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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 423

by John MacArthur

  5:25, 26 In addition to worshiping the Lord in the wilderness, Israel also worshiped other gods, carrying along “Sikkuth (or “tabernacle”) your king (or “Molech”) and Chiun, your idols.” Molech worship included the astrological worship of Saturn and the host of heaven and the actual sacrificing of children (2 Kin. 17:16, 17). Warned against Molech worship (Deut. 18:9–13), Israel nevertheless pursued all facets of it, continuing with Solomon (1 Kin. 11:7) and his descendants (1 Kin. 12:28; 2 Kin. 17:16, 17; Jer. 32:35) until Josiah (2 Kin. 23:10). Stephen recited Amos 5:25–27 when he recounted the sins of Israel in Acts 7:42, 43.

  5:27 Assyria conquered Damascus in 732 B.C., then overtook Israel in 722 B.C.

  Amos 5:27

  Five Visions of Amos

  1. Vision of Locusts (7:1–3)

  2. Vision of Fire (7:4–6)

  3. Vision of the Plumb Line (7:7–9)

  4. Vision of the Summer Fruit (8:1–14)

  5. Vision of the LORD (9:1–10)

  Amos 6

  6:1, 2 The two capitals of Judah and Israel, Zion and Samaria, were invited to look around. If Calneh (possibly the Calno of Is. 10:9) and Hamath (Syria) and Gath (Philistia) could not put off judgment, how could they?

  6:6 drink wine from bowls. These large bowls, usually used for sacrificial purposes, here typify the excesses of their lifestyle.

  6:8 sworn by Himself. Cf. Gen. 22:16; Heb. 6:13, 14.

  6:9, 10 The judgment was so comprehensive that even small remnants were sought out and killed.

  6:10 one who will burn. This could refer to cremation, demanded by the excessive number killed and because of fear of epidemics. With rare exceptions (cf. 1 Sam. 31:12), corpses were buried in ancient Israel. dare not mention…the LORD. Previously welcomed as a friend, the LORD came in judgment as a foe; survivors would not want to invoke His name out of fear.

  6:12 Israel’s exercise of justice was as absurd as running horses on rocks or plowing rocks with oxen.

  6:13 Lo Debar…Karnaim. These were, apparently, two Syrian sites captured by Jeroboam II (cf. 2 Kin. 14:25). “Lo Debar” means “nothing” and sarcastically points out that Israel’s “great” gain will amount to nothing. “Karnaim” means “horns” which symbolizes the strength of an animal. Israel foolishly believed they had conquered in their own strength.

  6:14 a nation. Assyria in 722 B.C. Hamath to the Valley of the Arabah. These represent the northern and southern perimeters of the kingdom as reestablished by Jeroboam II (cf. 2 Kin. 14:25).

  Amos 7

  7:1—9:10 Amos introduced 5 visions, with a historical interlude (7:10–17). The first two depict the Lord’s commitment to spare a remnant, while the last 3 announce the inevitability of judgment.

  7:1–3 The first vision, symbolizing God’s action, saw a swarm of locusts devouring the people’s portion of the later cuttings, after the king had taken the first cutting (cf. Joel 1:2–12).

  7:3 the LORD relented. Much like He did at Abraham’s pleading over Sodom in Gen. 18:22, 23.

  7:4–6 Under the figure of fire, the second vision concerns a devastating drought, causing the underground water supplies to dry up and the fields to be consumed (cf. Deut. 32:22). Amos again pleaded Israel’s cause (cf. vv. 2, 3).

  7:7–9 The true spiritual nature of Israel was here tested (and found wanting) by God’s plumb line of righteousness in this third of 5 visions. The sword of judgment was to come from Assyria.

  7:10–17 The words of Amos cut deep into the heart of Israel’s leadership, causing them to accuse him of conspiracy against the king (cf. Jer. 26:11; 37:11–13; 38:1–6).

