Tiger Trouble (Alaskan Tigers Book 12)

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Tiger Trouble (Alaskan Tigers Book 12) Page 14

by Marissa Dobson

  “At home I don’t have guards.”

  “For the time being,” Rhett interrupted. “When the resort is open, he will. We might not be hovering, but we’ll be there. It’s for his protection as well as the clan.”

  “The point is, I know my members. There’s no reason to have guards shadowing my every move.” He brought his other hand up to the side of her face and tucked her hair behind her ear. “I wanted you to arrive here as Alpha Female so they know where you stand from the moment we walk into that room. Still, after everything that has happened, they’re going to be leery. Most of them have never been around anyone outside of the clan. They were kept in the tunnels, hidden away from the guests, because Avery was too afraid of what might happen.”

  “Even if you were going to a clan with less of a haunted past, you’d need protection. We don’t know if any of Lee’s supports will come after you as retaliation for Dad taking over the Mississippi Tigers. Killing you wouldn’t just be a retaliation against Dad, but it would be a swipe at Tex and his clan,” Thorn added. “So, no arguing. You do exactly what we tell you.”

  “You just had to give him the Captain of my Guards position, didn’t you?” With a grin, she shook her head. “Let’s go.”

  Tex chuckled and took hold of the door handle. “He’ll protect you like I would and that’s what you need.”

  Following Tex into the resort, she was so taken in by her new home that she was only faintly aware of the new guards and the trio from the Alaskan Tigers climbing out of the second SUV and falling into step behind them as they made their way inside. Entering the lobby, she quickly took in the space. Even with the ladders and other work equipment scattered around the room, the space was still large enough that people could relax there and mingle. The oversized furniture had been covered in plastic so it wouldn’t be splashed while the walls were being painted. The floor-to-ceiling windows overlooked the massive swimming pool with several smaller hot tubs. Straight ahead was a reception desk, currently without anyone on duty. The outdoor fire pit made her do a double-take.

  “I know you don’t believe it, but we get a dusting of snow occasionally,” Tex teased. “Actually, we added it because who doesn’t love a good s’more? They’re only really good if you roast the marshmallow over an open flame.”

  “Kids will love it.” She glanced up at him. “I want a s’more now.”

  “Tonight we’ll light it and have a celebration.” He led her past the reception desk and down the hall toward conference room one. “You can have your s’more and we can mingle with the clan. It will be good for all of us.”

  “Is it wise to plan that when you’re not sure how they’re going to react to her? Not to mention me, Dawson, and Brody,” Thorn said.

  “I wouldn’t risk her if it wasn’t.”

  “We’ll be here as well,” Tad called from behind them.

  “It will be nice to spend some time with Carleen and your clan before we leave. A relaxing visit,” Courtney added. “I think a night of fun is what we all need. Bring on the s’mores.”

  “Ready?” Tex’s voice was low as he squeezed her hand. Before she could answer, Rhett opened the door and Thorn grabbed hold of it, allowing Rhett to continue inside.

  She wasn’t sure she was ready, but since she was already mated to him, it was too late to back out. One last hurdle to jump and that was meeting the clan members. She could do this. After all, this was her home now. She knew that one day she and Thorn would find a new clan. She just never expected to be center of attention when she did. What if she wasn’t cut out to be Alpha Female? The only benefit was that she wouldn’t have to worry about anyone challenging her for the position. That wasn’t how it worked. She was the Alpha’s mate, making her Alpha Female. Nothing changed that.

  Stop worrying. They’re going to love you. Tex’s voice echoed through her head.

  This silent communication is freaky. Trying not to think about all the attention focused on her as they made their way toward the center stand where Ben was already waiting, she squeezed his hand. If their stares weren’t enough to make her uneasy, the hushed whispers were.

  Tex was amazed at the change within his mate. No one would have realized twenty minutes ago Carleen had been petrified as he led her onto the stage. Now all her anxiety was gone as she mingled with the clan members. She stayed close, touching him whenever she could, but she no longer had a death grip on his hand. Everyone was excited to have her there and she seemed to be returning the sentiment. More than that, she was at ease. Watching her interacting with the members, he realized he had nothing to worry about. She was meant to be there with them.

