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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 734

by John MacArthur

wearied from His j John 4:6


  LORD your God with j Deut 28:47

  heart to sing for j Job 29:13

  is fullness of j Ps 16:11

  j comes in the morning Ps 30:5

  To God my exceeding j Ps 43:4

  You according to the j Is 9:3

  j you will draw Is 12:3

  ashes, the oil of j Is 61:3

  j shall be theirs Is 61:7

  shall sing for j Is 65:14

  word was to me the j Jer 15:16

  receives it with j Matt 13:20

  Enter into the j Matt 25:21

  in my womb for j Luke 1:44

  there will be more j Luke 15:7

  did not believe for j Luke 24:41

  My j may remain in John 15:11

  they may have My j John 17:13

  fill you with all j Rom 15:13

  that my j is the j 2 Cor 2:3

  the Spirit is love, j Gal 5:22

  brethren, my j and Phil 4:1

  longsuffering with j Col 1:11

  are our glory and j 1 Thess 2:20

  j that was set before Heb 12:2

  count it all j James 1:2

  j inexpressible 1 Pet 1:8

  with exceeding j 1 Pet 4:13

  I have no greater j 3 John 4


  And my soul shall be j Ps 35:9

  Make a j shout to the Ps 100:1

  of prosperity be j Eccl 7:14

  and make them j Is 56:7

  I am exceedingly j 2 Cor 7:4


  Assassin of Joash, 2 Kin 12:19–21

  Called Zabad, 2 Chr 24:26


  Son of Lamech, Gen 4:21


  fiftieth year shall be a J Lev 25:11


  Son of Jacob and Leah, Gen 29:30–35

  Intercedes for Joseph, Gen 37:26, 27

  Fails in duty to Tamar, Gen 38:1–30

  Offers himself as Benjamin’s ransom, Gen 44:18–34

  Jacob bestows birthright on, Gen 49:3–10

  Ancestor of Christ, Matt 1:3, 16

  ———Tribe of:

  Prophecy concerning, Gen 49:8–12

  Numbered at Sinai, Num 1:26, 27

  Territory assigned to, Josh 15:1–63

  Leads in conquest of Canaan, Judg 1:1–19

  Makes David king, 2 Sam 2:1–11

  Loyal to David and his house, 2 Sam 20:1, 2; 1 Kin 12:20

  Becomes leader of southern kingdom, 1 Kin 14:21, 22

  Taken to Babylon, 2 Kin 24:1–16

  Returns after exile, 2 Chr 36:20–23


  And I advanced in J Gal 1:14


  Judas Lebbaeus, surnamed Thaddaeus, Matt 10:3

  One of Christ’s apostles, Luke 6:13, 16

  Offers a question, John 14:22

  ———Judas Barsabas, a chief deputy, Acts 15:22–32

  ———Betrayer of Christ: see ISCARIOT

  JUDE (or Judas)