  7:11 Amos has said. This most likely refers to v. 9.

  7:17 led away captive. To Assyria ca. 722 B.C.

  Amos 8

  8:1 summer fruit. In this fourth vision, as fruit was fully ripened by the summer’s sun, so Israel was ripe for judgment

  8:5 New Moon. Based on a lunar calendar, Israel would celebrate the day with a festival. Like the Sabbath, no work was to be done (1 Sam. 20:5, 6; 2 Kin. 4:23; Ezek. 46:3). The merchants’ eagerness for the day to end revealed their appetite for greed. ephah small…shekel large. By dishonest weighing, the merchant decreased the actual amount received and increased the cost of the merchandise. See note on Prov. 11:1 for other passages on dishonest measures.

  8:6 bad wheat. This denotes the chaff, which was mixed into the good wheat to cheat the buyer.

  8:7 pride of Jacob. As surely as the nation was filled with pride, so the Lord would not forget her works (cf. 6:8).

  8:8 Heave and subside like the River of Egypt. Like the Nile, which annually provided water and rich soil deposits for farmers by greatly overflowing its banks, so judgment would overflow the land.

  8:9 the sun go down at noon. Probably referring to the total eclipse of the sun ca. 763 B.C. as a picture of God’s coming judgment.

  8:10 sackcloth. See note on Joel 1:8.

  8:11, 12 During prosperity, the nation rejected the prophets (cf. 7:10–17); in captivity no word from the Lord could be found (cf. 1 Sam. 28:6ff.).

  8:14 Samaria…Dan. Jeroboam I built altars at both locations in an effort to keep Israel from going to Jerusalem to worship (1 Kin. 12:26–29). Beersheba. See note on 5:5.

  Amos 8:14

  The Ultimate Restoration of Israel

  1. Is. 27; 42–44; 65; 66

  2. Jer. 30–33

  3. Ezek. 36; 37; 40–48

  4. Dan. 9:20–27; 12:1–3

  5. Hosea 2:14–23; 14:4–7

  6. Joel 3:18–21 13. Mal. 4:1–3

  7. Amos 9:11–15

  8. Obad. 17, 21

  9. Micah 7:14–20

  10. Zeph. 3:14–20

  11. Hag. 2:20–23

  12. Zech. 13; 14

  Amos 9

  9:1 The fifth vision opens with the Lord standing beside the altar in Bethel, commanding that the temple be torn down, thus falling upon the worshipers. He would spare none.

  9:2–4 Desperate to escape, none will successfully hide from the hand of judgment. Righteous David found solace in the omnipresence of God (Ps. 139:7–10; cf. Jer. 23:23, 24); the wicked find only His wrath (cf. Rev. 20:13).

  9:3 Carmel. A mountainous region, rising 1800 feet above the Mediterranean, known for its many caves and forests. See note on 1:2.

  9:5–9 Lest anyone question the Lord’s power, they are reminded of His omnipotence revealed in creation and in His sovereign rulership of the nations. Other nations have been transplanted from their homelands; why not Israel?

  9:5 the River. See note on 8:8.

  9:7 Kir. See note on 1:5.

  9:9 sift…among all nations. Only the chaff was to be punished; His remnant was to be preserved to inherit the blessings spoken of in the following verses.

  9:11–15 Millennial blessings await the final faithful remnant, when Messiah personally reigns over all nations in Jerusalem upon the throne of David, and the Jews are never again pulled up from their divinely inherited land.

  9:11 tabernacle of David. A reference to the dynasty of David (cf. Introduction: Interpretive Challenges). God will “raise up” and “rebuild” this tabernacle on earth for Christ to rule in His millennial kingdom (cf. Zech. 14:9–11). The apostles used this passage to illustrate that Gentiles could thus be a part of God’s redemption. See notes on Acts 15:13–18.