  “We need to talk,” Ben whispered as they slipped from one group to another, welcoming Carleen to the family.

  “Can it wait?” With his hand on the small of her back, he watched as one of their close advisors, Mario, neared them.

  “You know I wouldn’t ask if it could.” Ben glanced around them. “It’s waited too long already.”

  “We’ve got it covered,” Rhett whispered from Tex’s other side. “Thorn and I will stay with her.”

  “Go on. I’ll be fine.” Carleen glanced back at him. Remember you trust them. I’m safe here. Your words.

  “I won’t be far.” With a break between greeters, he gave her a quick kiss. “Stay close to Rhett and Thorn. Tad and Milo are close by, too.”

  “Don’t fret. My shadows will keep me safe.” She shot him a cocky grin.

  “I won’t be far,” he repeated as Rhett stepped in front of them, cutting Mario off, and giving them another private moment.

  “So you said.” Her hand slid down his chest as she leaned back out of his embrace. “Go take care of business. I’ve still got a lot of people to meet. Then I’d like a hot shower before the party tonight so maybe Rhett could show me to our place.”

  “I’ll try to be back before then, so I can join you in that shower.” Forcing himself to step back, he glanced at Thorn, quickly noting how her brother watched those moving about them. If it hadn’t been for his connection as Thorn’s Alpha, he wouldn’t have been able to tell the Captain of her Guards was uneasy. Any aroma of uncertainty that most would give off, Thorn had been able to hide, allowing those around them to think he was oblivious to what was happening. It normally took years for a guard to develop that ability, yet Thorn was once again proving Tex made the right choice by giving him the position.

  “If not, we can shower together later.” She gave him a quick smile and turned back around to meet those who had made their way toward them. Placing her hand softly on Rhett’s back, she let him know she was ready for Mario.

  “Control room?” Without waiting for an answer, Ben started toward the staircase at the back of the room, leading up to a small chamber. Back when the resort had been at full capacity, the conference room was used for movie night and the control room had been the focus point of making sure everything ran smoothly. All the controls for the lights, projector, and sound were in that room.

  Climbing the stairs, he thought back to the movie nights. He had never been there to watch a movie, but he remembered it clearly. It was loved by the children visiting the resorts and crowded on rainy days. The beanbag chairs and mats seemed to be a hit for the kids. He needed to bring it back. Movies for the adults hadn’t gone over as well as it had with the children. There were too many other things the adults could entertain themselves with. Maybe he needed to turn the room, or one of the smaller conference rooms, into a full-time area for the kids. Eventually, clan children would be able to use it.

  Closing the door behind him, he stepped toward the window overlooking the conference room below them. The moment he saw Carleen in the crowd, her guards and now Milo surrounding her, his concern dissipated. “Do we still have the beanbag chairs?”

  “Most, yes. With all the painting and remodeling, they’ve been stored in a room down the hall. Why?”

  “When you mentioned the control room, I started thinking about the movie nights.
Maybe we should bring them back. We can discuss it later.” He glanced over at his Lieutenant. “What’s so urgent?”

  “Do you remember Jamison? He stayed here a couple years ago with a friend of his.”

  “The lion and his friend Griffin. Wasn’t he a black bear?”

  “Yeah.” Ben leaned back against the desk. “For the past twelve years, they served in the military together, and during that time they became close.”

  “I don’t see what this has to do with the urgent matter at hand.”

  “Neither of them wanted to go their separate ways and neither Jamison’s pride nor Griffin’s sleuth would agree to the other joining. After almost six months of being on their own, they’re missing the connection with other shifters and they reached out to me. They didn’t figure a tiger clan would take them in, but they thought since the resort is about to open again we might be hiring. They’ve got skills we need and we’ve got something they need.”

