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True Love Leaves no Doubts: An Inspirational Historical Romance Book

Page 8

by Grace Clemens

  Lee glanced at him but didn’t leave his eyes on Johnny’s face. He moved them up and down the street, as if he was looking for Flo too. He shrugged.

  “Ya spend a lot of time on this here porch, watchin’ for her. You’ve been for at least a couple years now. But when ya got with Flo, we all thought that would stop. Now, here ya are waitin’ for her again. What happened to Flo? She decide you’re a lost cause?”

  Johnny could hear the teasing in Lee’s voice. He realized Lee thought he was waiting for Marian, not Flo. He was surprised how much pride came from his voice and how tingly it made him feel when he responded with, “I’m not waiting for Marian. I’m waiting for Flo. We’re supposed to meet here in town this morning. But she didn’t say when so she’s not late or anything. I just don’t know when she plans to get here.”

  Johnny noticed the look on the bartender’s face when it changed completely. At first he’d seen skepticism on Lee’s face, when he suspected Johnny was going behind Flo’s back. The look of relief that flooded his face when Johnny said he was waiting for Flo would have astounded anyone.

  “Oh. You… you are? That’s… of course you are… I’ll… I’ll let you get back to that then.”

  With that, the shorter man spun on his heel and pushed through the door to go in the saloon. Johnny watched him, chuckling softly under his breath. He hadn’t mean to make Lee embarrass himself. And it had felt good to say he was waiting for Flo. He felt more in control than he ever had before.

  He reviewed the night before in his mind, resisting the urge to kiss Marian when she so obviously wanted it. He hadn’t thought about Flo so much in his entire life. He was feeling guilty. And why would he feel guilty? It was all fake, wasn’t it? Flo didn’t love him and he didn’t love her. Not like he loved Marian. With Marian, it was so… overwhelming. Almost out of his control.

  But he’d maintained control the night before. He’d pushed away that desire and resisted the urge to give Marian the kiss she obviously wanted. She wasn’t pleased about it, either. She’d let him know that if he wanted her, he was going to have to try harder. Because she was going out with another man and might marry him.

  When Johnny pressed her for the name of the other man, she’d hesitated and huffed and wouldn’t tell him. She said she was afraid he would get angry and go after the other man. Nothing he said convinced her he wouldn’t and that she could feel free to tell him who the other man was.

  By the time they parted, Johnny questioned whether or not there was another man. Marian spent a lot of her time making him jealous. Maybe she was doing it on purpose like he was. They were playing a game of cat and mouse. But who was the cat and who was the mouse?

  When he finally saw Flo riding her horse toward him, his mind moved away from Marian and her feminine ways. He smiled wide and walked down to the road, taking the reins when Flo and her horse were close enough. He led the horse to the post to tie him up as he greeted her.

  “Flo! You look fresh and ready to go exploring. We still going to look at that land you want to buy?”

  “That’s the plan, yes,” Flo nodded, her returning grin warm and friendly. It made him feel good to see it. He was so comfortable with her. He felt like he could tell her anything and even if she did make a snap judgment from it, she would always be his friend and care about him enough to get to the truth of the matter.

  She slid down from the saddle, landing just in front of him.

  “I’m hopin’ Lee still has some breakfast foods left over. I’ll go to the corner if I have to, but his food is a little tastier.”

  Johnny grinned. “You’ll have to tell him that. I’m sure he’d like to hear the compliment. Don’t think he gets much of that.”

  Flo raised both eyebrows. “Oh? Well, I will tell him then.”

  “And yeah, I think there’s still food in there. I didn’t see too many men come in for something to eat. Not yet. The day has just begun, ya know.”

  “I’m aware.” He watched her body as she moved up the steps. She was a lot more graceful than he’d thought. He’d never noticed it before, but she looked more like a woman than he had ever realized. He shook his head and lifted his eyes away from her, feeling guilty for observing her the way he had. His thoughts felt intrusive. He could feel his face heating up and made sure she didn’t see it while he attempted to shake off the feeling.

  There were only three men in the saloon; two of them at the bar, nursing the first fresh drinks of the day and the other at a corner table, by himself, reading a newspaper and drinking a cup of steaming hot coffee.

  None of them looked at Johnny and Flo when they came in. Flo went to the table where she usually sat and pulled out the chair.

  Johnny went to the other side and sat opposite her. Moments later, he heard a clucking sound and looked over his shoulder to see Lee coming toward them, shaking his head.

  “I saw that, Johnny boy,” the man said, his voice teasing. “You shoulda pulled out her chair. Don’t ya know how to be a gentleman?”