  9:13, 14 Prosperity, in hyperbolic fashion, is here described (cf. Lev. 26:5; Joel 3:18; contra. Is. 5). Fruitfulness is so enormous that planting and reaping seasons overlap. This prosperity will encourage massive repatriation (cf. Is. 11:15, 16) and reconstruction (cf. Zech. 2:1–5).

  9:15 no longer shall they be pulled up from the land. The ultimate fulfillment of God’s land promise to Abraham (cf. Gen. 12:7; 15:7; 17:8) will occur during Christ’s millennial reign on earth (cf. Joel 2:26, 27).

  Amos 1

  1:1 a 2 Kin. 3:4; Amos 7:14

  1:1 b 2 Sam. 14:2; Jer. 6:1

  1:1 c 2 Kin. 15:1–7; 2 Chr. 26:1–23; Is. 1:1; Hos. 1:1

  1:1 d
2 Kin. 14:23–29; Amos 7:10

  1:1 e Zech. 14:5

  1:2 f Is. 42:13; Jer. 25:30; Joel 3:16

  1:2 g 1 Sam. 25:2; Is. 33:9

  1:3 h Is. 8:4; 17:1–3; Jer. 49:23–27; Zech. 9:1

  1:3 i 2 Kin. 10:32, 33

  1:4 j Jer. 49:27; 51:30

  1:4 k 1 Kin. 20:1; 2 Kin. 6:24

  1:5 l 2 Kin. 14:28; Is. 8:4; Jer. 51:30; Lam. 2:9

  1:5 1 Rules

  1:5 2 Lit. House of Eden

  1:6 m 1 Sam. 6:17; Jer. 47:1, 5; Zeph. 2:4

  1:7 n Jer. 47:1

  1:8 o Jer. 47:5; Zeph. 2:4

  1:8 p Ps. 81:14

  1:8 q Is. 14:29–31; Jer. 47:1–7; Ezek. 25:16; Joel 3:4–8; Zeph. 2:4–7; Zech. 9:5–7

  1:9 r Is. 23:1–18; Jer. 25:22; Ezek. 26:2–4; Joel 3:4–8

  1:11 s Is. 21:11; Jer. 49:8; Ezek. 25:12–14; Mal. 1:2–5

  1:11 t Num. 20:14–21; 2 Chr. 28:17; Obad. 10–12

  1:12 u Jer. 49:7, 20; Obad. 9, 10

  1:13 v Jer. 49:1; Ezek. 25:2; Zeph. 2:8, 9

  1:14 w Deut. 3:11; 1 Chr. 20:1; Jer. 49:2

  1:14 x Ezek. 21:22; Amos 2:2

  1:15 y Jer. 49:3

  Amos 2

  2:1 a Is. 15:1–16; Jer. 25:21; Ezek. 25:8–11; Zeph. 2:8–11

  2:1 b 2 Kin. 3:26, 27

  2:2 c Jer. 48:24, 41

  2:3 d Num. 24:17; Jer. 48:7

  2:4 e 2 Kin. 17:19; Hos. 12:2; Amos 3:2

  2:4 f Lev. 26:14

  2:4 g Is. 9:15, 16; 28:15; Jer. 16:19; Hab. 2:18

  2:4 h Jer. 9:14; 16:11, 12; Ezek. 20:13, 16, 18

  2:5 i Jer. 17:27; Hos. 8:14

  2:6 j Judg. 2:17–20; 2 Kin. 17:7–18; 18:12; Ezek. 22:1–13, 23–29

  2:6 k Is. 29:21

  2:6 l Joel 3:3; Amos 4:1; 5:11; 8:6; Mic. 2:2; 3:3

  2:7 m Amos 5:12

  2:7 n Lev. 18:6–8; Ezek. 22:11

  2:7 o Lev. 20:3; Ezek. 36:20–22

  2:7 1 Or trample on

  2:8 p 1 Cor. 8:10

  2:8 q Ex. 22:26

  2:8 2 Or those punished by fines

  2:9 r Gen. 15:16; Num. 21:25; Deut. 2:31; Josh. 10:12

  2:9 s Ezek. 31:3

  2:9 t Is. 5:24; Ezek. 17:9; (Mal. 4:1)

