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Purchased by the Sheik

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by Sylvia Redmond

  Purchased by the Sheik

  Sylvia Redmond

  Copyright 2016 by Night Watch Publishing. All rights reserved.

  Cover image licensed from IgorBorodin / DepositPhotos

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This story contains sexually explicit content and is intended for readers over 18 years of age. By downloading this document you acknowledge that you are over 18 years of age. All fictitious characters who are engaged in sexual acts in this book are likewise over 18 years of age, whether explicitly stated or not.

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  “I told Julie to take it easy. I knew she was drinking too much, and she couldn’t hold her alcohol well. I thought maybe she was doing it on purpose, because of some of the things we had talked about. But this was not the place. Once it happened though, I couldn’t believe how exciting it was. I can’t believe some of the things the guys did to her, but was even more shocked at some of the wives. Aren’t women supposed to look out for each other in these types of situations?”

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 1

  “Bets – place your bets!”

  I had entered the casino with two hundred dollars, which had been the last two hundred dollars I had in the world. At one point I was ahead, even if it was by only fifty dollars. However, bad luck was the only luck I had known in the last five years, and it didn’t take long for my fortunes to change. I was now down to my last twenty dollars, and I put it on red at the roulette table, confident that even I stood a chance when the odds were fifty percent.

  I tried to ignore the three dark strangers that I noticed had been watching me from a private table. I was wearing my lucky dress, which was form fitting and had a neckline that plunged low enough to show off plenty of my two greatest assets. Even in a casino that was a sea of scantily clad women I could still draw the looks of interested men, but it was the last thing on my mind as the wheel started to spin.

  All I needed now was for the damn thing to land on red!

  My divorce three years ago had been a blessing that ended a seven year marriage from hell. The judge had ordered my husband to continue paying for our children after our divorce was final, which he did successfully for all of about three months. He had split town a long time ago, and I had been struggling to support my small family ever since.

  I watched the little ball race around the roulette wheel as I thought about my predicament. I was truly fucked if it landed on black, although the truth was I knew I was fucked already. I was out of money and out of ideas. I had no idea how in the world I was going to make next month’s rent, let alone put food on the table for another week.

  The roulette ball dropped and started tripping across the wheel. My heart skipped a beat each time it hit a red chamber but of course the momentum kept it right on moving. It finally came to rest on black, and any distant hope I had was crushed. I could feel the tears starting to well up as I moved away from the table and the people who were busily collecting their winnings and placing their next bet.

  There it was – I was officially fucked!

  My mind went numb as I walked to the edge of the casino floor and leaned up against a railing. The bright lights and the cacophony of noises from the casino started to dim as the gravity of my situation started to descend on me. I never even saw the man as he approached me. I felt the gentle tap on my shoulder and I turned to see him looking at me anxiously.

  I recognized him as one of the dark strangers from the private table. He looked harmless enough, and I was too preoccupied with my own desperate situation to have any worry left in me for a stranger. He was looking at me nervously, almost hesitant to speak, so I spoke first.

  “Yes?” I said to him.

  “Excuse me dear lady” he said in English that was clear but heavy with an accent I did not recognize. “I am approaching you in confidence on behalf of my employer and wonder if I might have a word with you.”

  Chapter 2

  The dark stranger put his hand gently on my elbow and ushered me to a corner of the noisy casino where he could talk to me discreetly. My head was still swimming in the despair of losing everything I had and I still hadn’t completely registered the fact that a strange man was getting ready to proposition me.

  “My name is Sam” he said. “You must understand what I am about to ask of you must be kept in the strictest of confidence. My employer is a very wealthy and powerful man, and for him to approach you like this is something that is quite out of the ordinary.”

  As he spoke his eyes flashed to the side of the casino where the other two men in his party were still seated at their private table. My eyes naturally followed his and I immediately saw both men watching us. Both were dressed smartly in what must have been expensive suits. One of them looked exactly like the man who was speaking to me, and was obviously another employee. There was no mistaking the other man as the “wealthy and powerful” employer.

  He was larger than either of the other two men, and even in his sitting position he looked strong and athletic. He held himself as a man who exuded power and confidence, and had features that were both dark and exotic. My eyes scanned his expensively clad body, before rising up to his handsome face. His dark eyes were looking directly at me and he smiled, and I felt myself blush before returning my attention to the man speaking to me.

  “Who exactly is your employer?” I asked him.

  “I prefer not to give you his name” the man said. “But I can tell you that he is the heir of a very wealthy Arab family. He is in your country because he came to speak to some very powerful men in New York City. We actually came to this casino because we have one more evening before he must depart tomorrow.”

  “Ok” I said, waiting for the pitch. “And what exactly does he want with me?”

  “The Sheik is quite taken with you dear lady” Sam said. “He noticed you from the moment we entered this place, and he has been watching you. He says that you possess the beauty of a thousand goddesses, and he has asked me to approach you with an offer.”

