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Page 6

by Opal Carew

  “Yeah, we’ll be happy to fend off the men your mother wants to foist on you,” Marcus said.

  Then his gaze swept down her body, brushing over her breasts, then back to her face. The thought of his large hands, which were calloused and clearly saw a hard day’s work regularly, set her heart aflutter.

  God, Marcus wasn’t what she’d expected when she thought of the elite people who would attend a fund-raiser like the one this Friday. He came from modest roots, just like her. But then, he had money behind him and no one would argue with that. But he also had balls. He apologized to no one for who he was.

  Was that the message Blake and Evan wanted her to learn?

  The waitress brought a plate of appetizers, which Rhett and Marcus had ordered ahead of time, then took their orders.

  “Okay, so let’s get this started,” Rhett suggested. “Danni, you’ve been introduced to Marcus and me and we’re all standing with drinks in our hands. What do you do?”

  “Well, I say hello and I guess I ask what you do.”

  “Marcus tells you he’s in construction and I say I run a mutual fund.”

  “I’d ask Marcus what kind of construction.”

  Marcus’s lips turned up in a predatory smile. “And I’d say that if you’re really interested, I could take you to my latest project and show you. It’s a huge skyscraper downtown with a stunning view of the city. Or if heights aren’t your thing, there’s always the five-million-dollar mansion I constructed last year, with a pool surrounded by natural rocks, complete with waterfall. It’s very secluded, so”—he smiled broadly—“skinny dipping is not out of the question.”

  “You’re coming on a little strong, Marcus,” Blake said with an edge to his deep voice.

  “No stronger than any one of these Don Juans will when they see this delightful treat of a woman.”

  “Instead of asking what they do,” Rhett interjected, “why don’t you steer the conversation to interests? What do you like to do in your spare time?”

  She wrapped her fingers around her drink. “I don’t have a lot of spare time, but I like to stay active. I hike, run, and swim whenever I can.”

  Marcus chuckled. “Swim, eh? See, I would have gotten somewhere there.”

  Her cheeks blossomed in heat as she remembered that that’s exactly what had happened with Blake and Evan. They’d invited her back for a swim and she’d wound up having sex with them in the pool.

  “What else?” Blake asked.

  She could see in his gaze that he was remembering the same thing.

  “I don’t know. I like building things.”

  “What kind of things?” Rhett asked.

  “I built an entryway table for my town house. And I sometimes build bookshelves for my friends.”

  “You’re good with tools,” Marcus said. “I like that.”

  “That’s great, Danni,” Evan encouraged. “But what else?”

  “I like to paint.”

  “That’s good,” Evan said. “A lot of these people like to talk about art.”

  “Oh, no. I mean I like to paint walls and furniture. I like to experiment with textured surfaces. And I refinish old furniture.” She grabbed her phone and swiped through the pictures. “I fixed an old, plain white bookshelf for a friend and painted it in a faux oak finish. See?” She held up the picture to show them.

  “That’s not real oak?” Rhett asked. “That’s amazing.”

  “What about books?” Marcus asked. “What do you like to read?”

  She pursed her lips. “I’m not sure they’d be interested in that. Mostly, I like to read fantasy and science-fiction romance that’s . . . erotic.”

  Marcus grinned. “You’re my kind of woman.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “You like romance?”

  “I like science fiction. And fantasy. And if it’s erotic, I can put up with a bit of romance.”

  “Talking about cars wouldn’t work, I assume,” Rhett said.

  “What do you drive, Danni?” Marcus asked.

  “Usually I drive an old Chevy Impala that my dad had for years, but in the nice weather, I drive an old Harley-Davidson.”

  “You’re shitting me,” Marcus said.

  “My dad bought it at a police auction a long time ago and kept it up pretty well. When he died, I kept working on it and I’ve managed to keep it going.”

