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I Wanna Text You Up

Page 15

by Teagan Hunter


  He doesn’t move, but I can feel his heavy breath on me as he tries to calm himself.

  “Caleb,” I say again.

  This time he lifts his head, and his dark blue eyes are nearly black.

  “Pull my shirt off.”

  Moments later I’m lying topless, hair fanned out around me, a hungry Caleb staring down at me with pure desire.

  “Can I…”

  “Please,” I beg.

  He holds my stare as he dips his head and closes his mouth around my left nipple. I nearly fly off the bed. The perfect pressure, the perfect connection…

  He’s the perfect guy.

  I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him closer with every touch. I hold his head to me as his tongue sweeps over my nipples, taking time to kiss and suck on each one. His hips drive into me, his erection rubbing against my clit with every move he makes.

  My panties are soaked, and I know he can feel the evidence of what he’s doing to me.

  “Caleb…” His name leaves my lips on a moan.

  “I know, Zoe. I know.”

  He reaches down between us, his hand dipping into the waistband of my sleep shorts. His fingers graze over my mound, sliding down until he finds my clit. He begins drawing slow, lazy circles with the tips of his fingers, and I want to scream and cry and fall apart all at once.

  Between his mouth on my breasts and his fingers on my clit, I’m about to combust.

  “I…can’t… It’s too much.”

  My nipple pops free of his mouth, his teeth catching just the tip, and it’s enough to send me over the edge.

  My legs begin to shake, back arching off the bed. I can’t seem to catch my breath as my orgasm washes over me.

  I can feel Caleb’s smile against my cheek as he peppers kisses across my face.

  “You okay?” he asks.

  “Oh yeah.”

  He laughs and rolls off me, sitting up next to me. “Good.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Me? Oh I’m good.”

  “Do you need me to…you know.”

  He flashes his eyes downward. “You did.”

  “What?” I lift up on my elbows and peer around him.

  Sure enough, there’s a wet spot on the front of his shorts.

  “Did you come in your pants without me even touching your dick?”

  He coughs out a laugh. “When you put it that way, I sound like a juvenile teenager who can’t control his pecker.”

  “No, no, it’s not that. It’s actually kind of…hot.”


  “Oh yeah. A woman loves when a man loves pleasuring her. That’s proof right there that you got off on me getting off.”

  “Or it was me basically grinding into your mattress.”

  I shake my head and lie back down against my pillow. “Don’t ruin the magic, Caleb.”

  He leans over, his arms caging me into a box as he stares down at me.

  “That was all you, Zoe. Watching you fall apart, feeling you beneath me…” His eyes dart to my exposed breasts, gaze turning lustful again as he bites at his lip. “Those fucking nipple rings of yours…” His attention returns to me. “It was all you.”

  I grab at his shirt and pull him down until I’m able to press a kiss against his lips. “Good.”

  He points to his lap. “I’m going to clean this up. Sleep.”

  “We would have been asleep ages ago if you weren’t all over me.”

  “It’s your fault you’re so irresistible.”

  “That so? I’m going to hold you to that, Caleb.”

  He mutters something indecipherable as he makes his way to the bathroom. I hear the shower kick on and I roll over onto my side, thinking.

  First, I can’t get over how intense that orgasm was. I felt everything at once. I could feel each flick against my nipple, each stroke against my clit. Even more than that, I could feel Caleb, and not in just the obvious sense. I could feel his emotion, his need. I was so tuned in to him, I wasn’t sure where he began and I ended.

  I’ve never had that before, never been so in sync with someone.

  It felt…good. So fucking good.

  I’m surprised we went as far as we did tonight, surprised at the gentleness and care he demonstrated, and his reaction to my nipple piercings? Ugh. His eyes were so lit with fire and hunger and desire. I can’t remember the last time a guy looked at me with that much want.

  Caleb’s turning into something so much more than I thought he would.

