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Ignite_A clean rock star romance

Page 6

by Lara Wynter

  Wes grimaces. “It’s pretty bad, but it beats having anyone recognize me. How about we get out of here?”

  Wes puts an arm around Sophie’s shoulder as we head toward the exit. I smile at Stan and Leon as they pick up our bags and follow discreetly a few feet behind us.

  Wes opens the door of the car for us and Sophie jumps in first, leaving me the seat in the middle. I’m acutely aware of Wes’s body right beside mine as he gets into the car. As usual, he smells amazing. His thigh brushes against mine as he shifts in his seat. I do up my seatbelt and place my hands in my lap. This ride is going to be torturous. Heat courses through me from where our legs touch, but to avoid being obvious I don’t move away. Sophie has her phone in her hand and is texting madly.

  Wes removes the ugly wig as the car pulls away from the curb. “Have you visited New York before, Jem?”

  The way he says my name sends shivers down my spine. His voice is so husky and divine. “No, this is my first time.”

  “Oh, maybe we can stay an extra day then. Soph’s always bugging me to do all the touristy things but we’re usually strapped for time with band stuff. But seeing as how we have a few days off after tonight’s show we could actually do something.”

  “Are you sure? You wouldn’t mind me tagging around with you and Soph?”

  “Of course not, the more the merrier. We can ask the rest of the band too.”

  Disappointment courses through me. Of course, the invitation was nothing more than friendly. For a moment though, I’d thought it was me he’d wanted to spend more time with. I shake my head to clear it. “Sure I’d love to see the sights.” I smile broadly to hide my embarrassment.

  We fall silent, and I take a moment to stare at the busy streets and tall buildings as we head deeper into the city.

  The car pulls up in front of an überfancy hotel. I follow Wes out of the car, trying to ignore how good his butt looks in his fitted jeans.

  Sophie finally puts her phone away as she scrambles out of the car. “We’re staying here?” She flings her arms around Wes. “I can’t believe we’re staying at the same hotel as Jackson Durant!” She squeals loudly. “Wes, please tell me I can meet him. Please, please, pleeease!”

  I can’t help smiling at her antics. Maybe if she gets to meet the young star, she’ll finally get over her obsession. That or it will only make it that much stronger.

  Wes shoots a panicked glance in my direction. “Soph, how do you even know he’s staying here right now?”

  “Uh, duh, I have an app on my phone. Plus, I know there’s a premiere he’s attending.”

  Wes’s mouth drops open. “You have a what?”

  “Seriously, you’re famous, how can you not know about this stuff?”

  Wes frowns. A few people have gathered. I walk over to Sophie and gently take her arm.

  “We’d better go inside.” She looks around and quickly follows me into the hotel lobby.

  I try not to let my mouth hang open as I take in all the marble and elegant opulence. As I look around, I notice my ratty suitcase is sitting with Sophie's on an elegant trolley thing. A wave of embarrassment washes over me, I don’t belong here with my Target clothes and old luggage.

  Trent walks across the lobby toward us. “Hi, Jemma. Here’s your room key. You’re right next door to Wes and Sophie so you can be on hand if they need you.”

  I take the plastic key. “Thanks, Trent. What time do Soph and I need to be at the venue?”

  “If you can be there by six, that’d make my life easier.”

  “Of course.”

  “Well, I’ll let you head up and get settled.”

  Sophie tugs on my arm. “Jem, do you think he’s here now?” She’s looking all around us like Jackson Durant is going to emerge from behind a potted plant or something.

  “If he is, I doubt he’s going to be hanging out in the lobby.”

  “You’re right, we should totally check out the gym. He’s so fit he must spend hours working out every day.”

  I laugh. “Sure, we can check out the gym after the band leaves to go to the venue. I could do with a run after sitting on the plane for hours.”

  “Yay!” Sophie turns to Wes as he joins us. “Hey Wes, what time are you heading to The Garden?”

  “Around three. Have you girls had lunch?”

