Restitution From His Mate

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Restitution From His Mate Page 7

by Charlie Richards

  Yeah, I could definitely get used to this.

  But, what would he have to give up to keep it?

  Chapter Eight

  Jimmy’s body pinged as the pleasure from his release eased the tension from him. Relaxing into the soft mattress, he grinned up at his mate. Damn, but was Logan sexy when he came. Jimmy wanted to see that fire burning in his green eyes often.

  While his desire to talk to his mate, to connect with him, had pushed aside his fatigue for a bit, now after the release of his orgasm, it came rushing back. Sighing, his eyelids slid to half-mast. He hummed as he felt Logan’s prick soften and release his own. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d docked, but damn he’d forgotten how intense it felt. Maybe that was because it’d been with his mate.

  “Let me get a cloth to clean you up,” Logan murmured, pulling away.

  “Wait,” Jimmy called.

  Logan paused, standing beside the bed.

  Jimmy couldn’t help but drink in the sight. Hard lines and thick muscles dominated Logan’s form. He sported wide shoulders and big pecs, partially covered by the tribal tattoo Jimmy wanted to trace with his tongue. His waist tapered to a deeply grooved six pack, and v-cut muscular hips pointed to the man’s half-mast, semen-covered dick and hairy balls. His clearly defined, long legs were covered in a matt of orangey red hair—which matched the short strands on his head—and had felt soft against Jimmy’s thighs when Logan had straddled him.


  The sound of Logan’s confusion when he said that one word pulled Jimmy away from his perusal. He gave his mate a lecherous smile. “Just admiring the view.”

  Snorting, Logan shook his head and turned away, heading out of the room. That was okay with Jimmy, because now he admired the flexing globes of Logan’s ass. Jimmy felt his dick twitch…and so did his fingers.

  “Are you looking at my ass?”

  Jimmy grinned upon hearing Logan’s hollered words. “Yep.”

  Then, fatigue rolled through him and he completely missed what Logan yelled back as the darkness of sleep swept him under.

  Jimmy roused slowly, the screaming of his bladder unable to be denied any longer. He lay alone in the bed, which he didn’t care for, but the warmth of the sheets beside him and the scent of his mate heavy in the room told him he hadn’t been alone for long.

  Slowly, Jimmy eased into a sitting position. He tucked his right arm against his stomach and waited for the black spots to stop dancing before his eyes. After a few seconds, his vision cleared and Jimmy carefully eased his legs off the side of the bed. He sat there breathing heavily as sweat broke out across his brow.

  Hating being injured, Jimmy forced in one slow breath after another, getting his pulse back under control. Pushing off the mattress, he rose from the bed. He placed his left hand on the wall and slowly made his way out of his bedroom and into the bathroom. He hissed through his teeth at every step, but he made it.

  He relieved himself, groaning as the pressure in his bladder eased. Damn, when was the last time he’d pissed? He couldn’t remember. He wasn’t completely certain how long he’d drifted in and out of consciousness. He’d have to ask.

  Once done, Jimmy looked longingly at the shower, but knew he didn’t have the strength to tackle that one on his own. He smiled at the prospect of Logan washing him. Maybe he could convince his mate to include a little playtime. Jimmy took a moment to wash his face and neck and brush his teeth.

  Jimmy had just opened the bathroom door when he heard a hard, pounding knock on his front door. Thinking one of his pack mates was checking up on him, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist, then headed slowly out of the bathroom and down the hallway toward the front of the house.

  When Jimmy reached the living room, Logan was already at the front door pulling it open. While he couldn’t see his mate’s expression, the tight set of his shoulders as he peered at their visitor told him that his human wasn’t pleased to see him or her. So did Logan’s gruffly asked, “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  A deep, male voice Jimmy didn’t recognize replied, “I’m here to free you, of course. I heard you were being held.”

  Jimmy didn’t wait to hear Logan’s reply. Instead, he took the two lurching steps necessary to reach a small side table and opened the drawer. Reaching inside, he pulled out his Glock as he listened to Logan reply, “I’m not being held, Geoffrey. I’m fulfilling my restitution to my mate.”

