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The Escape: Soren's Saga

Page 27

by Nicky James

  “Promise me, you’ll never tell my mother what we ate here tonight,” I said as I brought my first bite to my mouth.

  He stuck his tongue out and filled his fork. “I make no such promises. If I ever meet Mama Moretti, I will tell her how I’ve corrupted her son into eating hotdogs and just how much he loves them.”

  One thing was for certain; my life had been boring without Soren.

  After we ate and he spent over an hour back in the kitchen, cleaning it and cursing as much—if not more than when he’d been cooking, we relaxed back on the couch. I partially laid across its length and read while Soren curled up against my chest and flipped through the channels on the TV.

  “We need to get Netflix or something, cable sucks.”

  “You should try reading.”

  “You’re funny. Pass.”

  “I’m serious,” I said, reaching across and putting my book down on the table. “I did some research on dyslexia. I read that it is never too late to improve reading and writing skills, but it would require daily practice. Even if I read to you and you followed along, that is supposed to help too.”

  He squirmed around and lifted his head. “Why do you want to torture me?”

  “What if someday you really wanted to take a class or go to school for something you were passionate about, would you let your difficulty reading be the barrier between you and your dreams?”

  He frowned and the tips of his ears turned a slight shade of pink. “I’m not cut out for school. I can’t see that ever happening. Besides, I kinda like this job with Brent. He’s teaching me all sorts of behind the scenes stuff.”

  I hated how defeated he became when he discussed school. After a lot of fence sitting, the previous week I’d decided to go with my gut and done something I feared might make him upset. Or elated. It was a crap shoot and I wasn’t sure I could wait any longer knowing where his reaction might land.

  “I have something for you, get up a minute.”

  His brow dipped as he shimmied to the far end of the couch. “What do you mean? What is it?”

  “Well,” I said, moving down the hall to my office, “it’s for your birthday, but I think I’d like to give it to you today.”

  “Really?!” The excitement laced in his voice made me smile. I hoped that reaction remained.

  When I returned to the living room with a brown folder in my hand, his glee turned to a frown. “What no shiny paper and bows?”

  “It’s not the wrapping up kind of gift. Here.” I handed him the folder and he looked at it in confusion. His eyes found mine once before returning to his lap where he opened it.

  Inside were a few brochures and print offs. On the bottom of the pile was a registration package.

  “Studio die Dan-ze-a?” he pronounced. “What is this?”

  “Studio di Danza. It’s a school for dance. I researched a few of them in the area. This one isn’t the biggest in town, but it has a decent reputation and caters to people interested in learning various forms of dance.”

  He flipped through the pamphlets with a furrowed brow, before meeting my eyes again and shaking his head. “I don’t understand.”

  I took a steadying breath and sat beside him. “As a birthday present, I wanted to sign you up for a semester to see if you liked it. It’s not the same as regular school, but when I spoke with the instructor, she mentioned that there were times where book work would come into play, although it would be minimal. Mostly you are taught on the floor directly.”

  His lips parted slightly as he shuffled through the brochure. He wasn’t smiling, but worry was evident in his creased brow. Once he’d paged through the papers again, he closed the folder and stared at the cover. It was the longest few minutes of my life, wondering how he’d react.

  “Caro?” I urged. “Say something. I know how you feel about school, but I also know how passionate you are when it comes to dancing.”

  He shook his head and finally turned. There was no anger on his face, only self-doubt and tears brimming his eyes. “This is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me. But…” he pressed his lips together and blinked a few times. “But what if I fail? I’ve never been good at school. I know this isn’t the same, but the minute the book stuff is involved…” He trailed off.

  “We can work on it together and I will help to ensure you understand what is being taught. Her class runs in the evenings a few nights a week, so it won’t interfere with your work either. What do you say?”

  He studied me with a look of disbelief and awe before nodding. “This is amazing. Thank you. I’ll do it and I swear I’ll try my hardest.”

  “All I ask, is that you enjoy it and take from it all you can.”

  Soren placed the folder onto the coffee table and crawled onto my lap, straddling my legs and pinning me to the back of the couch. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, you know? All my life, no one cared that much. Not my parents, not my brother or sister. Well… maybe Abel for a time, but then I lost him too. I can’t say I understand it, but I’m glad you didn’t give up on me when you found out all that shit about Donny’s. Most people would.”

  I took hold of his waist and held him tight. “I’m not most people, Caro. I saw through you right away.”

  “And you kept at it and never gave up, even though I make you crazy sometimes.”

  My heart betrayed me and thudded with more intensity. Taking his face, I drew him down to kiss him once before pulling back. “But I love it, Caro, and I love you. We balance each other out, don’t you see?”

  He nodded and then his bottom lip quivered before he drew it into his mouth and bit it. The tears pooling in his eyes gave him away. I brushed one aside before it could fall. “Why are you crying?”

  “Because I can’t believe you just said that.” He sniffled and wiped another tear away before continuing. “I never really thought I was loveable.”

  My heart ached at his words. I still knew minimal about his family life and how he grew up, apart from him being rejected when he came out, but to think anyone could see themselves as unlovable, baffled me.

