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by Susan Williams

  38. Stonehouse, Prohibited Immigrant, p. 26.

  39. Ebony, June 1951.


  1. Baring to Syers, 27 September 1950, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4131.

  2. Seretse to Tshekedi, 17 October 1950, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1308.

  3. Morton and Ramsay, The Birth of Botswana, p. 128.

  4. Gasebalwe Seretse, Tshekedi Khama, pp. 125–6.

  5. Rand Daily Mail, 13 November 1950.

  6. Liesching to Baring, 27 October 1950, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4131.

  7. Rand Daily Mail, 13 November 1950.

  8. Fletcher to Scott, 15 November 1950, BLCAS, Mss Afr s 1681, Box 226, File 7.

  9. Fletcher to Scott, 19 November 1950, ibid.

  10. Secretary of State’s discussions, 13 December 1950, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4131.

  11. Gordon Walker to Liesching, 16 December 1950, ibid.

  12. Hatch, New from Africa, p. 77.

  13. Fairlie, No Time Like the Past, p. 150.

  14. Germond to Col. Beetham, 27 December 1950, BNARS, S535/12/1.

  15. Daily Express, 31 January 1951.

  16. Redfern, Ruth and Seretse, p. 144.

  17. Beetham to Allison, 22 December 1950, BNARS, S535/12/1.

  18. Germond to Beetham, 29 December 1950, ibid.

  19. Seager, The Shadow of a Great Rock, p. 63.

  20. Redfern, Ruth and Seretse, p. 144.

  21. Seager, The Shadow of a Great Rock, p. 63.

  22. Redfern, Ruth and Seretse, p. 144.

  23. ibid., p. 145.

  24. Statement by Bangwato to Gordon Walker, Serowe, 1 February 1951, BNARS, S535/12/3.

  25. Daily Express, February 1951.

  26. Notes for Secretary of State’s Speech at Serowe, 1 February 1951, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4131.

  27. Cabinet Report, CP (51) 109, 16 April 1951.

  28. Gordon Walker to Liesching, 3 February 1951, TNA:PRO, CO 537/7222.

  29. Comment by Mary Benson, in response to review by Paul Landau of Dutfield, A Marriage of Inconvenience, in Southern African Review of Books, No. 17, January/February 1991.

  30. Tshekedi Khama to The Times, 8 June 1951.

  31. Tibbetts to State Department, Washington [June 1951], NARA, RG 59, Dept of State, Decimal Files [1950–54], 845E. 411/6–1251.

  32. Picture Post, 7 July 1951.

  33. His initial suggestion was to send three MPs, but the Conservative and Liberal Parties refused to send any of their members. Labour, with a majority of only five, could not afford to send three MPs. He came up with the alternative of sending three men of public standing.

  34. Secretary to Astor, to Benson, 21 March 1951, BLCAS, Rhodes House, Mss Afr s 1681, Box 226, File 6.

  35. Seretse to Scott, n.d. [March 1951], ibid.

  36. For a full account of this episode, see Michael Crowder, ‘Professor Macmillan Goes on Safari: The British Government Observer Team and the Crisis over the Seretse Khama Marriage, 1951’, in Macmillan and Marks (eds), Africa and Empire, pp. 254–328.

  37. Notes from diary of Legum, 7 August 1951, BLCAS, Mss Afr s 1681, Box 226, File 6.

  38. Bullock to Gordon Walker, 15 August 1951, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4135.

  39. Rand Daily Mail, 17 August 1951.

  40. Memorandum by Bangwato women to UK visitors, Serowe, 16 August 1951, BNARS, S 529/4.

  41. Report by Bullock and Macmillan, published in White Paper, Cmd 8423: ‘Bechaunaland Protectorate: Report of Observers’, 6 December 1951.

  42. Bamangwato Women’s Association (signed by the Secretary, Lets M. Matseka, the Chairlady, K. Gochani, and Committee Member Ottotten Leakwe) to the Native Authority, Serowe, 19 October 1951, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1304.

