Restitution From His Mate

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Restitution From His Mate Page 6

by Charlie Richards

  I’ll find something, damn it.

  He believed that with all his heart. Jimmy knew Fate wouldn’t have paired them if they wouldn’t eventually fit…hell, his own parents had had a rocky start, but once they’d mated, they’d never been happier.

  Maybe I should share that with him. Would it help?

  When Logan returned, Jimmy forced a smile. “You gonna feed me? Or will you help me sit up?”

  Logan placed the bowl of lightly steaming broth on the nightstand, then reached for him. He slid one arm under his shoulders and the other under his thighs. With surprisingly little effort, Logan slid him up the bed and into a sitting position.

  As Logan propped Jimmy’s upper back and head with pillows, he mumbled, “Good thing I’ve spent so many years working construction. You’re not light.” He ended his words with a wink.

  Jimmy didn’t bother fighting his smile. “Bet you look sexy in a work belt, jeans, and boots. We gonna play construction worker some time?”

  Logan snorted. “Damn, man. Don’t talk like that. You’re almost naked and it’s a little hard to keep my hands to myself as it is.”

  “Don’t want you to keep your hands to yourself. Even in pain, you still do this to me,” Jimmy told him as he grabbed the edge of the blanket and flipped it off his hips, revealing his semi hard shaft.

  Inhaling a harsh breath, Logan muttered something so low under his breath, even Jimmy’s shifter hearing didn’t allow him to make it out. Logan grabbed the blanket and covered Jimmy back up, then scowled at him.

  “You’re in no condition for me to do what I want to do to you,” Logan growled out. “Now be a good little wolf and drink your damn broth.”

  After saying that, Logan settled on the bed beside Jimmy and picked the bowl back up. Jimmy smiled as he watched Logan cradle the bowl in one large palm and draw out a broth-filled spoon with the other. When he held it to Jimmy’s lips, he opened obediently and took in the liquid filled utensil.

  Jimmy drank each bite down. After the third, he murmured, “It’s good. Thank you,” before accepting the next spoonful. He reveled in the knowledge that his body affected his mate so much and felt grateful to whatever Gods saw fit to grant him such a fine mate, rough around the edges though he might be.

  With every breath, Jimmy prayed Logan would come to accept him and their inevitable mating.

  Chapter Seven

  Once James had eaten all the soup, Logan saw that his eyelids began to droop. The doctor had warned him that the beta would need plenty of sleep, especially since his body was still fighting off the last of the infection. It’d scared the shit out of Logan when James hadn’t woken up after several hours.

  Logan knew he was drawn to the wolf shifter, and that scared the shit out of him, too. He didn’t know if he could handle a relationship, especially one that promised the intensity that his buddies seemed to have with their paranormal mates. Thinking of Marty and Matthew, Logan decided he needed to make a call.

  “Get some rest,” Logan urged.

  “Will you stay?”

  The softly pleaded words should have had Logan’s instincts screaming at him to run, to get away from this clingy male. Instead, he actually wanted to agree, to assure James that he wasn’t going anywhere. Logan decided to land somewhere in the middle.

  After setting aside the now empty bowl and rising from the bed, Logan helped James return to his prone position. “I’ll stay until you sleep, then I need to make some calls,” he told him. Logan really needed advice.

  James nodded. “Thanks. Come up here.” He patted the bedspread next to his hip.

  Logan hesitated. His cock already lay swollen and twitching inside the crotch of his jeans. If he got into bed with James, would he be able to keep from hardening the rest of the way?


  Unable to resist upon hearing James’ sweetly mumbled word, Logan settled on the bed next to him. He lay on his side, facing the other man, and drank in his perfectly proportioned features.

  A smile that, for all the world appeared fond, toyed around the edges of James’ full lips. “My parents met when their two clans were in the middle of a territory dispute,” James whispered. “Mother was a wolf. Father was a coyote. Father and a couple other coyotes poached some game in my mother’s territory. They were caught.”

  Logan didn’t know why James was telling him this, but if it made the wolf shifter feel better, he’d listen. “What happened?” he asked softly, letting the other man know his interest.

