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Angels & Demons: The Series

Page 43

by Megan Linski

  I turn my head away. Roman is inches apart from me now. He bends down, and says, “Imagine it. Think of all the girls we can spare from suffering. Your cambion friend understood when he killed the slime that mistreated you. I can put you in charge. You can kill all the rapists and sexual deviants there are in this world. There is no use for them. It’ll give you a sense of justice.”

  I swallow. The thought of doing so… it’s tempting, to say the least. I can’t tell you how many times I imagined Awakening when Eric was on top of me and slicing him to pieces with my spear.

  Roman expects an answer, so I say, “It can’t reverse what was done.”

  “No. But you can stop it before it happens to others. Don’t you want that?” he asks gently.

  My mouth is dry. “Yes,” I respond. “More than anything.”

  “Then you see my way is the only way.” Roman steps away. “You can join me, and have your greatest revenge fulfilled. Right the wrongs of the past.”

  Now’s my chance. My spear generates in my hand. As silently and as quickly as I can, I stab the spear toward Roman.

  The blade is a blur. Athias cries out a warning— for me, not for Roman.

  Roman whirls around. He stops my blade seconds before it enters his chest.

  He grabs the spear from my hand. Using angelic strength, he breaks the spear in two. Something inside me cracks… my weapon.

  Now that it’s broken, it’s no longer mine. Just another blade.

  “I thought so,” Roman says, disappointed. “Though I’m impressed. You put up a good act.”

  Roman’s four wings appear, and the power of their gust throws me back. Golden chains wrap around my arms and feet as pillars rise out of the earth. The golden chains fasten around the pillars to hold me in place, and grow so they wrap around my body, containing my wings.

  “I wasn’t lying,” I admit. Hope dies inside me. I failed. “What I said was the truth.”

  Roman nods. “No. You weren’t lying. But your foolish sense of free will prevented you from following your inner desire.”

  Roman looks to Athias. “Kill her mother. She needs to be punished.”

  “No! Please!” I beg. I pull at the golden chains. They burn my skin, but I don’t feel them. “Punish me, not Isolde!”

  Athias is baffled. “Kill… I…”

  “We’ve previously discussed this. You can have one woman or the other, Athias. Choose,” Roman tells him again. “You may not marry both.”

  Athias backs away. He shakes his head.

  “No,” Athias says. “No… I won’t do this! This is wrong!”

  “Then join the mass graves with the rest of them,” Roman says dully. “I do not care either way. A sacrifice must be made.”

  Roman takes the blade of my spear. He throws it at Athias with all the strength he can muster. The blade hurtles through the air so quickly that neither Athias or I can see it.

  It buries itself up to the hilt in Athias’ chest.

  “Athias!” I cry.

  He makes a gurgling sound and sinks to his knees. Blood gushes out of his mouth, and he falls face-forward onto the ground, spread eagled. His body twitches as it bleeds out. Red forms a puddle around the cage that contains Isolde and Clara.

  “You monster!” I growl at Roman. The chains dig into my skin. They smoke and form red cuts as I attempt to yank myself free.

  “You only have yourself to blame. You sinned. Atonement had to be made,” Roman declares. He really does seem bored. “That is the way of the new world. There is always punishment for wrong. It is the only way to make sure evil is stopped.”

  “This legalistic society of yours isn’t going to work,” I hiss. “Good people are going to stop you.”

  “I am doing what is good,” Roman replies. “I am doing what is necessary. No man or angel has dared to be brave enough to do what needs to be done.”

  I’m not listening. I’m paying more attention to the screams in the distance— and the sight of burning smoke rising over the camp. Gun fire. The sound of blades clashing.

  Roman notices. His face contorts into an expression of rage. “No! This can’t be!”

  It is. The Immortal Legion has arrived to challenge the Perfect Order. Despite my desperate wishes for them to stay away and be safe, my sister and the boys have come to rescue me.

  War has begun.

  Three months later.

  “Good morning, Lena.”

  I smile and turn over onto my side. Warmth from a blazing light envelops me and wraps me in its arms, completely. I am so happy here. And so free.