  My silly moments of damn he’s hot have become a sense of deep desire. I crave his presence, can’t wait for the next moment he puts his hands on my body and sets it ablaze.

  “You still awake?”

  I nearly jump at the sound of his voice. I was so lost in thought that I didn’t hear the shower turn off or him creep back into the room.

  He climbs into bed and settles down against me, wrapping his arm around me from behind and pulling me close. He places a soft kiss against my exposed shoulder and I sigh.

  “You sighed again.”

  “I did.”

  I can feel him smile.

  “Hey, Caleb?”


  “I like you…a lot.”

  “I like you a lot too.”

  “Let’s not screw this up, okay?”

  He’s quiet for several moments before he finally says, “I’ll do my best, Zoe.”

  Caleb has one hand resting on my thigh, one holding the steering wheel as we blaze our way down the highway to Outer Banks. Mittens rests on the floorboard between my feet, soaking up the afternoon sun. The windows are down, and the cool breeze is blowing through my loose hair. My road trip partner is wearing his signature ball cap, this time turned the right way, the edges of his blond hair peeking out beneath it.

  I think a few days of freedom are going to do us good. After last night, this trip feels like the start of something more between us, and I think I’m ready for it.

  Reaching over, I run my fingers through his hair as it blows loose, enjoying how the soft curls feel. “I kind of dig your hair longer like this.”

  “Yeah? I always hated my curls.”

  “They’re sexy on you, plays into the boy-next-door thing you have going on.”

  He grins. “You know, I’m not as innocent as you’d like to think, Zoe.”

  My cheeks heat. “After last night, I’m starting to believe that.”

  “So, did you grow up in Outer Banks?”

  “Nope. Northern Virginia. My parents moved down here when I left for college.”

  “Why Outer Banks?”

  “Why not? Beach all year long—what’s not to love about that?”

  He lifts his shoulder. “I’m not a big beach person.”

  “Really? I figured you’d be all for it.”

  “Nah. I mean, it’s not bad, but I’m not going to go out of my way to get there, you know?”

  “That kind of makes me sad. I love the beach. Soaking up the sun, listening to the waves crash against the shore—it’s one of my happy places. I was so thrilled when my parents decided to move to OBX.”

  “Maybe you’ll convince me to love it like you do.”

  “I hope so. I’d hate for that to be the deciding factor in whether or not I want to date you.”

  “And do you, Zoe? Want to date me?”

  “I think I do.”

  “Think? Or do? Come on, sweet girl.”

  I take a deep breath, not answering for several miles.

  Do I like Caleb? Yes. Do I want to date him, turn this kissing roommates thing into something more? Yes. Am I scared as shit? Hell yes.

  But I think I’m ready to let go, to let myself find that happiness Delia keeps talking about, and I think I’m ready to find it with Caleb.


  I can see the grin that overtakes his face in my peripheral.

  “Told you you wanted me.”

  I glare over at him. “Shut up.”
  “It’s okay. I want you too.”

  “That was made evident last night.”

  “Speaking of last night…your nipples—when did you get those?”

  “Not too long ago, maybe six months.” I place my hand on his leg, running my fingers in circles, moving closer and closer to his dick. “You’re the first to see them.”

  Caleb coughs and shifts in his seat. “I am, huh?”


  “That, uh, is something I like.”

  “Yeah?” I say, my fingers inching closer and closer to his growing erection.

  “I’m driving, Zoe.”


  “Get your hand away from my dick.”


  “Or two can play this game.”

  “You could always pull the car over,” I suggest.

  “Not gonna happen. We have a schedule and I’m sticking to it. Besides, do you want to explain to your parents why we’re late to meet them? I don’t want their first impression of me to be that I can’t be on time.”

  I pull my hand away at the mention of my parents, crossing my arms and pretending to pout. “Fine. You win.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  Another few miles pass before I ask, “So, do you want to? Date, I mean.”

  “I’m down if you’re down.”

