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The Escape: Soren's Saga

Page 25

by Nicky James

  “I would never have been able to restrain myself otherwise.” I kicked them off and backed him to the bed, guiding him to lay down. He shimmied up to the pillows and looked me over, grinning.

  “You’re really fucking sexy, you know that right?”

  I chuckled. “I’ll take your word for it.”

  I crawled up the bed until our mouths met again, resuming and reveling in the exhilarating feelings that only Soren could provide. He drew me down, arms around me, his heated flesh amplifying the sweet scent of his lotion. It infiltrated my mind, taking away what little breath I had.

  Before he could push us too fast down the road of desire, I broke our kiss and peered down into his lust filled eyes. His hunger mounted with my own. Straddling his thighs, I smoothed my hands over his chest. The gentle passing brought tiny goosebumps to the surface and his muscles contracted, twitching and shivering.

  “Tonight, Caro,” I lowered my head and kissed across his chest, hearing him suck in a breath, “I want to take care of you like no one ever has. I want to show you what it’s supposed to be between two people.”

  I pressed more tender kisses in a trail toward his navel.

  “I want to erase the bad, and leave you with only good.”

  Inhaling him, I tickled my nose along his protruding hip bones and I moved my hands up his thighs to the waistband of his purple briefs. Planting a line of kisses again over his stomach, I peered up into his eyes as I drew his underwear down his legs.

  “I’ll make you forget yourself, mio tesoro.”

  I lowered my head and continued my assault of kisses. He gasped when I concentrated lower, leaving a glistening trail along his inner thigh. When I encircled his length with my tongue, he arched his back and cried out. His uninhibited enjoyment escalated the thrill inside me.

  As badly as my own body begged for more, hearing him lost in pleasure meant more to me than my own release or needs ever would. I knew then, I could spend an eternity pleasuring that man and die happy. He’d captured me in a way no one ever had.

  I didn’t know if anyone had ever bothered properly taking care of him in the past, so our evening was solely dedicated to him.

  I licked a final circuit around the head of his hard length before drawing him into my mouth slowly, savoring him and giving him enough suction to leave a string of moans and broken words falling from his lips.

  With every pass up and down his shaft, my pressure increased. Edging the tip, I flicked my tongue around his sensitive head and ensured I paid attention to every response he gave, learning him and what he enjoyed. I wondered if he’d ever been given the chance to explore what he liked in bed. If not, I was determined to help him learn.

  His muscles twitched, reacting to my movements. When he trembled and his fists tightened, one around the bed sheets and the other in my hair, I knew he was cresting close to the edge and I cautiously brought him back down again, not letting him peak just yet. It earned me a whine and he lifted his hips, telling me he wanted more. Urging me not to stop.

  Once he’d calmed, I brought him back again, close enough he whimpered and squirmed as he cusped the fringes of release. I slowed, removed my mouth and stroked him with my hand, holding him right where I wanted.

  “Oh my God, please. You’re killing me.”

  Continuing with my hand, I kissed my way up his body, focusing intently on his collarbone and the sensitive skin just above which made him gasp.

  “Not yet, Caro.”

  Releasing his neck, I leaned over and reached to my bedside table where I withdrew a condom and bottle of lube. Tossing them aside, we resumed kissing as I worked to pull every fabric of sense out of him.

  His hips began jolting up with my pulls and his kiss faltered, losing its rhythm. I stopped again and his head fell back on the pillow. “You’re trying to kill me. This is payback for the dishes on the table, isn’t it?”

  I chuckled, finding the lube and popping the cap. “You have no patience. Enjoy it.”

  Since he could do nothing more than writher and beg, I buried my face in his neck, sucked and licked to his ear. He parted his legs when he saw my intent and greedily allowed me to prepare him.

  After minimal attention, he brought my head around to beg me with his eyes. “Why do you hate me?”

  I nipped his lips and moved to kneel beside him. “Hate is the furthest thing from what I feel. Come here.”

