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Alaskan Hideaway

Page 15

by Beth Carpenter

  Ursula stopped to watch. The lights were dimmer and lower on the northern horizon than they’d been in Fairbanks, but they still moved and pulsed like a living thing. “They were like this last week, too. It’s been a good winter for aurora chasers.”

  “I can’t believe I never noticed.”

  Ursula laid a hand on his arm. “You have to look up to see the lights.”

  Mac looked up, but after a moment he was compelled to look down, to watch Ursula’s face. To remember that kiss. Somehow in his mind, the beauty of the lights and of that kiss had merged into one incredible memory. He was just about to taste her lips once again when she suddenly moved away. “Brrr. Let’s get inside.” She grabbed the bag and trotted toward the door.

  He frowned. Was that just unfortunate timing, or was she deliberately avoiding his kiss? She’d seemed more than willing last night in Fairbanks, but now she seemed jumpy, unsettled. He grabbed the two other bags and followed her inside.

  Rory was there, chattering to Catherine about their trip while rubbing Blossom’s belly.

  Ursula turned to Catherine. “We really did have fun. Thanks so much for filling in.”

  “It was no bother. I always enjoy it. Blossom and I had a good time, didn’t we?”

  Blossom finally spotted Mac and rolled to her feet to run greet him. He bent to rub her ears. “She obviously enjoyed her time with you, as well. Thank you. The northern lights in Fairbanks were spectacular.”

  Ursula smiled at him and Blossom. Mac wondered if he’d imagined her nervousness outside. Catherine slipped into her coat and picked up her bag. “I’m glad you had fun. I’d better head home. Rory, can I get a hug before I go?”

  Rory obliged, and Catherine started out the door, but before she left, she handed Ursula a bundle of envelopes. “Almost forgot. These are from yesterday. Good night.”

  “Good night. And thanks again.” Ursula flipped absently through the mail, but when she reached the third letter, she paused, frowning. She picked up a letter opener from the desk in the kitchen and slit the envelope. As she read the letter enclosed, color drained from her face.

  Mac took a step closer. “What’s wrong?”

  She raised her eyes to him, her face stricken, but before she could say anything, Rory came to tug on her hand. “Do I hafta take a bath tonight?”

  Ursula gave her a smile, but it was obviously forced. “No, you took one this morning. Brush your teeth and get to bed. Tomorrow’s a school day. I’ll be there in just a minute to tuck you in.”

  “Okay.” She yawned again. “Good night, Blossom.” Rory started toward her room, but she made a detour to come wrap her arms around Mac. “Good night, Mac. I’m glad you went.” Before he could reply, she stumbled off toward the bath.

  “Good night.” Mac waited until Rory had disappeared before he turned to Ursula. “What is it?”

  Without a word, Ursula handed him the paper. It appeared to be from a firm of lawyers in Colorado. Mac skimmed the letter. Then he read it again, more carefully. When he looked at Ursula, she swallowed.

  “Sit down,” he suggested. “Let’s talk about this.”

  Ursula sank into one of the kitchen chairs. “What’s there to talk about? They want to take her away.”

  “Not necessarily.” Mac sat in the chair beside hers and laid a hand on her arm. “It just says they want to discuss custody. Maybe they want visitation.”

  Ursula shook her head. “They want control. I should have known it was all too easy.”

  “If they planned to dispute the will, why would they have waited? Why not act immediately?”

  “I don’t know.” She sat up straighter. “But I do know they’re not going to take her. Coby and Kendall trusted me to take care of their daughter. I’m not going to let them down.”

  “Kendall was a skilled and articulate woman. Her parents must have instilled a disciplined and competitive spirit for her to have achieved so much. Are they such bad people?”

  “Kendall didn’t want Rory to have the sort of childhood she had. Winning was everything to her mother, and if Kendall wasn’t winning, she was worthless. Nobody is ever going to make Rory feel worthless.” She straightened her shoulders. “Not if I can help it.”