  Thames lies across from me. His brown eyes are gorgeous enough to fall into. Forever.

  The sheets twist around me. I tuck my head into his chest and happily take in his scent. The bed is warm, and soft.

  “Can I stay like this?” I mumble. Thames laughs. He strokes my hair, lightly.

  “I can’t stay here. I have somewhere to be.”

  “I don’t want you to go.” My legs twist in the blanket and wrap around his. I give him a light kiss on his lips. I miss these lips. I miss them every second they’re not on mine.

  “You can come with me.”

  Something within me leaps. I brush my cheek against his scruffy jaw. “Really?”

  “Yes. If you want to.”

  “I’d go anywhere if it was with you,” I say. Thames threads his hands through my hair again and kisses my temple. I enjoy the gesture, and the touch of his warm, tan skin.

  This is the life. Just him and me in our little apartment.

  Yep. You heard that right. We survived. How?

  When we woke up, Thames tried to fire up. And couldn’t. Cassia and Cairo’s wings were gone, and so was their strength.

  Thames was a dumb ass and cut his hand on a piece of glass as an experiment. When it kept bleeding, didn’t heal instantaneously and he started cursing up a storm from how bad it hurt, we knew.

  We became mortal. Our immortality was sacrificed when we killed Roman. We were no longer Nephilim, and Thames wasn’t a cambion— we were just human…. with normal human lifespans.

  Able to live normal human lives.

  We would no longer live forever, not on this earth.

  I was kind of messed up for awhile after my dad died. I still have trouble reconciling myself to the fact that I killed him. Even after everything he did, he was still my dad.

  But Thames helped me through it. So did Cass and Cairo. They’ve got their own place near Cairo’s hometown, a cabin in the middle of nowhere that Isolde bought them. She and Clara made it out… along with Athias. Lavonne and her team were able to get to him before he bled out completely— his Nephilim blood, with its quick healing powers, were the only thing that saved his life.

  Athias, Clara, and Isolde live together in Isolde’s large house, which isn’t very far from Cass and Cairo’s. I don’t judge. Love is love, after all.

  Lavonne and the Immortal Legion won the fight against the Perfect Order. After Roman died and Cody wasn’t around to enforce anything, the Order members didn’t put up much of a fight. Most of them went back to their regular lives. A few, including some Nephilim, joined the Immortal Legion.

  Mala made Lavonne the new head of the Legion. Being leader and her new Romani boyfriend keeps her busy. Personally, I don’t want another thing to do with Nephilim, angels, or demons as long as I live.

  “Come on,” Thames says. He smacks my leg and gets out of bed. “I’ll make breakfast.”

  “You’re rather proactive today,” I groan, and I roll out of bed. “Usually I’m the one who can’t get you up.”

  “Put something nice on,” Thames tells me. “We’ve got somewhere to be.”

  “Oh, really?” I ask. I become a little more awake. “Where?”

  “It’s a surprise.” His eyebrows wiggle, teasing me, before he slips out.

  I take a shower, then dry my hair and put on some makeup. I pick out a pretty maroon knit dress, a leather jacket, and knee-high tan boots that
Thames bought me before I head to the kitchen.

  Thames lets out a low whistle when he sees me. “You look amazing, doll.” He shoves a plate of eggs and bacon in my hands. “Eat up. I want to make sure this day is perfect.”

  “Sure, whatever.” I scarf down the bacon in a very unfeminine way. What is he up to?

  I’m expecting us to take his new bike, but Thames grabs his truck instead. I let him drive and wonder where he’s taking me as the cornfields and emerald trees go rolling by.

  I don’t miss teleporting.

  To my surprise, Thames takes us to a college campus. It’s beautiful here… each building is made of brick, with winding pathways that wander through fairy tale wood. The campus is active. Students mill about in droves. It’s way better than GLS.

  Thames parks. He takes my hand and we walk around campus together.

  “This is nice,” I say suspiciously.

  “It’s got a great anthropology program,” Thames hints, teasing me. “And their medical program is top notch.”

