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The Road to Death: The Lost Mark, Book 2

Page 33

by Forbeck, Matt

  Mror Holds: A nation of dwarves and gnomes located in the Ironroot Mountains.

  New Cyre: A large town in Breland that began as a refugee settlement but has since grown into a sizeable community.

  Nithkorrh: A black dragon.

  Norra: A resident of Mardakine and friend of Kandler. She often watches Esprë when Kandler is out.

  Oargev ir’Wynarn: The last surviving son of Cyre’s ruling family, who has since become the unofficial leader of the Cyran refugees scattered throughout Khorvaire.

  Olladra: One of the Sovereign Host, goddess of feast and fortune, bringer of luck and joy.

  Phoenix: An old airship that Kandler and the others found in the Mournland. At Fort Bones, she was repaired and renamed Phoenix.

  Puakel: Karrnathi soldier at Fort Bones.

  Pylas Maradal: A port city on the southern coast of Valenar.

  Q’barra: A young nation hidden within the jungles of southeastern Khorvaire.

  Rhashaak: Draconic overlord of Haka’torvhak.

  Rings of Siberys: A ring of dragonshards that encircles the world high above Eberron’s equator.

  Rislinto: Mardakine’s resident blacksmith.

  Sallah: A Knight of the Silver Flame.

  Seawall Mountains: A mountain chain in southern Breland. The Seawall separates Darguun and Zilargo, and many kobolds and goblinoids still lurk in its shadows.

  Shano: An old dwarf of Clan Drakyager of the Mror Holds, who works under Duro Darumnakt and who likes his drink.

  Sharn: Also known as the City of Towers, Sharn is the largest city in Khorvaire.

  shifter: A humanoid race said to be descended from humans and lycanthropes. Shifters have a feral, bestial appearance and can briefly call on their lycanthropic heritage to draw animalistic characteristics to the fore. While they are most comfortable in natural environs, shifters can be found in most of the major cities of Khorvaire.

  shockbolt: Magical crossbow bolts that explode on contact.

  Siberys: 1) The ring of stones that circles the world. 2) A mythical dragon, also called “The Dragon Above.” Siberys is said to have been destroyed by Khyber. Some believe that the ring of Siberys is the source of all magic.

  Silver Flame, the: A powerful spiritual force dedicated to cleaning evil influences from the world. Over the last five hundred years, a powerful church has been established around the Silver Flame.

  Sovereign: 1) A silver coin depicting a current or recent monarch. A sovereign is worth ten crowns. 2) One of the deities of the Sovereign Host.

  Sovereign Host, the: A pantheistic religion with a strong following across Khorvaire.

  sprayship: A watercraft propelled by a water elemental.

  Spurbin: A halfling hunter of the Talenta Plains.

  Ss’lange: A lycanthropic yuan-ti (lizardman) from Q’barra.

  Stonefist, Berre: Currently Captain of Bones, commander of the Fort of Bones in southern Karrnath.

  swordtooth: A large predator of the Talenta Plains. (A tyrannosaur.)

  Talenta Plains: A vast stretch of grassland to the east of Khorvaire, the Talenta Plains are home to a proud halfling culture. The people of the Talenta Plains live a nomadic lifestyle that has remained more or less unchanged for thousands of years, though over the centuries a number of tribes have left the grasslands to settle in the Five Nations. A wide variety of large reptiles are found in the Talenta Plains, and the halfling warriors are known for their fearsome clawfoot mounts.

  Tan Du: A vampire.

  Temmah: A dwarf resident of Mardakine, currently serving as one of the deputy justicars.

  Te’oma: A changeling.

  Thrane: One of the original Five Nations of Galifar, Thrane is the seat of power for the Church of the Silver Flame. During the Last War, the people of Thrane chose to give the church power above that of the throne. Queen Diani ir’Wyrnarn serves as a figurehead, but true power rests in the hands of the Church, which is governed by the council of cardinals and Jaela Daeran, the young Keeper of the Flame.

  threehorn: A large herbivorous lizard of the Talenta Plains. (A triceratops.)

  Thunder Sea: The large sea separating Khorvaire from the continent of Xen’drik.

  Treaty of Thronehold: The treaty that ended the Last War.

  Trisfo: A Karrnathi soldier at Fort Bones.

  Undying Court: The council of deathless elders that advises and empowers the rulers of Aerenal.

  Valenar: A realm of southeastern Khorvaire populated primarily by elves who came to Khorvaire to fight in the Last War and later founded their own nation.

  Vol: The Lich Queen, founder of the Blood of Vol.

  Wandering Inn: A traveling fair run by House Ghallanda that moves throughout the Talenta Plains. It provides a place for rest and trade for the tribes and other travelers that range far from Gatherhold.

  warforged: A race of humanoid constructs crafted from wood, leather, metal, and stone, and given life and sentience through magic. The warforged were created by House Cannith, which sought to produce tireless, expendable soldiers capable of adapting to any tactical situation. Cannith developed a wide range of military automatons, but the spark of true sentience eluded them until 965 YK, when Aaren d’Cannith perfected the first of the modern warforged. A warforged soldier is roughly the same shape as an adult male human, though typically slightly taller and heavier. There are many different styles of warforged, each crafted for a specific military function: heavily-armored infantry troops, faster scouts and skirmishers, and many more. While warforged are brought into existence with the knowledge required to fulfill their function, they have the capacity to learn, and with the war coming to a close, many are searching their souls and wondering what place they might have in a world at peace.

  Whitecliff: A small town in Q’barra. It rests in the foothills of the Endworld Mountains.

  Wodager: The halfling shaman who trained Monja.

  Xalt: A warforged artificer.

  yuan-ti: One of the minor races of Eberron, yuan-ti are descended from humans who mingled their bloodlines with serpentine creatures.

  Zilargo: Located on the southern coast of Khorvaire, Zilargo is the homeland of the gnomes. Known for its vast universities and libraries, Zilargo also possesses considerable mineral wealth in the form of gemstones and Khyber dragonshards. The gnomes themselves are masterful diplomats, shipwrights, and alchemists, renowned for their cunning and inquisitive nature.





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