  Freezing, Jimmy couldn’t stop his grin upon hearing those words. Logan had just claimed him!

  “Your mate?” the stranger—Logan had called him Geoffrey—snarled. “But you’re mine.”

  Oh, hell no.

  Jimmy closed the drawer and placed his left hand behind his back, hiding the gun. It wasn’t his dominant hand, but he was still accurate with a weapon. “Logan,” he called softly. “Who’s at the door?”

  Logan started and peered over his shoulder at him. His face flushed a bit, making the few freckles on his face stand out, and he replied, “Uh, it’s—”

  Then the door was shoved, hard, forcing Logan back a step. Over the threshold stepped a gargoyle, one Jimmy didn’t recognize. The male had short, dark hair, large black wings, and a glare on his pale blue features. He wore a loincloth, which showed off his big muscled body for anyone to see.

  Stumbling away from the male, Logan’s blush intensified. “This is Geoffrey. A gargoyle from the Falias clutch.”

  Jimmy had figured that much out for himself. What he wanted to know was why the gargoyle didn’t want Logan to find his mate. Then, seeing the flush on Logan’s cheeks and taking in his nervous scent, Jimmy combined that with the possessive look the gargoyle cast on his human as he closed the door. It hit him. Logan had a history with the gargoyle.

  His wolf howling possessively, Jimmy fixed his gaze on Logan. “Will you help me to the couch, my mate?”

  Logan licked his lower lip, his face turning an even darker shade of red, now almost hiding the freckles. “Yeah,” he muttered, moving toward him.

  “Hang on just a second,” Geoffrey snarled. He reached out and grabbed Logan’s upper arm in one black-clawed hand, halting his movement. “He’s not your mate. You don’t need to answer to him.”

  Logan glared at Geoffrey. Beads of sweat popped out on his temple and upper lip. “Release me,” he demanded. The blood that had been flushing his face disappeared so fast, now Logan appeared almost unnaturally pale.

  Jimmy scented his mate’s rising anxiety and anger. He made a mental note…no restraining his lover.

  Evidently, Geoffrey either wasn’t picking up on Logan’s emotions or he didn’t care. “Just calm down,” Geoffrey ordered. “I heard you shot him, but that’s gotta be a load of shit.” Geoffrey glared at Jimmy. “What are you holding over him?”

  Lowering his voice to a soft growl, Jimmy ordered, “Release Logan, now, gargoyle. I’m not the one trying to control him.” While he could easily admit he was trying to coerce his mate to his way of thinking, he would never force him as this male seemed to be trying to do. “Allow him to choose where he wishes to stand.”

  Geoffrey growled at Jimmy. His grip flexed on Logan’s arm.

  Logan attempted to yank his arm away, but the gargoyle snarled and kept hold. “Release me,” Logan insisted again.

  “Not until you tell me what this wolf has on you,” Geoffrey roared. “You will tell me why you say you’re his mate when you’re my mate!”

  Jimmy’s grip flexed on the weapon behind his back and it took every bit of self-control to keep from bringing the Glock around his body and pointing it at the gargoyle.

  Instead, Jimmy’s eyes narrowed as he met Logan’s gaze. “Darling,” he murmured, keeping his voice soothing. “I can force him away from you, if that is your wish.”

  While Jimmy watched Logan’s eyes dart around the room, to the gargoyle, and back to him, he heard Geoffrey scoff. “As if you could force me to do anything,” the gar
goyle jeered. “You were asking for help to the sofa.”

  Jimmy saw Logan’s tenuous control slipping. He didn’t know why having his arm held affected Logan so much, but it did, and it broke his heart seeing it. Having always been a man of action, the adrenaline flooding his body steadied his resolve…and his arm. Jimmy brought the Glock around his body and pointed it calmly at Geoffrey.

  “Right now, I’m aiming for your left shoulder,” Jimmy stated coolly. “You have ten seconds to release Logan before I fire. If you try to move my mate into your path, the bullet will hit your head, instead.”

  A low growl escaped Geoffrey, but at least he released Logan. “You really think I’d hurt him?” the gargoyle snapped. “He’s my mate.”