  As he squirmed up to his knees too, looking inquisitive, I unwrapped the condom and prepared myself.

  Then, I drew him into my lap, so he straddled me. “I want you to have some control.”

  He grinned and leaned into me as he rocked his hips, allowing my erection to graze over his slickened backside. I took a firm hold of both his ass cheeks and kissed him soundly while I guided him down.

  The sensation of entering his body made me take in a sharp breath, and it was me who faltered in our kiss that time. His warmth wrapped all around me, both physically and figuratively. My heart lost its rhythm, as anyone’s might when they were intimate with someone for the first time. If I hadn’t felt the bed beneath my knees, I’d have sworn I was floating. The closeness, the shared connection, our bond in that moment was what I’d craved. Soren had no idea how much he’d captured my heart and when I couldn’t yet tell him with words, I showed him.

  As I’d wanted, he took control of the pace and glided his body up and down over top of me, rolling his hips and grinding his own length against my abdomen. It was good, incredibly good and as his movement and speed increased, it took more self-control than I anticipated to not let go and give into my body’s own screaming need for release.

  He’d stopped kissing and his head fell back, eyes pinched closed, arms looped around my neck as he grinded up and down with determination clear on his face. He was the epitome of beauty and watching him lost in ecstasy took my breath away. He was close again and I hadn’t made a move to touch him. By the look on his face, and feeling the friction he was causing for himself, I didn’t think I’d need to. I wouldn’t hold him back that time. I was ready to watch him come undone in my arms.

  “Come for me, Caro. Let yourself go.”

  I kissed where his neck was exposed, and held tight to his waist, aiding and guiding his movements, helping take the weight of his body as he rose and fell in rhythm. When his body began trembling and his panting turned to moans, I licked to his ear and whispered, “This, mio tesoro, is making love. You will never know any different from me.”

  His grip around my neck tightened and he dropped his head to my shoulder as a cry left his lips. A warmth spilled and grew between our bodies as his nails dug into my flesh. When he couldn’t move, for the sheer high of what had over come him, I thrust into him, ensuring he rode every wave, not letting him come down until he was ready.

  When his body collapsed against me and he buried his face into my neck, I stilled as well, squeezing a hold around him, not letting him go. I explored his every curve and committed it to memory, keeping him close.

  As we caught our breath, I played fingers in the ends of his hair and breathed him in, letting his scent infiltrate my mind. Eventually, he lifted his head and sat up slightly. His lips found mine and the kiss that followed was one I would never forget. He clung to me and weaved fingers through my hair, holding me in place. Little did he know, I wasn’t going anywhere. The unspoken emotions behind it and the desperation in which it was delivered told me where his heart was.

  For a long while I held him and kissed him, letting him absorb in what we’d just experienced. In truth, I was as overwhelmed as him. Eventually he separated from me and his lazy, happy smile turned…


  “What’s wrong, Caro?”

  He pursed his lips, his face scrunched up in a fret and dashed a look between us.

  “Oh God, you are probably losing your mind right now, aren’t you? I just made a huge-ass mess all over us.” He broke into laughter and dropped his head on my shoulder.

  I la
ughed with him, and uncaring, squeezed him tighter. “Oh dear God, Caro, you just scared the hell out of me. Of all things, stop fretting.”

  When his laughter calmed, he lifted his head. The moonlight streaming in from the edges of the blinds, glinted off his hair, making it reflect silver. “What about you?”

  Before I could respond, he pressed me down on the bed and straddled me. I was still riding the high of bringing him to his peak and my body hadn’t relaxed. Before I even had a moment to process, he braced himself on my chest and guided me inside him. All I had time to manage was sucking in a breath and gripping his thighs.

  “Oh, dio ti senti bene”

  As he peered down, his hair fell in his face and he grinned. “I don’t know what that means but I’m guessing it’s good?” Then he moved. My fingers dug into his thighs as he took control.

  “You feel amazing.”