  2:10 u Ex. 12:51; Amos 3:1; 9:7

  2:10 v Deut. 2:7

  2:11 w Num. 12:6

  2:11 x Num. 6:2, 3; Judg. 13:5

  2:12 y Is. 30:10; Jer. 11:21; Amos 7:13, 16; Mic. 2:6

  2:13 z Is. 1:14

  2:13 3 Or tottering under

  2:13 4 Or totters

  2:14 a Jer. 46:6

  2:14 b Ps. 33:16; Jer. 9:23

  2:14 5 Or the place of refuge

  2:14 6 Lit. save his soul or life

  2:15 7 Or save

  2:16 8 Lit. strong of his heart among the mighty

  Amos 3

  3:2 a (Gen. 18:19; Ex. 19:5, 6; Deut. 7:6; Ps. 147:19)

  3:2 b Jer. 14:10; Ezek. 20:36; Dan. 9:12; Matt. 11:22; (Rom. 2:9)

  3:4 1 Lit. give his voice

  3:5 2 Or bait or lure

  3:6 c Is. 45:7

  3:6 3 ram’s horn

  3:7 d Gen. 6:13; 18:17; (Jer. 23:22); Dan. 9:22; (John 15:15)

  3:8 e Jer. 20:9; (Mic. 3:8); Acts 4:20; 1 Cor. 9:16

  3:9 4 So with MT; LXX Assyria

  3:9 5 Or oppression

  3:10 f Ps. 14:4; Jer. 4:22; Amos 5:7; 6:12

  3:10 6 Or devastation

  3:12 7 Or snatches

  3:12 8 Heb. uncertain, possibly on the cover

  3:14 g 2 Kin. 23:15; Hos. 10:5–8, 14, 15; Amos 4:4

  3:15 h Jer. 36:22

  3:15 i Judg. 3:20

  3:15 j 1 Kin. 22:39; Ps. 45:8

  3:15 9 Lit. strike

  Amos 4

  4:1 a Ps. 22:12; Ezek. 39:18

  4:1 b Amos 2:6

  4:1 c Prov. 23:20

  4:1 1 Lit. their masters or lords

  4:2 d Ps. 89:35

  4:2 e Jer. 16:16; Ezek. 29:4; Hab. 1:15

  4:3 f Ezek. 12:5

  4:3 2 Or cast them

  4:4 g Ezek. 20:39; Amos 3:14

  4:4 h Hos. 4:15

  4:4 i Num. 28:3; Amos 5:21, 22

  4:4 j Deut. 14:28

  4:4 3 Or years, Deut. 14:28

  4:5 k Lev. 7:13

  4:5 l Lev. 22:18; Deut. 12:6

  4:6 m 2 Chr. 28:22; Is. 26:11; Jer. 5:3; Hag. 2:17

  4:6 4 Hunger

  4:9 n Deut. 28:22; Hag. 2:17

  4:9 o Joel 1:4, 7; Amos 7:1, 2

  4:10 p Ex. 9:3, 6; Lev. 26:25; Deut. 28:27, 60; Ps. 78:50

  4:11 q Gen. 19:24, 25; Deut. 29:23; Is. 13:19; Jer. 49:18; Lam. 4:6

  4:12 r Jer. 5:22

  4:13 s Ps. 139:2; Dan. 2:28

  4:13 t Mic. 1:3

  4:13 u Is. 47:4; Jer. 10:16

  4:13 5 Or spirit

  4:13 6 Or His

  Amos 5

  5:1 a Jer. 7:29; 9:10, 17; Ezek. 19:1

  5:4 b (Deut. 4:29; 2 Chr. 15:2; Jer. 29:13)

  5:4 c (Is. 55:3)