  “Hmm,” I say. Thames looks a little nervous. What is he trying to tell me?

  “I figure we could apply for next year,” he says. “We’ll stay here until you finish up your degree and my residency comes up.”

  “That’s quite a long time, Mister Deacon,” I say.

  “I know it is.”

  He guides me in a different direction. There are multiple rows of tiny houses on the edge of campus, though none of them are the same. They’re various colors, of different heights and sizes. Thames leads me to a little white one. He opens the picket fence and walks up the porch.

  He takes a tiny key out of his pocket. “Swiped it from the guy who showed me around.” He winks at me, then opens the door.

  Thames pushes the door open, and I step inside. My breath catches. The house is adorable. It’s got a kitchen with brand-new appliances, and a living room that has a fireplace. It’s so much bigger than our apartment, but cozy enough for two people to live comfortably.

  I venture to the stairs, and Thames follows. The master bedroom is furnished with a king-sized bed and enough closet space to have Thames buy me an outfit for every day of the year. I look out the window. It’s got a gorgeous view of campus.

  “This is brilliant. Why are you showing me this?” I ask. I blow on the window, and create a small patch of condensation. I draw a heart in the mist.

  “Well, this housing is only for students who are married couples.”

  My breath catches. I spin around. Thames is on one knee, holding a tiny black box in one hand.

  A silver diamond ring is in the center. The light from the window glints off of it.

  I feel like I’m gonna faint.

  “What do you say, doll?” Thames asks. His eyes shine. “Wanna be my girl forever?”

  I wave my hands at my face to keep from crying. “Yes! A thousand, million, bazillon times, yes!”

  Thames stands up. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and kisses me. Never with my wings did I ever fly so high.

  “Put it on, put it on!” I squeal in excitement, dancing on my toes. Thames slips the ring over the fourth finger on my left hand. It’s not too tight or too loose— just right.

  “Thank God I got the right size.” He whooshes out a breath. He really was nervous.

  “I would’ve loved it even if you didn’t,” I vow. I kiss him again. He picks me up and carries me to the bed. Thames tosses me down on the mattress and climbs over me, kissing my neck, my face, my entire body.

  “You’d better start taking off everything but this ring,” I whisper in his ear. I start to unbutton his shirt before I decide now’s not the time to be patient and just rip it off. I’ll buy him another one later.

  “We haven’t signed for this house yet,” Thames reminds me. His lips trail downward and nip at my belly.

  “I don’t give a damn. It needs to be broken in.”

  Thames laughs lowly. I pull my arms up as he lifts off my dress and tosses it away.

  Clothes are literally thrown everywhere. We don’t even care. It’s just coming off. Did I mention Thames is like, the king of being naked? His body is just so fricking incredible.

  I run my hands over his steel abs and muscular arms. Back off, ladies. He’s alllllll mine.

  “Your body’s like my wonderland,” Thames says quietly. He dips downward. I curl against him, enjoying every feeling he gives me. I kiss his shoulders, loving every inch that makes him, him.

  I’m totally going to be Mrs. Faline Deacon. I get him all to myself for the rest of my life. Did I mention how hot that is?

  Thames climbs over me and presses downward. His weight is comforting and longing on top of me. “I love you, Lena,” he says quietly. He strokes his thumb over my cheek. “You’re gonna be my wife. You know that?”

  “I do. And I love you too,” I say back to him. I give him another kiss, then smack his butt. “Now stop screwing around.”

  “Geez. Way to ruin the moment, needy.” Thames chuckles.

  “Shut up.” I reach down and grab him. Thames shoves my hand away and pins my wrists to the bed.

  “I don’t think so,” he says lowly. “That’s my job.”

  “You’re taking your time doing it,” I growl.

  “Yeah? What if I want to?” He kisses me again, deeply. “What if I want to savor every moment, every second, every part of you that I get to keep?”

  I take both of my hands and twist them into his gorgeous black locks. “If you’re gonna be that way about it, you’d better make it worth my time, then.”