  Watching him was enough to make me soar. Like when he danced, his body moved and rocked fluidly and erotically, making it impossible to take my eyes off him. His gaze never left my own and each time his body rose and fell, he took me closer to the edge. Again and again. Sensing my imminent release, his movements sped up. I needed him closer. Wanted to have him up against me again.

  I took hold of his waist and drew him down as we continued to move together. I held his face just as the force of my orgasm hit. No longer in control, I held myself inside him and closed my eyes, letting the sensations overwhelm me. His smell, his taste, the smoothness of his skin, it was so much more than I ever anticipated.

  When our bodies stilled, he laid on me for a long time.

  “Your heart is racing,” he said. “I can hear it.”

  I chuckled and traced my fingers up and down his back. “Because you drive me crazy.”

  “I know.” He smiled into my chest. “But you like it.”

  “I love it,” I corrected.

  He fit so perfectly in my arms. I never wanted to move or leave that moment, only we were in dire need of cleaning up. When he began falling asleep, I roused and encouraged him to join me in a shower.

  Clean again, we curled up in bed and I wrapped him in my arms. He laid again across my chest, in his own little niche where he slept every night. Only that night we were naked and what had begun to grow between us had moved to another level.

  “Caro, we have a problem.”

  He stirred and moved his head to face me. “Come on, can I please wash them in the morning? I’m comfortable, I don’t want to get up.”

  I chuckled and kissed him. “Not the dishes. It’s just, I don’t generally make a habit of sleeping with men I’m not dating.”

  “I see.” He grinned. “You want to date me, do you?”

  “I have for a long time. But you don’t date, or so I’ve been told.”

  “I also told you I don’t kiss. You seem to make me break my rules.”

  I peered longingly into his eyes and caressed his cheek. “And would you break another one, Caro, and date me if I asked?”

  “Yeah,” he whispered. He leaned in and joined us in another kiss that quickly escalated to more.

  It seemed sleep was not a priority for either of us that evening.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “You never gave me an answer about those apartments I told you about. Are we going after you meet with Brent? I need to phone these people back,” Remy called from the living room.

  I screwed up my nose in the mirror and frowned. I’d been hoping he’d forgotten about that. “I don’t think we’ll have time today. Why don’t we reschedule?”

  I fixed my hair and added another spritz of hairspray just as Remy appeared at the door. “If you want a place for December first, we can’t put it off any more. I can make the appointments for this evening. We’ll even have time for dinner before we go see them.”

  Making every effort to keep my expression neutral, I ran the brush through my hair again before tossing it on the counter. “Fine. That works I guess.”

  Remy picked up the brush and put it in the drawer, he then replaced the hairspray on the shelf. I was becoming used to him tidying up behind me. Even with effort, I couldn’t make things orderly enough for his mind to accept, but I’d learned that it was just his way. His constant need to reorganize and clean up after me wasn’t any indication that I annoyed him, it was who he was.

  “Are you nervous? You’re not yourself. You know Brent doesn’t expect you to have any clue what you are doing. He’ll train you and you’ll do amazing. You’ll certainly be his most gorgeous model, if I’m allowed an opinion.”

  I smiled. The trial photoshoot wasn’t bothering me as much as other things were, but I didn’t know how to express what I was feeling so I kept my mouth shut.

  It was mid-November and I’d been away from the club two weeks. Remy had informed me that Donny’s club had been shut down and apparently, many of the other guys had come out with their own stories to back me up as well. Some, even more horrific than my own. It didn’t look good for Donny and I was glad. The more removed I became, the more I understood and saw just how wrong it had all been. When I was on the inside, submersed in the bullshit, it had just felt… normal.

  Remy had helped me collect my few belongings from my old apartment. Ashton and Ryan had moved somewhere together, but he wasn’t returning my calls or texts. It stung, because for a long time, it had been him and I, leaning on each other and just getting through each day.

  I stared at Remy in the mirror. He was clean shaven and wore a cream-colored dress shirt with a few buttons undone at the neck and dark slacks. He was more dressed up for my meeting with Brent than I was. At least, being the weekend, he’d opted out of a tie.