  “I’m going to tell them you’re my boyfriend then.”

  His head snaps my way. “Wait, who? What?”

  Laughing, I gently push his attention back to the road. “Watch where you’re going. I’m going to tell my parents you’re my boyfriend.”

  “I am?”

  “We agreed we want to date, right? So I guess that makes you my boyfriend.” I pause. “And I let you touch my lady bits and see my nipples—that totally makes you my boyfriend.”

  He shakes his head, amused. “I guess it does.”

  “So it’s settled, right?”

  “It’s settled.”

  Something hits me, and I lean forward in my seat a bit, the anticipation of hearing the answer to my next question too much to contain. “And we’re…exclusive?”

  “I don’t know about you, but I’ve been exclusive this whole time.”

  “Good.” I sit back. “That’s good.”



  “I’m real glad you’re my girlfriend now.”

  “Me too, Caleb. Me too.”



  “A little.” Caleb pulls his cap off his head and stuffs it into a pocket on the duffle bag he’s holding. “I’ve never met a girlfriend’s parents before.”

  “I like it when you say that.”

  “What? Girlfriend?” I nod. “Me too.”

  “But you’ve never met the parents before?”

  “To be fair, I started this trip as your kissing roommate and you roped me into being your boyfriend on the car ride. I wasn’t prepared.”

  I let out an unattractive snort. “You act like I forced this girlfriend-boyfriend thing on you. It’s not a big deal.”

  He meets my eyes, his stare serious. “Yes, it is.”

  There’s a sincerity and seriousness in his voice that makes me realize that maybe all these feelings I’ve been rapidly developing aren’t one-sided, and maybe Caleb’s feeling them just the same as I am.

  My heart begins beating so hard and loud, I fear he’s able to hear it.

  “Am I wrong, Zoe? Is this just a fling to you?”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  He studies me, trying to read all the emotions running through me—excitement, fear, nervousness, happiness.


  “Good,” I echo.

  I lift my hand, ready to press the doorbell. “Last chance to run.”

  He shakes with laughter. “Press the damn button, Zoe.”

  We hear the bell chime throughout the house, and we wait.

  And wait…and wait.

  No one ever comes.

  “Are you sure this is the right house?” Caleb asks.

  I glare at him. “I know where my parents live.”

  He tucks his lips in, eyebrow shooting up. “Whatever you say.”

  I pull my phone from the purse I have dangling from my shoulder and swipe until I find the video chat option. Hitting the green button next to my mom’s face, I hold the phone out and wait for her to answer.

  My mother’s face—or should I say, her nostril—fills the screen.

  “Mom, move the phone away from your face.”

  She complies and gives me a wide grin. “Ah! There’s my beautiful girl!”

  “Here I am, but where are you? I thought you and Dad would be here until tomorrow.”

  “Well, we were going to, dear, but your dad—” She shoves her phone into his face. “Say hi, Rafe.”

  “Hi Rafe,” my dad deadpans.

  My mom’s face comes back into view. “He never wants to play along. Anyway, he decided to whisk me off for a romantic stay at a B&B before we go visit your grandmother.”

  “I’m only doing this to get a decent meal!” my dad insists, and I believe every word.

  For some reason, my grandmother will only eat dinner at a local diner…and the food is horrendous. I can’t fault him for leaving early.

  “Well, hell, I guess you’re meeting my new boyfriend via FaceTime.” I move until Caleb’s in the picture. “Mom, Dad, this is Caleb, my boyfriend.”

  “Boyfriend?” my mom asks, surprised. “You told me he was just your roommate. When did this happen?”

  Caleb and I exchange a glance.

  “On the way here,” I tell her. “We just decided.”

  She purses her lips. “Zohanna Marie, are you playing some sort of trick on me?”

  “No, Mama. No trick. We’re dating.”

