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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 736

by John MacArthur

  “I will never l Heb 13:5


  day you shall remove l Ex 12:15

  of heaven is like l Matt 13:33

  and beware of the l Matt 16:6

  know that a little l 1 Cor 5:6

  l leavens the whole Gal 5:9


  and they sewed fig l Gen 3:7

  nothing on it but l Matt 21:19

  l the sheep and flees John 10:12

  The l of the tree Rev 22:2


  Part of Israel’s inheritance, Josh 13:5–7

  Not completely conquered, Judg 3:1–3

  Source of materials for temple, 1 Kin 5:2–18; Ezra 3:7

  Mentioned in prophecy, Is 10:34; 29:17; 35:2; Ezek 17:3; Hos 14:5–7



  Surname of Judas (Jude), Matt 10:3


  l the people around by Ex 13:18

  so the LORD alone l Deut 32:12

  l them forth by the Ps 107:7

  l them by the right Is 63:12

  For as many as are l Rom 8:14

  l captivity captive Eph 4:8

  l away by various 2 Tim 3:6


  l hand know what your Matt 6:3

  “See, we have l Matt 19:27

  And everyone who has l Matt 19:29


  shame shall be the l Prov 3:35


  Like the l of the lame Prov 26:7

  l are pillars of Song 5:15

  did not break His l John 19:33


  Samson kills Philistines at, Judg 15:9–19


  King taught by his mother, Prov 31:1–31


  “If you l money to Ex 22:25

  l him sufficient Deut 15:8

  And if you l Luke 6:34

  l me three loaves Luke 11:5


  is servant to the l Prov 22:7

  as with the l Is 24:2


  and my servants, am l Neh 5:10


  ever merciful, and l Ps 37:26

  deals graciously and l Ps 112:5

  has pity on the poor l Prov 19:17


  The l of the ark shall Gen 6:15

  is your life and the l Deut 30:20

  L of days is in her Prov 3:16

  l is as great as its Rev 21:16


  a shadow when it l Ps 109:23


  the l shall lie down Is 11:6

  or the l its spots Jer 13:23


  And when these l 2 Kin 7:8

  And many l were in Luke 4:27


  “L there be light”Gen 1:3

  L the little Matt 19:14


  the oldness of the l Rom 7:6

  for the l kills 2 Cor 3:6

  you sorry with my l 2 Cor 7:8

  or by word or by l 2 Thess 2:2


  does this Man know l John 7:15

  or l of commendation 2 Cor 3:1

  “For his l,” they say 2 Cor 10:10

  with what large l Gal 6:11


  Third son of Jacob and Leah, Gen 29:34

  Avenges rape of Dinah, Gen 34:25–31

  Jacob’s prophecy concerning, Gen 49:5–7

  Ancestor of Moses and Aaron, Ex 6:16–27


  “Can you draw out L Job 41:1

  L which You have made Ps 104:26


  “Is not Aaron the L Ex 4:14

  Likewise a L Luke 10:32

  a L of the country of Acts 4:36


  Rewarded for dedication, Ex 32:26–29

  Appointed over tabernacle, Num 1:47–54

  Substituted for Israel’s firstborn, Num 3:12–45

  Consecrated to the Lord’s service, Num 8:5–26

  Cities assigned to, Num 35:2–8; Josh 14:3, 4; 1 Chr 6:54–81

  Organized for temple service, 1 Chr 9:14–34; 23:1–26:28


  were through the L Heb 7:11


  wickedness, deceit, l Mark 7:22

  drunkenness, not in l Rom 13:13

  themselves over to l Eph 4:19

  when we walked in l 1 Pet 4:3


  for he is a l and the John 8:44

  but every man a l Rom 3:4

  we make Him a l 1 John 1:10

  Who is a l but he who 1 John 2:22

  his brother, he is a l 1 John 4:20

  God has made Him a l 1 John 5:10


  “All men are l Ps 116:11

  Cretans are always l Titus 1:12

  and have found them l Rev 2:2

  l shall have their Rev 21:8


  he who gives, with l Rom 12:8