  James reached over with his near hand and gripped Logan’s hand where he’d laid it on the blanket between them. He twined their fingers, and Logan didn’t fight it. The contact felt…nice.

  “When the three coyotes were brought to the alpha’s house, she recognized him right away.” James grimaced. “She was the daughter of the alpha. My father was a lowly tracker…well, that’s what her father considered him when he discovered their connection.”

  Squeezing the fingers Logan held, he asked, “What happened? Did they run away together?”

  Shaking his head, James told him, “No. She waited to see what their restitution would be. When it ended up being that they had to turn over their kill to the wolf pack, plus each coyote would need to turn over their own next personal kill, she volunteered to be the monitor for my father. He would hunt in their territory every evening until he successfully brought in game, then return to his own territory.”

  James fell quiet for so long, Logan felt certain he’d fallen asleep. Then, he sighed and murmured, “They spent the next three days getting to know each other and falling in love, but my father never touched her…not like that,” he stated. “On the fourth day, he made his required kill and presented a pretty good sized doe to the pack alpha.”

  “So, with the restitution complete, did he leave?” Logan couldn’t help but ask. Hell, he knew he didn’t have that much self-control. He hadn’t even made it a day before giving in to the desire to feel the other man’s cock. While he hadn’t gotten off, Logan craved that bit of power he felt when he caused another to lose all control and come all over himself. That had more than made up for not finding his own release.

  “I’m here, aren’t I?” James teased, giving him a cocky grin. He seemed to perk up a bit as he told the rest of the tale. “Nope. My dad revealed they were mates and asked for my mother’s hand. When the alpha refused, my mother threatened to run away with the coyote. The alpha tossed my father out of his territory and locked my mother in her suite of rooms.” Smirking, James continued, “My mother climbed out her window, shifted to her wolf, and ran to the edge of the territory. My father was waiting. They consummated their mating under the light of the crescent moon in a small clearing by this little brook.”

  While Logan knew most children didn’t like to think of, let alone speak of, their parents having sex, James seemed almost proud of the fact. Maybe it was a shifter thing. Putting aside his own feelings on the matter—because, yeah, he didn’t want to think about his own mother and sex—Logan asked, “Did the alpha come after them?” It didn’t escape Logan’s notice that James spoke of the shifter as the alpha rather than as grandfather.

  “Hell, yeah,” James responded gruffly. “He found them while they were still enjoying their post-coital bliss.” His cheeks flushed at that. “He threatened to kill my dad, but my mom stood beside him, proudly showing off their mating bites. She asked if he was willing to kill his own daughter, too.”

  “Damn,” Logan muttered. Alphas didn’t like their wills thwarted. “I bet that didn’t go over well.”

  James shook his head. “They were both exiled.”

  “So you’re the grandson of some asshole alpha out there somewhere?” Logan couldn’t help but ask. “And you’re happy being the beta?” Wasn’t alphaness—was that even a word—passed down through bloodline?

  His eyes narrowing, James replied gruffly, “No.” He swept his gaze over Logan’s face and chest. “I’m t
he son of Marian and Harold. I make my own destiny, whether it be as an alpha, a beta, or the mate of a human.”

  Logan flushed, his cheeks heating at the almost feral look James gave him. He glanced down, just to be sure he really did still wear the blue t-shirt he’d changed into that morning. Aaric’s mate, Crain, had been kind enough to drop off his bags after picking them up from Zander’s place.

  His cock thickened from that look alone, pressing insistently against the zipper of his jeans, and Logan struggled to focus on something other than his now throbbing dick. “So, uh, your parents were exiled? They came here?”

  “No, they settled in my father’s coyote pack. I moved here less than a year ago, actually,” James explained. “Anyway, they lived together happily for almost two centuries.” He smiled, as if remembering them and the memory was a pleasant one. “Do you know why I told you about my parents?”

  “Uh.” Logan really didn’t. “Because I’ll have to meet them eventually?”

  James chuckled, the sound rough and deep in his throat. “No, my mate. My parents died over three decades ago.”