  “Urgency fits how?” The annoyance in his tone wasn’t something he even bothered trying to conceal. As Alpha, duty called at all hours and normally he didn’t have a problem with it. Right then, he did. He didn’t believe Carleen was in danger from any of the members, but his tiger wanted to be down there with her as she met the clan.

  “Ty called after you left Alaska.” Ben glanced out the window and down at the clan below. “It appears a small group of Lee’s supports broke off from the Mississippi Tigers. Jack isn’t sure what their intensions are, but they denounced him as their Alpha and left. They could be a threat to Carleen and Thorn.”

  “Fuck.” Tex snarled. The thought of her being in danger enraged him.

  “Jamison and Griffin can help protect her, the clan, and us. Even if it turns out that this group who left the Mississippi Tigers aren’t a threat, Jamison and Griffin can train our guards in aspects Rhett might not be able to.” He turned back to Tex. “These guys stopped Avery from attacking Julia.”

  “I remember.” Tex didn’t need to recall the hell that Avery put the clan through for that. That argument was one of the first times there had been a witness to Avery’s rage from outside of the clan. He was pissed that a large party canceled their reservation and Julia, being on duty at the reception desk when it happened, received the brunt of it. All it took was one hit for Jamison to jump between them. “Where have they been for the last few months?”

  “Bouncing around the states, seeing parts of the country they haven’t before. After a scuffle that left a couple rogues dead, they’re skipping their plans on visiting the Grand Cannon and getting out of Arizona before anyone else can find them.”

  He stood there weighing the benefits against the trouble they could be opening themselves up to by inviting these two into the clan. It wasn’t just the lion pride or the black bear sleuth, but now that they had run-ins with the rogues, that was yet another possibility of trouble following the two. Still, what they had to offer could be worth it. “Have you discussed with them their willingness to commit?”

  “I haven’t yet. I wanted to speak with you before giving them hope, but I have no doubt they’re interested.”

  “Make sure before you extend the invitation. I don’t care how much they have to offer. Right now we can’t afford to have anyone here full-time who’s not committed to the clan. I need to know they’re committed to what we stand for. They might not be desperate enough to commit to a tiger clan, even if it means being around their own kind through the resort.” He watched as Mario continued to linger near Carleen, rising his tiger within. “If they’ll commit, work it out with Tad and get them here.”

  “I have no doubt they’ll commit and not out of desperation.” Ben picked up a notepad from the desk and held it out to Tex. “I’ve spoken to them at length and their values line up with ours. Otherwise I wouldn’t suggest bringing them here.”

  He read over the notes Ben scribbled on the pad and nodded. “Get it taken care of.”

  “One more thing.” Ben glanced down at Carleen before turning back to Tex. “When you told me Thorn was going to be the Captain of Carleen’s Guards, I had my doubts. It’s unusual, but I can see he cares for her. He’s a good choice.”

  “We’ll need to determine where to assign Brody and Dawson. I have some thoughts on that, so we’ll meet tomorrow morning with Rhett and go over things.” Dropping the pad back on the table, he stepped to the door. “Dawson might be good for Captain of your Guards. He’s good.”

  “Then you’ll take Rhett?”

  Tex shook his head. “For now, Rhett’s assigned to Carleen. I want her safe. I can protect myself.”

  “Is it worth me arguing with you on that or should I wait until we sit down with Rhett tomorrow?” Ben shook his head. “Never mind. I’ll wait.”

  “Save your strength for a battle you can win.” Tex chuckled and grabbed hold of the door handle. “Going on your judgement, Jamison and Griffin might be the most help to us by leading the resort guards and handling security. I know Barry is handling the security under you, but he’d be more use to us as resort manager. This change would allow us both to focus on the clan. But let’s wait until after I meet with them to make that decision.”

  “I agree. The clan needs the most of our attention.” He tipped his head toward the window. “Go to your mate. I’ll get things squared away with Jamison and Griffin.”