  “Oh!” Her face lights up. “Well in that case, well done—he’s a looker!” She sends Caleb a wink. “Hi Caleb, I’m Sofia. Sorry we can’t be there to greet you, but we’ll be back before the end of your stay. You’ll have to give me lots of hugs then.”

  “Mama, I am standing right here. Stop flirting.”

  “And I’m sitting right here. Leave the poor boy alone,” my dad tells her.

  “Oh hush, Rafe. You know you’re my number one this week.”

  The screen blurs and you can tell the phone’s gone flying through the air, and then it’s dark.

  “Ah hell! Hang on, kids. I dropped the dang phone.”

  “Don’t take your seatbelt off. I’m driving!”

  “I will be just fine for two seconds. Take a chill pill, bro.”

  My mouth drops open. “Mama, did you just call Dad ‘bro’?”

  Her face comes back into view, this time with my dad in the background. “Well if he wasn’t such a douchebag sometimes—”


  “She’s been calling me that a lot lately, read some novel about these ‘douchebag’ wrestlers—”

  “Hands on the wheel!”

  “—and now she won’t stop,” he continues. “Also, hi Caleb. I’m Rafe, the better half of this duo.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Better Half Rafe.”

  My dad grins. “I feel like I should ask you something normal, like what’s your major? Isn’t that what dads are supposed to ask boyfriends, Sofia?”


  “I’m majoring in sports nutrition, sir. I’m vying for a position with the team at the university and am hoping to get on board with them then eventually work my way up to a head coaching position.”

  “I’d say you’re doing well with sports nutrition.”

  “Sofia! Leave the kid alone!” my dad admonishes.

  “I’m just saying, looks like he’s in great shape.”

  I stand there with my jaw slack, completely mortified by my mother’s behavior.

  “Thank you, Sofia,” Caleb says with a smirk.

  “PEACHES!” my dad shouts.


  And the call goes black.

  I stare at the screen, confused as hell.

  “Peaches?” Caleb enquires.

  “Yeah, not sure what that’s about. Let’s try to find the key though. There was a break-in up the road not too long ago and they’ve changed the locks since I was here last.”

  We look under the mat, inside the potted plant sitting next to the door, in the ones hanging on the porch…nothing.

  “What about a barbeque pit?” Caleb suggests.

  “Good thinking. Let’s go around back.”

  I lead Caleb around the back of the house and hear him whistle when it comes into view.

  “Holy hell. This is nice, Zoe.”

  “Isn’t it? My dad takes a lot of pride in it. He’s a contractor, designed and built this whole thing himself.”

  There’s an extravagant circle deck coming off the back of the house with a built-in fire pit in the center and a fancy schmancy patio couch and chair surrounding it. A large stainless steel barbeque pit sits off to the side with a stone wall encasing it.

  Just then my phone rings—another FaceTime call from Mom.

  “Oh my gosh, your father is a mess!” she says once her face fills the screen. “He about ran us off the road trying to get to the roadside peach stand.”

  She holds the phone out and there’s Dad, holding up a big bag of peaches with a cheeky grin on his face. “It’s official—I’m movin’ to the country. Got me some peaches to eat!”

  “Is your entire family into 90s music?” Caleb says, knowing my dad is referring to the ever-popular Peaches by The Presidents of the United States of America.

  “Guilty as charged, dear,” my mom answers. “Is she still listening to that rap music?”

  “She is, ma’am.”

  My mom shakes her head. “We tried to stick to the alternative and grunge, but she just couldn’t give it up.”

  “I like a good beat,” I say matter-of-factly.

  “Whatever you say, dear. We’re going to get off here. Just wanted to tell you we love you and sorry we couldn’t be there to greet you. We’ll be back before you leave though.”

  “It was great meeting you, Rafe and Sofia.”

  “See ya later, Caleb!”

  My mom holds up her hand and gives us a peace sign. “Mama outtie!”

  “Wait! Wait! Where’s the new key?” I manage through a giggle. My mother has obviously gone insane.


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