  Damn, Logan probably hadn’t even been born then. Just how old was James? “Uh…” Now he really didn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry?” he hazarded.

  As if reading his confusion and discomfort, James stated, “It was a long time ago. I told you this so you would know that I understand not all matings start easy. Sure, sometimes a shifter will find their mate and without any hiccups, they’ll settle into mated bliss.” He offered Logan a rueful smile. “Most of the time, however, that’s not how it works.”

  “It’s not?”

  Logan thought back to both Marty and Matthew’s matings. Both men had trouble connecting with their gargoyle mates—for different reasons. Marty hadn’t known gargoyles existed when he found himself drawn to a mysterious, trench coat clad stranger. Discovering gargoyles were real had been quite a shock for the man. Then, his brother had become smitten with a gargoyle prejudiced against humans, so they’d had a rocky road to get to the point in their mating where they could communicate without immediately jumping to conclusions, normally wrong ones, and actually listen to each other.

  “Of course not,” James murmured. “There’s no telling where two people are at in their lives. Still, I wanted you to know that I’m willing to work at this.” The right side of James’ lips lifted in a wry smile. “I’m hoping, as we get to know each other, you’ll find you’re willing to give us a shot, too.”

  Was he willing to give them a shot? Logan stared into James’ dark brown eyes and saw the lust shining in them. From the words James spoke earlier, Logan knew the man’s unlined features might make the man appear as if he was in his late twenties or early thirties, but it was deceptive.

  Logan moved his gaze lower. The male’s broad shoulders and lightly haired chest begged to be touched, the pale brown nipples to be traced and sucked, and Logan really wanted to be the one doing just that.

  Reaching out, Logan traced the light stubble forming on James’ cheeks, liking the slight rasp.

  What would it be like to feel that against his lips? To kiss this man?

  Logan had never kissed a man before, keeping his liaisons with men to back room hookups where making out wasn’t expected. He didn’t count the light peck James had bestowed upon him right before passing out. It’d been too brief, too light…a barely there contact. Logan had kissed plenty of women, since they expected it. If he wanted into their pants, it was practically required. He’d never kissed a man though, afraid he’d enjoy the intimate gesture too much, become too fond of the male.

  This, though, was his mate. Could it really be just as simple as that?

  Locking his gaze with James’, Logan leaned forward. He drew close and stopped when his lips were a hairsbreadth away from the other man’s. Logan’s breathing spiked, his heart pounding in his chest. Fear filled him, knowing this could be a pivotal moment.

  “Hush,” James crooned. He threaded his fingers through the hair at Logan’s nape and urged, “Stop thinking so hard, my mate.” He flexed his fingers, silently urging him to close the distance.

  Need, sharp and poignant, stabbed through Logan. He gave in. Closing the scant distance between them, Logan claimed James’ lips. The other man opened immediately, no hesitation, no dance, just instantly accepting Logan’s invading tongue. Flavors burst across Logan’s senses, heady and robust, like the finest wine mixed with earthy, masculine undertones.

  Logan growled his pleasure. He tilted his head, deepening the kiss. Thrusting his tongue deep, he mapped James’ cavity, licking along the roof of his mouth and over his teeth and gums. James gave as good as he got, dueling with Logan, thrusting his own tongue into Logan’s mouth, and fighting for dominance.

  Finally, when Logan became light-headed due to lack of air, he jerked his head up, breaking the kiss. He gasped for air, his chest heaving. James stared right back, his lips slightly parted as he, too, panted hard. His swollen lips gleamed from the wild lip lock and his eyes glimmered with unmistakable lust.

  His cock aching in his jeans, Logan needed like he’d never experienced before in his life. From the restless twitching of James’ hand where he gripped Logan’s nape, he figured his soon-to-be-lover was probably in the same state.

  Logan knew James wasn’t in any shape to do any actual fucking, but he could at least relieve the pressure they felt. Hell, it wasn’t like he ever held back when he wanted something…and right now, he wanted James panting and gasping his name.

  Holding the shifter’s gaze, Logan reached down with his left hand and with a practiced twist of his wrist, he undid all the buttons on the button fly of his jeans. His shaft spilled from between the flaps, the foreskin pulled away from his glans and pre-cum gleaming on his head.