  the riches of their l 2 Cor 8:2


  who gives to all l James 1:5


  year, and proclaim l Lev 25:10

  And I will walk at l Ps 119:45

  to proclaim l to the Is 61:1

  to proclaim l to the Luke 4:18

  into the glorious l Rom 8:21

  For why is my l 1 Cor 10:29

  Lord is, there is l 2 Cor 3:17

  therefore in the l Gal 5:1

  l as an opportunity Gal 5:13

  the perfect law of l James 1:25

  yet not using l 1 Pet 2:16


  Canaanite city, captured by Joshua, Josh 10:29, 30

  Given to Aaron’s descendants, Josh 21:13


  Mentioned in prophecy, Ezek 30:5; Dan 11:43

  Jews from, present at Pentecost, Acts 2:1–10


  man, that He should l Num 23:19

  For now I will l Job 7:21

  I will not l to David Ps 89:35

  Do not l to one Col 3:9

  God, who cannot l Titus 1:2

  do not boast and l James 3:14

  know it, and that no l 1 John 2:21

  an abomination or a l Rev 21:27


  They have l about the Jer 5:12

  You have not l to men Acts 5:4


  sin l at the door Gen 4:7

  and he who speaks l Prov 19:5

  speaking l in 1 Tim 4:2

  and the whole world l 1 John 5:19


  the breath of l Gen 2:7

  l was also in the Gen 2:9

  then you shall give l Ex 21:23

  For the l of the Lev 17:11

  before you today l Deut 30:15

  You have granted me l Job 10:12

  in whose hand is the l Job 12:10

  God takes away his l Job 27:8

  with the light of l Job 33:30

  He will redeem their l Ps 72:14

  word has given me l Ps 119:50

  regain the paths of l Prov 2:19

  She is a tree of l Prov 3:18

  so they will be l Prov 3:22

  finds me finds l Prov 8:35

  l winds upward for the Prov 15:24

  thief hates his own l Prov 29:24

  is that wisdom gives l Eccl 7:12

  I have cut off my l Is 38:12

  you the way of l Jer 21:8

  l shall be as a prize Jer 39:18

  not worry about your l Matt 6:25

  l does not consist Luke 12:15

  L is more than Luke 12:23

  l was the light John 1:4

  so the Son gives l John 5:21

  as the Father has l John 5:26

  spirit, and they are l John 6:63

  have the light of l John 8:12

  and I lay down My l John 10:15

  resurrection and the l John 11:25

  you lay down your l John 13:38

  God, who gives l Rom 4:17

  that pertain to this l 1 Cor 6:3
  Lord Jesus, that the l 2 Cor 4:10

  l which I now live Gal 2:20

  l is hidden with Col 3:3

  of God who gives l 1 Tim 6:13

  For what is your l James 4:14

  that pertain to l 2 Pet 1:3

  l was manifested 1 John 1:2

  and the pride of l 1 John 2:16

  has given us eternal l 1 John 5:11

  who has the Son has l 1 John 5:12

  the Lamb’s Book of L Rev 21:27

  right to the tree of l Rev 22:14

  the water of l freely Rev 22:17

  from the Book of L Rev 22:19


  I will l up my hands Ps 63:4

  I will l up my eyes to Ps 121:1

  l up your voice like a Is 58:1

  l our hearts and hands Lam 3:41

  Lord, and He will l James 4:10


  O LORD, for You have l Ps 30:1

  your heart is l Ezek 28:2

  in Hades, he l up his Luke 16:23

  the Son of Man be l John 3:14

  And I, if I am l John 12:32

  of Man must be l John 12:34


  “Let there be l Gen 1:3

  “The l of the wicked Job 18:5

  l will shine on your Job 22:28

  the wicked their l Job 38:15

  to the dwelling of l Job 38:19

  LORD, lift up the l Ps 4:6

  The LORD is my l Ps 27:1

  Oh, send out Your l Ps 43:3

  L is sown for the Ps 97:11

  and He has given us l Ps 118:27

  and a l to my path Ps 119:105