  “That’s fucking awesome,” Marcus exclaimed. “You seem more my type of woman all the time.” He leaned back in the chair. “I have an old motorcycle I’m rebuilding. Maybe you could come over and work on it with me sometime.”

  “Marcus, are you really hitting on Danni?” Rhett asked.

  “Why not?” He glanced at Blake and Evan. “Are one of you two going out with her?”

  Evan glanced her way, his green eyes assessing, and she gazed back nervously, wondering what he’d say.

  “No,” Blake answered.

  Danni’s heart sank. This thing with Blake and Evan had started as a casual fling but she’d started to think there was more to what they all shared. She’d started to think that maybe they’d have a shot at something more. But from their response, either they were embarrassed to admit they’d date a construction worker, or they weren’t really interested.

  “You know, we’re trying to figure out what you should talk about with these people,” Marcus said, “but why don’t you just be yourself and to hell with them?”

  “Because I don’t want to embarrass my stepfather.”

  “Why? What the hell has he done for you lately?”

  “He makes my mother happy.”

  Marcus leaned forward. “Okay, well, then here’s what you do. Is the dress you’ll be wearing low-cut?”

  “Yes, it is,” Evan answered.

  “Good, then if you get uncomfortable talking with someone, just pretend you notice something on your skirt and lean forward to brush it away. I guarantee when you stand up, any guy will have forgotten what he was saying.”

  “And if she’s talking to a woman?” Rhett asked.

  “Her mother wants her there to meet men, so she’ll probably ensure Danni’s dragged around to every eligible bachelor there.” He turned back to Danni. “And if that doesn’t work, just say that you like the song the band is playing. The guys will fall all over themselves asking you to dance.”

  “I think I’m getting more nervous, not less,” Danni admitted.

  A big smile claimed Marcus’s lips. “No worries. Here, give me your phone.”

  When she handed it to him, he tapped in his number.

  “I’ll be watching out for you, but if you get uncomfortable in any situation, just text me and I’ll come over.”

  He smiled, a devilish, knock-your-socks-off, sexy smile.

  “While we’re at it, why don’t you give me your number, too? Just in case I need to find you at the party.”

  She gave it to him, aware of Blake’s tight-set jaw and the disapproving glint in his eyes. Then she and Rhett exchanged phones for the same purpose.

  Their dinner arrived, and while they ate, the men told her about some of the people who would probably be at the party and suggested topics she could discuss. After the meal, she said good-bye to Rhett and Marcus at the door, then Blake and Evan’s driver opened the back door of the limo.

  She climbed in and Blake and Evan settled in beside her. She relaxed in the seat as the car started forward.

  “Thank you for the lovely day,” she said, “and all the gifts.”

  “You’re welcome,” Evan said. “But the day isn’t over yet.”

  “It’s not?”

  “We were hoping you’d come back to the penthouse for a drink,” Blake said.

  Her fingers glided along the pearls of her necklace. “That would be nice.”

  She knew they didn’t really mean a drink. She also knew it meant she’d get very little sleep tonight, and six a.m. came pretty early. But she didn’t care. She’d give up sleep—and a lot of other things—for a chance to be with the
se two men.

  When they led her into the penthouse, she slipped off her shoes, and as soon as she stood up, Blake’s arms slid around her. His kiss was hard and demanding. His tongue swept into her mouth, claiming her with passion.

  Evan stepped behind her, his body close, his hands resting on her shoulders. As soon as Blake released her lips, Evan turned her chin and claimed her mouth. Her body was half-turned toward him, still between both men. When Evan released her lips, Blake took her arm and guided her into the living room, Evan at her other side.

  “You seemed to enjoy Marcus’s company,” Blake said, his blue eyes serious.

  “Both Marcus and Rhett were nice. It’s good to know I can call on them at the party,” she said.

  “But Marcus and you have a lot in common. Are you interested in going out with him?” Evan asked.

  She frowned. Clearly, they were jealous, yet they hadn’t admitted any interest in her when Marcus asked. What was she supposed to think?

