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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 762

by John MacArthur


  have gained me this w Deut 8:17

  a man of great w Ruth 2:1

  not asked riches or w 2 Chr 1:11

  who trust in their w Ps 49:6

  w is his strong city Prov 10:15

  W gained by dishonesty Prov 13:11

  W makes many friends Prov 19:4

  may bring to you the w Is 60:11


  w nation that dwells Jer 49:31

  rich, have become w Rev 3:17


  w child shall put his Is 11:8

  Those just w from milk Is 28:9


  w formed against you Is 54:17

  with a deadly w Ezek 9:1


  is better than w Eccl 9:18

  the LORD and His w Is 13:5

  For the w of our 2 Cor 10:4


  but the just will w Job 27:17

  ‘What shall we w Matt 6:31


  you have w Me with Is 43:24

  You are w in the Is 57:10

  and they have w Jer 12:5

  You have w the LORD Mal 2:17

  therefore, being w John 4:6


  say, ‘Oh, what a w Mal 1:13

  in w and toil 2 Cor 11:27


  and much study is w Eccl 12:12


  to Isaac, “I am w Gen 27:46

  lest he become w Prov 25:17

  As cold water to a w Prov 25:25

  No one will be w Is 5:27

  you may cause the w Is 28:12

  shall run and not be w Is 40:31

  to him who is w Is 50:4

  I am w of holding it Jer 6:11

  w themselves to commit Jer 9:5

  I was w of holding it Jer 20:9

  continual coming she w Luke 18:5

  And let us not grow w Gal 6:9

  do not grow w in 2 Thess 3:13

  lest you become w Heb 12:3


  a garment in cold w Prov 25:20

  ‘It will be fair w Matt 16:2


  were invited to the w Matt 22:3

  Come to the w Matt 22:4

  find, invite to the w Matt 22:9

  in with him to the w Matt 25:10

  day there was a w John 2:1


  with many for one w Dan 9:27

  the first day of the w Matt 28:1

  the first day of the w Acts 20:7

  the first day of the w 1 Cor 16:2


  w are determined Dan 9:24

  w Messiah shall be cut Dan 9:26


  “Hannah, why do you w 1 Sam 1:8

  a time to w Eccl 3:4

  you shall w no more Is 30:19

  it, my soul will w Jer 13:17

  W not for the dead Jer 22:10

  to the LORD, w between Joel 2:17

  this commotion and w Mark 5:39

  Blessed are you who w Luke 6:21

  to her, “Do not w Luke 7:13

  and you did not w Luke 7:32

  of Jerusalem, do not w Luke 23:28

  to the tomb to w there John 11:31

  w with those who w Rom 12:15

  those who w as though 1 Cor 7:30


  of Israel, who were w Num 25:6

  w as they went up 2 Sam 15:30

  the noise of the w Ezra 3:13

  face is flushed from w Job 16:16

  the voice of my w Ps 6:8

  my drink with w Ps 102:9

  of hosts called for w Is 22:12

  w shall no longer Is 65:19

  They shall come with w Jer 31:9

  w they shall come Jer 50:4

  were sitting there w Ezek 8:14

  with fasting, with w Joel 2:12

  with tears, with w Mal 2:13

  There will be w Matt 8:12

  outside by the tomb w John 20:11

  “Woman, why are you w John 20:13

  “What do you mean by w Acts 21:13


  You w out the violence Ps 58:2

  O Most Upright, You w Is 26:7


  nor can silver be w Job 28:15

  W the mountains Is 40:12

  You have been w Dan 5:27

  lest your hearts be w Luke 21:34


  eyes, but the LORD w Prov 16:2

  Where is he who w Is 33:18


  a perfect and just w Deut 25:15

  a just w is His delight Prov 11:1

  and eternal w of glory 2 Cor 4:17

  us lay aside every w Heb 12:1


  have neglected the w Matt 23:23


  does not seek the w Jer 38:4


  If you do w Gen 4:7