  Jimmy lifted his left brow. As Logan took a step away from Geoffrey, he stated, “I really couldn’t say, but considering he asked you to release him, twice, and you ignored him, I wouldn’t put anything past you.”

  “How dare you—”

  “No!” Logan roared, cutting Geoffrey off. He turned and pointed a finger at Geoffrey. “How dare you! You’re not my mate. We had a good time, Geoffrey, but you wouldn’t take no for an answer. That’s why I came out here,” Logan revealed.

  Okay, Jimmy had known there was a story there, but he hadn’t been prepared to hear it. His wolf was still too close to the surface. “Fucker,” he sneered. “How dare you attempt to force another to bond.”

  Geoffrey’s jaw sagged open. “But, I-I thought you felt—” He cocked his head, actually looking crestfallen. “You ran from me? This situation is my fault?”

  “It’s time for you to go,” Logan stated coldly. “I’m here of my own free will. Please, leave.”

  His mouth opened, then closed, then Geoffrey nodded. He wrapped his wings around his shoulders, holding them close, almost like a shield. “I-I’m sorry,” he mumbled, reaching for the door. In the dark doorway, he paused. “If you end up needing anything, you know my number,” he quietly offered.

  Logan stared at him steadily for a few seconds, then jerked a nod.

  Geoffrey looked over at Jimmy, sweeping his gaze over him, assessing. Without another word, he turned and headed into the night, closing the door behind him.

  Jimmy stood still and listened, and after a few seconds, he heard the telltale sound of wings beating. Slowly, he lowered the gun. As the adrenaline faded, so did his strength. Stumbling back a step, Jimmy rested his good shoulder against the wall. It still hurt. Grunting, he rolled and turned his head, pressing his forehead into the wall, too, trying to control the black spots dancing across his vision.

  “James,” Logan cried.

  Feeling Logan’s arms slide around his waist, Jimmy smiled. He turned his head and inhaled his mate’s scent. It steadied him somewhat, or maybe that was Logan himself, who eased him away from the wall and to the sofa.

  As Logan settled Jimmy onto the cushion, he mumbled, “I don’t know if I should say thanks or what the fuck?”

  “What do you mean?” Jimmy murmured. He rested his head against the back and peered up at his mate. He smirked. “I like thanks better.”

  “What are you doing with a gun?” Logan asked, frowning at the weapon. “I didn’t think shifters used guns.”

  Jimmy realized he still clutched the Glock even as he rested it on the cushion beside him. “Was in the military,” he told him. “Twice.” He flipped the safety on and set it aside. “Come here,” he beckoned, holding out his now empty hand.

  Logan didn’t seem to need any other urging. He immediately took Jimmy’s hand, then eased onto the sofa next to him, but not touching. “Do you need anything?” he asked. Then, he frowned. “You shouldn’t be out of bed. What the fuck were you doing?”

  Pleased at his mate’s natural instinct to worry about him, Jimmy told him, “Had to piss. I was hoping you’d help me shower, too.” He waggled his brows, hoping his mate got the idea.

  Snorting, Logan shook his head. Obviously, he’d gotten his meaning but had no intention of agreeing to it. Jimmy wondered what he could do to change his mind.

  “Let me at least get you some water,” Logan said, pushing back to his feet. He stared down at him, frowning. “And some more broth. You look like you’re about to pass out.”

  “I’d rather a steak,” Jimmy said hopefully.

  “Maybe tomorrow.”

  Jimmy groaned. Damn, his mate was really getting into this nursemaid shit.

  Logan chuckled as he walked away. Within five minutes, he returned with a mug full of what smelled like chicken broth and a bottle of water. “Figured you could just drink it this time,” Logan said, handing him the water first.


  Jimmy took the bottle. Before he could even wonder at how he was going to open it—there was no way he wanted to put that much torque on his shoulder—Logan gripped the cap with his now free hand.

  “Hold it steady.”

  When Jimmy did as he was bid, Logan twisted the cap off. Jimmy lifted the bottle to his lips and drank deeply. He hadn’t realized how dehydrated he was, but considering his towel-clad body was drenched in sweat, he shouldn’t have been surprised. Next, Logan handed him the broth, which he also drank down without comment.