  “I understand.” Mac reached for a pad and a pen. “So what’s our battle plan?”


  He smiled. “You don’t think I’m going to let you go into this all alone, do you? I care about Rory. I know she loves you, and that you love her. You’ve been there for me, and it’s time I was there for you. So yes—our battle plan. Do you have a lawyer?”

  “Not really. Fred Wilson handled the estate.”

  “He handled the property sale for me, too. Fred’s a good guy, but you need a specialist in family law. Let’s talk with Fred tomorrow and see if he might recommend someone in Anchorage to represent you.”

  Ursula nodded. “This is going to get expensive, isn’t it?”

  “It might.” That was one area where he could offer some real help, but he was sure if he said so now, Ursula would turn him down.

  “That’s okay.” Ursula folded the letter and slipped it back inside the envelope. “I have some savings as well as my annuity. I’ll spend it all if that’s what it takes to keep Rory safe and happy.”

  He didn’t doubt it for a second.


  FRED READ OVER the letter. “I don’t know what to tell you, Ursula. It’s not real clear what they’re after. But the will specifically appointed you guardian, and the judge honored that request. The bad news is the estate hasn’t finished clearing probate, and decisions aren’t final.”

  “So there’s a possibility a judge might award custody to her biological grandparents? Even though she’s never met them?” Ursula heard the note of desperation creeping into her voice. She glanced toward Mac, sitting in the chair beside her, his face a picture of calm strength. She sucked in a breath. “How likely is that?”

  “Hard to say.” Fred shook his head. “I don’t know what arguments they might make, or even if they want full custody. Perhaps they only want visitation. Would you be amenable to that?”

  “I...” She paused, considering. The wounds these people had inflicted on their daughter went deep. Kendall had spent most of her life fulfilling their expectations, and yet when she’d made the decision to go her own way, they’d abandoned her without hesitation. But they were Rory’s grandparents, and family was important. “I don’t know. I’d have to meet them first.”

  “Yes. Well, I suggest you get yourself a family attorney who knows the ins and outs of this sort of thing. I’ve made a list of my recommendations. Given a choice, Darlene Henderson would be my top pick.”

  “Thanks.” Ursula tucked the list into her bag. “I’ll give her a call.”

  “I’d do it sooner, rather than later. This feels like the opening salvo of a surprise attack to me.”

  Ursula looked up, startled. “What do you mean?”

  Fred shook his head. “I’m not sure. It’s just the vague wording of the letter. I get the idea this is just the formal required engagement before they spring something on you. I may be wrong.”

  Ursula doubted it. Fred seemed to have a sixth sense about which issues were likely to fizzle out and which ones might build into something major. He’d been able to head off trouble for several of her friends over the years. But a vague feeling didn’t help her much. “I’ll call her today.”

  “Good. Good luck, and let me know if I can help.” Fred shook her hand and turned to Mac. Fred had raised an eyebrow when Mac had accompanied her into his office, but hadn’t questioned her. No doubt he’d pass this on to Penny, who would draw her own conclusions, but right now Ursula was willing to endure a little gossip if it meant she had an ally in this battle.

  Mac had hardly said a word during this consultation, but she c
ould tell he was listening carefully, weighing Fred’s advice. She was confident he’d remember the things she was too flustered to consider. He reached out to shake the lawyer’s hand. “Thank you, Fred. We appreciate your help.”

  In the lobby, Mac helped her into her coat and rested a hand on her back to guide her out the door to the parking lot. “Coffee?”

  Ursula shook her head. “More caffeine is the last thing I need right now. Besides, I have to get home to make that call.”

  “Herbal tea, then. We’ll go to that little place with the flowers. Maybe you need a few minutes to collect yourself before you charge ahead.”

  He was right. At the moment, she felt too scattered to make a coherent call. But Mac in the Natural Teahouse? She laughed. “You hate herbal tea.”

  “I’ll survive.” He waited until she’d climbed into the passenger seat of his car to shut the door behind her before going around to the driver’s side.