  that it may go w Deut 4:40

  you when you do w Ps 49:18

  daughters have done w Prov 31:29

  know that it will be w Eccl 8:12

  wheel broken at the w Eccl 12:6

  that it shall be w Is 3:10

  “Those who are w Matt 9:12

  said to him, ‘W done Matt 25:21

  faith has made you w Mark 5:34

  Now Jacob’s w was John 4:6

  the elders who rule w 1 Tim 5:17


  them, and their w Ps 69:22

  each one the other’s w 1 Cor 10:24


  draw water from the w Is 12:3

  These are w without 2 Pet 2:17


  They w out from us 1 John 2:19


  and the man of God w 2 Kin 8:11

  for the people w Ezra 10:1

  that I sat down and w Neh 1:4

  Have I not w for him Job 30:25

  down, yea, we w Ps 137:1

  out and w bitterly Matt 26:75

  He saw the city and w Luke 19:41

  Jesus w John 11:35

  So I w much Rev 5:4


  They are w with the Job 24:8

  his body was w with Dan 4:33


  with the finest of w Ps 81:16

  we may trade w Amos 8:5

  even sell the bad w Amos 8:6

  but gather the w Matt 13:30

  w falls into the John 12:24

  perhaps w or some 1 Cor 15:37

  oil, fine flour and w Rev 18:13


  brings the threshing w Prov 20:26

  the fountain, or the w Eccl 12:6

  in the middle of a w Ezek 1:16


  off their chariot w Ex 14:25

  the rumbling of his w Jer 47:3

  appearance of the w Ezek 1:16

  noise of rattling w Nah 3:2


  not knowing w he was Heb 11:8


  A w for the horse Prov 26:3

  The noise of a w Nah 3:2


  Elijah went up by a w 2 Kin 2:11

  Job out of the w Job 38:1

  them away as with a w Ps 58:9

  w will take them away Is 40:24

  w shall scatter them Is 41:16

  w shall be raised Jer 25:32

  has His way in the w Nah 1:3


  my ear received a w Job 4:12

  and wizards, who w Is 8:19


  w separates the best Prov 16:28


  they are w Rom 1:29


  backbitings, w 2 Cor 12:20


  My beloved is w Song 5:10

  and make them w Dan 11:35

  be purified, made w Dan 12:10

  for they are already w John 4:35

  walk with Me in w Rev 3:4

  clothed in w garments Rev 3:5

  behold, a w horse Rev 6:2

  and made them w Rev 7:14

  Then I saw a great w R
ev 20:11


  w body were an eye 1 Cor 12:17


  w tongue is a tree Prov 15:4

  not consent to w words 1 Tim 6:3


  w followed the LORD Deut 1:36

  I will not leave you w Jer 46:28


  w shall be silent 1 Sam 2:9

  Should you help the w 2 Chr 19:2

  Why do the w live and Job 21:7

  w are reserved for the Job 21:30

  to nobles, ‘You are w Job 34:18

  with the w every day Ps 7:11

  w is snared in the Ps 9:16

  w shall be turned Ps 9:17

  do the w renounce God Ps 10:13

  w bend their bow Ps 11:2

  w He will rain coals Ps 11:6

  Evil shall slay the w Ps 34:21

  w shall be no more Ps 37:10

  The w watches the Ps 37:32

  how long will the w Ps 94:3

  and the w be no more Ps 104:35

  is far from the w Ps 119:155

  if there is any w Ps 139:24

  w will be cut off from Prov 2:22

  w will fall by his own Prov 11:5

  LORD is far from the w Prov 15:29

  w flee when no one Prov 28:1

  Do not be overly w Eccl 7:17

  not be well with the w Eccl 8:13

  w forsake his way Is 55:7

  But the w are like the Is 57:20

  and desperately w Jer 17:9

  w shall do wickedly Dan 12:10

  at all acquit the w Nah 1:3

  w one does not touch 1 John 5:18

  the sway of the w 1 John 5:19


  Will you speak w Job 13:7

  God will never do w Job 34:12

  Those who do w Dan 11:32

  yes, all who do w Mal 4:1