  “I’ll send Tad up. Besides the appointment about the plane, I’m sure you won’t have any issues arranging travel. At least on this end.” Knowing his Lieutenant could handle that, he pulled the door open and headed down the steps to Carleen. As he made his way through the crowd toward her, he was no longer as relaxed as he had been. Only knowing some information wasn’t enough for him; he needed to know what they were up against. Standing where he could keep an eye on Carleen, he pulled his cell phone from his pocket and opened his messages to text Ty. How many left in Mississippi? Their plans?

  He didn’t even have time to put his cell phone away before he got a reply. Five. Maybe six. No threats made. Keep up your guard. Will call when we have more information.

  That did little to ease the concern tightening his muscles. His mate could be in danger from her former clan members. Five or six would be easy for them to take care of, but with his commitment to Tabitha, it wouldn’t be hard to add to those numbers quickly.

  “You’re worrying your mate.” Tad’s voice pulled Tex out of his thoughts. “Turi and Trey are combing the shifter forum for a lead. Right now, there’s nothing we can do but wait. I’ve already spoken with Ty. We’ll stick around until we know if they’re coming after her. He’ll send more if she’s in danger.”

  “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.” He turned to the bear, not the least bit surprised to find Courtney at his side. “I actually need your help with something.”

  “Name it.”

  “There are two shifters who can provide substantial aid to the clan and our cause, but we need to retrieve them. I can’t leave Carleen to go get them…not now.” He tipped his head toward the staircase he’d descended minutes before. “Ben’s upstairs. He can tell you more.”

  “Consider it handled.” With his arm around Courtney’s waist he headed toward the stairs.

  With everything he could handle taken care of, he continued toward Carleen. His time away had given most of the clan time to introduce themselves, allowing them to slip away soon. Once they were upstairs, he could touch base with Jack and Ty again.

  “Everything okay?” she whispered as he came up behind her.

  “Better, now that I’m here with you.” Placing his hands on her hips, he pulled her back against him. No doubt she felt what being near her was doing to him. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “I haven’t—”

  “Tonight. Right now, I need you.” He leaned down and kissed along the curve of her neck. “Unless you want to give them a show, let’s go.” With his arms around her waist he started moving her toward the door, giving her no choice.

Even as she called out to him, her body rocked back against him, humming with need.

  “If I could have everyone’s attention,” Rhett hollered. “Carleen hasn’t had a chance to meet everyone, but there will be time tonight…”

  “Rhett understands and he’ll handle things.”

  His announcement blended into the background as they made their way toward the door. It wasn’t until they were out of the conference room and near the elevator that Tex turned back to Thorn and Milo. “Thorn, wait down here. Rhett will show you to your room and get you set up with Barry. Be at our suite at seven and we’ll go to the barbeque. Milo, thank you.”

  “You know there’s no need for that.” Milo nodded. “We’re family and we’ve got to watch out for each other.”

  He knew Milo was right. Finding the Alaskan Tigers had been the best thing that ever happened to him and to the clan. He was part of something bigger. “Tad and Courtney are in the control booth with Ben. I hear you’re going to be sticking around for a bit, so make yourself at home. You know where you’re staying on the tenth floor.” The elevator doors opened.

  “Go. We’ve got things under control. I’ll make sure Brody and Dawson get settled as well.” Milo gave them a knowing grin as the doors closed and the elevator started toward the top floor.

  Every second in the elevator seemed like an eternity. Enjoying the way her body arched into his, he kept her firmly pressed against the front of him as he nipped and kissed along the curve of her neck. Moaning softly, she tried to twist so she could face him.

  “Not yet.”

  “Please…” She begged breathlessly.

  “For the next few hours, you’re mine, peaches.” Unable to wait, he scooped her into his arms and as the door slid open, he dashed down the hall to their suite. “It’s shower time…”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Life in Texas was unbelievable and the unease that knotted Carleen’s stomach since she first learned she was Tex’s mate was gone. She had been nervous the clan wouldn’t approve or accept her, but it turned out she had nothing to worry about. They had only been in Texas a few days, but everything had gone perfectly and she wasn’t sure she’d ever felt more at home than she did there. This was where she belonged.


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