  The l of the righteous Prov 13:9

  The l of the eyes Prov 15:30

  The LORD gives l Prov 29:13

  Truly the l is sweet Eccl 11:7

  let us walk in the l Is 2:5

  l is darkened by the Is 5:30

  because there is no l Is 8:20

  moon will be as the l Is 30:26

  l shall break forth Is 58:8

  for your l has come Is 60:1

  be your everlasting l Is 60:20

  gives the sun for a l Jer 31:35

  l that goes Hos 6:5

  “You are the l Matt 5:14

  Let your l so shine Matt 5:16

  body will be full of l Matt 6:22

  than the sons of l Luke 16:8

  and the life was the l John 1:4

  That was the true L John 1:9

  darkness rather than l John 3:19

  evil hates the l John 3:20

  truth comes to the l John 3:21

  saying, “I am the l John 8:12

  believe in the l John 12:36

  I have come as a l John 12:46

  l the hidden 1 Cor 4:5

  God who commanded l 2 Cor 4:6

  Walk as children of l Eph 5:8

  You are all sons of l 1 Thess 5:5

  and immortality to l 2 Tim 1:10

  into His marvelous l 1 Pet 2:9

  do well to heed as a l 2 Pet 1:19

  to you, that God is l 1 John 1:5

  l as He is in the 1 John 1:7

  says he is in the l 1 John 2:9

  The Lamb is its l Rev 21:23

  Lord God gives them l Rev 22:5


  L the yoke which 1 Kin 12:9

  the sea, to l the load Jon 1:5


  this, did I do it l 2 Cor 1:17


  For as the l Matt 24:27

  countenance was like l Matt 28:3

  saw Satan fall like l Luke 10:18


  were thunderings and l Ex 19:16

  the l lit up the world Ps 77:18

  l light the world Ps 97:4

  the throne proceeded l Rev 4:5


  “Let there be l Gen 1:14

  Him who made great l Ps 136:7

  whom you shine as l Phil 2:15

  from the Father of l James 1:17


  “Who is l You Ex 15:11

  L a lily among thorns Song 2:2

  be made l His brethren Heb 2:17


  grant you to be l Rom 15:5

  For I have no one l Phil 2:20


  according to Our l Gen 1:26

  carved image—any l Ex 20:4

  when I awake in Your l Ps 17:15

  His own Son in the l Rom 8:3

  and coming in the l Phil 2:7


  the l of the valleys Song 2:1

  Like a l among thorns Song 2:2

  shall grow like the l Hos 14:5


  Do you l wisdom to Job 15:8

  to the sea its l Prov 8:29


  l the Holy One of Ps 78:41


  l has gone out through Ps 19:4

  upon precept, l upon l Is 28:10

  I am setting a plumb l Amos 7:8


  was of the house and l Luke 2:4


  her clothing is fine l Prov 31:22

  wrapped Him in the l Mark 15:46

  l is the righteous Rev 19:8


  Those who l long at Prov 23:30

  salvation shall not l Is 46:13


  he lies down as a l Gen 49:9

  like a fierce l Job 10:16

  l shall eat straw Is 11:7

  For I will be like a l Hos 5:14


  My soul is among l Ps 57:4

  the mouths of l Heb 11:33


  of uncircumcised l Ex 6:12

  off all flattering l Ps 12:3

  Let the lying l Ps 31:18

  The l of the righteous Prov 10:21

  but the l of knowledge Prov 20:15

  am a man of unclean l Is 6:5

  asps is under their l Rom 3:13

  other l I will speak 1 Cor 14:21

  from evil, and his l 1 Pet 3:10


  L carefully to Me Is 55:2

  O Lord, l and act Dan 9:19

  you are not able to l John 8:43

  Why do you l to Him John 10:20

  you who fear God, l Acts 13:16


  but whoever l to me Prov 1:33


  l foxes that spoil the Song 2:15

  We have a l sister Song 8:8

  upon line, here a l Is 28:10

  though you are l Mic 5:2

  indeed it came to l Hag 1:9

  for I was a l angry Zech 1:15

