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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 751

by John MacArthur


  s the frost like ashes Ps 147:16

  There is one who s Prov 11:24

  throne of judgment s Prov 20:8

  not gather with Me s Matt 12:30


  s shall not depart Gen 49:10

  S shall rise out of Num 24:17

  a s of righteousness Ps 45:6

  a s of righteousness Heb 1:8


  perfected a shrewd s Ps 64:6


  will be called a s Prov 24:8


  who brings wicked s Ps 37:7

  sought out many s Eccl 7:29


  there should be no s 1 Cor 12:25


  daily in the s of Acts 19:9


  They s and speak Ps 73:8

  They s at kings Hab 1:10


  “He who corrects a s Prov 9:7

  s does not listen Prov 13:1

  s seeks wisdom and Prov 14:6

  s is an abomination Prov 24:9


  S ensnare a city Prov 29:8

  s will come in the 2 Pet 3:3


  sun was up they were s Matt 13:6

  And men were s with Rev 16:9


  My friends s me Job 16:20

  to our neighbors, a s Ps 44:13


  consider, for I am s Lam 1:11

  and princes are s Hab 1:10


  He s the scornful Prov 3:34

  s obedience to his Prov 30:17


  and you dwell among s Ezek 2:6

  on serpents and s Luke 10:19

  They had tails like s Rev 9:10


  hosts will stir up a s Is 10:26

  up to councils and s Matt 10:17

  will mock Him, and s Mark 10:34


  s every son whom Heb 12:6


  “Where is the s Is 33:18


  and not as the s Matt 7:29

  “But woe to you, s Matt 23:13

  “Beware of the s Mark 12:38


  what is noted in the S Dan 10:21

  S was fulfilled which Mark 15:28

  “Today this S Luke 4:21

  S cannot be broken John 10:35

  For what does the S Rom 4:3

  S has confined all Gal 3:22

  All S is given by 2 Tim 3:16

  that no prophecy of S 2 Pet 1:20


  not knowing the S Matt 22:29

  S must be fulfilled Mark 14:49

  and mighty in the S Acts 18:24

  have known the Holy S 2 Tim 3:15

  also the rest of the S 2 Pet 3:16


  in the s of the book Ps 40:7

  and note it on a s Is 30:8

  eat this s Ezek 3:1

  saw there a flying s Zech 5:1

  on the throne a s Rev 5:1

  was able to open the s Rev 5:3

  the sky receded as a s Rev 6:14


  drowned in the Red S Ex 15:4

  this great and wide s Ps 104:25

  who go down to the s Ps 107:23

  to the s its limit Prov 8:29

  rebuke I dry up the s Is 50:2

  the waters cover the s Hab 2:14

  and the s obey Him Matt 8:27

  throne there was a s Rev 4:6

  standing on the s Rev 15:2

  there was no more s Rev 21:1


  Set me as a s upon Song 8:6

  of circumcision, a s Rom 4:11

  stands, having this s 2 Tim 2:19

  He opened the second s Rev 6:3


  My transgression is s Job 14:17

  who also has s us and 2 Cor 1:22

  by whom you were s Eph 4:30

  of those who were s Rev 7:4


  tunic was without s John 19:23


  “Please conduct a s 1 Sam 28:8


  “Can you s out the Job 11:7

  would not God s Ps 44:21

  glory of kings is to s Prov 25:2

  found it by secret s Jer 2:34

  I, the LORD, s the Jer 17:10

  s the Scriptures John 5:39


  O LORD, You have s Ps 139:1

  s the Scriptures Acts 17:11

  and s carefully 1 Pet 1:10


  for the LORD s all 1 Chr 28:9

  s the hearts knows Rom 8:27

  For the Spirit s 1 Cor 2:10

  that I am He who s Rev 2:23


  there is a s Eccl 3:1

  Be ready in s and out 2 Tim 4:2


  how shall it be s Matt 5:13

  “For everyone will be s Mark 9:49