  Soren was a shining light and so full of life. He had a personality unto himself and the attraction I’d felt months ago had been instant.

  “You are so lovable and whoever made you think different never wants to meet me.”

  His damp cheeks lifted into a smile. “Yeah, well, this weekend should be interesting. You’ll get to meet the causes of my entire dysfunctional childhood all under one roof.”

  I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but one thing was for certain, none of those people better think of speaking negative about him while I was around. Despite being known as the reserved and quiet one in my own family, I wouldn’t stand around and allow injustice to be had. Especially if it had to do with Soren.

  “Come on. It’s getting late and Abel and Kieran will be here first thing.”

  I pushed forward off the couch and stood, letting Soren slide to the ground.

  “Oh, Abel is never on time, I should tell you that right now. He hates getting up early so when they say, ‘be there by nine’, it will be more like eleven or twelve,” Soren informed me as he headed into the bathroom.

  My internal schedule for the following day crumbled apart with his words and with it came a sense of anxiety, but I tried not to let it show on my face. At least there had been warning. At least I’d convinced everyone we could take my car and I could drive us.

  Since I hadn’t been in the kitchen since Soren had decided to cook and clean that evening, I became somewhat fearful as I stood at the door, needing to go in for my routine checks before bed. I could hear Soren brushing his teeth and knew he was preoccupied, so I put on a brave face and entered the kitchen.

  It was… I scanned every surface…

  … relatively clean.

  I examined the counters and appliances, impressed with how much effort he’d gone to ensuring everything was to my neurotic standards.

“Did I do okay?”

  I spun and found him leaned against the door frame, a foot propping the door open.

  “I wasn’t checking up on you, I was just…”

  “Yeah you were. It’s okay. It’s just your thing.”

  “You know I wish I wasn’t like this. I don’t mean to be so… abnormal. Neurotic about every little thing. I’m extremely aware of it, if that helps.”

  Soren pushed off and came into the kitchen, jumping up to sit on the counter in front of me. “It doesn’t bother me. Sometimes, I like to push your buttons and try and drive you out of your box of rules, but I know you can’t help it.”

  I fit myself between his legs and kissed him deeply, tasting the minty toothpaste still lingering on his tongue. His legs held me close and I slipped two hands under his t-shirt and around to his back. He felt good. He always felt good. Touching him never failed to make my mind falter.

  “I like when you encourage me to step outside my comfort zone. It’s truly helpful,” I said as I nipped and nibbled along his jawline. He tilted his head to the side and when the curve of his neck was exposed I wasted no time tasting it as well. He was intoxicating.

  “I have an idea…” He moaned at the assault and slid his body close enough his groin rested against my abdomen, then he started rocking his body, making friction.

  “What’s that?” I asked, encouraging the movement with my own.

  “Take me right here, in the kitchen.”

  My kisses faltered and I stilled before brushing my nose along his neck to his ear. “Not a chance.”

  “Ah, come on.”

  “No.” I had my limits and food preparation surfaces and bodily fluids didn’t mix in my mind, no matter how badly I wanted him.

  “Fine.” He held my face and ground against me with more intent as he devoured me with lust filled eyes. “Then take me on the dining room table.”

  I could feel him stiffening and his eyes fluttered once as he struggled to maintain composure. His hips continued to move. He was the sexiest thing alive and I moved my hands to his thighs, massaging higher and higher until my thumbs brushed his growing erection with each movement.

  “No,” I whispered.

  He growled deep in his throat in frustration. “The couch?”

  My mind raced, wanting to accept, but arguing every miniscule point why I couldn’t. “No.” I finally said.

  “The balcony?”

  I laughed. “You’re out of your mind.”

  Another moan and I clamped onto his neck again, dragging my teeth along his collarbone.

  “You’re being difficult tonight,” he said breathlessly.

  My pulse quickened as he thrusted forward with more momentum and determination. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back. He was fully hard and I slid my hand over his pajama bottoms, stroking his length through the fabric.

  “In the sh… shower.” He gulped. “Final offer. Take it or leave it… I can… I can finish myself just fine.”

  With the hand not busy below, I snagged his chin and brought our mouths together forcefully, kissing him hard and long before breaking away. Then, I scooped both hands under his ass and transferred him to my arms. “You’ll do nothing of the sort. The shower I can do.”

  Forgetting or rather uncaring any longer about doing a kitchen check, I moved purposefully down the hall, our mouths never breaking apart, tongues dancing together. I needed him like I needed air and that trumped all other compulsions.

  In the bathroom, I sat him on the counter’s edge and tore his shirt over his head as he worked the button on my pants free. We were a collision of hands and mouths as we freed ourselves of clothing. Panting and chasing what we both wanted badly.

  Naked, I didn’t waste a moment before dropping between his legs and taking him into the back of my throat. I knew if I made him come first, I could take my time with him in the shower, draw things out and make them last. One thing I’d learned about Soren was the beauty and ease with which he came.

  For that reason, I always ensured I took care of him immediately when things heated up. He was also impatient and being teased made him squirm.

  I did it anyway.

  As I sucked him into the back of my throat, his hands gripped two fists full of my hair and he parted his legs to give me the access I required. He was close already, the pulsing heat of him against my tongue told me it wouldn’t be long.

