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Infamous: A Bad Boy Sports Romance Novel

Page 17

by Arabella Abbing

  “I see how it is. Wait for me to leave then badger my girl with questions. Nice, mom.”

  The corner of her mouth turned up and a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes. “Your girl?”

  If I were the type of man who blushed, I probably would have in that moment. But since I wasn’t, I just shrugged and muttered, “You know what I meant.”

  “I sure do, sweetie,” she said sadly before she stepped forward to give me a hug. “You go ahead up to bed. Thank you for bringing her out to meet me.”

  “I’m glad I did,” I admitted as I hugged her back.

  We were both quiet for a moment until she faintly whispered, “Don’t let her get away.”

  “I won’t. I promise.”

  “I just want to see you happy.”

  “I know… and I am happy.”

  She pulled away and smiled at me, nodding in agreement. “I can tell. Goodnight, sweetie.”

  After a kiss on the cheek, she left me alone in the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge in case April wanted something to drink during the night and headed upstairs, hoping that she was still awake so I could keep my promise from earlier.

  And maybe cash in on the one she owed me from before her nap this morning.



  I laid down on the small mattress and stared up at the ceiling, refusing to get comfortable enough to fall asleep when I knew that it was only a matter of time before Jared came up and we would need to find a way to fit him on the bed as well.

  The room was pitch black and when he opened the door a few minutes later and crept in, he didn’t bother to turn on the lights. Although I could hear him as he quietly shrugged off his clothing.

  “You awake?” he whispered as he tugged at the blanket I was under.


  “Good. Then I don’t have to feel bad about waking you up for sex.”

  I snorted as he climbed onto the mattress beside me. “Would you have felt bad?”

  “Not at all.”

  “I’m not having—”

  “My mom sleeps downstairs,” he cut in, effectively silencing me. “Come on, kitten. Make my childhood fantasies of having a sexy woman in this bed come true.”

  “I highly doubt you had problems with girls back then.”

  I couldn’t see it, but I could practically hear his smirk as he smoothly replied, “I never said that, but remember—you’re the first woman I’ve ever brought here before.”

  As he finished, he was blindly feeling around my body and arranging us so he was between my legs. He groaned when he felt my bare legs, then stopped when he reached for my tits and felt the offending fabric.

  “What the hell are you wearing?”

  I grinned in the dark. “A jersey I found in your closet.”

  “You went rooting through my stuff?”

  “You went through my stuff,” I pointed out sharply, before softening my voice to add, “And you really didn’t pack me any pajamas. So I went looking for some.”

  Jared abruptly backed away and I frowned when I felt his weight hop off the mattress. I heard him slam a foot into something and he cursed under his breath, then the soft light of his desk lamp suddenly lit up the room.

  I was rapidly blinking to adjust to the change in lighting when he stalked over and yanked the blanket off of me.


  He was staring down at me with a serious expression, lips in a flat line and his brows drawn tightly together.

  “That’s my high school jersey.”

  I idly played with the hem and asked, “Aren’t you supposed to give these back to the school?”

  “Yes. Unless you conveniently lose it.”

  I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Why am I not surprised?”

  Jared wasn’t laughing though. When I looked back up to meet his eyes, they were slowly roaming down my body, drinking in the sight. He eased the blanket down lower and lower until it finally landed in a heap on the floor, then he crawled back on the bed.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” I finally asked, breaking the tense silence.

  “Because you look damn fine in that,” he replied, cupping my breast with his large hand before letting it go to tweak my nipple. “I’m imagining what you’ll look like in my actual jersey.”

  “I-I have one at home,” I reminded him as I squeezed my legs together.

  Jared chuckled and shook his head. “Not the same. I want to see you in the real one,” he told me as he sat up on his knees and pulled off my panties before prying my legs apart. “I want to fuck you in the real one.”

  Before I could respond, I felt him rubbing the head of his length up and down my slit and I moaned softly at the sensation.

  “That offer from earlier still good?” he asked, panting.

  Despite all my reservations about having sex in his mother’s house, just the heated way he was staring down at me had skyrocketed my need.


  With his free hand, he dipped a finger into my opening.

  “You’re wet already.”

  “Jared—please,” I begged as he twisted it and started rubbing my clitoris with his thumb.


  Even though I was ready to take him, he took his time further preparing me. One finger turned into three and his other hand had long since left his cock to slide beneath the jersey and toy with my nipples.

  By the time he slid his hand out and leaned over to kiss me, I was close to my breaking point.

  Thankfully, Jared was as well.

  He propped himself up on an elbow and guided his cock to my opening, taking one last look at my face as if searching for permission. I answered him by wrapping my legs around his hips and pulling him forward with all the strength I had. He hissed and I moaned as he slid inside of me completely bare for the first time.

  “Goddamn,” he cursed, pulling himself out and driving forward hard enough to pull a sharp squeal-like noise out of my throat. “I may need to gag you.”

  I clenched my mouth shut and closed my eyes, trying not to be loud as he started a slow roll of his hips. After only a few thrusts, he let out a frustrated growl and pushed himself up.