  Johnny flushed once more, looking across the table to Flo who had pursed her lips, smiling at the same time. The odd look made Johnny and Lee both burst out laughing.

  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” Lee said, jerking his thumb in Flo’s direction. “Anyone that can make a face like that…”

  “Oh now you’re just being insulting.” Flo shook her head, waving one hand dismissively in the air. “I just want some breakfast, please, whatever you’ve got ready.”

  “Made some ham and eggs this morning. Still hot and fresh if you want a plate.”

  Flo nodded, giving him a grateful look. “I’d love that, thank you. And a big cup of coffee, sugar no milk.”

  “I’ll bring you the sugar bowl, Flo. I never know how much you want to put in.”

  “Three scoops,” Flo and Johnny said at the same time.

  Their eyes met and although they both laughed, Johnny felt a strange sensation slide through him. Lee snorted and rolled his eyes. As he turned away from them, he said, “Yep. You two. I guess you really were meant for each other. Glad to see you both happy. I’ll be back with the breakfast.”

  Flo looked at Johnny curiously. “He didn’t take your order. Not like him to be rude.”

  Johnny shook his head. “I’ve been here a while. Already ate my breakfast.”

  “You want some coffee?”

  Johnny shook his head again. “Nah. I’m fine, Flo. Really. You go ahead and eat. Tell me what you can about this land. I need to know how much it is and all that business.”

  “I’d rather show it to you. I mean, how do I describe the land to you? It’s like God reached down with His hand and drew it just for me. I knew the minute I saw it that it had to be mine. Have you ever seen anything that made you feel that way? Like God just meant for you to see it, to know that it would be yours forever?”

  Johnny thought about that for a moment. Two weeks ago, he would have said Marian made him feel that way. There would have been no doubt. He would have given anything, everything for just a minute of Marian’s attention.

  But now, he’d changed. Something was different but he wasn’t sure what it was. He couldn’t say it was Flo’s fault. She hadn’t done anything unusual. The only difference was that the amount of time they spent together had increased.

  They still laughed half the time they were with each other. He felt completely comfortable with her. He could trust her. But was that love? He didn’t feel for Flo what he’d felt for Marian.

  So how could it be love?

  “I don’t think there’s anything or… anywhere I’ve been that’s made me feel that way.”

  “Awww.” Flo looked truly sympathetic. “I’m sorry to hear that, Johnny. I hope someday you do have that feeling. It’s a real blessing to feel this way. Maybe… maybe when you finally get Marian to admit her feelings for you… maybe that will do it. Unless she admits she doesn’t feel the same way you do.”

  “Ok, we’re not going to rehash
this, Flo. Eat your food so I can go see this beautiful cottage you want to buy.”

  He liked the way she smiled. It made him feel warm and cozy inside.

  Chapter 13

  Flo thought Johnny was acting oddly but decided not to concentrate on that. Instead, she turned her mind to the cottage and all the plans she had in her head. They rode out in the late morning hour, close to noon.

  “The old man that used to live here was a real stickler, had to make sure everything was in good shape. Anything that broke, he had it repaired. I asked his son and daughter, the ones who are selling the house, to give me a little time to get the money. They said they would hold the place for six months till I had it. And if I don’t get the money by the time they want, they’ll try to find another buyer. Suzanne – that’s the man’s daughter, the man that died – Suzanne says even if they were to do that and put it back on the market, it isn’t going to sell overnight so I’ll have a little more time.”

  Johnny seemed to be listening to every word she said. She was aware she was rambling. She couldn’t help it. The more time she spent with Johnny, the more she realized how hard it was going to be to let go and not see him ever again. Or at least every day or every week. He’d be spending his time with his new bride and eventually, the family he’d created.

  With Marian.

  The thought made her sick to her stomach. She gagged a little.

  “You are alright?” He sounded amused.

  She gave him a grin, which seemed to satisfy him. “Sometimes my thoughts get carried away,” she explained. “I’m just really excited about this place. Wait till you see the inside of the cottage. I think you’ll see why I’m getting the place for a song. I know a lot of repairs are needed. I think I’ll have to upgrade the irrigation system, too.” She winked at him. “I did my research and from what I can tell – at least we’ll find out when I start planting – his ground just isn’t being watered properly for the food he wants. The food won’t grow if it’s not given the proper nutrition and hydration.”

  “You know a lot of about this kind of thing, don’t you?” Johnny had never asked her about this kind of thing before. Now it seemed like something he should have known after palling around with her for so many years. She pushed the thought away.

  “Yeah. I’ve been studying up on this since the old man died and put the place up for sale. I don’t think his son and daughter even knew about the property until he died. Which don’t make a lot of sense since they’re kin. You’d think they’d know where their pa was living at least.”