  “Maybe I should change. Do I look okay?”

  He came into the bathroom, standing tall enough he could almost rest his chin on the top of my head. He wrapped his arms around me and brought his mouth to my ear. “You look perfect.”

  My phone ringing in the living room drew us apart. “Can you grab that for me. I’ll be two seconds. It’s probably Brent, he said he’d call to confirm where I should meet him.”

  As Remy retreated to the living room, I searched the drawer for the hairbrush again, and did a final once over to be sure I looked okay. Maybe I was a little nervous.

  I flew down the hall but ground to a halt the moment I saw Remy. He was smirking with a raised eyebrow as he spoke to whoever was on the other line.

  “…been called a lot of things in my life but boy toy and fuck buddy haven’t made the list.” When he saw me, he shook his head in disbelief and his smile grew. “Here he is, I’ll pass you off.” Then he held out my phone. “I believe this would be your brother.”

  My face fell as I took my phone from his hand and brought it to my ear. “I fucking hate you, Abel.”

  Of course he laughed. “You love me, you can’t help it. That’s what you get for letting the flavor of the month answer your phone.”

  “He’s not the flavor of the month, ass,” I mumbled, eyeing Remy. He hovered close, pretending he wasn’t listening, but I didn’t miss the look on his face. He hadn’t even met Abel yet and I could tell he wasn’t all that impressed with him. “What do you want?”

  “Relax, I’m just having fun with you. I’m calling because Em’s thing is in two weeks and I wanted to hammer out the plans. She had the baby last night. A boy. Xavier. Do you have a minute?”

  “Umm, kinda.” I checked the clock on the wall and saw we had a little under forty minutes to be across town. “Do we really have to do this, Abe?”

  “Yes. I talked to her for like an hour last night. She can’t wait to see us. We are going, so get over it. Anyhow, I was gonna call and book a hotel for two nights. It’s like a seven-hour drive or something. We’re gonna leave early on Friday morning and swing by and grab you. Em’s thing is Saturday, then we can spend another night and leave Sunday morning.”

  “Umm… Okay. Are you booking one or two rooms?”

t thought we’d get one to save money. Is that okay?”

  “Umm…” I dashed another look at Remy and bit my lip. When the event at Em’s had first been brought up, Remy and I hadn’t been anything official. Knowing what I’d be facing going to Ember’s house, I thought maybe I’d be more comfortable if he was by my side. Abel had Kieran if things went downhill, but what about me? “What if I wanted to bring someone? Can I bring someone too?”

  There was a few beats of silence before Abel responded. “What, like a friend?”

  “Like a boyfriend.” I lowered my voice and moved down the hall to Remy’s bedroom. “I’m dating someone.”

  Abel snorted and my face flushed instantly. “You mean Mr. Flavor of the month who answered your phone? Come on, Soren, this is going to be a downright ugly family reunion of sorts, you really wanna subject some passing—”

  “He’s not a passing fling. Shut up. You know nothing about my life. Quit judging me. A lot has changed. Can’t you just… God… Can’t you just be a supportive brother for once?”

  Again silence and Abel sighed. “Look, I’m sorry. We should catch up. If you think you want to bring this guy, then bring him, I’ll book two rooms.”

  “Thank you. I have to ask him yet. I’ll text you back today.”

  “All right. Kieran’s car isn’t big, but we can carpool if you guys want.”

  Knowing Remy, he probably wouldn’t go for that.

  “I’ll get back to you. Remy’s car is more spacious, maybe he’ll drive.”

  Even after I said it, I knew Abel wouldn’t be anymore pleased with that suggestion. “We’ll see. Text me.”

  We hung up and I pocketed my phone before wandering back to the living room. Remy sat with his laptop at the dining room table and quietly worked. He often brought his work home, and I’d learned he preferred a quiet environment while he read. When I walked in the room, he closed it and looked up.

  “So, when do I get to meet your brother? He sounds charming.”

  “By charming you mean obnoxious, right?”


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