  5:5 d 1 Kin. 12:28, 29; Amos 4:4

  5:5 e Gen. 21:31–33; Amos 8:14

  5:5 f Hos. 4:15

  5:6 g (Is. 55:3, 6, 7; Amos 5:14)

  5:7 h Amos 6:12

  5:8 i Job 9:9; 38:31

  5:8 j Ps. 104:20

  5:8 k Job 38:34

  5:8 l (Amos 4:13)

  5:9 1 Or flashes forth destruction

  5:10 m Is. 29:21; 66:5; Amos 5:15

  5:10 n 1 Kin. 22:8; Is. 59:15; Jer. 17:16–18

  5:11 o Amos 2:6

  5:11 p Deut. 28:30, 38, 39; Mic. 6:15; Zeph. 1:13; Hag. 1:6

  5:11 2 trample

  5:11 3 Or tribute

  5:11 4 desirable

  5:12 q Hos. 5:3

  5:12 r Is. 1:23; 5:23; Amos 2:6

  5:12 s Is. 29:21

  5:13 t Amos 6:10

  5:14 u Mic. 3:11

  5:15 v Ps. 97:10; Rom. 12:9

  5:15 w Joel 2:14

  5:16 x 2 Chr. 35:25; Jer. 9:17

  5:17 y Ex. 12:12

  5:18 z Is. 5:19; Jer. 17:15; Joel 1:15; 2:1, 11, 31

  5:18 a Is. 5:30; Joel 2:2

  5:19 b Job 20:24; Is. 24:17, 18; Jer. 48:44

  5:21 c Is. 1:11–16; Amos 4:4, 5; 8:10

  5:21 d Lev. 26:31; Jer. 14:12; Hos. 5:6

  5:22 e Is. 66:3; Mic. 6:6, 7

  5:24 f Jer. 22:3; Ezek. 45:9; Hos. 6:6; Mic. 6:8

  5:25 g Deut. 32:17; Josh. 24:14; Neh. 9:18–21; Acts 7:42, 43

  5:26 h 1 Kin. 11:33

  5:26 5 LXX, Vg. tabernacle of Moloch

  5:26 6 A pagan deity

  5:27 i 2 Kin. 17:6; Amos 7:11, 17; Mic. 4:10

  5:27 j Amos 4:13

  Amos 6

  6:1 a Luke 6:24

  6:1 b Ps. 123:4; Is. 32:9–11; Zeph. 1:12

  6:1 c Is. 31:1; Jer. 49:4

  6:1 d Ex. 19:5; Amos 3:2

  6:2 e Jer. 2:10

  6:2 f Gen. 10:10; Is. 10:9

  6:2 g 1 Kin. 8:65; 2 Kin. 18:34

  6:2 h Nah. 3:8

  6:3 i Is. 56:12; Ezek. 12:27; Amos 9:10; Matt. 24:37–39

  6:3 j Amos 5:18

  6:3 k Amos 5:12

  6:3 l Ps. 94:20

  6:5 m Is. 5:12; Amos 5:23

  6:5 n 1 Chr. 15:16; 16:42

  6:5 o 1 Chr. 23:5

  6:6 p Amos 2:8; 4:1

  6:6 q Gen. 37:25

  6:7 r Amos 5:27

  6:8 s Gen. 22:16; Jer. 51:14; Amos 4:2; 8:7; Heb. 6:13–17

  6:8 t Ps. 47:4; Ezek. 24:21; Amos 8:7

  6:10 u Amos 5:13

  6:10 v Amos 8:3

  6:10 1 Lit. his loved one or uncle

  6:10 2 Lit. bones

  6:11 w Is. 55:11

  6:11 x 2 Kin. 25:9; Amos 3:15

  6:12 y 1 Kin. 21:7–13; Is. 59:13, 14; Hos. 10:4; Amos 5:7, 11, 12

  6:13 3 Lit. Nothing

  6:13 4 Lit. Horns, a symbol of strength

  6:14 z Jer. 5:15

  6:14 a Num. 34:7, 8; 1 Kin. 8:65; 2 Kin. 14:25

  Amos 7

  7:1 1 Lit. beginning of t
he sprouting of

  7:2 a Is. 51:19

  7:2 2 Or How shall Jacob stand

  7:3 b Deut. 32:36; Jer. 26:19; Hos. 11:8; Amos 5:15; Jon. 3:10; (James 5:16)

