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by Susan Williams

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  Morton, Fred and Ramsay, Jeff, The Birth of Botswana (Botswana, Longman, 1987).

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  Moss, Norman, The Politics of Uranium (London, André Deutsch, 1981).

  Mpho, Motsamai, The Autobiography of Motsamai Mpho, written by Wayne Edge (Gaborone, Lepopo Publications, 1996).

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  Murray-Brown, Jeremy, Kenyatta (London, Fontana/Collins, 1972).

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  Mwangilwa, Goodwin B., Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula: a Biography of the Old Lion of Zambia (Lusaka, Multimedia Publications, 1982).

  Nasson, Bill, Britannia’s Empire. Making a British World (Stroud, Tempus Publishing, 2004).

  Nkomo, Joshua, Nkomo. The Story of My Life (London, Methuen, 1983).

  Nkrumah, Kwame, The Autobiography of Kwame Nkrumah (Edinburgh, Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1959).

  Nwauwa, Apollos O., Imperialism, Academe and Nationalism. Britain and University Education for Africans 1860–1960 (London, Frank Cass, 1997).

  Olusanya, G. O., The West African Students’ Union and the Politics of Decolonization 1925–1958 (Ibadan, Daystar Press, 1982).

  Owen, Nicholas, ‘Critics of Empire in Britain’, in Judith M. Brown and W. M. Roger Louis (eds), The Oxford History of the British Empire. The Twentieth Century (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999).

  ———, Time to Declare (London, Penguin, 1991).

  Padmore, George (ed.), Colonial and… Coloured Unity. A Programme of Action. History of the Pan-African Congress (Manchester, Pan-African Federation, 1947; 2nd edition, with additional material, London, Hammersmith Books, 1963).

  Parson, Jack, Botswana. Liberal Democracy and the Labour Reserve in Southern Africa (London, Gower, 1984).

  Parsons, Neil, ‘The Serowe Kgotla Riot of 1952: Popular Opposition to Tshekedi Khama and Colonial Rule in Botswana’, Societies of Southern Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries (London, Institute of Commonwealth Studies), 16 (1991): 24–36.

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  ———, King Khama, Emperor Joe and the Great White Queen: Victorian Britain through African eyes (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1998).

  Parsons, Neil, Henderson, Willie and Tlou, Thomas, Seretse Khama 1921–1980 (Botswana Society 1995; rpt Braamfontein, South Africa, 1997).

  Parsons, Q. N. [Neil], The Word of Khama (Lusaka, Historical Association of Zambia, 1972).

  ———, The High Commission Territories, 1909–1964. A Bibliography (Kwaluseni, University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland, 1976).

  Pela, W. S., ‘A Tribal Chief Gets Married’, Common Sense (Johannesburg, June 1949).

  Peters, Pauline E., Dividing the Commons. Politics, Policy and Culture in Botswana (Charlottesville and London, University Press of Virginia, 1994).

  Phillips, Caryl, A New World Order. Selected Essays (London, Secker & Warburg, 2001).

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  Picard, Louis A., The Evolution of Modern Botswana (London, Rex Collings, 1985).

  Pilkington, Roger, Males and Females (London, Delisle, 1948).

  ———, Biology, Man and God (London, Lutterworth Press, 1951).

  Plaatje, Solomon T., Sechuana Proverbs with Literal Translations and their European Equivalents (London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co, 1916).

  Political and Economic Planning, Colonial Students in Britain (London, PEP, June 1955).

  Pottle, Mark (ed.), Daring to Hope. The Diaries and Letters of Violet Bonham Carter 1946–1969 (London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2000).

  Prain, Sir Ronald, Reflections on an Era. Fifty Years of Mining in Changing Africa (Letchworth, Metal Bulletin Books Ltd, 1981).

  Procter, James, Writing Black Britain 1948–1998. An Interdisciplinary Anthology (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2000).

  Qunta, Christine N. (ed.), Women in Southern Africa (Johannesburg, Skotaville Publishers, 1987).

  Rathbone, Richard, Nkrumah and the Chiefs. The Politics of Chieftaincy in Ghana 1951–60 (Oxford, James Currey, 2000).

  Redfern, John, Ruth and Seretse. ‘A Very Disreputable Transaction’ (London, Victor Gollancz, 1955).

  Rey, Charles, Monarch of All I Survey. Bechuanaland Diaries 1929–37, eds Neil Parsons and Michael Crowder (London, James Currey, 1988).