  My heart had battle scars on it from the years of a failed marriage and a bitter divorce. It had been a long time since I had gotten a compliment of any kind, and I’m pretty sure the last one I got was from drunk guy at last call in a bar. And that compliment had fallen pretty short of “the beauty of a thousand goddesses”. I was momentarily embarrassed while I realized that the Sheik was still watching me from their table.

  “What kind of an offer?” was the only think I could think to say.

  “The Sheik says that he wants to spend the night with you” Sam said. “Actually the Sheik said that he has to spend the night with you. He wishes to partake in carnal pleasures with you, dear lady, and he is willing to pay you handsomely for it.”

  My mind was twisted up between the emotional stress of financial ruin and the over-the-top compliment from a dark stranger. My knee jerk reaction to being asked to whore myself out was to grab my purse and turn to walk away from the stranger. I caught him flinch out of the corner of my eye as I turned and I heard him speak in an urgent, hushed whisper.

  “He’s willing to offer you five hundred thousand American dollars for a couple of hours of your time, dear lady” he said. “But I feel it only fair to warn you, it may not be easy - the Sheik is quite large.”

Chapter 3

  Hearing that sum of money stopped me in my tracks and I turned to look at Sam. He was looking at me expectantly, no doubt worried about potentially losing me and upsetting the Sheik. I already knew what my decision was though. In the best of circumstances it would have been hard to turn down that kind of money, and these were not the best of circumstances.

  “Five hundred thousand dollars?” I repeated.

  “Yes” he said. “Five hundred thousand dollars, payable to you in cash, this evening – once you have given yourself to the Sheik for a couple of hours.”

  I watched him as he turned to the private table and nodded to the two other men. I turned and watched the powerful man he was calling a Sheik as he rose from his table and followed the other man from the casino room floor. I then turned back to Sam, knowing I had already made the decision to surrender myself like a whore.

  “Come with me dear lady” he said, and I followed him away from the noise of the casino machines.

  We got to the lobby hallway and I followed Sam into an open elevator. The doors closed and Sam pushed a button for the top floor of the hotel. He was silent as the car arrived and I followed him out of the elevator into the hallway. It was obviously a floor with few rooms, and those rooms were suites reserved for the highest of royalty. I watched him as he approached one of the few doors on the floor and opened it for me, ushering me into the lavish suite.

  I entered a hotel room unlike any I had ever been in before. It had panoramic views of the city and was lavishly decorated with gold and marble. I heard a voice call out from an adjacent room and I watched as Sam motioned me to follow him.

  He brought me into the master suite where the other two men had been waiting. My eyes were initially drawn to the enormous bed in the room and the floor to ceiling windows that stretched along one wall. I surveyed the room quickly, and my eyes immediately fell on the Sheik. He was watching me with piercing intensity and I watched as he spoke to his servants in his native tongue.

  Both men snapped to attention and appeared at my sides.

  “The Sheik is enamored of your body dear lady” Sam said. “He has asked that we undress you.”

  The words were barely out of Sam’s mouth and I felt both sets of hands on me at once as they started pulling at the dress. I felt the zipper sliding down my back and hands inside the dress as both foreigners clumsily undressed me. I knew that I could have had the dress off of my body much faster and I was certain their hands had lingered over my body longer than necessary. I felt a tug at my feet and I stepped out of the dress, standing in front of the Sheik in nothing but my bra and panties.

  The Sheik was about twenty feet from where I stood in front of the bed, and I watched him as his eyes moved over my nearly naked body. He unbuttoned the suit jacket he was wearing, and took it off of his body while continuing his gaze at me. I watched him toss the jacket onto a nearby couch, as I wondered how much his suit had cost. His hands started to undo the tie around his neck, which I knew would have also been exorbitantly expensive, and I heard him speak again to his two servants.

  Again I had two sets of hands on me, touching parts of my body both above and below my waist.

  “The Sheik has asked us to get you completely undressed my lady” Sam said, and I felt his clumsy fingers unhook the clasp of my bra.

  The other set of hands were at my panties, being careful to pull them from my body without touching the treasure that was no doubt being saved for his master. I felt the silk at my ankles and felt his gentle prod as I stepped out of my underwear obediently.

  I looked up to see the Sheik still watching, a possessive smile crossing his dark, rugged face. I saw that the tie had been removed and was occupying the same pile of clothes that had been started by his suit jacket moments before. The Sheik’s hands were still busy, but were moving with a slow determination as they unfastened the buttons at his shirt’s sleeve cuffs. Once he had each cuff unbuttoned, his hands went to his neck and he started unbuttoning downward, his eyes never once leaving me.

  I watched as each button of the shirt came undone, revealing a chiseled midsection underneath covered with a mane of thick, dark hair. I wondered nonsensically if the Sheik performed exercises in his native land, partly because the awkwardness of the moment require my mind to think about something – anything – other than the fact that I was naked in front of these strangers. His fingers worked the last button of his shirt undone and I watched as he removed the shirt from his body.