  days and months and s Gal 4:10

  the times and the s 1 Thess 5:1


  shall make a mercy s Ex 25:17

  I might come to His s Job 23:3

  that He may s him with Ps 113:8

  sit in Moses’ s Matt 23:2

  before the judgment s 2 Cor 5:10

  the mercy s Heb 9:5


  at feasts, the best s Matt 23:6

  you love the best s Luke 11:43


  s things belong Deut 29:29

  darkness His s place Ps 18:11

  The s of the LORD is Ps 25:14

  in the s place of His Ps 27:5

  s place of Your presence Ps 31:20

  s place of the Most High Ps 91:1

  when I was made in s Ps 139:15

  do not disclose the s Prov 25:9

  s places of the cliff Song 2:14

  I have not spoken in s Is 45:19

  He reveals His s to Amos 3:7

  Father who is in the s Matt 6:6

  are done by them in s Eph 5:12


  “Now a word was s Job 4:12

  He lies in wait s Ps 10:9


  would show you the s Job 11:6

  For He knows the s Ps 44:21

  A talebearer reveals s Prov 11:13

  heaven who reveals s Dan 2:28

  God will judge the s Rom 2:16

  And thus the s of his 1 Cor 14:25


  him (which is the s Acts 5:17

  to the strictest s Acts 26:5


  pleasures, who dwell s Is 47:8

  nation that dwells s Jer 49:31


  flattering lips she s Prov 7:21

  because they have s Ezek 13:10


  for no man shall s Ex 33:20

  the LORD does not s 1 Sam 16:7

  in my flesh I shall s Job 19:26

  s the works of God Ps 66:5

  lest they s with their Is 6:10

  for sin, He shall s Is 53:10

  for they shall s God Matt 5:8

  seeing they do not s Matt 13:13

  s greater things than John 1:50

  rejoiced to s My day John 8:56

  we wish to s Jesus John 12:21

  and the world will s John 14:19

  Him, for we shall s 1 John 3:2

  They shall s His face Rev 22:4


  s shall be called Gen 21:12

  s shall be its stump Is 6:13

  He shall see His s Is 53:10

  you a noble vine, a s Jer 2:21

  s is the word of God Luke 8:11

  had left us a s Rom 9:29

  to each s its own body 1 Cor 15:38

  S were the promises Gal 3:16

  you are Abraham’s s Gal 3:29

  Jesus Christ, of the s 2 Tim 2:8

  of corruptible s 1 Pet 1:23

  not sin, for His s 1 John 3


  the good s are the Matt 13:38

  not say, “And to s Gal 3:16


  will find Him if you s Deut 4:29

  pray and s My face 2 Chr 7:14

  your heart to s God 2 Chr 19:3

  s your God as you do Ezra 4:2

  may God above not s Job 3:4

  countenance does not s Ps 10:4

  LORD, that will I s Ps 27:4

  You said, “S My face Ps 27:8

  early will I s You Ps 63:1

  s me diligently will Prov 8:17

  s one’s own glory Prov 25:27

  s justice, rebuke Is 1:17

  Should they s the dead Is 8:19

  the Gentiles shall s Is 11:10

  Jacob, ‘S Me in vain Is 45:19

  S the LORD while He Is 55:6

  Yet they s Me daily Is 58:2

  s great things for Jer 45:5

  s what was lost Ezek 34:16

  “S Me and live Amos 5:4

  and people should s Mal 2:7

  things the Gentiles s Matt 6:32

  s, and you will find Matt 7:7

  of Man has come to s Luke 19:10

  because I do not s John 5:30

  You will s Me and John 7:34

  in doing good s Rom 2:7

  Because they did not s Rom 9:32

  Let no one s his own 1 Cor 10:24

  for I do not s yours 2 Cor 12:14

  For all s their own Phil 2:21

  s those things which Col 3:1

  s the one to come Heb 13:14


  run to and fro, s Amos 8:12

  and he came s fruit Luke 13:6