  Finally, once both beverages were empty, Logan sat down next to him, closer this time. “So, twice in the military? How’d that work?”

  Jimmy sighed and settled his head against the backrest. Damn, he couldn’t believe he felt tired again. Healing sucked. “Are you aware that shifters live several centuries?”

  “Yeah, four or five hundred years sometimes, right?”

  Nodding, Jimmy absently reached out and threaded his fingers through Logan’s. His mate didn’t fight him, even when he brought the man’s palm to his lips and kissed it. “I’m almost one hundred and twenty,” he explained. “I was in the military during world war one. Freaky shit.” He shook his head. He didn’t particularly care to remember those days. “I ended my life by appearing to be MIA,” he admitted. “After returning home, I hid in the mountains for a decade, then reinvented myself.” He offered Logan a tired smile. “Shifters have to do that every so often.”

  Logan nodded. “I’d heard that from the gargoyles. Only certain ones go out in public during any particular decade.”

  That made sense. Gargoyles lived as a clutch and were reclusive by nature since those unmated remained stone during the day. Unmated gargoyles also couldn’t appear human. Their mate had to accept them first. It suddenly hit Jimmy as to why Geoffrey would want to claim Logan. The guy was sexy, hard-working, and loyal…fine mate material. Plus, as a gargoyle, mating gave them a number of perks.

  “Well, I’ve reinvented myself a couple of times,” Jimmy admitted. “I was a detective during the thirties and forties. A lot of change then.” His heightened senses gave him an edge over human detectives and he’d shot up the ranks quickly. “Anyway, I just finished another stint in the military last year.” He waved his hand around the cabin. “I’m in these woods hiding out and serving as the pack beta,” he admitted.

  Chapter Nine

  Over the next several days, they fell into a routine, which more or less drove Logan crazy. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been around a warm willing body and not taken advantage. Still, while James tried to convince him he was fine, Logan refused to allow him to engage in anything more strenuous than lying there while Logan did all the work to rub each other off. He wouldn’t even agree to a sixty-nine, although he’d sucked James off a few times.

  Still, who’s counting?

  Logan actually found himself learning about his lover, which was a novelty. Since, in the past, he’d always engaged in one night stands and fuck buddies, he’d never really gotten to know any of them. Geoffrey was the only exception, and at that point, Logan had run.

  Now, he knew James’ favorite foods—barbeque ribs—and what food he refused to eat, no matter who prepared it—peas. Oddly enough, James liked Brussels spr
outs. Logan couldn’t remember anyone admitting that. He also knew the man would watch any Die Hard movie, no matter that he’d seen them all a million times already, and he hated chick flicks. That was fine with Logan. He’d prefer to avoid watching them as well.

  There’s something to be said for two guys mating, Logan decided.

  That still didn’t mean his dick didn’t ache to sink into the wolf shifter’s tight ass. However, until James received a clean bill of health from Doctor Perseus, Logan refused to entertain the idea…much. That had been a suggestion from Matthew, because, of course, his friend hadn’t had to wait to bond. Marty had reluctantly agreed with his brother, although Logan could at least tell he felt bad about offering the advice. Hell, Marty’d had to wait to finish bonding with his own mate due to a gunshot wound, too.

  Logan felt grateful he didn’t have to deal with Lacy anymore. He’d found out a few days before that she’d taken over caring for the wolves when the prior doctor had passed nearly fifty-five years before. She’d been a midwife and had no official schooling. She’d learned all her skills from her mother, who’d also been a pack midwife.

  Alpha Abbott had put in a request to the Shifter Council to see if any doctors were interested in relocating. For now, Doctor Perseus had taken over James’ care and Nurse Leroy had returned home.

  When Logan’s phone went off, his first thought was of the brothers. They’d talked about coming up to visit, but hadn’t finalized dates yet. Grabbing his cell, he quickly hit the button. He kept his voice down as he greeted the caller, not wanting to wake James. The shifter didn’t nap nearly as much as he did the first couple of days, for which Logan felt grateful. He grew bored meandering through the small cabin all by himself. He didn’t really have the mentality to sit around every day and itched to do something with his hands. Occasionally, he’d strolled the forest, but he never went far since he didn’t want to leave James alone for long.


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