  l ones only a cup Matt 10:42

  “O you of l faith Matt 14:31

  Whoever receives one l Matt 18:5

  to whom l is forgiven Luke 7:47

  faithful in a very l Luke 19:17

  exercise profits a l 1 Tim 4:8


  eat, and l forever Gen 3:22

  a man does, he shall l Lev 18:5

  I would not l forever Job 7:16

  L joyfully with the Eccl 9:9

  by these things men l Is 38:16

  sin, he shall surely l Ezek 3:21

  “Seek Me and l Amos 5:4

  but the just shall l Hab 2:4

  l by bread alone Matt 4:4

  who feeds on Me will l John 6:57

  for in Him we l Acts 17:28

  l peaceably with all Rom 12:18

  the life which I now l Gal 2:20

  If we l in the Spirit Gal 5:25

  to me, to l is Christ Phil 1:21

  l godly in Christ 2 Tim 3:12

  to l honorably Heb 13:18

  l according to God in 1 Pet 4:6


  died and rose and l Rom 14:9

  And they l and reigned Rev 20:4


  but man l by every Deut 8:3

  have risked their l Acts 15:26

  He l to God Rom 6:10

  For none of us l Rom 14:7

  but Christ l in me Gal 2:20

>   to lay down our l 1 John 3:16

  I am He who l Rev 1:18


  and man became a l Gen 2:7

  in the light of the l Ps 56:13

  l will take it to Eccl 7:2

  l know that they will Eccl 9:5

  Why should a l man Lam 3:39

  the dead, but of the l Matt 22:32

  Why do you seek the l Luke 24:5

  to be Judge of the l Acts 10:42

  who will judge the l 2 Tim 4:1

  the word of God is l Heb 4:12

  ready to judge the l 1 Pet 4:5

  l creature was like a Rev 4:7


  Symbolic name of Hosea’s son, Hos 1:8, 9


  Symbolic name of Hosea’s daughter, Hos 1:6


  shall bear his own l Gal 6:5


  I l my life Job 7:16

  l themselves for the Ezek 6:9


  but a wicked man is l Prov 13:5


  have here only five l Matt 14:17

  He took the seven l Matt 15:36

  lend me three l Luke 11:5

  you ate of the l John 6:26


  What the chewing l Joel 1:4

  left, the swarming l Joel 1:4


  as numerous as l Judg 7:12

  He spoke, and l came Ps 105:34

  the l have no king Prov 30:27

  and his food was l Matt 3:4

  waist, and he ate l Mark 1:6

  out of the smoke l Rev 9:3


  them in and l them Acts 10:23

  children, if she has l 1 Tim 5:10


  they speak l Ps 73:8


  haughty, nor my eyes l Ps 131:1

  Wisdom is too l Prov 24:7

  l are their eyes Prov 30:13

  and L One who Is 57:15


  gird up the l of your 1 Pet 1:13


  your days may be l Deut 5:16

  who l for death Job 3:21

  me the thing that I l Job 6:8

  I l for Your salvation Ps 119:174

  go around in l robes Mark 12:38

  how greatly I l Phil 1:8


  and gracious, l Ps 86:15

  is love, joy, peace, l Gal 5:22

  and gentleness, with l Eph 4:2

  for all patience and l Col 1:11

  might show all l 1 Tim 1:16

  when once the Divine l 1 Pet 3:20

  and consider that the l 2 Pet 3:15


  Do not l behind you Gen 19:17

  who has a haughty l Ps 101:5

  A proud l Prov 6:17

  that day a man will l Is 17:7

  L upon Zion Is 33:20

  “L to Me Is 45:22

  we l for light Is 59:9

  we l for justice Is 59:11

  l on Me whom they Zech 12:10

  say to you, ‘L here Luke 17:23

  of Israel could not l 2 Cor 3:7

  while we do not l 2 Cor 4:18

  Let each of you l Phil 2:4

  L to yourselves 2 John 8


  But when I l for good Job 30:26

  They l to Him and were Ps 34:5

  For He l down from the Ps 102:19

  He l for justice Is 5:7

  “We l for peace Jer 8:15


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