  for the Father is s John 4:23

  like a roaring lion, s 1 Pet 5:8


  no one s her Jer 30:17

  receives, and he who s Matt 7:8

  There is none who s Rom 3:11


  There is a way which s Prov 14:12

  have, even what he s Luke 8:18

  If anyone among you s 1 Cor 3:18


  s God face to face Gen 32:30

  All this I have s Eccl 8:9

  s the one I love Song 3:3

  Who has s such things Is 66:8

  s strange things today Luke 5:26

  No one has s God at John 1:18

  time, nor s His form John 5:37

  I speak what I have s John 8:38

  s Me has s the John 14:9

  things which we have s Acts 4:20

  s Jesus Christ our 1 Cor 9:1

  things which are not s 2 Cor 4:18

  whom no man has s 1 Tim 6:16

  heard, which we have s 1 John 1:1


  here seen Him who s Gen 16:13

  s all the sons of men Ps 33:13

  s his brother in need 1 John 3:17

  s his brother sinning 1 John 5:16


  Home of Esau, Gen 32:3

  Horites of, dispossessed by Esau’s descendants, Deut 2:12

  Desolation of, Ezek 35:15


  a fool rages and is s Prov 14:16


  about righteousness, s Acts 24:25

  they cannot exercise s 1 Cor 7:9

  gentleness, s Gal 5:23

  slanderers, without s 2 Tim 3:3

  to knowledge s 2 Pet 1:6


  just, holy, s Titus 1:8


  envy and s exist James 3:16


  said, “S me your Gen 25:31

  s Your people for Ps 44:12

  s the righteous Amos 2:6

  s whatever you have Mark 10:21

  no sword, let him s Luke 22:36

  no one may buy or s Rev 13:17


  He shall s from heaven Ps 57:3

  “Whom shall I s Is 6:8

  s them a Savior Is 19:20

  “Behold, I s you out Matt 10:16

  The Son of Man will s Matt 13:41

  s Lazarus that he Luke 16:24

  whom the Father will s John 14:26

  has sent Me, I also s John 20:21


  Assyrian king (705–681 B.C.); son and successor of Sargon II, 2 Kin 18:13

  Death of, by assassination, 2 Kin 19:36, 37


  Understand, you s Ps 94:8


  of use have their s Heb 5:14


  who can answer s Prov 26:16


  but is earthly, s James 3:15

  These are s persons Jude 19


  and His Spirit have s Is 48:16

  s these prophets Jer 23:21

  As the Father has s John 20:21

  unless they are s Rom 10:15

  s His Son to be the 1 John 4:10


  he shall s himself Num 6:3

  s yourselves from the Ezra 10:11

  let not man s Matt 19:6

  Who shall s us from Rom 8:35

  harmless, undefiled, s Heb 7:26


  but the poor is s Prov 19:4

  “The LORD has utterly s Is 56:3

  to be an apostle, s Rom 1:1

  it pleased God, who s Gal 1:15


  who repeats a matter s Prov 17:9


  the middle wall of s Eph 2:14


  Above it stood s Is 6:2


  Roman proconsul of Cyprus, converted by Paul, Acts 13:7–12


  therefore be s and 1 Pet 4:7


  s was more cunning Gen 3:1

  “The s deceived me Gen 3:13

  “Make a fiery s Num 21:8

  like the poison of a s Ps 58:4

  s you shall trample Ps 91:13

  their tongues like a s Ps 140:3

  air, the way of a s Prov 30:19

  s may bite when it is Eccl 10:11

  be a fiery flying s Is 14:29

  and wounded the s Is 51:9

  will he give him a s Matt 7:10

  Moses lifted up the s John 3:14

  was cast out, that s Rev 12:9


  is the poison of s Deut 32:33

  be wise as s Matt 10:16

  to trample on s Luke 10:19


  a s of servants he Gen 9:25

  s who earnestly Job 7:2

  and the fool will be s Prov 11:29

  s will rule over a son Prov 17:2

  A s will not be Prov 29:19