  “Yeah, gonna need a gag,” he panted, glancing around the room and searching for something to use. He reluctantly pulled out and jogged over to grab his discarded shirt, tossing it to me as he instructed, “Bite down on it if you need to.”

  Jared settled himself between my legs again and slammed inside without warning. I choked down my moan and reached for the shirt with a shaky hand, bringing it up to my teeth and biting down on it as he commanded.

  And boy, was I glad I did. As soon as the gag was in place, the heat in his eyes intensified and he began to snap his hips hard, driving his thick cock in and out of me so fast that my toes automatically curled.

  “Feels so good, kitten,” he lowly growled. “Fuck! I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to fuck you with a rubber again.”

  I hummed against my gag, a heat-of-the-moment agreement that I was grateful I didn’t speak out loud. He’d never let me live it down if he heard me begging him to not stop—never stop—and to fill me with his cum.

  Beyond the morning sickness, pregnancy had made me unusually horny. I probably would have agreed to anything he wanted if it meant he was going to make me come. Which he was already on the verge of doing.

  I closed my eyes and turned my head on the pillow, my long groans muffled by his t-shirt. Jared gripped my hips tightly so I couldn’t slide away as he increased the force of his thrusts.

  After four hard snaps, I came completely undone. The sheer force of my orgasm stole my breath and it kept me quiet, even as my legs shook violently where they were wrapped around his back. He let out a grunt of surprise but didn’t stop, just continued to pound into me until I was convinced that he was the one who needed a gag.

  “I’m gonna come, princess,” he managed to choke out as his rhythm became jerky and erratic. �
��I—fuck, April—I need—”

  With a shaking hand, I tugged the gag out of my mouth and breathlessly panted, “Come in me, Jared.”

  Apparently, it was exactly what he needed. His eyes locked on mine and he somehow managed to keep them open as his hips abruptly stilled and his jaw clenched to stifle the loud groan as he came.

  After the initial spurt, his eyes began to droop and his hips jerkily pumped a few times, pulling a breathless gasp out from between his lips as he unloaded everything he had into me. I flexed my walls around him, smiling when he fell forward onto one arm and let his eyes fall shut as he struggled to control his breathing.

  “Jesus,” he groaned once his climax finally ended, wrapping his arms around my upper back and rubbing his sweat-covered chest against the jersey I was still wearing. “I’ve never come that hard.”

  “Don’t pass out before you clean up the mess you made,” I said with a light laugh, craning my head to kiss his shoulder.

  “Mmm, I’ll just stay inside you so nothing leaks out,” he offered, the words ending as he yawned loudly. “Sound good?”

  “Maybe in theory, but I doubt it’s going to work in reality.”

  Jared let out a disappointed huff before he hesitantly pulled himself out. I immediately felt his cum leaking out and squeezed my legs together in a vain attempt to not make a mess all over his bed.

  Jared pushed himself up and gripped my knees—tugging me open so he could take a closer look. He smiled lazily at what he saw even as I squirmed around and tried to get away.

  “Look at you,” he softly said, releasing one knee in favor of sliding his fingers through the mess. “You were right. I did make quite a mess down here, baby.”

  My first instinct was to curse at him, but he silenced me by bringing his cum-covered fingers to my lips and tapping them gently as he said, “I’ll clean you up if you clean me up. Open.”

  I allowed my lips to fall open and curled my tongue around his fingers, sucking the juices off and smiling as I watched his expression darken again.

  “How do we taste?” he asked.

  I released his fingers with a loud pop and said, “Maybe you should kiss me and find out.”

  Jared grinned and covered my body with his before doing exactly that. He repeated the whole thing multiple times before he finally growled and flipped us over, guiding his cock back into me from the behind.

  By the time we got through round two, we were both thoroughly exhausted, but he still managed to force himself out of bed and went down to the bathroom for a warm washcloth.

  He cleaned me up without a word before killing the light and returning to me. He nudged me to lie on my side, sliding into bed and pulling the covers over us before taking me into his arms.

  I fell asleep to the sound of his rapid breaths slowly evening out.

  We ate breakfast with Nina the next morning and I somehow managed to get through the whole meal while looking her in the eye. I guess it was because, like Jared said, she knew I was pregnant and what we had obviously done for me to get that way.

  Or maybe I was just too well-fucked to care.

  Probably a little of both.

  Jared had assured me that he subtly put our sheets and the washcloth into the washing machine. He waited until we were heading out to tell him mother that he had already taken care of that and all she needed to do was shift the contents to the dryer once it was done.

  Her smirk told me she damn well knew why Jared had started the laundry for her, but she chose not to comment. Thank god.

  “Jared will give you my number. I’ll keep it to myself until I have your permission to start telling the rest of the family. In the meantime, will you please keep me up-to-date with any news?”

  I smiled at Nina and nodded in agreement. “Absolutely.”

