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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 715

by John MacArthur

  as we received c 2 John 4

  This is the c 2 John 6


  covenant, the Ten C Ex 34:28

  to observe all these c Deut 6:25

  who remember His c Ps 103:18

  do not hide Your c Ps 119:19

  myself in Your c Ps 119:47

  for I believe Your c Ps 119:66

  Your c are faithful Ps 119:86

  c more than gold Ps 119:127

  as doctrines the c Matt 15:9

  c hang all the Law Matt 22:40

  He who has My c John 14:21

  according to the c Col 2:22

  Now he who keeps His c 1 John 3:24


  with authority He c Mark 1:27


  But food does not c 1 Cor 8:8


  For this is c 1 Pet 2:19

  patiently, this is c 1 Pet 2:20


  A man will be c Prov 12:8

  c the unjust steward Luke 16:8

  where they had been c Acts 14:26


  of the truth c 2 Cor 4:2


  but whom the Lord c 2 Cor 10:18


  “You shall not c Ex 20:14

  C your works to the Prov 16:3

  mammon, who will c Luke 16:11

  into Your hands I c Luke 23:46

  But Jesus did not c John 2:24

  c sexual immorality 1 Cor 10:8

  c these to faithful 2 Tim 2:2

  c their souls to Him 1 Pet 4:19

  c sin not leading 1 John 5:16


  to you, whoever c John 8:34

  sin also c lawlessness 1 John 3:4


  For My people have c Jer 2:13

  c things deserving Luke 12:48

  For God has c them all Rom 11:32

  Guard what was c 1 Tim 6:20

  “Who c no sin 1 Pet 2:22

  c Himself to Him who 1 Pet 2:23


  of the c people sins Lev 4:27

  poor have this in c Prov 22:2

  c people heard Him Mark 12:37

  had all things in c Acts 2:44

  never eaten anything c Acts 10:14

  not call any man c Acts 10:28

  a true son in our c Titus 1:4

  concerning our c Jude 3


  there arose a great c Acts 19:23


  I c with my heart Eccl 1:16


  bless, is it not the c 1 Cor 10:16

  c has light with 2 Cor 6:14

  c of the Holy Spirit 2 Cor 13:14


  a man my equal, My c Ps 55:13

  I am a c of all who Ps 119:63

  the Man who is My C Zech 13:7

  urge you also, true c Phil 4:3

  your brother and c Rev 1:9


  are rebellious, and c Is 1:23

  and calling to their c Matt 11:16

  more than Your c Heb 1:9

  while you became c Heb 10:33


  great was the c Ps 68:11

  epistle not to keep c 1 Cor 5:9

  c corrupts good habits 1 Cor 15:33

  and do not keep c 2 Thess 3:14

  to an innumerable c Heb 12:22


  may desire cannot c Prov 3:15

  c ourselves with those 2 Cor 10:12


  the heavens can be c Ps 89:6

  may desire cannot be c Prov 8:11

  are not worthy to be c Rom 8:18


  show you mercy, have c Deut 13:17

  His people and have c Deut 32:36

  He, being full of c Ps 78:38

  are a God full of c Ps 86:15

  will return and have c Jer 12:15

  yet He will show c Lam 3:32

  c everyone to his Zech 7:9

  He was moved with c Matt 9:36

  also have had c Matt 18:33

  “I have c on the Mark 8:2

  whomever I will have c Rom 9:15

  He can have c on those Heb 5:2

  of one mind, having c 1 Pet 3:8

  And on some have c Jude 22


  c women have cooked Lam 4:10

  the Lord is very c James 5:11


  because His c fail not Lam 3:22


  c them to come in Luke 14:23


  Macedonia, Paul was c Acts 18:5


  the spirit within me c Job 32:18

  And whoever c Matt 5:41

  the love of Christ c 2 Cor 5:14


  slay them, and the c Prov 1:32

  who are settled in c Zeph 1:12


  should a living man c Lam 3:39


  and you c in your Deut 1:27

  but c in their tents Ps 106:25

  some of them also c 1 Cor 10:10


  These are grumblers, c Jude 16


  all things without c Phil 2:14


  “Even today my c Job 23:2

  I pour out my c Ps 142:2

  for the LORD has a c Mic 6:2

  if anyone has a c Col 3:13


  Who has c Prov 23:29

  laid many serious c Acts 25:7


  that you may be made c 2 Cor 13:9

  work in you will c Phil 1:6

  and you are c in Him Col 2:10

  of God may be c 2 Tim 3:17

  make you c in every Heb 13:21

  the wrath of God is c Rev 15:1


  I made a man c well John 7:23

  Himself sanctify you c 1 Thess 5:23


  But God c the body 1 Cor 12:24


  which we cannot c Job 37:5

  c my path and my lying Ps 139:3

  the darkness did not c John 1:5

  may be able to c Eph 3:18