  For a foolish moment I found myself thrilled that he had chosen me. His body was lean and muscular, the muscles of his midsection plainly visible under his matt of dark hair. He paused and I realized that I had been waiting, impatiently waiting, to watch him remove his pants. And then his voice broke the silence of the room, again spurring his manservants to action.

  “The Sheik wants us to prepare you” Sam said, and at once both men were on me again.

  They pulled me onto the bed, and I felt the coolness of the sheets beneath my body. I was so caught up in the moment that I had forgotten I was naked, but the coolness of the sheets against my skin was enough to bring me back to the moment. And as quickly as I had gotten used to the feeling of sheets on my back, I had two sets of cool, slick hands running across my body.

  “This is customary for the Sheik” Sam explained as both men touching me. “It is a body lotion considered quite sacred to our people. And it will also help make things – easier.”

  The aroma of whatever they were rubbing on my body was filling my nostrils like the scent of a thousand wildflowers. But it was their hands that were causing me to slowly lose control. Each of them was rubbing the lotion on me in a way that was excruciatingly thorough, and it took every ounce of mental energy I had to try to remain focused.

  The Sheik was watching as he began to remove his pants. I watched as the expensive silk of his trousers hit the floor, leaving him in only black silk briefs. The bulge in his briefs was massive and I needed to strain my eyes to see if what I was seeing was real. But as I tried to focus I felt their slick hands dipping lower, trailing lazily between my legs.

  “Ooh” I blurted in spite of myself.

  “The Sheik insists that we cover you all over my lady” Sam said.

  I felt each man gently grab a leg and lift, spreading my legs apart. My pussy was instantly on display for all in the room to see, but I didn’t have time to feel ashamed. As soon as my legs were spread lewdly open, I felt their oily hands working at my flesh again. And this time they were moving towards the one spot I knew that my body could not take for long.

  The Sheik’s eyes were fixed directly between my legs, no doubt fixated on the one thing he was preparing to spend a fortune for. He was looking at my pussy even as he pulled his silk briefs down, and for the first time I got a glimpse of what he had been hiding underneath all that silk. His cock was huge and hard and gorgeous, and seemed to go on forever as he drew his boxers to his knees.

  I was desperately trying to look at his cock, wondering how he would ever be able to get such a massive tool inside of me. But even as I tried to comprehend it, I felt their oily fingers grasping at my flesh. They were inside of me now, rubbing all over my wet sex and flexing deep inside of me. I realized I was moaning as my body started to twist, and the Sheik’s deep voice once again boomed across the room.

  “The Sheik says that you are ready” Sam said, as their fingers continued to work my wet pussy. “Get ready dear lady – handling the Sheik can be quite a challenge.”

  Chapter 4

  I tried to lift my head to see him but with both men holding my legs it was difficult to get leverage. I fumbled awkwardly trying to see before feeling a hand on my chest, gently pushing me to pin me back down. I felt my back fall back on the bed as the hand relaxed and gently started to stroke a nipple. With a crane of my head I could see the Sheik as he stepped closer between my legs.

  His midsection was muscled and powerful and ordinarily would have commanded all of my atten
tion. But it was an entirely different muscle that I was desperately trying to see. I could see the thick head of his cock rising as he lifted it with his right hand, and I watched as he positioned himself between my thighs. He was close enough now that I could feel the heat of his body, but I still struggled against the hands of the two men holding me.

  “Try to be still, my lady” Sam said.

  I felt the blunt tip of the Sheik’s big cock touching me as I tried to settle my breathing. He was easy at first, pushing gently to get the head of big shaft inside. I felt the lips of my slick pussy stretching to accommodate him and I was immediately grateful for the lotion they had insisted on spreading over me. But I also knew that his big cock was going to be touching me in places that the lotion had never reached.

  I looked at the Sheik and I watched the muscles of his powerful midsection as he continued to work himself inside of me. His thick cock continued to stretch me in a way I had never known. I was certain that I could count every vein on his thick muscle, and I felt my body squirming against him in spite of myself. My back started to flex involuntarily as I let out a moan.

  The Sheik spoke again as his cock continued to fill me.

  “The Sheik says you are very tight” Sam said, and I realized both men were still holding my legs. “But he also wanted me to tell you that you feel very good.”

  The words meant nothing to me as his huge cock moved further. Just when I thought he had entered me fully, he gave me another exhausting push. I was starting to think I could not handle anymore. I was starting to think I could not take the entire thing. And then I felt the pressure of his body and he bumped himself against me.

  I had just started comprehending that he had gotten his entire cock inside of me when I felt it slowly sliding back out. The pain that I had been feeling had started melting away and was slowly being replaced by a white hot dull throb. I could feel my body trying to desperately hold onto him as his huge, steely muscle was sliding its way back out of me. And just as I felt his glorious tip rimming the edges of my throbbing pussy he started to push forward once again.


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