  Who is blind but My s Is 42:19

  You are My s Is 49:3

  “Is Israel a s Jer 2:14

  and a s his master Mal 1:6

  you, let him be your s Matt 20:26

  good and faithful s Matt 25:21

  ‘You wicked and lazy s Matt 25:26

  the unprofitable s Matt 25:30

  that s who knew his Luke 12:47

  s does not know what John 15:15

  against Your holy S Acts 4:27


  puts no trust in His s Job 4:18

  for all your s Ps 119:91

  on the ground like s Eccl 10:7

  shall call you the s Is 61:6

  S rule over us Lam 5:8

  are unprofitable s Luke 17:10

  longer do I call you s John 15:15

  so consider us, as s 1 Cor 4:1


  LORD your God and s Deut 6:13

  land, so you shall s aliens Jer 5:19

  s Him with one accord Zeph 3:9

  You cannot s God and Matt 6:24

  to be served, but to s Matt 20:28

  the mind I myself s Rom 7:25

  but through love s Gal 5:13

  s the Lord Christ Col 3:24

  s the living God Heb 9:14

  s Him day and night in Rev 7:15


  If anyone s Me John 12:26


  do you mean by this s Ex 12:26

  that he offers God s John 16:2

  is your reasonable s Rom 12:1

  with goodwill doing s Eph 6:7

  your works, love, s Rev 2:19


  years I have been s Luke 15:29

  s the Lord with all Acts 20:19

  fervent in spirit, s Rom 12:11

  you, s as overseers 1 Pet 5:2


  “See, I have s Deut 30:15

  s the LORD always Ps 16:8

  I will s him on high Ps 91:14

  s aside the grace Gal 2:21


  Third son of Adam, Gen 4:25

  In Christ’s ancestry, Luke 3:38


  Therefore s it in Luke 21:14


  and my speech s Job 29:22

  O LORD, Your word is s Ps 119:89

  the mountains were s Prov 8:25

  s accounts with them Matt 25:19


  S times a day I praise Ps 119:164

  s other spirits more Luke 11:26

  s times in a day Luke 17:4

  out from among you s Acts 6:3

  s churches which are Rev 1:4


  S weeks are Dan 9:24

  up to s times seven Matt 18:22

  Then the s returned Luke 10:17


  My wound is s Jer 10:19

  not to be too s 2 Cor 2:5


  the goodness and s Rom 11:22


  I sat down in his s Song 2:3

  be a tabernacle for s Is 4:6

  may nest under its s Mark 4:32


  May darkness and the s Job 3:5

  He flees like a s Job 14:2

  hide me under the s Ps 17:8

  walks about like a s Ps 39:6

  like a passing s Ps 144:4

  he passes like a s Eccl 6:12

  and to trust in the s Is 30:2

  In the s of His hand Is 49:2

  which are a s of Col 2:17

  the law, having a s Heb 10:1

  is no variation or s James 1:17


  my members are like s Job 17:7

  and the s flee away Song 2:17


  Hananiah’s Babylonian name, Dan 1:3, 7

  Cast into the fiery furnace, Dan 3:1–28


  Who is he who will s Job 17:3

  s the earth Is 2:19

  S yourself from the Is 52:2

  s their heads at the Lam 2:15

  and the knees s Nah 2:10

  hiss and s his fist Zeph 2:15

  I will s all nations Hag 2:7

  s not only the earth Heb 12:26


  he will never be s Ps 112:6

  together was s Acts 4:31

  not to be soon s 2 Thess 2:2


  s the earth out of its Job 9:6

  s the Wilderness Ps 29:8


  King of Israel, 2 Kin 15:10–15


  Assyrian king, 2 Kin 17:3


  you turn my glory to s Ps 4:2

  let them be put to s Ps 83:17

  s who serve carved Ps 97:7

  hate Zion be put to s Ps 129:5

  s shall be the Prov 3:35

  is a son who causes s Prov 10:5


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