  A few minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot in front of the white cottage with red painted poppies scattered across the siding. Light shone through the colorful bead curtains in the windows. They crossed the porch and stepped inside, the tinkle of sleigh bells on the door announcing their presence.

  A young woman wearing a loose dress, wool socks and sandals glided in from the back of the house and graced them with a serene smile. “Sit wherever you like.”

  Ursula chose one of the mismatched wooden tables closest to the front window. “Hello, Shelly. How are you?”

  “I’m at peace. And I go by Harmony now.”

  “Oh, right, I’m sorry. Harmony, what tea would you recommend for calm and purpose?”

  “I have just the thing. I’ll get you a pot.” She turned her eyes toward Mac. “What are your needs today?”

  “Umm.” Mac looked around the room, no doubt searching for a menu, chalkboard or something to clue him in on what he might order. Shelly/Harmony didn’t believe in listing her offerings. She thought of herself as more of an herbalist, who prescribed healing based on her customer’s mental state.

  Ursula decided to take pity on Mac. “Mac needs energy and focus.”

  “Very well.” She disappeared into the kitchen, which was down the hall from the front bedroom she’d turned into her main dining room. It was probably just as well Shelly didn’t have too many customers. The inefficiency of the layout would run her off her feet.

  Mac’s mouth twitched. “I need energy and focus?”

  “That’s the only way to get what you want around here. You can’t just order coffee. You have to use the code words to convince Shelly—oops, Harmony—that coffee is what you need.”

  “I see. How do you discover these code words? Trial and error?”

  “Pretty much. I think Terry over at the bookstore keeps a translation list. For instance, when someone discovered an upset stomach would get you mint tea, they told Terry and he wrote it down.”

  “So what are you going to get for calm and purpose?”

  “I have no idea. It’s a gamble.”

  Their hostess returned, carrying a tray. She set a blue-and-white teapot in the center of the table and a matching cup in front of Ursula. “It’s a special blend of lemon balm, peppermint, and rose hips.”

  “Sounds lovely. Thank you, Harmony.”

  Mac received a red china cup of fragrant coffee and a plate with three small brown mounds on it. Harmony reached up to hang a pink crystal on the fringe of the pendant lamp over Mac’s head. “Rose quartz. For healing and forgiveness.”

  Mac did a double take but she just smiled and sailed from the room, leaving them alone. Mac picked up one of the brown things from his plate and inspected it doubtfully. “Cookies?”

  “Sort of.” Ursula smiled. “No refined sugar or white flour, so I’d guess they’re some sort of honey-sweetened wholegrain pastry.”

  “Hmm.” Mac took a small bite, grimaced and returned the cookie to his plate. He took a sip from his cup and his face brightened. “That’s good coffee.”

  “Kona beans. She always goes to Hawaii in January and brings back a supply.”

  “So the secret code to get Kona coffee is ‘focus and energy’?”

  “Correct.” Ursula sipped her tea. “But she does know her stuff. I already feel calmer. This is just what I needed. Thank you, Mac.”

  “I wish I could do more.”

  “You’re doing a lot, just being here. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m usually good at handling the unexpected, but this has me flustered.”

  “It’s because you don’t know what you’re dealing with. You don’t know these people, or what they want. You’re afraid Rory will get hurt. Anyone would be upset.”

  She traced the handle of her teacup with her finger. “I’m wondering what to say to Rory. Should I tell her about the letter, or wait until I know more?”

  Mac took another sip of coffee before he spoke. Ursula liked that about him, the way he took the time to consider before he weighed in. “I’d tell her something. She’s going to sense you’re worried, and if she doesn’t know why, she might make up reasons that are much scarier than the reality.”

  “What could be scarier than strangers taking you away?”

  “That’s not going to happen.” He laid his hand over hers. “We won’t let it happen. That’s what you need to tell Rory. That these people want to meet, but she doesn’t need to worry. We’ll take care of everything.”