  Almighty I will not c Job 27:11

  c pride from man Job 33:17

  of God to c a matter Prov 25:2


  c Your lovingkindness Ps 40:10

  than love carefully c Prov 27:5


  selfish ambition or c Phil 2:3


  Let us not become c Gal 5:26


  the virgin shall c Is 7:14

  And behold, you will c Luke 1:31


  in sin my mother c Ps 51:5

  when desire has c James 1:15


  Neither do I c myself Ps 131:1

  the things which c Acts 28:31

  my deep c for all the 2 Cor 11:28


  Is it oxen God is c 1 Cor 9:9


  But I say this as a c 1 Cor 7:6


  c pacifies great Eccl 10:4


  Let us hear the c Eccl 12:13


  say to God, ‘Do not c Job 10:2

  world to c the world John 3:17

  her, “Neither do I c John 8:11

  judge another you c Rom 2:1

  our heart does not c 1 John 3:21


  will receive greater c Matt 23:14

  can you escape the c Matt 23:33

  subject to eternal c Mark 3:29

  And this is the c John 3:19

  the resurrection of c John 5:29

  Their c is just Rom 3:8

  therefore now no c Rom 8:1

  of c had glory 2 Cor 3:9

  having c because they 1 Tim 5:12

  marked out for this c Ju
de 4


  words you will be c Matt 12:37

  does not believe is c John 3:18

  c sin in the flesh Rom 8:3


  Who is he who c Rom 8:34

  For if our heart c 1 John 3:20


  c yourselves like men 1 Sam 4:9

  who are of upright c Ps 37:14

  c yourself in the 1 Tim 3:15

  c that his works are James 3:13

  to each one’s work, c 1 Pet 1:17

  from your aimless c 1 Pet 1:18

  may be won by the c 1 Pet 3:1


  c my transgressions Ps 32:5

  that if you c with Rom 10:9

  every tongue shall c Rom 14:11

  C your trespasses James 5:16

  If we c our sins 1 John 1:9

  but I will c his name Rev 3:5


  c that He was Christ John 9:22

  c the good confession 1 Tim 6:12


  prosper, but whoever c Prov 28:13

  c that Jesus is the 1 John 4:15


  of Israel, and make c Josh 7:19

  with the mouth c Rom 10:10

  confessed the good c 1 Tim 6:12

  witnessed the good c 1 Tim 6:13

  High Priest of our c Heb 3:1

  let us hold fast our c Heb 4:14


  You who are the c Ps 65:5

  the LORD than to put c Ps 118:8

  c shall be your Is 30:15

  Jesus, and have no c Phil 3:3

  if we hold fast the c Heb 3:6

  appears, we may have c 1 John 2:28


  saying, “I am c Jer 36:5

  the Scripture has c Gal 3:22


  c the promises Rom 15:8

  who will also c 1 Cor 1:8


  covenant that was c Gal 3:17

  by the Lord, and was c Heb 2:3

  c it by an oath Heb 6:17

  prophetic word c 2 Pet 1:19


  c the word through the Mark 16:20


  having the same c Phil 1:30

  to know what a great c Col 2:1


  Outside were c 2 Cor 7:5


  predestined to be c Rom 8:29

  And do not be c Rom 12:2

  sufferings, being c Phil 3:10

  body that it may be c Phil 3:21


  who seek You be c Ps 69:6


  c their language Gen 11:7


  there the LORD c Gen 11:9

  the assembly was c Acts 19:32


  c who plot my hurt Ps 35:4

  us drink the wine of c Ps 60:3


  Nor sinners in the c Ps 1:5

  the c of the wicked Ps 22:16

  God stands in the c Ps 82:1


  King of Judah, Jer 22:24, 28

  Same as Jehoiachin, 2 Kin 24:8


  conquering and to c Rev 6:2


  we are more than c Rom 8:37


  convicted by their c John 8:9

  strive to have a c Acts 24:16

  I am not lying, my c Rom 9:1

  wrath but also for c Rom 13:5

  no questions for c 1 Cor 10:25

  faith with a pure c 1 Tim 3:9

  having their own c 1 Tim 4:2

  to God, cleanse your c Heb 9:14

  from an evil c and our Heb 10:22

  having a good c 1 Pet 3:16


  “C to Me all the Ex 13:2

  c himself this day 1 Chr 29:5

  the trumpet in Zion, c Joel 2:15

  c their gain to the Mic 4:13


  c this house which you 1 Kin 9:3


  entice you, do not c Prov 1:10

  and does not c to 1 Tim 6:3


  you saw a thief, you c Ps 50:18

  He had not c to their Luke 23:51


  Now Saul was c to his Acts 8:1


  When I c Your heavens Ps 8:3

  c her palaces Ps 48:13

  c carefully what is Prov 23:1

  C the work of God Eccl 7:13

  My people do not c Is 1:3

  c the operation Is 5:12

  your God will c Jon 1:6

  “C your ways Hag 1:5

  C the lilies of the Matt 6:28

  C the ravens Luke 12:24

  Let a man so c us 1 Cor 4:1

  c how great this man Heb 7:4

  c one another in order Heb 10:24