  LORD saw that the w Gen 6:5

  can I do this great w Gen 39:9

  ‘W proceeds from the 1 Sam 24:13

  w oppress them 2 Sam 7:10

  Is not your w great Job 22:5

  Oh, let the w of the Ps 7:9

  alive into hell, for w Ps 55:15

  in the tents of w Ps 84:10

  I will not know w Ps 101:4

  eat the bread of w Prov 4:17

  w is an abomination Prov 8:7

  w will not deliver Eccl 8:8

  w burns as the Is 9:18

  have trusted in your w Is 47:10

  w will correct you Jer 2:19

  wells up with her w Jer 6:7

  man repented of his w Jer 8:6

  not turn from his w Ezek 3:19

  You have plowed w Hos 10:13

  and cannot look on w Hab 1:13

  for those who do w Mal 3:15

  is full of greed and w Luke 11:39

  sexual immorality, w Rom 1:29

  spiritual hosts of w Eph 6:12

  and overflow of w James 1:21


  shall open your hand w Deut 15:8

  opened their mouth w Job 29:23

  w his lips shall have Prov 13:3

  will build myself a w Jer 22:14

  w is the gate and Matt 7:13

  to you, our heart is w 2 Cor 6:11


  does no good for the w Job 24:21

  They slay the w Ps 94:6

  and his wife a w Ps 109:9

  the fatherless and w Ps 146:9

  plead for the w Is 1:17

  How like a w is she Lam 1:1

  Then one poor w Mark 12:42

  w has children or 1 Tim 5:4

  Do not let a w under 1 Tim 5:9


  and I caused the w Job 29:13


  a defender of w Ps 68:5

  and let your w trust Jer 49:11

  w were neglected Acts 6:1

  that the younger w 1 Tim 5:14

  to visit orphans and w James 1:27


  and be joined to his w Gen 2:24

  an excellent w is the Prov 12:4

  w finds a good thing Prov 18:22

  but a prudent w Prov 19:14

  w whom you love all Eccl 9:9

  like a youthful w Is 54:6

  “Go, take yourself a w Hos 1:2

  for a w he tended sheep Hos 12:12

  with the w of his Mal 2:15

  “Whoever divorces his w Mark 10:11

  ‘I have married a w Luke 14:20

  Remember Lot’s w Luke 17:32

  all seven had her as w Luke 20:33

  so love his own w Eph 5:33

  the husband of one w Titus 1:6

  giving honor to the w 1 Pet 3:7

  bride, the Lamb’s w Rev 21:9


  locusts and w honey Matt 3:4

  olive tree which is w Rom 11:24


  wasteland, a howling w Deut 32:10

  w yields food for them Job 24:5

  coming out of the w Song 3:6

  made the world as a w Is 14:17

  I will make the w Is 41:18

  Let the w and its Is 42:11

  Have I been a w Jer 2:31

  of one crying in the w Matt 3:3

  the serpent in the w John 3:14

  congregation in the w Acts 7:38


  to stand against the w Eph 6:11


  w be done on earth as Matt 6:10

  but he who does the w Matt 7:21

  of the two did the w Matt 21:31

  nevertheless not My w Luke 22:42

  flesh, nor of the w John 1:13

  I do not seek My own w John 5:30

  not to do My own w John 6:38

  This is the w John 6:39

  wills to do His w John 7:17

  w is present with me Rom 7:18

  and perfect w of God Rom 12:2

  works in you both to w Phil 2:13

  the knowledge of His w Col 1:9

  according to His own w Heb 2:4

  come to do Your w Heb 10:9

  good work to do His w Heb 13:21

  but he who does the w 1 John 2:17


  For if we sin w Heb 10:26

  For this they w 2 Pet 3:5


  is of a w heart Ex 35:5

  If you are w and Is 1:19

  him, saying, “I am w Matt 8:3

  The spirit indeed is w Matt 26:41

  The spirit indeed is w Mark 14:38

  if there is first a w 2 Cor 8:12

  w that any should 2 Pet 3:9


  to futility, not w Rom 8:20