  “No, can we go somewhere nice?” Sophie asks.

  “We don’t have time today, Soph, but don’t worry, we have all day tomorrow to see stuff.”

  “Alright, but promise me you’ll try and find out if I can meet JD, okay?”

  Wes shrugs and rolls his eyes. “We’ll see.”

  “Thanks. You’re the best big brother ever!” Sophie practically skips off toward the elevators and we follow behind.

  “Now she’s going to hate me if I don’t introduce her to that little upstart.”

  I glance at Wes, trying to read his expression. “Is he really that bad?”

  Wes chuckles. “No idea. Never met him. He does have a bit of a rep though.”

  “Like your band used to?”


  We get onto the elevator and ascend to near the top of the building. The doors slide open and we step out into a lushly carpeted hallway. It’s quiet and peaceful, but the thought of Autumn being dragged down a similar hotel hallway when Jason kidnapped her makes me shudder. I’m grateful for the presence of Leon and Stan as they follow us to Wes’s suite.

  The inside is as opulent as I expected but smaller. I guess space is at a premium in New York, even for the wealthy. Still, the view is amazing and far superior to anywhere I’ve ever stayed.

  I follow Wes and Sophie to the comfy looking couches and we all sit. Wes sits in a single chair and I sit next to Sophie. The security guys stay near the door. It feels weird how they are and aren’t part of the group. The band members are pretty friendly with all their security, but I guess they’re still working, so they can’t really just socialize with us.

  Wes slaps his hands on his knees and leans forward. “So what would you girls like to order for lunch?”

  Sophie jumps up to grab a menu, and I lean forward to read it with her. I ignore the prices as I scan to find something that sounds good.

  “I think I’ll just have the hamburger.”

  Sophie grins. “I’ll have that too.”

  “Ah,” Wes smiles and rubs his stomach, “Girls after my own heart.”

  As Wes makes the call to room service, Sophie jumps up. “I’m just going to check out my room and tell the girls I might be meeting JD.”

  “Uh, Soph, just don’t be too disappointed if Wes can’t organize it, alright?”

  “Don’t worry Jem, I’m not going to leave it all up to Wes, I’m going to check with the rest of the band as well. Who knows who might have an ‘in’ with him?”

  A soft sigh escapes from between my lips. She’s one very determined teenager.

  Wes comes back and resumes his seat on the couch.“She’s precocious, isn’t she? How am I going to cope when she’s sixteen if she’s like this now?”

  “Oh, Wes, I’m sure she’ll be fine. She has people that care about her. That’s the most important thing. I’ve asked her if she wants to come to church with me, but so far she hasn’t been interested.”

  Wes frowns slightly. “Maybe we should both come with you sometime. Who knows, it couldn’t hurt.”

  “Ah, that’s the spirit,” I tease.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean that how it sounded. I’ve kind of neglected any spiritual stuff. Our parents were never interested in anything that didn’t involve putting their own interests first.”

  “Well, you’re always welcome. I’d love to have you and Sophie come with me anytime.”

  “As long as it’s not weird if I go?”

  I look into Wes’s eyes. They’re so warm and open it’s hard to look away. “You mean because of the fame thing?”

  “Yeah, and because I’m so good looking.”

  I’m taken aback for
a moment before I realize he’s joking. I doubt he really knows just how good looking he is. It’s not in his DNA to be proud or boastful. “Well…we do have some pretty good looking men in our congregation, so you’d have some stiff competition.”

  “Are you…are you dating anyone?”

  I look away. My face feels like it’s on fire. “Um, why would you ask me that? If I date anyone, I won’t bring them to the house, but to be honest, I don’t think I’m ready to date again yet.”


  Her admission relieves me more than it should. What was I thinking asking her something so inappropriate and personal? It was just when she was talking about other men she found attractive, I couldn’t contain the feelings of jealousy that rushed through me. If she hadn’t just told me she wasn’t ready to date, who knows what I would have asked her. I stand up and walk over to the window. I need to forget about my growing feelings for Jemma. Get back to keeping things on a professional level. Although teasing her just now it made me feel so light inside, I’d give anything to keep feeling like that. But I can’t put my own well-being above hers…

  Her small hand touches my arm. It burns like fire where our skin meets.