  c Him who endured Heb 12:3


  c all their works Ps 33:15


  in Him all things c Col 1:17


  waiting for the C Luke 2:25

  have received your c Luke 6:24

  abound in us, so our c 2 Cor 1:5

  if there is any c Phil 2:1

  given us everlasting c 2 Thess 2:16

  we might have strong c Heb 6:18


  Are the c of God too Job 15:11


  c those who mourn Is 61:3


  What do you c against Nah 1:9


  c prayer was Acts 12:5


  They only c to cast Ps 62:4


  c together against Ps 83:3


  your midst, lest I c Ex 33:3

  this great fire will c Deut 5:25

  C them in wrath Ps 59:13

  whom the Lord will c 2 Thess 2:8


  but the bush was not c Ex 3:2

  c the burnt 1 Kin 18:38

  For we have been c Ps 90:7

  mercies we are not c Lam 3:22

  beware lest you be c Gal 5:15


  the LORD was like a c Ex 24:17

  before you as a c Deut 9:3

  our God is a c fire Heb 12:29


  I have seen the c Ps 119:96


  will strike you with c Deut 28:22


  of heavens cannot c 2 Chr 2:6

  c the books that John 21:25


  He pours c on princes Job 12:21

  wicked comes, c comes Prov 18:3

  and everlasting c Dan 12:2

  and be treated with c Mark 9:12


  of the LORD is c Mal 1:7

  also have made you c Mal 2:9

  and his speech c 2 Cor 10:10


  show me why You c Job 10:2

  Will you c for God Job 13:8

  let us c together Is 43:26

  for I will c with him Is 49:25

  then how can you c Jer 12:5

  c earnestly for the Jude 3


  Therefore the people c Ex 17:2


  state I am, to be c Phil 4:11

  these we shall be c 1 Tim 6:8

  covetousness; be c Heb 13:5


  lips enter into c Prov 18:6

  and c will leave Prov 22:10

  strife and a man of c Jer 15:10


  Casting lots causes c Prov 18:18

  sorcery, hatred, c Gal 5:20

  genealogies, c Titus 3:9


  than with a c and Prov 21:19

  shared with a c woman Prov 25:24

  anyone seems to be c 1 Cor 11:16


  c is great gain 1 Tim 6:6

  a merry heart has a c Prov 15:15

  in wrath with a c Is 14:6

  c coming she weary me Luke 18:5

  c grief in my heart Rom 9:2


  heart was only evil c Gen 6:5

  His praise shall c Ps 34:1

  and Your truth c Ps 40:11

  of God endures c Ps 52:1

  I keep Your law c Ps 119:44

  Before Me c are grief Jer 6:7

  and wait on your God c Hos 12:6

  will give ourselves c Acts 6:4

  remains a priest c Heb 7:3

  c offer the sacrifice Heb 13:15


  tells lies shall not c Ps 101:7

  persuaded them to c Acts 13:43

  Shall we c in sin that Rom 6:1

  who does not c in all Gal 3:10

  C earnestly in prayer Col 4:2

  because they did not c Heb 8:9

  Let brotherly love c Heb 13:1

  asleep, all things c 2 Pet 3:4


  c steadfastly in the Acts 2:42

  us, they would have c 1 John 2:19


  But He, because He c Heb 7:24

  law of liberty and c James 1:25


  idle babblings and c 1 Tim 6:20


  to worship God c Acts 18:13

  and these are c Gal 5:17

  please God and are c 1 Thess 2:15

  other thing that is c 1 Tim 1:10


  to make a certain c Rom 15:26


  saves such as have a c Ps 34:18

  a broken and a c Ps 51:17

  with him who has a c Is 57:15

  poor and of a c spirit Is 66:2


  another, matters of c Deut 17:8

  For the LORD has a c Jer 25:31

  c great is 1 Tim 3:16


  describing the c Acts 15:3


  unless you are c Matt 18:3


  of darkness and c Col 1:13


  He has come, He will c John 16:8

  c those who Titus 1:9

  c all who are ungodly Jude 15


  Which of you c John 8:46


  Let each be fully c Rom 14:5


  c their own children Lam 4:10


  in the garden in the c Gen 3:8

  and c my tongue Luke 16:24


  necessary that the c Heb 9:23

  hands, which are c Heb 9:24


  hills you can dig c Deut 8:9

  of cups, pitchers, c Mark 7:4

  sold for two c coins Luke 12:6


  c did me much harm 2 Tim 4:14


  who serve the c Heb 8:5


  this line of scarlet c Josh 2:18

  And a threefold c Eccl 4:12

  before the silver c Eccl 12:6


  in pieces the c Ps 129:4

  he is caught in the c Prov 5:22

  draw iniquity with c Is 5:18

  them with gentle c Hos 11:4

  had made a whip of c John 2:15


  Paul labors at, Acts 18:1–18

  Site of church, 1 Cor 1:2

  Visited by Apollos, Acts 19:1



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