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Mistress Agnes

Page 1

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  Chapter 1

  'Mrs Beauchamp, your horse is ready.'

  Agnes heard her butler speak up respectfully right behind her, Guy was so soft footed she had not heard him ascend the staircase to the attic, though it was as old as the house and decidedly creaky. He was so close behind her she could feel his warm breath in her neck, and a little thrill came over her as she remembered how soft his hands were, as soft as his tread.

  Just this morning he had awoken her with his slender hands on her breasts, and his nimble tongue on her most intimate parts. She still felt the moist warmth of it, starting to explore her pussy very gently, as Patrick leaned over his life's partner, opening his mistress' labia for Guy to reach the soft flesh underneath, giving attention to a spot he thought Guy might have forgotten.

  They were unmatched in tender loving, four hands and two tongues always finding new ways stir up her heat slowly but inexorably, until she gasped for breath with ardour and begged them for release from their tantalizing caresses in the most enticing places. Of course they did their very best to give her what she craved, they had tried from the moment they first met.

  Actually, Agnes had met Patrick first, almost three years ago now, when she was still in mourning for her beloved husband.

  Finding his mistress deep in thought, Guy now kneeled before the large bed she was sitting on and addressed her respectfully.

  'Mrs Beauchamp, it is cold up here, will you allow me to let Dick fire up the hearth if you are going to spend so much time in this room?'

  'Thank you Guy,' she replied, still very pleased with her butler's respectful address and the professional way in which he performed his actual job, as well as his fabulous skills in satisfying her need for tender loving.

  'I'm not staying here very long, just getting the feel of the place, see if something still needs improving. In fact, I was just getting ready to go back downstairs when you came in.

  Are you sure Dick can be trusted to make a fire safely?'

  Dick was the latest addition to her staff, a very tall, broad-shouldered man

  approaching his thirties, a local from a village about an hour's walk away, whom Agnes had hired to perform all the menial tasks in the household.

  Things that would usually be the responsibility of several maids, like doing the laundry, sweeping hearths, filling and emptying washstands, clearing the privies and dressing the carcasses of the larger prey Agnes killed on her hunts, mainly deer and boar. Of course maintaining fires was also a menial task usually performed by a maid, but Agnes had reason to doubt Dick's ability to handle fire in a house built predominantly of wood.

  'He's coming along very well, Mrs Beauchamp,' Guy now offered, 'but of course one of us would accompany him and check his work. He absolutely loves building a fire and we didn't see any problem in letting him do that. Do you mind, ma'am?'

  Guy was such a mild-mannered man, imagine Patrick and him spending so much time on Dick just because the big man liked building a fire. Agnes had done well to replace the maids with Dick, though it had taken Guy and Patrick a lot of time and effort to teach him his tasks, and Cook a lot of trouble and all his local connections to trace down the man whose reputation was discussed widely among the nearby villages, but of whom no-one knew exactly where he lived. Just that his parents had moved to a farm somewhere within a day's walk of the village closest to Agnes' house.

  'If you keep an eye on him, or Patrick, he can build as many fires as we need.

  I trust you both. But there's no need for one in the attic, not yet. I'm never up here for very long, it's just that I feel something is lacking and I hope to find out what by just sitting and looking around for a quarter of an hour. You've done wonders with Dick, Guy, you really have.'

  Pleased with the praise, Guy still couldn't help spreading it around a little.

  'Patrick and myself did spend a lot of time on him, ma'am, but Cook found him and took the trouble to see for himself whether the rumours about him were actually true. Cook judged him accurately, you know from the way people talked about Dick we'd expected him to be ten foot tall and as unpredictable and dangerous as a wild bull. But he turned out everything you wished for, though you have taught him much yourself, and improved his temper a lot, which we could not have done.'

  Guy was right, Cook had managed the near impossible, even though he was a local and knew everyone for miles around. When Agnes had first asked him to find her the tall, dimwitted man people talked about, to use as help in the household, he had looked at her as if she had finally gone mad, but he had of

  course complied with her request, asking around among his friends and family in the nearest villages.

  They naturally knew people in the villages beyond theirs, and thus Dick, a healthy, strong man had turned up, who indeed turned out just smart enough to follow orders and a lot better tempered than gossip made him out to be.

  His elderly parents had been pleased to have him find a safe, permanent place, he had been a burden on them with his size and matching strength and appetite.

  And indeed he had found a place with them, Agnes was very pleased with Dick, who not only worked hard without ever complaining, but cheerfully confirmed his name, being in the possession of a huge cock, and an eagerness to learn its correct application to a rather spoiled lady's pussy. Relieving his pent-up sexual energy made him even more ready to be obedient and cheerful, and soon he was an integral part of the household, learning ever more skills of a domestic nature, and always eager to please his mistress.

  While Dick was not exactly handsome, he was not ugly either, just rather homely, and very tall, straight of limb, immensely strong, and clean. But most importantly, he had a stamina and fervour Agnes didn't think could be found in a man of normal mental capacities without having unwanted side-effects, like an urge to take over the household.

  Dick was always eager to please her, and had learned to listen to her instructions very well.

