Tiger Trouble (Alaskan Tigers Book 12)

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Tiger Trouble (Alaskan Tigers Book 12) Page 13

by Marissa Dobson

  “Spent the time? You mean packing and talking to Dad? You know, somehow I don’t think he’ll be upset about that.” She shot him a cocky smile as she tugged on her jeans.

  “Smart ass.” He tugged his shirt over his head. “I’m going to grab a cup of coffee. Want one?”

  Buttoning her jeans, she shook her head. “You’re going to want me to skip the caffeine and get eight hours of sleep if I’m going to be cheerful tomorrow when I meet your clan. Trust me when I say my claws come out when I’m tired.”

  “I can’t remember the last time I got eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.” Shaking his head, he strolled toward the door. “Being an Elder plays hell on your sleep schedule.”

  “Keep it up with those helpful tidbits and I might decide killing you is a better option than being mated to you.” Slipping her sweater over her head, she followed him toward the kitchen.

  “Believe what you want.” He leaned against the wall closer to the living room and as she neared, he wrapped his arms around her, drawing her against his body. “You know you’d miss what we have. The way your body fits against mine because you’re meant to be there. You’re mine and while there might be times when you’re sleep deprived, I’ll make up for it in other ways.”

  “What ways?” Before he could answer, the front door opened and Thorn ambled into the cabin, Rhett close behind.

  “I see you’re packed.” Thorn nodded to the suitcases by the door. “I figured you’d have already left.”

  “She’s going to come stay with me, but we wanted to talk to you. Let me grab a cup of coffee first. Anyone else want a cup?” Without waiting for an answer, Tex strolled toward the kitchen.

  “It’s late and unless you have more tests to put me through, I’ll pass.” Thorn dropped down onto the chair in the living room. Exhaustion rolled off him but his eyes were alert, giving him a bump up in Tex’s opinion. “Well…”

  “Well what?” Tex glanced toward the living room, the coffee pot in his hand.

  “Dawson and Brody both know they’ve got a position in Texas and neither of them had to go through these additional tests. So, what’s up? Did I secure a spot or not?”

  With his coffee in hand, Tex moved to the end of the counter where Carleen was lingering out of the way and slipped his arm around her waist, drawing her against him. Letting Thorn’s uneasiness grow, he took a drink of his coffee before lifting his gaze away from his mate and focusing on her brother. “I came here looking for guards to ensure the safety of my clan. With the resort opening soon, the threat level goes up. I need to ensure not only the clan and guests are safe, but that we’re ready for any situation that arrives. Which means I need to find a couple of strong guards to help train more until our team is running at full capacity. I’m open to recruiting from other clans, but until some construction is complete, it limits how many recruits I can bring onboard. So, I need the strongest and the best warriors available to me.”

  “I understand. I appreciate the opportunity.” Thorn slammed his hands on his thighs and started to rise. “Car, we need to talk. Privately.”

  “Sit down. We’re not done.” Tex watched him with annoyance as he waited for him to sit back down. “From the moment you found me and Carleen in the kitchen, your attitude has been working under my skin. I realize you’re stressed, but giving your anger an outlet is going to cost you dearly.”

  “My attitude is the reason you’re not giving me a position?” Thorn’s gaze shifted from Tex to Carleen, then back to Tex. “I was trying to protect my sister. After what your clan went through and the news of Lucy’s death, I would have thought you’d understand. I guess compassion isn’t something Alphas comprehend.”

  “Thorn!” Carleen scolded.

  “No, Carleen.” Thorn’s fingers tightened around the arm of the chair as he continued to stare at them. “The person he’s seen is the real me. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect you. You’re my little sister and we’ve always been close. I can’t stand by as some new Alpha comes in and the past repeats itself. Don’t expect me to do nothing. I won’t allow you to end up the same way Lucy did.”