  Half brother of Christ, Matt 13:55

  Does not believe in Christ, John 7:5

  Becomes Christ’s disciple, Acts 1:14

  Writes an epistle, Jude 1


  Christ born in, Matt 2:1, 5, 6

  Hostile toward Christ, John 7:1

  Gospel preached in, Acts 8:1, 4

  Churches established in, Acts 9:31


  The LORD j between Gen 16:5

  For the LORD will j Deut 32:36

  coming to j the earth 1 Chr 16:33

  Rise up, O J of the Ps 94:2

  sword the LORD will j Is 66:16

  deliver you to the j Matt 5:25

  “J not, that you be not Matt 7:1

  “Man, who made Me a j Luke 12:14

  j who did not fear God Luke 18:2

  As I hear, I j John 5:30

  Do not j according John 7:24

  I j no one John 8:15

  j the world but to John 12:47

  this, O man, you who j Rom 2:3

  then how will God j Rom 3:6

  Therefore let us not j Rom 14:13

  Christ, who will j 2 Tim 4:1

  Lord, the righteous J 2 Tim 4:8

  heaven, to God the J Heb 12:23

  But if you j the law James 4:11

  are you to j another James 4:12


  j who delivered Judg 2:16

  in the days when the j Ruth 1:1

  Surely He is God who j Ps 58:11

  He j among the gods Ps 82:1

  He makes the j of the Is 40:23

  j are evening wolves Zeph 3:3

  For the Father j John 5:22

  he who is spiritual j 1 Cor 2:15

  j me is the Lord 1 Cor 4:4

  Him who j righteously 1 Pet 2:23


  show partiality in j Deut 1:17

  Teach me good j Ps 119:66

  him in right j Is 28:26

  from prison and from j Is 53:8

  I will also speak j Jer 4:12

  j was made in favor of Dan 7:22

  be in danger of the j Matt 5:21

  will rise up in the j Matt 12:42

  shall not come into j John 5:24

  and My j is righteous John 5:30

  if I do judge, My j John 8:16

  Now is the j John 12:31

  the righteous j Rom 1:32

  j which came from one Rom 5:16

  all stand before the j Rom 14:10

  eats and drinks j 1 Cor 11:29

  appear before the j 2 Cor 5:10

  after this the j Heb 9:27

  For j is without mercy James 2:13

  receive a stricter j James 3:1

  time has come for j 1 Pet 4:17

  a long time their j 2 Pet 2:3

  darkness for the j Jude 6


  The j of the LORD are Ps 19:9

  j are a great deep Ps 36:6

  I dread, for Your j Ps 119:39

  unsearchable are His j Rom 11:33

  righteous are His j Rev 19:2


  Roman centurion assigned to guard Paul, Acts 27:1–44


  Noah was a j man Gen 6:9

  Hear a j cause Ps 17:1

  It is a joy for the j Prov 21:15

  j man who perishes Eccl 7:15

  For there is not a j Eccl 7:20

  j is uprightness Is 26:7

  the blood of the j Lam 4:13

  j shall live by his Hab 2:4

  He is j and having Zech 9:9

  her husband, being a j Matt 1:19

  resurrection of the j Luke 14:14

  j persons who need no Luke 15:7

  the Holy One and the J Acts 3:14

  dead, both of the j Acts 24:15

  j shall live by faith Rom 1:17

  that He might be j Rom 3:26

  whatever things are j Phil 4:8

  j men made perfect Heb 12:23

  have murdered the j James 5:6

  He is faithful and j 1 John 1:9

  J and true are Your Rev 15:3


  for all His ways are j Deut 32:4

  the Almighty pervert j Job 8:3

  j as the noonday Ps 37:6

  and Your poor with j Ps 72:2

  He will bring j Ps 72:4

  Do j to the afflicted Ps 82:3

  and j are the Ps 89:14

  revenues without j Prov 16:8

  do not understand j Prov 28:5

  j the measuring line Is 28:17

  the LORD is a God of j Is 30:18

  He will bring forth j Is 42:1

  No one calls for j Is 59:4

  J is turned back Is 59:14

  I, the LORD, love j Is 61:8