  43. G. M. Kgosi to Churchill, 23 July 1951, ibid.


  1. Liesching, aide-memoire on Bamangwato affairs, 24 November 1951, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1320.

  2. Le Rougetel to Liesching, 22 October 1951, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1317.

  3. Constantine, Colour Bar, p. 186.

  4. HCO to CRO, 22 June 1951, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1311.

  5. High Commissioner to CRO, 23 June 1951, TNA:PRO, PREM 8/1308 Part 2.

  6. David Anderson, Histories of the Hanged, p. 3.

  7. Benson, Tshekedi Khama, p. 252.

  8. Minute by Lambert, 13 November 1951, TNA:PRO, CO 1015/358.

  9. Cabinet meeting 22 November 1951, TNA:PRO, PREM 11/1182, 120180.

  10. Hansard, 6 December 1951.

  11. Quoted in Michael Crowder, ‘Professor Macmillan Goes on Safari: The British Government Observer Team and the Crisis over the Seretse Khama Marriage, 1951’, in Macmillan and Marks (eds), Africa and Empire, p. 276.

  12. Hansard, 6 December 1951.

  13. Statement by Chief Seretse Khama, 6 December 1951, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1320.

  14. Cabinet meeting, 19 December 1951, TNA:PRO, PREM 11/1182, 120180.

  15. Clark to Baxter, 13 February 1953, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4279.

  16. Lloyd to Foot, 18 January 1952, TNA:PRO, CO 537/7776.

  17. Foot to Lloyd, 28 January 1952, ibid.

  18. Memorandum by Commonwealth Secretary, 13 March 1952, TNA:PRO, PREM 11/1182.

  19. Salisbury to Prime Minister, 18 March 1952, ibid.

  20. Record of conversation, 24 March 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 121/151.

  21. Ismay, Memoirs, p. 462.

  22. Record of interview with Mr and Mrs Khama, 26 March 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1327.

  23. Rand Daily Mail, 2 October 1956.

  24. Rand Daily Mail, 28 March 1952.

  25. Daily Mail, 2 October 1956.

  26. Cape Times, 28 March 1952.

  27. O. K. Maokisa, ‘The British Govt Decision Grieves the Bamangwato’, translation of article in Naledi ya Batswana, 19 April 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1328.

  28. HCO to CRO, 29 March 1952, TNA:PRO, CO 1015/359.

  29. Goareng Mosinyi to author, 12 November 2004.

  30. HCO to CRO, 31 March 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4143.

  31. Consolidated Security Report for the Week Ending 26 March 1952, by B. R. Sands, Intelligence Officer, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1327.

  32. Time, 7 April 1952.

  33. Hansard, 27 March 1952, also for subsequent references to the debate.

  34. Tony Benn to author, 2 February 2005.

  35. Hansard, 27 March 1952.

  36. Salisbury to Welensky, 21 February 1965, BLCAS, Welensky Papers, 770/4.

  37. Hansard, 27 March 1952.

  38. ibid.

  39. Hansard, 31 March 1952.

  40. Miss X to Sir, Commonwealth Relations Office, n.d. [1952], TNA:PRO, DO 35/4145.

  41. Messel to Eden, [2 April 1952], TNA:PRO, FO 371/96649.

  42. Statement by CRO, ‘Seretse Khama’, 9 May 1952, attached to Robinson to Ottawa, 16 May 1952, NAC, 10283-B-40/99/99.

  43. The letter was signed by Dr J. S. Moroka, president-general, Walter Sisulu, secretary-general, and Dr S. M. Molema, treasurer. Telegram Mafikeng to CRO, 1 April 1952, TNA:PRO, CO 1015/359.

  44. J. H. Le Rougetel to Lord Salisbury, 23 April 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1328.

  45. Naledi Khama to author, 13 November 2004.

  46. Redfern, Ruth and Seretse, p. 216.

  47. Appiah, Joe Appiah, p. 185. Appiah is drawing on Ruth 1:16: ‘Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.’


  1. Head, Serowe, p. 77; Seager, The Shadow of a Great Rock, p. 72.

  2. Hatch, New from Africa, p. 68.

  3. Beetham to Bent, 13 December 1951, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1320.

  4. Intelligence Report for the period ending 10 March 1952, DO 119/1326.

  5. Intelligence Report for week ending 19 February 1952, DO 119/1324.

  6. Text of address by Resident Commissioner, Serowe, in High Commissioner, Cape Town, to CRO, 9 March 1952, TNA:PRO, CO 1015/359.