  “Oh, Lena.”

  Thames hisses as he goes in. Slowly, his body enters mine, and paradise calls. I know he feels the same way, because the connection that passes between us, the bond that wraps around both of our hearts and roots there, is something heaven created.

  Each movement takes me farther and farther away until I drift out on a tendril of joy and weightlessness. Thought dissolves, and the world around us becomes nothing more than a mist and an illusion.

  I go to a place where the world doesn’t exist, and it’s just me and Thames.

  Bliss is written across his face. I get to see that next year. And the year beyond that, and beyond that, until they add up and we can’t even count them anymore.

  Maybe we’ll even have kids of our own. A little Thames. I could get used to that idea.

  That’s when we let ourselves, go, together.

  We lie in a tangled twist of limbs, bed sheets that aren’t ours, and sweat. I’m happy. I’m happier than I’ve ever been.

  And even in the future, if I’m not, it won’t matter. I’ll still be with Thames. He’ll be my wings to soar with for the rest of forever.

  “Halloween’s coming up, you know,” I tell him playfully as I lie across his chest. “I don’t know what I should be this year.”

  “How about a bride?” Thames murmurs as his lips drift across my neck.

  “Weddings take time to plan,” I scold. “We can’t just throw one together.”

  “As far as I’m concerned, a justice of the peace and a crotch rocket with a few cans tied on the back is good enough for me.”

  “Yeah, you would say that.” I roll my eyes. “I still want a sexy costume.”

  “As long as you only wear it for me.”

  “Depends. Are you dressing up with me?”


  I giggle. I wrap my arms around his chest and say, “I guess that’s the end of our living in sin, huh? Though I gotta say, it’s been pretty perfect so far.”

  “Perfect endings are just perfect beginnings,” he says back.

  He weaves his fingers in mine, and holds my hand tightly. He places both of them over his chest. “You hear that, Lena? That’s my heart. And it beats for you.”

  I smile. “I hear it, Thames. I hear it.”

  And I do. Because mine beats for him, too.

  Truth be told? It always… always… will.

  The shore of the lake ripples
softly over my feet and skims over my blue sundress. A soft Northern Michigan breeze brushes my bare shoulders. The moon is overhead, full. It creates a glowing white light on the pines and the water.

  It’s the same lake where Cairo gave me my angel necklace, back in high school. The same one where he paddled me out on the lake, where the rain started falling.

  It’s where he told me he loved me for the first time.

  It’s nice to finally have things come full circle.

  Cairo is at the rowboat. He pulls it out for me. I get in, and he pushes it out into the water. He jumps inside and silently rows me to the middle of the lake.

  We used to do this all the time, but we haven’t in so long. I asked him if we would tonight, and he said yes.

  He’s never said no to me, I think, not since we got back. I feel like he should. He should be meaner to me, angrier, coarser. I broke his heart. No matter what the reason, even if it was to save his life, I still shattered it.

  He forgave me for it, truly forgave me. He hasn’t held a single thing I said that night, or did afterward, against me. I have to learn to forgive myself.

  He really does love me. It’s an amazing thing that I struggle to understand, but hope I will, someday.

  Cairo stops rowing when we get to the middle of the lake. He pulls the oars inside and takes my hands softly in his. It’s like he can’t help but to touch me whenever I’m near.

  “You like coming out here,” he says.

  I nod. “It’s the only place where it’s just us. You know?”

  The boat slowly spins upon the water. Cairo nudges his knees against mine. “I get it. We can be honest out here.”

  “Yes.” I run my thumbs over the backs of his hands. “But you’re the one person who’s seen everything, Cairo. I can bare myself to you and not be afraid.” I draw myself up. “I’ve never been scared of showing who I really am to you, from the moment we first met.”

  “I was scared to show you, at first,” Cairo admits. “But then… you changed me, Cass. Fear doesn’t exist when you’re with me.”

  I’ve forgotten what life was like before Cairo. Miserable, probably. I don’t remember true sadness, or deep pain. I’ve even forgotten Eric, something I thought would never happen.


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