  With a steady rhythm, I continued until he trembled and whimpered. His sex noises always made my own hardened length pulse in sympathy. Knowing I was minutes from being buried inside him sent a tingle over my skin, and I increased my suction, circling my tongue around his sensitive head with every pass. He thrust into me as I continued, steady moans leaving him incoherent with his head lulled down.

  Then, I got my first taste of his salty release as the hand in my hair tightened painfully hard and he cried out through gritted teeth. He filled my mouth and I took every drop, savoring what I could only describe as erotically delicious. I loved every sound, smell, and taste, as he quivered under my touch, and my body responded, weeping and begging for more.

  As he came down from his release, he pulled me to stand and rejoined our mouths in a sloppy and desperate kiss. When he pulled off he panted and stared at me, cheeks pink from exertion. “You know what I just remembered?”

  I chuckled but was stopped short when his hand wrapped around my length. I sucked in a breath through teeth. I knew exactly what he was thinking. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. We talked about it. I’m sure.”

  We had, but hearing him consenting again made my knees weak and I groaned as he worked me with determination.

  After some discussion, we’d both agreed that if our test results came back clear that condoms would be a thing of the past. Since that had only just happened that afternoon, what he wanted was to proceed barrier-free.

  My mind muddled and for the first time in my adult life, I couldn’t organize my thoughts. My body was on fire and I swallowed hard trying to center myself, but I couldn’t, not with his hand stroking me.

  “Shower,” Soren urged as we broke apart from another kiss.

  Parting from him reluctantly, I stumbled to the tub and turned it on before setting the temperature. I gravitated back to his mouth like I’d been drawn by magnetic force and sucked on his lips and tongue again, unable to contain myself.

  He’d already found lube in a drawer and clutched it in his palm. Because I didn’t trust carrying him into a slippery shower stall, especially seeing as I vibrated with anticipation, I instead guided him to follow me.

  It was not a shower of necessity, so getting wet and lathering up were the furthest things from our minds.

  Soren wrapped a lubed hand around my length as a steady stream of water rained over us. The slickness only intensified the good feelings and I leaned back allowing him to continue.

  His blond hair stuck to his forehead and the sides of his face as he looked up. “Have you ever had sex in a shower?”

  I chuckled between gasps. “What do you think, Caro?”

  His grin split across his face as he looped an arm around my neck.

  “Pick me up.”

  I did, his legs automatically firming around my waist. He watched me intently as he clung with one arm and used the other hand to line me up with his backside. Turning us, I pressed his back to the wall as he pressed himself against me. Immediately his body gave way and the warmth of him surrounding my bare erection, was almost too much. I knew it would be good, but I had no idea he’d feel that amazing.

  I gripped him tight as not to drop him. Once fully inside, he looped his second arm around my neck, and with my help, moved himself up and down over me. The glide was intense and I shook with adrenaline, squeezing him tighter and moving him faster.

  “Oh God, Caro, you feel incredible. I can’t even describe it.”

  We moved together, water coating us like a warm summer rain. His blue eyes found mine and with every rise and
fall, with every smooth glide in and out of his body, my heart beat faster. I was in Heaven.

  He looked so beautiful in my arms, I wanted to weep.

  “I love you, Remy,” he whispered, leaning his forehead to mine.

  With his words, the pressured dam inside me broke, sending waves of pleasure to course over my skin. With nothing between us, I filled him, claimed him, and squeezed him to my body until the last ripples of orgasm petered out.

  He was hard again, but I needed a minute. The dizzying sensation was overwhelming.

  He watched me intently, reading me like he’d learned to do, and only when he knew I could continue did he slide again against me. Lubricated by my own release, things were even easier than before and he buried his face in my neck and rocked against me, making his own friction between our bodies. In no time, his fingernails dug into my neck on a cry, and the warmth of his own release covered my abdomen. I held him to me, letting him ride it out until he stilled and eventually rose his head.

  I cupped his face, barely able to take enough oxygen into my lungs. “Ti amo, Caro. I love you so much.”

  We kissed lazily, unable to break apart until the water ran cold. We rinsed quickly and retreated to the warm bed where Soren curled up against my chest in his usual sleeping position.

  “Your heart is racing.”

  “You do that to me.” I yawned, my eyes falling heavy with relaxation and warmth. “You’ve always done that to me. Sleep, Caro, we have a long weekend ahead of us.”

  He didn’t speak anymore and soon his breathing changed, becoming heavier. I kissed his head and stroked his bare back. “Good night, mio tesoro.”

  Chapter Twenty


  “There is coffee brewing, Caro. Wake up.”

  I curled into a ball when Remy removed the covers from my naked body. It was cool in the room, and I didn’t want to leave the warmth of bed.

  “It’s too early. I told you they’ll be late.”

  “It’s already past nine, sleepyhead. You will be the one late soon.”

  He planted kisses over my bare flesh, growing goosebumps in their wake. I smiled into the pillow and stretched out on my stomach. He continued his assault down my spine and over my bare ass. “This is not exactly a good way of making me get up, you know?”


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