  When she'd first put him through his paces, about a week after his arrival nearly three months ago, she had kept Patrick close with a whip to keep Dick from ravaging her in his potentially mindless ardour. He probably had ten years of pent-up sexual energy in him, and Agnes didn't trust her power over him yet.

  It had been an interesting afternoon in the special room she had designed for use with Dick only, containing a large, sturdy bed, and a few decorative items reminding him of home. Patrick had seen to it that Dick had scrubbed himself well from the first, getting him used to a routine was easier than they had expected and apparently his parents had insisted on personal hygiene, for he knew how to clean himself and did it readily after a day's hard work and whenever Agnes asked him to.

  He had already been introduced to Agnes on his first day and she had been very nice to him the entire week, touching him casually in innocuous places,

  getting him used to her presence and her authority.

  But when she had taken him to the special room and undressed him and herself, it was clear he would certainly lose control at some stage of the process, and Agnes was glad that Patrick had insisted on staying to protect her.

  Stroking him had been fine, he was kind of cute, his mother loved him but she had probably never touched him much for he was shy, and even a single caress made him shudder. Agnes felt an arousal at this that she had never felt before, he was so strong and so innocent, and by now she had seen he was incredibly well-endowed.

  Of course it occurred to Agnes that it might be more sensible to build up their intimacies slowly, stopping each time Dick became overheated, but Patrick objected strenuously to that.

  'But mistress, that wouldn't work at all for a man! After ten years of abstinence there is no way a man would ever be able to control himself.

p; Stopping each time would only cause Dick to break and fly in a rage with frustration, making him truly dangerous.'

  The likelihood of that happening was something Agnes couldn't deny. So they decided to see it through straight away, Patrick ready to threaten Dick with the whip if he went too far, or even use it if he lost control.

  With Patrick standing next to the bed as unobtrusively as he could, a figure of trust for Dick by now, Agnes led Dick to the bed, both of them naked. There, she stroked him, her own heat flaring up at his endearing reaction.

  She started in innocuous places, his shoulders, his neck, his face, and she surprised herself by kissing him full on the mouth. She had not expected herself to be able to kiss a dimwitted man, but her heat was up to an astounding level, and he actually looked rather pleasant, though of course not as handsome as either Patrick or Guy.

  Frankly, she just wanted to feel that huge manhood inside her, and have him take her with all he had, but her common sense told her that he would remember that as a routine, and he'd forcibly take her from then on. So she controlled herself, and proceeded to raise their intimacy slowly, he soon dared to answer the kiss and he was so eager, so energetic. He already knew she was in charge, so she really had to invite him to touch her in return, she took his large hand and stroked her own body with it, in the meantime answering his request for more kissing.

  But now he started to get really heated, his dick seemed to stand up even

  higher, and he touched her spontaneously, but his big hands were hard with the work he did and he was too rough, he hurt her. At her cry of pain, Patrick moved in, but not to whip Dick off his mistress, but to patiently show him how it should be done.

  Dick imitated Patrick faithfully and Agnes showed him her appreciation, by kissing him again and stroking his hair gently. Of course Patrick got some of the attention as well, he was such a good lover, and now he helped Agnes break in what he might see as his rival. Stroking and kissing under control, Patrick had retreated to the side of the bed once more, and Agnes took hold of the giant member, causing Dick to inhale sharply, and look at Patrick to see what was an appropriate response.

  Agnes couldn't think how Patrick would be able to tell him what to do without talking at all, but he managed, for Dick leaned back against the bed and let himself be touched without returning anything, he was quite overcome with heat and very afraid to do something wrong, though from the look on his face he did enjoy the attention.

  Now Agnes had had enough, she just couldn't stand the anticipation and the heat anymore, she had to feel that huge manhood slide inside her, but she still wanted to keep a measure of control, so she merely sat on top of it and guided it in. With all the expectations she had built up inside herself there was no resistance at all, she was so wet she was filled up in an instant, overcome with bliss for a few seconds.

  And in those few seconds, Dick went mad on her. Some instinct must have taken him over, for he grabbed her, firmly but not painfully, and turned the tables on her, having her under him in the blink of an eye and pumping away inside her in total disregard of her dominance or the possible consequences of manhandling his mistress. For Dick obviously knew what a whip was, though living with his parents he couldn't ever have felt its bite on his own skin.

  As Agnes totally lost herself in bliss, and a squeal escaped her with every thrust Dick's solidly muscled thighs produced, at the side of the bed Patrick did not know what to do. On the one hand, his mistress was no longer in control, and totally overcome by a tall and heavy man he knew only a week.

  She was making sounds that could signify fear, but extreme ardour as well.

  The whole scene looked very violent, Guy and Patrick never made love to the mistress this forcefully, but frankly that was exactly why she had ordered them to find a strong servant with a slow mind. He stepped closer to the mistress to catch her eye and see what she made of all this, but was caught

  from the corner of Dick's eye instead.

  The tall, strong man must have seen the whip Patrick still held loosely in his hand, for he instantly broke contact with the mistress and jumped behind the bed and under it in one fluid move.

  'Please don't hit me, please Patrick! I couldn't help it, something came over me!'