  7:4 3 to contend

  7:4 4 Lit. portion

  7:5 c Amos 7:2, 3

  7:8 d 2 Kin. 21:13; Is. 28:17; 34:11; Lam. 2:8

  7:8 e Mic. 7:18

  7:9 f Gen. 46:1; Hos. 10:8; Mic. 1:5

  7:9 g 2 Kin. 15:8–10; Amos 7:11

  7:9 5 Places of pagan worship

  7:9 6 Or holy places

  7:10 h 1 Kin. 12:31, 32; 13:33

  7:10 i 1 Kin. 13:32; Amos 4:4

  7:10 j 2 Kin. 14:23

  7:10 7 Or endure

  7:11 k Amos 5:27; 6:7

  7:13 l Amos 2:12; Acts 4:18

  7:13 m 1 Kin. 12:29, 32; Amos 7:9

  7:13 8 Or holy place

  7:13 9 Lit. house

  7:14 n 1 Kin. 20:35; 2 Kin. 2:5; 2 Chr. 19:2

  7:14 o 2 Kin. 3:4; Amos 1:1; Zech. 13:5

  7:15 p Amos 3:8

  7:15 10 Lit. from behind

  7:16 q Deut. 32:2; Ezek. 21:2; Mic. 2:6

  7:16 11 Lit. drip

  7:17 r Jer. 28:12; 29:21, 32

  7:17 s Is. 13:16; Lam. 5:11; Hos. 4:13; Zech. 14:2

  7:17 t 2 Kin. 17:6; Ezek. 4:13; Hos. 9:3

  Amos 8

  8:2 a Ezek. 7:2

  8:2 b Amos 7:8

  8:3 c Amos 5:23

  8:3 d Amos 6:9, 10

  8:4 1 Or trample on, Amos 2:7

  8:5 e Ex. 31:13–17; Neh. 13:15

  8:5 f Mic. 6:10, 11

  8:5 g Lev. 19:35, 36; Deut. 25:13–15

  8:5 2 Lit. open

  8:6 h Amos 2:6

  8:7 i Deut. 33:26, 29; Ps. 68:34; Amos 6:8

  8:7 j Ps. 10:11; Hos. 7:2; 8:13

  8:8 k Hos. 4:3

  8:8 l Jer. 46:7, 8; Amos 9:5

  8:8 3 The Nile; some Heb. mss., LXX, Tg., Syr., Vg. River (cf. 9:5); MT the light

  8:9 m Job 5:14; Is. 13:10; 59:9, 10; Jer. 15:9; (Mic. 3:6); Matt. 27:45; Mark 15:32; Luke 23:44

  8:9 4 Lit. a day of light

  8:10 n Lam. 5:15; Ezek. 7:18

  8:10 o Is. 15:2, 3; Jer. 48:37; Ezek. 27:31

  8:10 p Jer. 6:26; (Zech. 12:10)

  8:11 q 1 Sam. 3:1; 2 Chr. 15:3; Ps. 74:9; Ezek. 7:26; Mic. 3:6

  8:12 r Hos. 5:6

  8:14 s Hos. 4:15

  8:14 t Deut. 9:21

  8:14 u Amos 5:5

  8:14 5 Or Ashima, a Syrian goddess

  Amos 9

  9:1 a Ps. 68:21; Hab. 3:13

  9:1 b Amos 2:14

  9:1 1 Capitals of the pillars


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