  We hugged again and I slowly made my way down the steps and to the car, sensing that Jared needed a moment alone for his good-bye. I slid into the passenger seat and watched as they softly spoke for a few minutes before he hugged her and made his way back to me.

  Jared backed out of the driveway and we waved to Nina, watching until she turned and walked back into the house before he hit the gas and we started the drive back to the city.

  Once we were out of the neighborhood and on the freeway, Jared glanced at me and asked, “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  “No, it wasn’t. I had a lot of fun.”

  “Are you glad I coerced you into going?”

  I sighed and nodded. “I am.”

  “I sense a ‘but’ coming.”

  “But... I’m exhausted,” I admitted, laughing when I saw the look of pride on his face. “You wore me out.”

  “Take a nap.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  “As long as you don’t mind if I turn the radio on. I’ll keep the volume down.”

  With a content sigh, I used the lever to lean the seat back into a reclining position and reached into the back seat to grab his jacket. I balled it up under my head like a pillow and said, “Thank you.”

  The radio turned on and he kept his word and lowered the volume, even going so far as to ask: “Is this too loud?”

  “It’s perfect,” I mumbled as I focused on the sound of the engine running.

  I was asleep in a matter of miles.

  I had to hand it to him—Jared was an excellent driver. I didn’t wake at all during the trip because of an enraged lane change or a sudden slam on brakes.

  But I did wake from the incredible amount of pressure on my bladder. My eyes flew open and I shot up, barely registering it as he jumped in surprise.

  “Where are we?”

  “Not far out of the city. You okay?”

  I looked around at my surroundings and shook my head. There was no way I’d make it home.

  “I need to pee.”

  “I’ll pull off at the next gas station. I got to fill the tank back up anyway.”

  After I distractedly nodded, I pulled the seat back into sitting position and drew my knees closer to my chest, concentrating on anything other than how badly I needed to urinate.

  I was thanking all the gods in heaven for my good fortune when I spotted a gas price sign only a few miles later.

  “There!” I shouted, startling Jared once again as I frantically pointed at the sign. “Station. Right there. Pull off.”

  He chuckled and even as he turned the signal on to change lanes said, “Eh... I don’t know if I want to stop here. I bet you can wait until—”

  “Finish that sentence and I will slap you,” I growled.

  He laughed, but said nothing. He pulled up to a pump and started to say something but I was charging out of the car and into the convenience store before he could get a full sentence out.

  Once I emptied my bladder and washed my hands, I exited the store with a relieved smile. Jared was standing next to the car shaking his head at me, but with a wide grin stretched across his face.

  “You know, I was going to offer you some cash to buy snacks or something.”

  I raised my hands in the air and shook my head. “No, no, no. The last thing I need is something to drink. Otherwise I’ll be needing to stop again before we get home.”

  He gave me a funny look and cocked his head to the side, but before I could question it, his smile was widening and he reached out to tug me closer to him. He slung one arm around my waist and we watched the price on the pump rise in silence, his thumb circling over my navel as we stood together. It was yet another moment with Jared where everything just felt... right. Perfect.

  And just as I was entertaining the thought of what it would be like to really be together, my perfect little world came crashing down.

  A flash of light drew our attention at the exact same moment and we swung our faces to the side just in time to watch as an unknown man snapped another photo with his cell phone. Jared stepped away from me and started to move to approach the man, shouting, “Wait!” as the guy hopped into his car and sped off. Jared
cursed loudly before returning back to the car and taking the nozzle out of the tank.

  “Oh my god,” I muttered numbly. “We—He’s—Jared, what—”

  “It was a cell phone, April,” Jared pointed out as he placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me to face him. “It wasn’t a pap shot.”

  “Then why did he take off like that?” I asked, looking between his eyes and shaking my head. “We’re right outside the city, Jared. You damn well know it was photographer. He just didn’t have his camera ready.”

  Stubborn as always, Jared shook his head.

  “Get in the car, April. It’s going to be fine.”


  “Get. In. The. Car,” he said, harshly stressing each word. “We’ll talk about it after I get you home. Okay?”

  Considering I really didn’t have a choice and I was still stunned from the feeling of getting caught so early in our quasi-relationship, I dumbly nodded and walked to the passenger side. Jared followed behind me and opened the door, waiting until I was buckled before gently closing it.

  The rest of the ride was spent in total silence. I realized that Jared understood the severity of the situation when he didn’t comment about the heavy lunch-hour traffic.

  Regardless of what he said, we both knew it was going to be far from ‘fine’.



  I carried our bags up to April’s apartment, paying close attention to how she numbly unlocked the door and stepped inside without so much as a glance back at me. Once the door was closed, I began the conversation I’d been mentally planning during the ride home in an attempt to ease her worries.

  “Baby, listen—”

  “I need you to go home.”

  “What? Look, I still think—”

  April held up a hand and I snapped my mouth closed at the look on her face. I expected anger or panic but instead, she just looked... resigned.

  “Jared, you know that picture is going to show up somewhere—if not in a tabloid, then on social media. Which Lauren monitors. Believe me, I would know. It’s over.”


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