  “Wes, are you alright?”

  I turn to face her and her big blue angelic eyes pierce my soul. Her genuine concern is my undoing. I wrap my arms around her and lean down to kiss her beautiful pink lips. They feel as soft and as amazing as I’ve imagined. My hand moves up to stroke her golden curls. Her gasp of surprise brings me back to my senses. I release her and take a step backward, colliding with the window.

  I run a hand distractedly through my hair. “I don’t know what came over me. Can…can you forgive me for being an idiot?”

  Her cheeks flush with color. “Of course. These things happen in the heat of the moment. I’m sure I’m to blame as much as you are.”

  She’s being beyond generous as usual. What sort of man takes advantage of a woman like that? If she can forgive the scumbag that burnt her, of course she can forgive my unwanted advances.

  “This won’t make things weird between us now, will it?” I ask. “I’d hate it if I made you feel uncomfortable. You’re doing a great job with Soph, and I don’t want anything to jeopardize that.”

  Jemma reaches out a hand toward me and then lets it drop to her side. “Of course not. Let’s just pretend it never happened.”

  I groan internally, knowing our kiss is going to keep me awake half the night. “Sure thing, I’m erasing it from my memory now.”

  Jemma looks at me with an expression I can’t quite read. Before I can figure it out there’s a knock on the door.

  Sophie comes flying out of her room. “Mmm room service, I’m starved!”

  Leon lets the woman in with her trolley and she wheels it over to the dining table. I give her a generous tip and she quickly departs. The best thing about staying places like this is that they’re well trained not to pester us for pictures. I’ve ordered enough food for Leon and Stan as well and we all waste no time emptying the plates.

  Sophie finishes the last bite and groans. “Mmm, I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. Can we stay here forever Wes?”

  “Nope, sorry there’s no garden.”

  “You and your stupid gardens. Don’t you want to stay here forever Jemma?”

  “I’m afraid I’m with Wes on this one.”

  My stupid heart fills with joy, even though she’s only agreeing with me on our mutual love of growing things.

  “Stan and Leon agree with me at least, don’t you?”

  Leon smiles. “Yep, anyone who feeds me this well has earned my undying love.”

  Sophie laughs. “So, if the chef is some fat bald guy, he’s earned your undying love?”

  “Uh, sure,” Leon replies.

  Stan chuckles. “Come on. Time to get back to work. Hey boss, who do you want to stay with the girls tonight?”

  “Both of you. I’ll be heading in with the rest of the band.”

  “Sure thing. You’d better head out then.”

  I groan. I’d much rather stay here than go to another soundcheck, although it is Madison Square Garden, so who am I to complain?

  Chapter 8


  The gym is empty when we arrive. Sophie looks momentarily disappointed then moves off to try out one of the treadmills. After that lunch, I feel like I should run a few miles. I take the adjoining treadmill and ease into a fast walk.

  “Perhaps he trains really early in the mornings? What do you think Jem?”

  I groan internally, we’re back to talking about Jackson Durant again. “Um, maybe.”

  “Can we come down here really early tomorrow?”

  “How early?”


  “Um, maybe Leon will bring you down then, but I doubt it seeing as how we’ll be out late at the concert.”

  “Well, we could always leave the concert early?”

  “I think your brother might be disappointed if we did that.” Or is it me that would be disappointed if I missed even a moment of Wes on stage? I’m so excited at the thought of seeing him perform live it’s clouding my judgment.

  “I guess…”

  We run for a while in silence. Sophie has a dreamy look on her face as if she’s thinking about JD. Hopefully my own face isn’t as easy to read. My mind keeps returning to that kiss. Why did he kiss me? What does it mean? Could he really be interested in me even with my disfigurement? Not that it matters. I don’t want to get involved with someone famous. Especially someone who doesn’t share my faith. No, anything between us would surely end in disaster.