  Richmond, Anthony H., The Colour Problem. A Study of Racial Relations (Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1955).

  Rider, Clare, ‘The “Unfortunate Marriage” of Sereste Khama’, The Inner Temple Yearbook 2002/2003 (London, Inner Temple, 2003).

  Robins, Eric, White Queen in Africa (London, Robert Hale, 1967).

  Rosenthal, Jane, Dora Tamana (Series: They Fought for Freedom) (Cape Town, Longman, 1995).

  Russell, Margo and Russell, Martin, Afrikaners of the Kalahari, White Minority in a Black State (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1979).

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  Sadiq Ali, Shanti, Gandhi and South Africa (Delhi, Hind Pocket Books, 1994).

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  Schapera, Isaac, A Handbook of Tswana Law and Custom (London, Oxford University Press for the International Institute of African Languages and Culture, 1938; 2nd edition 1955, rpt. 1977).

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  ———, Migrant Labour and Tribal Life: A Study of Conditions in the Bechuanaland Protectorate (London, Oxford University Press, 1947).

  ———, Rainmaking Rites in Tswana Tribes (Cambridge, African Studies Centre, 1971).

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  Seager, Alan, The Shadow of a Great Rock (Flintshire, I*D Books, 2004).

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  Aberdeen, University of 5

  Abrahams, Sir Sidney 121

  Acland, Sir Richard 156, 252

  Adams College 4

  Addiscombe 254–5

  Addison, Lord 121, 132, 175

  Africa Bureau 253

  African Advisory Council 304

  African Auxiliary Pioneer Corps 7–8

  African League 143, 144

  African National Congress (ANC) 99, 100, 111, 221, 315

  Freedom Charter 280–81, 282

  Afrikaner National Party 36

  Afro-American Association (USA) 143

  age regiments 29, 32, 222

  alcohol 302, 306–7

  Khama III 34

  Seretse 86, 109, 113

  Tshekedi 31

  Allison, James 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 300

  Anglo-American Corporation 275, 277, 297

  Annan, Nii Odoi 143, 150


  Bechuanaland 270, 306–7

  South Africa 36, 249–50, 263, 271, 280–81, 308–9, 315

  Appiah, Joe

  Bangwato delegation 225, 226

  Fighting Committee 143, 150–51

  marriage 256–8

  Seretse’s knighthood 316

  Seretse’s permanent banishment 221

  WASU 11

  Argus 146

  Associated Bantu Newspapers 147

  Astor, David 202–3, 253, 276, 305

  Atkins, Dennis 218, 237

  Atlantic Charter 12

  Attitude to Africa 253

  Attlee, Clement

  and Gordon Walker 124

  Harragin Report 110, 111, 113, 131

  immigration 22

  Khamas’ exile 187

  South Africa 68, 97, 177

  Bailey, MacDonald 193, 196, 198, 252

  Baitswe, Kobe 223, 227–8

  Baker’s Daughter, The 192

  Bakgatla 28, 295

  Bakwena 28, 86

  Baldwin, Earl 252

  Balete 28

  Balewa, Abubakar Tafawa 10

  Balliol College 5, 8–9, 147

  Bamangwato National Congress 242

  Bamangwato see Bangwato

  Banana, Reverend Canaan 328

  Banda, Dr Hastings 10, 13, 309

  Bangwaketse 28, 103–4, 242–3

  Bangwato 3, 28–9

  boycott 174–5, 176, 188

  delegation to Britain 222–34, 294

  delegation’s return 235–42

  Gordon Walker’s visit 203–6

  Harragin Inquiry 98–9, 104–5, 108–9

  Khamas’ exile 181–5, 186

  negotiations over return of Seretse 275–6, 277

  Rasebolai as Native Authority 244–5, 260–62, 267–70, 273

  request for Ruth’s return 208–210

  Ruth’s arrival in Bechuanaland 79–80, 81, 82, 83–4

  Ruth’s return to Bechuanaland 300

  Seretse’s arrival after marriage 158–9, 161–2

  Seretse’s exile 135–9, 140–41, 142

  Seretse’s marriage 40–42, 43–51, 65, 66, 104

  Seretse’s permanent banishment 217–18

  Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 287–9, 291–7

  Tshekedi’s deposition 39

  Tshekedi’s return 207, 208, 213

  women 57–8, 242–3


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