  you, O home of j Jer 31:23

  plundering, execute j Ezek 45:9

  truth, and His ways j Dan 4:37

  observe mercy and j Hos 12:6

  ‘Execute true j Zech 7:9

  “Where is the God of
j Mal 2:17

  And He will declare j Matt 12:18

  His humiliation His j Acts 8:33


  because of our j Rom 4:25

  offenses resulted in j Rom 5:16

  men, resulting in j Rom 5:18


  Me that you may be j Job 40:8

  of Israel shall be j Is 45:25

  words you will be j Matt 12:37

  But wisdom is j Luke 7:35

  j rather than the Luke 18:14

  who believes is j Acts 13:39

  “That You may be j Rom 3:4

  law no flesh will be j Rom 3:20

  j freely by His grace Rom 3:24

  having been j by Rom 5:1

  these He also j Rom 8:30

  but you were j 1 Cor 6:11

  that we might be j Gal 2:16

  no flesh shall be j Gal 2:16

  who attempt to be j Gal 5:4

  j in the Spirit 1 Tim 3:16

  then that a man is j James 2:24

  the harlot also j James 2:25


  be just and the j Rom 3:26


  He who j the wicked Prov 17:15

  It is God who j Rom 8:33


  j the wicked for a Is 5:23

  wanting to j himself Luke 10:29

  “You are those who j Luke 16:15

  is one God who will j Rom 3:30

  that God would j Gal 3:8


  of you but to do j Mic 6:8

  And we indeed j Luke 23:41

  how devoutly and j 1 Thess 2:10


  Surname of Joseph, a disciple, Acts 1:23

  ———Man of Corinth; befriends Paul, Acts 18:7


  Spies sent from, Num 13:3, 26

  Moses strikes rock at, Num 20:1–13

  Boundary in the new Israel, Ezek 47:19


  Boundary of Promised Land, Num 34:1–4

  Limit of Joshua’s military campaign, Josh 10:41


  k you wherever you Gen 28:15

  day, to k it holy Ex 20:8

  and k My judgments Lev 25:18

  k all My commandments 1 Kin 6:12

  and that You would k 1 Chr 4:10

  Even he who cannot k Ps 22:29

  K my soul Ps 25:20

  do not k silence Ps 35:22

  k Your righteous Ps 119:106

  k them in the midst of Prov 4:21

  K your heart with all Prov 4:23

  a time to k silence Eccl 3:7

  Let all the earth k Hab 2:20

  k the commandments Matt 19:17

  If you love Me, k John 14:15

  k through Your name John 17:11

  orderly and k the law Acts 21:24

  Let your women k 1 Cor 14:34

  k the unity of the Eph 4:3

  k yourself pure 1 Tim 5:22

  k His commandments 1 John 2:3

  k yourselves in the Jude 21

  k you from stumbling Jude 24

  k those things Rev 1:3


  Am I my brother’s k Gen 4:9

  The LORD is your k Ps 121:5


  in the day when the k Eccl 12:3


  the faithful God who k Deut 7:9

  k truth forever Ps 146:6

  k his way preserves Prov 16:17

  k the commandment Prov 19:16

  Whoever k the law is a Prov 28:7

  none of you k the law John 7:19

  born of God k himself 1 John 5:18

  and k his garments Rev 16:15


  Town of Judah; rescued from Philistines by David, 1 Sam 23:1–5

  Prepares to betray David; he escapes, 1 Sam 23:6–13


  Canaanite tribe whose land is promised to Abraham’s seed, Gen 15:19

  Subjects of Balaam’s prophecy, Num 24:20–22

  Settle with Judahites, Judg 1:16

  Spared by Saul in war with Amalekites, 1 Sam 15:6


  For I have k the ways 2 Sam 22:22

  vineyard I have not k Song 1:6

  these things I have k Matt 19:20

  all these things I have k Mark 10:20

  k all these things Luke 2:19

  love, just as I have k John 15:10

  k back part of the Acts 5:2

  I have k the faith 2 Tim 4:7

  who are k by the power 1 Pet 1:5

  which now exist are k 2 Pet 3:7


  Abraham’s second wife, Gen 25:1

  Sons of:

  Listed, Gen 25:1, 2

  Given gifts and sent away, Gen 25:6


  The k of the house of Is 22:22

  have taken away the k Luke 11:52

  “He who has the k Rev 3:7

  heaven, having the k Rev 20:1


  I will give you the k Matt 16:19

  And I have the k Rev 1:18


  Burial site of Israelites slain by God, Num 11:33–35


  is hard for you to k Acts 9:5


  for sodomites, for k 1 Tim 1:10


  “He who k a man and Ex 21:16


  Valley near Jerusalem; crossed by David and Christ, 2 Sam 15:23; John 18:1

  Idols dumped there, 2 Chr 29:16


  who finds me will k Gen 4:14

  k the Passover Ex 12:21

  I k and I make alive Deut 32:39

  “Am I God, to k 2 Kin 5:7

  a time to k Eccl 3:3

  to save life or to k Mark 3:4

  of them they will k Luke 11:49

  afraid of those who k Luke 12:4

  Why do you seek to k John 7:19

  “Rise, Peter; k and eat Acts 10:13


  Abel his brother and k Gen 4:8

  For I have k a man for Gen 4:23

  LORD k all the Ex 13:15

  Your servant has k 1 Sam 17:36

  for Your sake we are k Ps 44:22

  and scribes, and be k Matt 16:21

  Siloam fell and k them Luke 13:4

  k the Prince of life Acts 3:15

  me, and by it k Rom 7:11

  “For Your sake we are k Rom 8:36

  who k both the Lord 1 Thess 2:15

  martyr, who was k Rev 2:13


  “The LORD k and 1 Sam 2:6

  the one who k the Matt 23:37

  for the letter k 2 Cor 3:6


  animals after their k Gen 6:20

  k can come out by Mark 9:29

  For He is k to the Luke 6:35

  suffers long and is k 1 Cor 13:4

  And be k to one Eph 4:32


  When His wrath is k Ps 2:12

  I, the LORD, have k Ezek 20:48

  wish it were already k Luke 12:49


  The LORD deal k Ruth 1:8

  Julius treated Paul k Acts 27:3

  k affectionate to one Rom 12:10


  may the LORD show k 2 Sam 2:6

  anger, abundant in k Neh 9:17

  me His marvelous k Ps 31:21

  For His merciful k Ps 117:2

  tongue is the law of k Prov 31:26

  k shall not depart Is 54:10

  I remember you, the k Jer 2:2

  by longsuffering, by k 2 Cor 6:6

  longsuffering, k Gal 5:22

  But when the k and the Titus 3:4

  and to brotherly k 2 Pet 1:7


  Then Melchizedek k Gen 14:18

  days there was no k Judg 17:6

  said, “Give us a k 1 Sam 8:6

  “Long live the k 1 Sam 10:24

  they anointed David k 2 Sam 2:4

  Yet I have set My K Ps 2:6

nbsp; The LORD is K forever Ps 10:16

  K answer us when we Ps 20:9

  And the K of glory Ps 24:7

  k is saved by the Ps 33:16

  k Your judgments Ps 72:1

  For God is my K Ps 74:12

  do who succeeds the k Eccl 2:12

  out of prison to be k Eccl 4:14

  when your k is a child Eccl 10:16

  In the year that K Is 6:1

  k will reign in Is 32:1

  the LORD is our K Is 33:22

  Is not her K in her Jer 8:19

  and the everlasting K Jer 10:10

  k of Babylon, k Ezek 26:7

  I gave you a k in My Hos 13:11

  the LORD shall be K Zech 14:9

  He who has been born K Matt 2:2

  This Is Jesus the K Matt 27:37

  by force to make Him k John 6:15

  “Behold your K John 19:14

  there is another k Acts 17:7

  Now to the K eternal 1 Tim 1:17

  only Potentate, the K 1 Tim 6:15

  this Melchizedek, k Heb 7:1

  Honor the k 1 Pet 2:17

  K of kings and Lord of Rev 19:16


  you shall be to Me a k Ex 19:6

  LORD has torn the k 1 Sam 15:28

  Yours is the k 1 Chr 29:11

  k is the LORD’s Ps 22:28

  the scepter of Your k Ps 45:6

  in heaven, and His k Ps 103:19

  is an everlasting k Ps 145:13

  k which shall never be Dan 2:44

  High rules in the k Dan 4:17

  k shall be the LORD’s Obad 21

  “Repent, for the k Matt 3:2

  for Yours is the k Matt 6:13

  But seek first the k Matt 6:33

  the mysteries of the k Matt 13:11

  are the sons of the k Matt 13:38

  of such is the k Matt 19:14

  up to half of my k Mark 6:23

  are not far from the k Mark 12:34

  back, is fit for the k Luke 9:62

  against nation, and k Luke 21:10

  he cannot see the k John 3:3

  he cannot enter the k John 3:5

  If My k were of this John 18:36

  for the k of God is Rom 14:17

  when He delivers the k 1 Cor 15:24

  will not inherit the k Gal 5:21

  the scepter of Your k Heb 1:8

  we are receiving a k Heb 12:28

  into the everlasting k 2 Pet 1:11


  the k were moved Ps 46:6

  tremble, who shook k Is 14:16

  showed Him all the k Matt 4:8

  have become the k Rev 11:15


  The k of the earth set Ps 2:2

  k shall fall down Ps 72:11

  He is awesome to the k Ps 76:12

  By me k reign Prov 8:15

  He will stand before k Prov 22:29

  k is unsearchable Prov 25:3

  that which destroys k Prov 31:3

  it is not for k Prov 31:4

  K shall be your foster Is 49:23

  “They set up k Hos 8:4

  before governors and k Matt 10:18

  k have desired to see Luke 10:24

  You have reigned as k 1 Cor 4:8

  and has made us k Rev 1:6

  that the way of the k Rev 16:12

  may eat the flesh of k Rev 19:18



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