  For if I do this w 1 Cor 9:17

  by compulsion but w 1 Pet 5:2


  our harps upon the w Ps 137:2


  to whom the Son w Matt 11:27

  it is not of him who w Rom 9:16

  say, “If the Lord w James 4:15


  w one proselyte Matt 23:15

  to all, that I might w 1 Cor 9:19


  LORD was not in the w 1 Kin 19:11

  w carries him away Job 27:21

  the chaff which the w Ps 1:4

  He causes His w Ps 147:18

  will inherit the w Prov 11:29

  He who observes the w Eccl 11:4

  is the way of the w Eccl 11:5

  Awake, O north w Song 4:16

  the prophets become w Jer 5:13

  He brings the w Jer 51:16

  Ephraim feeds on the w Hos 12:1

  and creates the w Amos 4:13

  A reed shaken by the w Matt 11:7

  And the w ceased and Mark 4:39

  and rebuked the w Luke 8:24

  The w blows where John 3:8

  of a rushing mighty w Acts 2:2

  about with every w Eph 4:14


  looking through the w Song 2:9

  has come through our w Jer 9:21

  upper room, wi
th his w Dan 6:10

  not open for you the w Mal 3:10


  from the four w Ezek 37:9

  be, that even the w Matt 8:27

  holding the four w Rev 7:1


  And a great w arose Mark 4:37


  Noah awoke from his w Gen 9:24

  w that makes glad Ps 104:15

  W is a mocker Prov 20:1

  Do not look on the w Prov 23:31

  love is better than w Song 1:2

  w inflames them Is 5:11

  Yes, come, buy w Is 55:1

  they gave Him sour w Matt 27:34

  when they ran out of w John 2:3

  do not be drunk with w Eph 5:18

  but use a little w 1 Tim 5:23

  not given to much w Titus 2:3

  her the cup of the w Rev 16:19


  Do not mix with w Prov 23:20


  “I have trodden the w Is 63:3

  for the w is full Joel 3:13

  into the great w Rev 14:19

  Himself treads the w Rev 19:15


  I have become like a w Ps 119:83


  new wine into old w Matt 9:17


  One w of the cherub 1 Kin 6:24

  so I spread My w Ezek 16:8


  w you have come Ruth 2:12

  He flew upon the w Ps 18:10

  the shadow of Your w Ps 36:7

  If I take the w Ps 139:9

  each one had six w Is 6:2

  with healing in His w Mal 4:2

  woman was given two w Rev 12:14


  You shall w them Is 41:16


  w souls is wise Prov 11:30


  have made summer and w Ps 74:17

  For lo, the w is past Song 2:11

  w it shall occur Zech 14:8

  flight may not be in w Matt 24:20


  the Lord GOD will w Is 25:8

  w them with the towel John 13:5

  w away every tear Rev 21:4


  for this is your w Deut 4:6

  w will die with you Job 12:2

  will make me to know w Ps 51:6

  is the man who finds w Prov 3:13

  Get w! Get understanding!Prov 4:5

  W is the principal Prov 4:7

  is the beginning of w Prov 9:10

  to get w than gold Prov 16:16

  w loves his own soul Prov 19:8

  W is too lofty for a Prov 24:7

  w is much grief Eccl 1:18

  W is better than Eccl 9:16

  w is justified by her Matt 11:19

  Jesus increased in w Luke 2:52

  riches both of the w Rom 11:33

  the gospel, not with w 1 Cor 1:17

  Greeks seek after w 1 Cor 1:22

  For the w of this world 1 Cor 3:19

  not with fleshly w 2 Cor 1:12

  now the manifold w Eph 3:10

  all the treasures of w Col 2:3

  Walk in w toward those Col 4:5

  If any of you lacks w James 1:5

  power and riches and w Rev 5:12

  and glory and w Rev 7:12


  great nation is a w Deut 4:6

  He catches the w Job 5:13

  God is w in heart and Job 9:4

  men are not always w Job 32:9

  when will you be w Ps 94:8


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