  Agnes of course never saw any of this happen, she merely found herself abandoned in the midst of a very intense experience. She had never been so overwhelmed by a man, and though she had lost control over the situation, she actually enjoyed it a lot.

  Dick's sudden move left her rather dazed, and very disappointed to be lying there with a burning and empty pussy, though when she came to her senses she understood Patrick's dilemma as well. Patrick later told her he was afraid she'd be down on him for spoiling her first time with a new man.

  But none of that was on Agnes' mind, she wanted more of this, and she wanted Dick happy to rut with her, not afraid of punishment for something his very nature told him to do.

  So she quickly regained her attitude and crawled over the bed towards her new servant, who was curled up in fear behind and half hidden under the bed.

  Such a strong reaction, Agnes was starting to doubt whether he had always been treated kindly before he moved in with them. It almost seemed he had felt the bite of the whip himself, not just seen it used on animals at his parents' farm.

  Ignoring her own nakedness, she stroked poor Dick's back and behind gently and spoke softly.

  'You didn't do anything wrong, Dick, you're a good man, I wanted you to do that. No-one is going to whip you, Dick, please come out and let me hold you. Patrick was not going to hurt you, he was just afraid you'd squash me, you're so big!'

  Her calm, pleading voice and her loving touch did convince him to appear once more, and very soon she had a very large man in her arms, trying with all his might to keep from crying, very upset and not excited or dominant at all anymore.

  'Why did you think Patrick was going to whip you, Dick?' she asked him patiently. This moment was going to decide the relationship they were going to have, a man like Dick would never forget the first time they made love.

  'There was no-one else to whip but me, was there? And I lost it, my dad used to whip me when I lost it.'

  'Oh you poor thing,' she truly felt for him, though she could imagine a father whipping a son this size in desperation. But to her he had proven he could control himself, so she asked Patrick to get rid of the whip and come back.

  'Have you ever seen a bull covering a cow, or a stallion with a mare?'

  Dick nodded, still upset but no longer afraid to be beaten.

  'That is what you were doing, it is what men are meant to do. Just wait until I want you to, and take care you don't hurt me, and then you can do nothing wrong. Do you understand?'

  Happier now, Dick spoke up, 'If the mare doesn't want it, she kicks the stallion.'

  He smiled, showing teeth perfectly sound and white.

  'Exactly, except I don't have hooves and you're so much bigger than I am. Are you ready to try again?'

  He looked up at her, his demeanour much more relaxed.

  Agnes only added, 'Patrick will not whip you, he will teach you many things.

  And if you are afraid to lose it, you just go to your room or take a long walk outside until you calm down. You can go now, Patrick, please shake hands with Dick, I trust him, you can leave us alone.'

  Patrick did not object or even look hurt, he merely shook Dick's large hand affectionately and ruffled his hair.

  'I won't hurt you, Dick, I like you. Just please the mistress, and enjoy yourself.'

  And he left.

  After that, they started all over again with kissing and stroking, and soon Dick's member was standing up proudly once more. This time Agnes dared let him on top from the first, and he was as eager and as energetic as before.

  But the dominance, the wildness, was gone, and though he had worshipped her ever since and had made love to her whenever she wanted to, she had never felt that thrill of being overwhelmed again
from faithful Dick.

  By now Agnes was in the stables, thinking of her first time with Dick had brought back her heat, Guy and Patrick satisfied her longing for total dedication to her pleasure but somehow they never managed to sit still to be pleased by her, or to take her firmly afterwards. She supposed that was because they actually preferred men to women, a fact she knew before she hired them as her new staff.

  She had been newly widowed after ten years of being deliriously happy, married to her first and only love. They'd met when she was eighteen, on a city ball meant for their class to socialize and meet potential partners. It had been love at first sight for Agnes, and Frederick always told her it had been the same for him. They danced, talked, flirted, and came to an agreement in just one month. Her parents cautioned her she'd be totally delivered to his every whim, fortune and all, and pleaded her to take a few more months to consider his offer, but she ignored their warnings and married within another month and a half into total bliss.

  For seven years they lived in happiness, Frederick improving Agnes' mind with his knowledge of the world and teaching her how to love a man, loving her in return. Sadly, their union was never blessed with children, but they were happy just being together, until after seven years Frederick's health started to fail and he was diagnosed with consumption.

  They had three more years together, still happy despite his progressing weakness, still always together and faithful until death did indeed part them on a cold winter night.

  Agnes was broken, unable to go on, though Frederick had left her his estate, his fortune and her own, increased manifold by sound investments. In his last three years of life he had seen to it that she would be able to spend the rest of hers in comfortable independence. And total freedom.

  Though she only found that out when she met Patrick at a social gathering she couldn't avoid. He was not a visitor at her aunt's, he was her uncle's valet, a servant who took pity on the visiting niece who was obviously pining away with grief.

  Daring to approach her, he offered his services to build her life back up and help her find joy once more. When she assented in desperation, he revealed his bond to Guy, her uncle's butler, and together they did indeed help her change from a broken-hearted bereaved girl to an independent adult widow, enjoying life once again, in the freedom her marriage had brought her.


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