up early.”

  Abe looks up, offering an apologetic smile. “Did I wake you? I’m sorry, Ati. I was trying to be quiet.”

  “No, it’s fine. Are you heading out already? I thought maybe we could all have breakfast.”

  “As much as I already hate that I’m going to miss that, I just got called into the hospital,” Abe replies.

  Knowing well enough that getting called in before his shift starts is not a good thing, I give him an understanding nod and offer my assistance. “Is there anything I can do? I don’t mind heading in with you.”

  “Thanks, Ati, but no.”

  “It’s Mrs. Allan, isn’t it?” I ask.

  Abe offers a soft nod. “Yeah. It’s only a matter of time. I want to be there for the family and to help Mr. Allan. It’s hard enough to grieve a lost one, but add the birth of a child that you should be overjoyed about...well, sometimes emotions can get away from you.”

  That’s understandable. “Okay, well, Quinn and I are scheduled for nights, but if

  needed, we can make it in earlier.”

  “Thank you. I’ll see you later, Ati.”

  Abe heads out, and I can't help but think that one of the reasons I chose obstetrics was

  because of the joy of bringing a new life into the world. It’s not to say that I wasn’t aware that there would be times like this, where things don’t turn out as planned. But all in all, it was more good than bad. I don’t envy Abe right now; this has to be one of the hardest things a doctor has to do.

  As the front door clicks behind Abe, I hear a shuffle come from the hall, then Quinn appears.

  “Hey,” I greet as he enters the room.

  “Hey, what are you doing awake?” He asks.

  I take a seat on the couch just behind me. “I heard some clatter and came to see what it

  was. Abe was just heading out.”

  “Yeah, he got called in. I offered to go in with him, but he said it was okay,” Quinn


  “He said the same thing to me. I know this isn’t his first time to have to do something like

  this, but still, it can’t be easy.”

  Quinn moves toward the couch, taking a seat on the opposite side. “No, it’s the one

  thing, he says he hates about this job, but also the one part that requires the most patience, understanding, and commitment to ensure that those families are going to be okay.”

  “That is so true, and so Abe. We really lucked out getting on his team—well, you a little

  more biblically than others. I can’t believe you never let that particular cat out of the bag. I mean, I’m your roommate; we’re supposed to share everything,” I let out.

  Quinn chuckles. “Yeah, okay. Well, you see. I wanted to tell you, but Abe made me promise I would hold off, just for a while longer.”

  “Pfft, you could have told me. I can keep a secret.”

  A laugh comes from the hall, and Quinn and I look up to see Ben standing there. “Angel, you are the worst at keeping a secret.”

  “I am not,” I defend.

  “Yes, you are,” they both reply in unison.

  I let out a sigh. “Okay, maybe so, but in all fairness, it doesn’t help when everyone knows I’m the weakest link and interrogate me like covert agents at a black site until I spill.”

  “And that there is why we don’t tell you anything,” Ben adds.


  Quinn lets out a snicker then rises from the couch. “Well, since we're all awake, who wants coffee?”

  “I don’t think we have any cream,” I mention.

  He shakes his head. “Oh, I wasn’t going to make it. The cafe down the street opens at four. The best coffee and fresh pastries this part of Oregon. I’ll be back in just a few.” Quinn heads out, leaving Ben and me alone.

  Ben makes his way to my side, pulling me into his lap as he takes a seat. “How is it that in PJ’s, sporting a killer bedhead, and with only three hours of sleep, you still look stunning.”

  “Genetics,” I reply, then let out a laugh.

  Ben chuckles, looking to me. “Then, I hope our children get that from you.” My body stiffens, and Ben notices. “Relax, Angel. I’m not asking you to marry me...yet. I also know that finishing your residency is important to you.”

  I let out a sigh. “Ben, I want kids...I do. But it’s still way in the future for me.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you?” I can tell by the look on his face he does, but it’s almost like there is hope that I may change my mind. “Ben, this is my plan; it’s been my plan for a while. I can’t change it to make someone else happy. I don’t want to regret it.”

  He leans back into the couch, laying my head on his chest. “Ati, honestly, yeah, I would like to have a family sooner than later, but I also know that never have I seen myself having a family with anyone but you. I could never have imagined it before, but with you, that’s different. This is still new for us, so there is still some time before we can really talk about where we want to be. But know this. If your plan is to wait until you’re done your residency and until you have established yourself further before we marry and have kids, then I support that. As long as I know, it’s in your end game.”

  I lift my head and look up to him. “Can I just tell you that it’s something I will consider, and for now, you be okay with that?”

  He lets out a breath but then offers a smile. A slight smile, but a smile none the less. “I’ll take whatever I can get; because right now, I’m just thankful to have you here with me.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Hello, hello, hello!”

  My mother and father look up as I enter the kitchen. Mom’s eyes are filled with joy, as they always are when one of us comes to see her, my father’s, with questions.

  “Why are you so chipper this morning,” he asks.

  I walk to my mother, giving her a hug and kiss, before taking a seat at the table.

  “What do you mean; I’m always chipper.”

  At that moment, my mother’s expression is matching his. “Oh, Ben, love. Even I, the optimist of this family, can see you have a little extra pep in your step. Did you close a new deal? Oh, was it the contract for Emerson’s new hospital?”

  I look at my mother. “No. Actually, the bids for the contract won’t be looked at until after the deadline, which is the end of next year.”

  “Have you put yours in?” My father asks.

  “Yes, sir. Finalized all the numbers and submitted it last month.”

  “And you kept them tight, right? You didn’t get greedy, did you?” He asks again.

  Normally, his questioning would get my back up, making me feel like he’s micro-managing. But after these past few months, I know he believes I can do this and is proud of what I’ve accomplished. Right now, he's just a dad.

  “Yes, sir. I think my rates are going to be competitive and still be able to provide optimal service and quality work,” I reply. My father was never a man of many words, so the firm nod of his head tells me he’s more than happy with my answer.

  “Okay, enough shop talk. I want to know what has you so happy then,” my mother asks, her interest still piqued from when I first walked in.

  I let out a soft chuckle and smile. “I don’t know what to tell you...I’m just happy. I feel great.”

  “This wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain young lady I encountered in your bed the other day, would it?” she presses.


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