  7. Intelligence Report for the period including 28 March, DO 119/1326.

  8. Seager, The Shadow of a Great Rock,
p. 67.

  9. ibid., p. 69.

  10. South African Press Association–Reuters, 10 April 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1307.

  11. Movietone newsreel, ‘Bamangwato Chiefs Arrive in London’, 14 April 1952.

  12. Pathe News, ‘In support of Seretse’, 14 April 1952.

  13. Redfern, Ruth and Seretse, p. 195.

  14. ibid.

  15. The Times, 12 April 1952.

  16. Hansard, 27 March 1952.

  17. The Times, 31 March 1952.

  18. Redfern, Ruth and Seretse, p. 196.

  19. East Africa and Rhodesia, 24 April 1952; Daily Mail, 16 April 1952.

  20. Colin Turnbull to Greenidge, 18 April 1952, BLCAS, Mss Br Emp s.22.

  21. East Africa and Rhodesia, 24 April 1952; Daily Mail, 16 April 1952.

  22. Report on Seretse Khama Meeting, 15 April 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4139.

  23. Clark to Baxter, 6 April 1952, ibid.

  24. Report on Seretse Khama Meeting, 15 April 1952, ibid.

  25. Clark to Baxter, 8 April 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4143.

  26. Bickford to Baxter, 18 April 1952, ibid.

  27. Baxter to Bickford, 19 April 1952, ibid.

  28. Notes for the Secretary of State’s meeting with the Bamangwato Delegation on Monday 21 April, ibid.

  29. Clark to Baxter, 18 April 1952, ibid.

  30. Baxter to Clark, 19 April 1952, ibid.

  31. Record of meeting between the Commonwealth Secretary and the Bamangwato Delegation, 21 April 1952, ibid.

  32. Redfern, Ruth and Seretse, p. 199.

  33. Memorandum presented by the Bamangwato Tribal Delegation to the Secretary of State, 21 April 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4143; Clark to HCO, 22 April 1952, ibid.

  34. The Times, 24 April 1952.

  35. Hansard, 24 April 1952.

  36. The Times, 30 April 1952.

  37. ibid.

  38. ibid.

  39. K. Kgamane, P. Sekgoma, K. Baitswe, M. M. Mathangwane, Gaothobogwe Leposo, M. Mpotokwane to Salisbury, 5 May 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4143.

  40. Manchester Guardian, 12 May 1952.

  41. Collins, Partners in Protest, p. 186.

  42. Birmingham Post, 12 May 1952.

  43. ibid.

  44. Note by Joyce, 23 May 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4469.

  45. Ebony, June 1951.

  46. ‘Telephone message from Mafeking. Intelligence. Bamangwato Reserve’ from High Commissioner, Cape Town, to Secretary of State, 2 May 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1328.

  47. Goareng Mosinyi to author, 12 November 2004.


  1. ‘Received by Telephone – 11 a.m., 21 May 1952’, Resident Commissioner, Mafikeng, to Chief Secretary, Cape Town, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1329.

  2. ‘Telephone message from Mafeking received 12.10 p.m., 23 May 1952’, report sent in telegram from High Commissioner, Cape Town, to Secretary of State, London, ibid.