  She drew away from them. “Before I answer that question, let me ask one of my own.”

  Chapter Eight

  Danni sat down in an armchair and glanced at them to ensure she had their attention. They both sat on the couch facing her.

  “What is it?” Blake asked.

  “Where do you see this going between us?”

  “The three of us? That depends on what you want,” Blake said.

  “So you’re throwing it back at me.” She shook her head. “I don’t want to guess. When we were at dinner, Marcus asked the two of you outright if we were involved and you said no. I assume that means I’m just a casual fling.”

  “He asked if one of us was seeing you,” Blake corrected. “And the answer to that is no. We’re both seeing you.” He shook his head. “I wasn’t going to tell him that because I didn’t want to embarrass you. I saw how you were looking at Evan when Marcus asked the question. You looked nervous, so I guessed you didn’t want anyone to know that the three of us are an item.”

  She hesitated as that sank in. “I guess that makes sense.”

  “Whatever this is between us,” Blake said, “it’s more than a fling. I don’t think we need to define it—it’s only been a couple of days—but I don’t want it to end yet.”

  “You don’t?” She glanced at Evan and he nodded in agreement. Her heart raced. “I don’t want it to end, either.”

  But she realized that what she wanted from the relationship was probably more than what they wanted. What she wanted wasn’t really viable. Being with two men. Falling in love with two men.

  Evan laughed and stood up, then pulled her to her feet. “Whatever we’ve got going on is amazing and wildly sexy, so let’s not waste any more time talking about it. Let’s get on with enjoying it.”

  “No,” Blake said firmly.

  Both Evan’s and Danni’s heads jerked toward him in shock.

  Oh, God. It didn’t matter that he’d just said he didn’t want this to end. Her stomach furled into knots, in fear that he had just decided that she wasn’t worth the trouble after all.

  He stood up, his face stern, and walked toward her.

  Was he going to tell her to leave?

  “The fact is,” he said in a deep, authoritative voice that washed over her senses like warm velvet, “you flirted shamelessly tonight, which was very disrespectful to Evan and me.”

  She shivered, confused by his demeanor.

  “That’s true,” Evan said, but a smile curled his lips.

  Blake held out his hand to her. Although his face was still stern, his eyes held a glimmer of a smile.

  “Now, young lady, I think we should punish you.” The last four words were spoken in a deep, husky tone.

  Every nerve ending in her body seemed to spark at the same time as excitement flared within her.

  She rested her hand in his and he drew her to her feet.

  “What kind of punishment?” she asked nervously.

  Blake chuckled. “That’s not for you to question.”

  Then he jerked her tightly to his body and stared down at her. His midnight gaze—deep and penetrating—locked on hers.

  Then he kissed her. Hard.

  She was sure he could feel her trembling in his arms.

  Then he released her and twirled her around. Suddenly, she was leaning over the back of the couch, her ass in the air. His hand smacked across her denim-clad buttocks and she gasped.

  “That’s just a taste of your punishment, young lady,” Blake said. He coiled his hand in her hair, as Evan liked to do, and pulled her to a standing position. He tugged her head back until it was resting against his shoulder. “If you’re uncomfortable with this, say so now, because I intend to thoroughly discipline you.”

  “I . . . uh . . .” She bit her lip. “I’ll do whatever you say, sir.”

  Evan laughed heartily.

  “Good.” Blake’s eyes gleamed as he turned her to face him and released her hair.

  His gaze dragged over her body, from top to toe, then back again, blazing a trail of heat through her. He tucked his finger under the pearls at her neck. The feel of it against her throat, between her skin and the smooth pearls, made her heart thump.

  “Take off everything,” he commanded, then tugged on the necklace, pulling her face a little closer to him. “Except this.”

  His gaze held her mesmerized, locked in a confusing, sensual web of anxiety and desire. He seemed so aloof and commanding, but at the same time, she could see the gleam of excitement in his dark blue eyes.