  “It’s not the—”

  “That’s what I mean.” The fabric of the chair ripped as Thorn dug his fingers in deeper. “You’re always so quick to defend him. Even before he claimed you. You’ve always wanted to believe in fairytales and a happily-ever-after, but that’s not real life. Look at Lee. You wanted to believe he’d changed but if anything, he got worse.”

  “That attack is exactly why I shouldn’t offer you a guard position.” He held her tighter to him, trying to ease her tension with his touch so they could get the conversation over with. “Your blatant disregard for authority and your sister’s feelings is more than enough to remove you from the running, and depending on Ty’s decision eliminate you from future possible guard positions.”

  “The first might be your decision, but the second one isn’t. At the very least I should have an opportunity to present my side to Ty before he removes me from the program.” Thorn shifted uneasily in his seat. “Maybe Raja can understand my position. He’d do the same if it was Tora’s safety at risk.”

  “Unlike what I’ve witnessed from you, Raja knows what battles to fight and when to keep his mouth shut. Good thing for you I truly believe you’re irritated because you’re afraid for Carleen’s life and that’s the only reason you’ve lasted this long. Otherwise, I’d have already eliminated you.” He took another sip from his coffee mug. “Carleen means a great deal to you, to both of us. As my mate, she’s in danger not only for my support of Tabitha, but also from those who supported Avery. While they might no longer be part of the clan, they’re still a threat. With the resort opening, no amount of background checks or security in place will eliminate the danger surrounding her and that has helped to keep you in the running.”

  “What? I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

  “I want you in Texas with us. As—” Unease rushed through him and he looked at Carleen just as she turned toward him and slipped her arms around his waist. She was afraid her brother would reject the position and that fear was nearly overwhelming. He opened the connection between them, allowing her to hear him. It’s okay, peaches.

  “As what?” Thorn pressed.

  “The Captain of Carleen’s Guards.” With his focus on her brother, he rubbed his hand down her back. “If you want the position, you’re going to need to change your attitude.”

  “Why offer me the position?”

  “I’m aware of the conversation you’ve had with her and that you’re willing to challenge me if it will keep her safe. You might not believe this, but I understand where you’re coming from. You want her safe.” He glanced down at her. “That’s what I want, too.”

  “What if the threat to her safety is you?” Thorn’s voice remained steady, though something shifted in his eyes.

  “Soon enough you’ll realize that there’s nothing more important to me than her happiness and safety.” With one last sip, he set the coffee aside and teased his hand up her arm. “If you find proof that I’m an Alpha who’s anything like Lee, then challenge me.”

  “If I lost, she’d be at your mercy.” He caught the change in Thorn’s voice. The fight was gone, but he continued because he couldn’t trust himself enough to know Tex was different. It was clear in his voice, his posture, and most of all his scent.

  “Ty and Tabitha would never allow me to continue as Alpha if I was turning into someone like Avery or Lee. The clan has been through too much and we’re just putting the pieces of our lives back together. I’m committed to Ty and Tabitha. As the King and Queen of the tigers, they can feel the Alpha I am. They know how I run my clan and my true beliefs. If there was ever a hint that I’d become a vindictive Alpha, they’d swoop in and rescue the clan before damage could be done.”

  “Fear of the unknown is what has you holding on to this insane idea.” She stepped out of his embrace and moved toward her brother.
“We both know if Tex wasn’t an Elder, you’d look at him differently. You’d respect him for what he’s accomplished and what he’s overcome. Those same reasons are why you should be honored to serve under him. A young Alpha who’s brought his clan back from ashes and is building something amazing in Texas. Manetka Resort is going to be back, better than ever. I want to be part of that and I want you to be, too, but I understand if you can’t.”

  “If I can’t.”

  “Yeah, Thorn. If you can’t let go of your anger and learn to respect Tex, then what else is there for you to do but find a different clan.”

  Her sorrow stabbed Tex in the stomach. He knew she wanted Thorn in Texas, but he hadn’t realized how much her brother’s decision weighed on her. She wasn’t just anxious he would reject the position, she was scared she’d lose him. Whether he went back to Mississippi or found another clan, the loss would be the same. Rather than going to her like his tiger demanded, he hung back and gave her the opportunity to let her brother know how she felt.