  3. HCO to CRO, 12 June 1952, TNA:PRO, CO 1015/359.

  4. Neil Parsons to author, November 2004; Goareng Mosinyi to author, November 2004.

  5. Peter Sebina, ‘From My Note Book’, 6 June 1952, KIII, TKP 58.

  6. HCO to CRO, 9 June 1952, TNA:PRO, CO 1015/359.

  7. Rand Daily Mail, 27 May 1952; Time, 16 June 1952.

  8. Report by Fraenkel, 12 June 1952, SUL (UK), Benn Levy Papers, 6/9.

  9. High Commissioner to CRO, 30 May 1952, TNA:PRO, PREM 11/1182.

  10. Seager, The Shadow of a Great Rock, p. 75.

  11. HCO to CRO, 7 June 1952, TNA:PRO, CO 1015/359.

  12. Parsons, ‘The Serowe Kgotla riot of 1952’; Fraenkel to Brockway, 2 June 1952, repeated in CRO to HCO, 16 June 1952, TNA:PRO, CO 1015/359; HCO to CRO, 8 June 1952, ibid.

  13. Parsons, ‘The Serowe Kgotla riot of 1952’.

  14. Peter Sebina, ‘From My Note Book’, 6 June 1952, KIII, TKP 58.

  15. ‘Telephone messages, report sent in telegram from High Commissioner, Cape Town, to Secretary of State, London, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1329.

  16. HCO to CRO, 2 June 1952, TNA:PRO, PREM 11/1182.

  17. Seager, The Shadow of a Great Rock, pp. 76–7.

  18. HCO to CRO, 3 June 1952, TNA:PRO, CO 1015/359; The Times, 5 June 1952.

  19. The Times, 3 June 1952; HCO to CRO, 8 June 1952, TNA:PRO, CO 1015/359.

  20. The Times, 5 June 1952.

  21. HCO to CRO, 9 June 1952, TNA:PRO, CO 1015/359.

  22. Clark to National Council for Civil Liberties, 2 September 1952, TNA: PRO, DO 35/4310.

  23. Report by Fraenkel, 12 June 1952, SUL (UK), Benn Levy Papers, 6/9; Fraenkel to Brockway, 10 June 1952, repeated in CRO to HCO, 16 June 1952, TNA:PRO, CO 1015/359; Intelligence Report for June 1952, TNA: PRO, DO 119/1324.

  24. HCO to CRO, 9 June 1952, TNA:PRO, CO 1015/359.

  25. HCO to CRO, 6 June 1952, ibid.

  26. Hansard, 10 June 1952.

  27. Quoted in Macmillan, Tides of Fortune, p. 391.

  28. Hansard, 10 June 1952.

  29. HCO to CRO, 12 June 1952, TNA:PRO, CO 1015/359.

  30. Daily Worker, 19 August 1952.

  31. Clark to National Council for Civil Liberties, 2 September 1952, TNA: PRO, DO 35/4310.

  32. Manchester Guardian, 20 August 1952.

  33. Daily Worker, 19 August 1952.

  34. Statement by Vieyra, repeated in Keaboka and others v. the Queen, 18 December 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4501.

  35. Goareng Mosinyi to author, 12 November 2004.

  36. Judgement by Harold Willan, Lobatse, 9 September 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4501.

  37. Report on Kgotla held at Mahalapye on 11 July 1952 by Assistant District Officer, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1311.

  38. Head, Serowe: Village of the Rainwind, p. xxii.

  39. High Commissioner to Secretary of State, 20 April 1953, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1337.

  40. Raditladi to Naledi ya Batswana, 2 August 1952.

  41. Cape Times, 5 April 1952.

  42. Beetham to Chief Secretary, 6 August 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1311.

  43. High Commissioner to Secretary of State, 7 August 1952, ibid.

  44. Secretary of State to High Commissioner, Pretoria, 13 August 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1332.

  45. Daymond et al. (eds), Women Writing Africa, p. 180.

  46. Morton and Ramsay, The Birth of Botswana, pp. 117–18.

  47. Secretary of State to High Commissioner, Pretoria, 13 August 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1332.

  48. ibid.

  49. Bent, Ten Thousand Men of Africa, p. 91.

  50. Thomas Tlou and Alec Campbell, History of Botswana, p. 308.

  51. Winstanley, Under Two Flags in Africa, p. 57.

  52. Benson, A Far Cry, p. 101.

  53. Winstanley, Under Two Flags in Africa, p. 57.

  54. Printed letter by E. B. Beetham, circulated to Bangwato, 11 September 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1332.