  As I turn up the speed on the treadmill, I force myself into a sprint. The faster I go the more concentration it takes to keep running. I might end up spending all my free time down here. At least Sophie will be happy.

  When I can take no more, I slow back to a walk. Rivulets of sweat run down my neck and into my top. I wipe the back of my hand across my forehead. I’m so hot and sweaty my scars must be looking angry and red.

  “Wow, Jemma, I didn’t know you could run like that.”

  I smile. “Yeah, I used to run track at school. Maybe you should give it a go?”

  “Um, maybe. Anna has her heart set on cheerleading.”

  I stop the treadmill. “What do you want to do? You can chose your own path. Don’t feel you always need to stick with your friends.”

  “Well…I don’t think I’d make the cheer squad anyway. So yeah, running sounds more my thing. Do you think you could help me train?”

  I chug down a mouthful of water. “Of course. I’m a bit out of practice. It’d be good for me to get back in shape too.”

  Sophie rubs a towel down her arms. “Your body’s fantastic. I bet if there were any guys in here they wouldn’t be able to keep their eyes off you.”

  I stop myself before I can criticize my physical appearance. At her age, it’s the last thing Sophie needs to hear. “Thanks, I think. But hopefully, they’d like me for who I am.”

  “Like my brother you mean?”

  I’m glad my treadmill isn’t running ’cause I’d be flat on my face right now. “What?”

  Sophie rolls her eyes. “Oh come on, I’m not a clueless little kid anymore. I see the way he looks at you.”

  “You… um… you… I think you must be mistaken. Wes cares about everyone. He probably just feels protective because of what happened to me.”

  “I don’t mind, you know. I think you’d be great together.”

  I’m not sure what to say. Does Sophie see something I don’t? Or does she just like the idea that she knows me already? “Let’s head back upstairs. I need a shower.”

  Sophie laughs. “Yeah, sure thing.” She puts her hand on my forearm. “I’m serious you know. I think he really likes you.”

  “That means a lot, Soph. But I don’t think I’m ready for a relationship right now.”

  “Well, don’t wait too long. He has more than enough female admirers.”


  As I walk into the room backstage, I see Finn has nabbed a spot on the couch and has Autumn settled firmly on his lap. His days of putting up with fans crawling all over him are over. Of course, that means the rest of us cop more attention. Meet and greets are not my favorite thing. Usually, they just want to get close to you because of the fame thing. As if that somehow makes me special, bah! Occasionally, the fans want to talk about the music, I’m always happy to talk music. I walk over to stand with Zane and Ryan.

  “Hey, Wes,” Ryan smiles. “Ready to meet your super-fans?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” Zane looks miserable. He hasn’t even looked at me. “Hey Zane, are you okay?”

  Zane looks up. His eyes are red. “Jade left me.”

  Crap. I knew things were bad between them, but I didn’t know they were that bad. I should have been a better friend. Maybe I could have done something… “I’m sorry, man. What happened?”

  Zane crosses his arms over his chest. “Seems like the Math teacher held more appeal than her absent husband. She told me it’s been going on for months.”

  “I’m sorry.” I shake my head. “If there’s anything I can do…”

  “Yeah, thanks. Zane looks at the floor and curses. “I can’t do this now. Can you cover for me with Trent?”

  Ryan puts a hand on Zane’s shoulder. “We’ve got your back. I’ll come and get you when it’s time to go onstage.”

  I watch in shock as Zane hurries from the room. This sucks. I’m better off being single, avoiding that sort of pain. “Did you know things were that bad?”

  “Yeah, Zane’s been worried she was cheating on him for a while.”

  I shake my head again. “I feel like I should have done more or something.”

  “You can’t fix everyone’s problems.” Ryan grins. “Lucky I don’t have any. I’m perfectly happy being single.”

  “Amen brother.” My mind returns to the kiss with Jemma, but I push those thoughts aside.


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