  “I want you safe, Car.” Thorn’s shoulder relaxed. “Every time I think of you being mated to an Alpha I think about the hell Lucy went through and how we were all helpless to stop it. Lee’s supporters were very few, but most of us were too scared to do something. Lee made sure he had someone to hold over the clan’s head if they tried anything. Dad kept his people in line for Lucy’s safety. She was loved by so many that no one wanted to be the reason she was harmed.”

  “I was there.” She slipped her hand into the front pocket of her jeans and Tex realized she was running her fingers over Lucy’s coin. “Months after they mated, Dad and I were sent to pick up Lee’s brother from the airport. We got back later because someone t-boned us on our drive home, slamming into the passenger side of Dad’s truck. That’s when I realized how bad things were. Lee didn’t care that his brother was decapitated from the sheet metal that flew off the pickup truck that hit us. He was just angry we were late.”

  “I know.” Thorn nodded. “Dad and Lucy spent the rest of that night trying to calm Lee down. Even after Dad came home, he stayed in the living room watching Lee’s place, terrified of what might be happening over there. You could have died and Lee couldn’t have cared less.”

  “Dad got me out of the car and with the help of the first police officer on scene, they were able to get me into the alley so I could shift, allowing me to heal the internal bleeding and head wound. I had to leave some of my injuries to make the story plausible, but that saved my life. There was nothing we could do for Lee’s brother, not that Dad even cared about him at the time.”

  “What does this have to do with the position?” Tex wasn’t seeing the connection and as much as he’d have liked to allow them to reminisce, there wasn’t a lot of time before he had to be back in Texas.

  “Dad was hard to live with at times, especially when he and Mom fought, but there were times that he was unbelievable. The compassion he showed me that night as he calmed me was something I’ll never forget. I was frozen from the sight of my own blood, unable to move to heal myself, but Dad forced me to shift. Otherwise, I’d have died.” She took a step back, brushing against Tex’s front as he brought his hand to rest at the small of her back. “That same compassion is within Tex. You saw it firsthand when I cut myself on that beer bottle. Lee never cared when Lucy was bleeding. There wasn’t a drop of compassion in that man. Do you need more evidence that Tex is nothing like him?”

  “Believing it and finding a way to stop worrying about you are two different things.” He tipped his head toward Tex. “I want to believe you’ll never hurt her, but after everything…”

  “I get that. The shit you went through makes trusting anyone hard. If you commit to me, you’ll know without a doubt that I could never hurt her. I’ve only known her a short time, but I’d give my life to keep her from ever shedding a tear or being hurt.” Unable to stop himself any longer, he wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her back so she was resting against the front of his body. “I want you as the Captain of her Guards because I trust you’ll keep her safe. There’s no one else who can keep her as safe as the two of us can. So, think about it and you can give us an answer in the morning.”

  “If you choose not to come to Texas, I wish you the best,” Rhett added. “You’ve got talent and ability that others don’t. If you test out for another Alpha, don’t let your need to impress them overwhelm what you’re doing. You allowed that to happen during the first session and if Tex hadn’t seen something inside you, you might have been eliminated.” He grabbed Carleen’s suitcase and opened the door. “I really hope you consider the opportunity. It would be great having you as part of the team and I could use your help training future guards.”

  “Let’s get some rest.” Keep his arm around her waist, he led them toward the door, but before he reached it she paused and looked back at Thorn.

  “Will you come for breakfast? I’ll get up early and make sure I can get some of your favorite chocolate chip banana muffins from the kitchen.”

  “I’ll be there.” Thorn nodded, sending his shoulder length black hair into his face, but didn’t look back at her. “Night, Car.”