  “Okay, you. Officially, you’re the only one who can make that promise. But I intend to help in every way I can.”

  “Why?” Ursula felt hot tears gathering. She blinked them back. “You have enough on your plate. Why are you throwing yourself into the middle of this mess?”

  “Because I care.” He squeezed her hand. “I can’t seem to help it. When I came here, I was completely wrapped up in my own pain. I couldn’t see anyone else, and I wanted it that way. But you and Rory somehow slipped past the walls I’d built and became a part of my life. And I’m not going to let anything bad happen to that little girl, if I can help it.”

  “Thank you, Mac.” Now the tears had escaped and were rolling down her face. “That means a lot to me.”

  “You and Rory mean a lot to me.” He picked up his linen napkin and dabbed at her cheeks.

  Harmony glided back into the room. “Ah, catharsis. Excellent.” She placed a milky crystal on the table and left as silently as she’d come in.

  Mac looked after her, the corners of his mouth twitching. He looked so out of place, an Oklahoma cowboy perched on a spindly chair surrounded by crystals and teacups. Ursula felt a giggle rising. She tried to control it, but it came out as a snort. Mac chuckled, and before she knew what was happening, Ursula was laughing. It may have been partly hysterical, but it felt good. Mac was laughing, too, a deep belly laugh.

  The tears continued. She wasn’t even sure if they were crying or laughing tears anymore, but she took the napkin from Mac and wiped her cheeks as she caught her breath. “Oh, my.”

  Mac chuckled. “Feel better?”

  “I do.”

  “Maybe there is something to this crystal business.” He picked up the shiny rock from the table, examined it and set it down. “Finish your tea.”

  “Actually, I’ve had all I want. Now I’m eager to get home and make that phone call to the lawyer in Anchorage.”

  He drained his cup. “How do I get the check?”

  “Oh, Shelly doesn’t bring a check. You just leave whatever you feel is the right amount.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Interesting business model. How long has she been running this establishment?”

  “Three or four years now. She inherited the house and a nice nest egg from her grandfather. She considers the teahouse more of a public service than a business.”

  “That explains so muc
h.” Mac dropped some bills on the table and held her chair for her. “Everything’s going to be okay, you know.”

  “I know.” And somehow, looking up at his face, she believed it.

  * * *

  AS SOON AS Mac opened the front door, Blossom ran to greet him, skidding across the floor to sit at his feet. He pulled off his gloves and reached over to rub her head, but she pulled back and sniffed his hands, wagging her tail. Only after she’d thoroughly inspected him did she allow him to pet her.

  “Yes, I was with Ursula. I just dropped her off.” Mac hung up his coat and settled into a chair in the living room. The dog laid her head in his lap. “She’s worried about Rory.” He scratched behind the dog’s ears. There was a time when he would have questioned the sanity of a man who carried on conversations with a dog, but that time had long passed. “I’m worried, too. Fred seems to think they’re up to something.”

  His cell phone rang. Chandler. “This is Mac.”

  “I found her. The sister.”

  “That’s great. Did you learn anything? Is she protecting him?”

  “No. She hasn’t seen him in eight years, and she hopes to keep it like that. She didn’t want to talk at first, but eventually, she told me her story.”

  “And what was that?”

  “She was a half sister, four years younger. Thaine lived with his mother, but came about once a month to spend the weekend with his father’s family. When she was little, she looked up to her brother, but as she reached her teen years and grew more independent, she began to notice a jealous streak. He didn’t like it if she had any activities planned that took her away on the weekends he was there. She had pet hamsters, and once, when she returned from a slumber party, two of them had died. Thaine made some cryptic remark that it wouldn’t have happened if she’d been home where she should be.”

  Mac’s gut tightened. Animal deaths. A classic sign. “Why didn’t anyone know about this? There’s nothing in his school records.”

  “She didn’t tell anyone. He said he meant they got sick because she didn’t look after them properly, and she believed him. But several times later, he would mention hamsters as a subtle threat.”


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