  James’ gaze flicked downward before returning to Logan’s. He grinned. “Very nice, Logan. I was beginning to think you had the patience of a saint.”

  “Nope, definitely not a saint,” Logan admitted, smirking. “J-Just wanted—” He felt his face heat. “Don’t want to hurt you, but—”

  “Shut up, strip, and get over here,” James growled.

  Grinning with relief, Logan did just that. He lifted his hips and pushed his jeans down, then kicked them off. Next, Logan shoved the blanket aside and grunted in appreciation at the sight of James’ weeping cock jutting from the nest of dark curls.

  “Shirt off,” James demanded. “Want to feel you.”

  Crunching up, Logan twisted and pulled, yanking the fabric over his head before tossing that aside, too. Feeling James’ hand slide up his arm and over his chest, Logan paused and returned his focus to the other man. He watched in silence for several seconds as the shifter traced his tattoos, the thick, black, tribal lines that spiraled around his right upper arm to his shoulder and over his pec.

  “One of these days,” James whispered, “I’m gonna ask if these mean anything.” His gaze fixed on Logan’s face and the heat nearly scorched him. “Right now though, I need you to come here. I want to feel you paint me with your seed.”

  Logan growled his excitement. Swinging his leg over James, he settled on the man’s groin, pressing his balls into his lover’s. He grinned upon hearing the shifter’s groan and the way his eyes flared with feral delight. Planting his right hand next to James’ shoulder, he placed the other beside his head. He rolled his pelvis, pressing their lengths together while keeping his weight off of James’ chest and shoulder. He wanted to cause pleasure, not pain.

  “This what you need, lover?” Logan ground out, unable to stop his own hips from bucking a bit, the pressure on his cock and balls feeling too good after being denied so long. His balls pulled tight to his body. “Fuck!” He wasn’t going to last.

  James chuckled roughly. “Soon. Just need another day or two.”

  Barking out a laugh of his own, Logan grinned down at his lover. He saw the pleasure and mirth, the wide smile splitting James’ lips, and cou
ldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this light and happy. When had sex stopped being fun?

  Logan reached between them and gripped his foreskin. Gently, he stretched the flap of skin over both their dick’s heads. Upon James’ growl, Logan glanced up and grinned at the pleasure-pain etched on his features as the shifter’s gaze riveted on their docked pricks. Logan hummed as he rocked his hips a bit and sensation shot through his cock. He loved the fact that condoms weren’t required with paranormals. He’d never be able to do this with a human.

  James reached up with his left hand—the right he kept flat on the bed, obviously in an attempt not to work his bad shoulder—and cupped Logan’s nape. “Come down here and kiss me. I want to suck your tongue and make you come all over my stomach.”

  Unable to deny an offer like that, Logan leaned forward. He settled his second hand back onto the bed and holding his weight off James while continuing to rock his hips, grinding their shafts together, bumping and rubbing their heads beneath his foreskin. Their oozing pre-cum eased the way, making the glide slick and smooth, delicious sparks pinging through his groin, making his skin tingle.

  When James tightened his grip on Logan’s neck, he moved the last couple of inches needed to seal his lips over his lover’s, once more. James held to his word, immediately sucking Logan’s tongue into his mouth and drawing on it lightly. The sensation seemed to transfer straight to Logan’s cock, as if James were sucking his dick, too, and Logan shuddered, fire coursing through his blood.

  James tilted his head, sucking harder. He released Logan’s neck and slipped his hand between them. With just his fingertips, he pressed against the stretched skin, massaging it into Logan’s cock head.

  Logan moaned into James’ mouth. The shifter growled and drank the noise down, working his fingers faster.

  His balls drew impossibly tighter as his shaft pulsed. His cum oozed out of him in hard spurts, spilling over them both and down their dicks. James released his mouth and shouted harshly as his own body bucked. Through his haze of orgasmic bliss, Logan watched the lines of pleasure-pain etched across James’ features as he found his own release. Logan smiled upon feeling the other man’s warm seed coat him.


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