  “Not their childhood home, I take it.” Johnny squinted down the street in front of him.

  “Nah. They say they didn’t know he had the house. I’m guessin’ they weren’t a close family.”

  Johnny shook his head. “Sure doesn’t sound like it.”

  “It’s right up here. See that opening right there? That’s where we’re headed. It will take us to another path that will go to the other side of Sugar Loaf Mountain.” When she spoke, she pointed in the direction of the tall mountain with a peak that looked sharp as a blade unless you were standing on it.

  “How did you manage to find this place anyway?”

  Flo kept her eyes forward, watching the opening approach as she spoke her reply. “Every morning for all these years – well, maybe not every morning. But many mornings, especially when I first moved here, I would do a lot of exploring. Sometimes at night, only because there were fewer people out. But I like to come out here and explore the mountains. I have a keen sense of… well, geography, I guess. I remember places. It doesn’t take me long to remember how to get somewhere. In fact, if I’ve gone there once, I can always find again the next time without trouble.”

  Johnny shook his head. She glanced at him, noticing his odd expression.

  “What are you thinking? You look strange.”

  Johnny sighed, shrugging. “It just seems like I should have known that already. I mean, I’m supposed to be marrying you and to be real frank with ya, I’m learning more about you every day we pal around together.”

  She smiled, a pleasant tingle flowing through her body. “I could say the same about you.”

  He snorted, giving her a skeptical look. “Yeah, sure you are. You know all about me. I’m shocked at how unobservant I’ve been. Girls are always noticing things about their friends. Whether it’s a boy or a girl. I bet you even know my favorite color.”

  “Haven’t we gone over this? At least once before?” Flo lifted her head and laughed. “Your favorite is blue and one my favorite is…”

  “Wait!” Johnny lifted one hand, interrupting her. “I’ll think of it. Just give me a minute. Just one… minute…”

  Flo waited, doubtful but hopeful at the same time. If he hit on her favorite color, he was at least paying attention a little bit. Or maybe it just wasn’t important enough to remember.

  “It’s… green. Is that right?”

  Flo was so happy with his correct answer she wanted to jump up and down. Instead she gave him the biggest smile she could manage. “You’re right!”

  He looked shocked, which made her laugh even more. “I’m right?”

  She nodded, crying out, “Yes! Chalk one up for you.”

  “I’ll just go ahead and give myself a pat on the back for that.” Johnny reached over his shoulder and did just that.

  They both laughed as they turned their horses down the path toward Sugar Loaf Mountain.

  Flo was excited for Johnny to see the cottage. It was much smaller than his ranch, of course, but she wasn’t planning on using the home or the surrounding land to run a business. She just wanted to have her own place to be happy doing whatever she chose to do with her future.

  She felt a nagging pull inside her that had been bugging her since she and Johnny started this whole thing. Something about Johnny was different today. In her mind, it could only be one of two things. He was either getting his way with Marian or he was pulling away from that woman. Maybe he was finally realizing he was worth a lot more than a woman who flirted with every man she met.

  When he purposefully made sure Marian knew he would be alone at his ranch the evening before, she’d kept her mouth shut and acted like she didn’t hear. On the one hand, she was furious with him for doing that right in front of her. On the other hand, it was what she’d agreed to. What could she really say? They weren’t really getting married. He wasn’t her beau. She was just there to make Marian jealous so she’d turn her attention to him.

  It made her feel bad to think about it, so she pushed the thoughts away and concentrated on the cottage they were getting close to. The small dirt road was flanked on both sides with sparse trees that eventually cleared on both sides.

  To their right was a long field beyond the picket fence. It looked like it was overdue for maintenance, but it hadn’t been neglected so long that it was out of control. The other side of the road was occupied by a huge wheat field so tall it was difficult to see over the top, even for Johnny, if he was walking.

  The wheat stood as tall as the horse Johnny was riding. Flo lifted her arm and pointed to their right. “This is part of my property,” she said. The house is out there. You see it?”

  Johnny squinted, gazing in the direction she was indicating. He could see the small building. It was probably two stories with maybe three bedrooms. He wondered how recently it had been worked on. What kind of modern amenities it had. Did it have running water?

  He looked out over the unkempt lawn and field. “You’re going to have to put in some work to get this place into livable shape,” he said.

  Flo was a little nervous that he’d think she was getting in over her head and not be willing to give her the money. But they had a deal. He wouldn’t go back on his side of the deal, would he? She was doing her part. Surely he would hold up his end and not back out on her now.


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