  55. Seager, The Shadow of a Great Rock, p. 82.

  56. Report of meeting at Sefhare Kgotla, 29 September 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1333.

  57. Johannesburg Star, 10 November 1952.

  58. Reports from Serowe, 10 and 11 November 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1334.

  59. ibid.

  60. Johannesburg Star, 12 November 1952.

  61. Reports from Serowe, 10 and 11 November 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1334.

  62. Seager, The Shadow of a Great Rock, p. 84.

  63. The Times, 9 March 1953.


  1. Huddleston, ‘The Birth of a Struggle’, in Henderson, Man of Christian Action, pp. 47–8.

  2. W. H. Ingrams, ‘Memorandum. Europeans and Race Relations’, 27 April 1951, TNA:PRO, CO 537/7787.

  3. Exchange of minutes between 13 June 1951 and 6 May 1953, ibid.; Jeffries to Archbishop of Canterbury, 9 February 1953, ibid.

  4. Mungai Lenneiye to author, 19 September 2005.

  5. See David Anderson, Histories of the Hanged; also Douglas-Home, Evelyn Baring.

  6. Guardian, 20 May 1952.

  7. He was being watched by MI5: see TNA:PRO, KV2/1921 for MI5 fil

  8. Brockway and Grimond to Maude, 25 August 1952, SUL (UK), Benn Levy Papers, 6/8.

  9. Fenner Brockway, article in FACT (Liberal Party publication), January 1953.

  10. Bickford to Baxter, 22 September 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4469.

  11. Telegram from Secretary of State, London, to High Commissioner, Cape Town, 24 March 1954, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1340.

  12. Note by Joyce, 23 May 1952, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4469.

  13. Carr to Seretse, 2 October 1952, SUL (UK), Benn Levy Papers, 6/8.

  14. Open letter, Council for the Defence of Seretse Khama to Friends in the Bechuanaland Protectorate, 14 May 1953, SUL (UK), Benn Levy Papers, 6/9.

  15. The World, 18 February 1956.

  16. Yorkshire Post, n.d., cutting in TNA:PRO, DO 119/1333.

  17. Naledi Khama to author, 13 November 2004.

  18. See Cockett, David Astor and the Observer, chapter 6, ‘Africa’.

  19. Quoted in Memorandum of the Council for the Defence of Seretse Khama, September 1953, SUL (UK), Benn Levy Papers, 6/9.

  20. Quoted in ibid.

  21. Quoted in ibid.

  22. Daily Herald, 11 March 1953.

  23. Quoted in Booker to Clark, 10 March 1953, TNA:PRO, DO 35/4279.

  24. Daily Mail, 2 October 1956.

  25. Today, 12 March 1960.

  26. Brockway, Outside the Right, p. 76.

  27. ibid., p. 148.

  28. Charles Njonjo to author, 12 March 2004.

  29. Daily Mail, 10 October 1956.

  30. Evening Standard, 31 October 1955.

  31. Today, 12 March 1960.

  32. Sisulu, Water and Albertina Sisulu, p. 134.

  33. Appiah, Joe Appiah, p. 213.

  34. ibid., pp. 219–20.

  35. ibid., p. 224.

  36. ibid., p. 225.

  37. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: Edward Mutesa II.

  38. Constantine, Colour Bar, p. 188.

  39. Stonehouse, Prohibited Immigrant, p. 103.

  40. Mutibwa, Uganda since Independence, p. 15.

  41. Liesching to Le Rougetel, 13 March 1953, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1336.

  42. MacKenzie to Turnbull, 17 April 1953, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1337.

  43. Batho to Bamangwato, 2 April 1953, KIII, TKP 58.

  44. Signatories c/o K. M. Ketshabile to Seretse Khama Campaign Committee, 13 April 1953, TNA:PRO, DO 119/1338.

  45. Report of the Council for the Defence of Seretse Khama, n.d., SUL (UK), Benn Levy Papers 6/9.


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