  On the short walk over to his cabin, Tex wasn’t certain what to make of Thorn’s stance. He wanted to protect Carleen, and as noble as that was, it was also misplaced. All he could do now was hope that something they’d said would knock enough sense into Thorn that his attitude would change and he’d take the position. He wasn’t holding out hope, which meant he needed to find someone to protect Carleen and fast. The idea of returning to Texas the following day without an official Captain of her Guards made him uneasy. He wanted her protected, and unless Thorn came around, the only other person he trusted with her safety was Rhett. It would cost him and Ben, but he had no doubt Ben would agree with the idea of Rhett standing in temporarily as her Captain.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The heat of Texas was just as Carleen expected, but the rest was nothing like she imagined. The wide open space made it appear as if it continued forever. There was something peaceful about the place. Ranches scattered along the drive to Manetka Resort drew her attention. The number of cows, horses, and other farm animals was overwhelming, making her wonder if there were more animals than people in the state.

  “We’re almost there.” Tex slipped his arm around her shoulders, bringing her back against his side. “Ben has assembled the clan in the conference room. We’ll meet with the clan and introduce you and the new members. Then I’ll show you around.”

  “You don’t have to. I’m sure you have things to do before your appointment.” Her stomach tightened with anxiety at the thought of meeting the clan.

  “Tad and Ben are going to deal with that.”

  “You should—”

  “Don’t, peaches.” He pressed his lips to her temple. “It’s an airplane, that’s all. As long as it gets us safely from place to place, I don’t care about any of the other details. The features aren’t important to me. I trust them to get us a good deal on the plane.”

  “Since you’re a licensed pilot now, don’t you want to take it out for a test flight?”

  “I trust them,” he repeated. “I’d rather be with you.”

  “You’re buying a plane?” Thorn turned in the passenger seat to look back at them.

  “It will make it easier for us to get back and forth from Alaska without having to wait for one of the Brown brothers to fly in for us,” Tex explained. “Rhett and I both have a pilot’s license, and Ben is in the process of obtaining his now. In the future, I’d like to have an additional guard become a licensed pilot. This will allow them to play dual roles whenever any of us need to leave Texas. Taking a pilot who is a risk during a mission could leave a team stranded.”

  “I didn’t even think to ask, but this plane you’re going to look at is why Tad, Milo, and Courtney are staying? I figured Tad would fly you back, but I didn’t realize Milo and Courtney would be coming as well.”

  “Tad knows planes and offered to look over whatever I considered purchasing. He also suggested that maybe Courtney should visit. Since she’s human and most of the clan haven’t been around many, it will give them a chance to adjust to the different scent. As her mates, Tad and Milo wouldn’t allow her to be alone. Tad needed to check out the plane, so Milo came as well. Having the trio here will be a good test run for when the resort opens.”

  “Opening week, we’ve kept the number of reservations small, slowly building each week,” Rhett explained, pulling the SUV up to the front of the resort. “It will give everyone time to adjust to it being open again. Plus, with the limited guards and staff, we can only handle so much. We’ll work on building the team and with the new attractions coming soon; we’ll be a whole new resort by the end of the year. Hopefully back at full capacity, too.”

  “I spent most of the plane ride here going over the information you gave me and I’d like to sit down with Barry as soon as possible.” Thorn glanced out at the resort. “I want to get an idea of the floor plans so I know every possible escape route.”

  “You’re acting like I’m in danger.” She shifted in her seat as Rhett slid the gearstick into park. Last night she wasn’t even sure Thorn would accept the position and had spent most of the night tossing and turning. It wasn’t until he showed up at the cabin with his duffel bag in hand that she could relax. It was a complete turnaround for him and now he was fully committed to Tex, the clan, and her protection. He almost seemed back to his old self and appeared to be looking forward to the challenge in front of him.

  “He’s being a responsible Captain of your Guards.” Tex lifted his arm from around her shoulders and took her hand into his. “If you haven’t noticed, your safety is the most important thing to both of us. Until he gets the lay of the land and is ready, Rhett’s going to be teaming with him.”

  “Leaving you unprotected? No.” She stared at him, unwilling to believe he thought she’d be okay with this arrangement.


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