  “Do you understand, young lady?”

  Quivers danced through her. “Yes, sir.”

  He released his hold on her necklace and watched her expectantly. She glanced to Evan, who just smiled, his hands pushed into his pockets.

  She reached for the hem of her top and pulled it over her head, then dropped it on the back of the couch. Then she unzipped her jeans and pushed them down. Her skin pebbled as they watched her, tingles dancing along her arms and legs. She reached behind her and unfastened her bra, then dropped the straps from her shoulders.

  They’d seen her naked before, but it felt strange just stripping off her clothes while they stood watching her. She drew in a breath and dropped the lacy garment forward, exposing her breasts. Evan’s mouth curled up in a smile as his eyes glowed appreciatively.

  Blake’s expression was unreadable. He had stepped into a role of authority, keeping his expression distant and stern.

  Which was wildly sexy.

  She hooked her fingers under the elastic of her panties and pushed them down in one swift motion, then kicked them away.

  Now she stood totally naked in front of them. Her skin tingled under their scrutiny.

  “Good girl.” Blake held out his hand and she rested hers on it. He grasped it snugly and led her to the bedroom.

  “Lean over the back of the chair,” he said, indicating the armchair by the fireplace.

  She shivered as she walked to it, then leaned forward, resting her stomach on the plush surface and grasping the armrests for support.

  “Spread your legs,” Blake instructed.

  She moved her feet apart, opening her thighs.

  “More.” His tone was cool and commanding.

  She glanced to Evan, who stood to one side of the chair, and the smile curling his lips reassured her. She spread her legs wider, very conscious of exposing her most intimate parts to Blake.

  “Evan, come here and look at this.”

  Evan walked behind her and she could feel both their gazes burning over her exposed flesh.

  “Goddamn, what a pretty sight. Too bad we have to punish her,” Evan said, “because I would love to fuck that wet pussy right now.”

  “Yes. Unfortunate,” Blake said. “So let’s get on with it.”

  She heard a drawer open, then a moment later, something swished across her skin. Soft strips of suede.

  “I’ve got a flogger here, young lady, and I’m going to use it on you.” Blake continued moving
the soft suede strips over her ass in a rippling motion. “If you want this to stop, just tell me. Or use the word ‘tower.’ That’s your safe word. If you do that, then everything stops. Do you understand?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  Suddenly, the fabric flicked against her in a stinging blow.

  “I didn’t hear you. Do you understand?” he asked with a bite in his deep voice.

  “Yes, sir,” she answered quickly.

  The strands of the flogger stroked over her lightly again.


  Then he flicked it again. Stinging pain flashed across her ass. He stroked gently, then flicked. Her skin burned with the pain.

  Then Evan, who now stood near her hip, glided his hand lightly over her burning cheek.

  “Such a nice rosy color,” he said. “And warm.”

  Blake’s hand cupped her other cheek.

  “Yes.” Blake squeezed lightly.

  Her stinging flesh tingled under his touch and she found herself arching against him. He chuckled, then flicked the flogger against her again, this time in a smarting blow.

  Evan’s hand glided along her spine, soothing her.

  Then the flogger whipped across her ass again, making her cry out.

  Immediately, Blake’s fingers glided lovingly over her heated skin. First across one side of her round ass, then the other. He changed direction and moved back again, then she gasped as his fingertips danced across her intimate petals.

  He glided sideways with the lightest of touches, then over her ass again. But a second later, he found her slick folds again. This time, he stroked the length of her. She could feel the wetness oozing from her, glazing his fingers.

  “Fuck, she’s so wet,” Blake said, the cool authority in his voice eroding.

  “Let me feel.” Evan stroked over her, his fingers pressing a little harder than Blake’s had. Up and down.

  Then his finger slipped inside and she stifled a moan.

  “I’m not sure she’s been punished enough yet,” Evan said.


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