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I Wanna Text You Up

Page 21

by Teagan Hunter

  “We really could have.”

  Caleb sighs. “I’m sorry.”

  “Me too.”

  “Do you…” He gulps. “Do you want me to leave?”

  “Can you stay? Can you hold me one last time?”

  His smile is sweet, and it reminds me of the day I first met him at the campus coffeehouse.

  With a backpack slung over shoulder, his hair disheveled, and a wrinkled dress shirt partially unbuttoned, he gave me the same smile he is now and asked if he could share my table with me. I had glanced around the shop, certain it had to be a joke.

  I was a nobody. Everyone knew he was a somebody.


  “Excuse me?” he asked, surprised I was questioning him.

  “Why do you want to sit here?”

  “Uh, my backpack is heavy as hell.” He hiked it up for show. “And there’s nowhere else to sit in the entire shop. Everyone’s here working on their finals and I’d like to do the same…if you’d be kind enough to let me sit with you.”

  I peeked around, noting he was correct in his observation; the place was loaded with students, heads bent and noses stuck in books.

  With reluctance, I caved. “Fine,” I said on a sigh. “You can sit here…on two conditions.”

  “Name ’em, pretty girl.”

  “Amendment: three conditions. No calling me pretty girl. No talking.” He bobbed his head like he’d known that was coming. “And no asking me out.”

  He smirked, and it was one of those stop-you-dead-in-your-tracks smirks. “You assume that’ll happen?”

  Waving a dismissive hand, I said, “With my sparkling personality, it’s bound to. Now sit and be quiet, mystery man.”

  “It’s Caleb.”

  I pinned him with a glare. “No talking, and I know who you are, Caleb Mills. You play baseball.” His eyes lit up, so I added, “And I hate baseball.”

  Caleb chuckled, took a seat, and didn’t say a word the rest of the afternoon.

  Our “accidental” study dates continued for a week, then he asked me out. I said yes and we’ve been together since.

  Until now.

  I wish with everything I have I could say Caleb is the one, but he’s not. I’ve known for a long time now, but I’ve been too scared to do anything about it. He’s a great guy—smart, kind, focused—and above all, I know he cares for me. I know he loves me, but it’s not in the kind of way we both need him to. I don’t love him that way either. We both know it. We’re better as friends, as Caleb Mills and Delia Devlin, not as Caleb and Delia, the “cutest campus couple to make it” as we were voted for the school gossip ’zine last spring.

  “You promise we’ll still be friends, Delia?”

  I smile against him. “I couldn’t imagine anything else, Caleb.”

  Liam: I’ll need to reschedule our meeting and move it to next week.

  Meeting? Reschedule? Why does my brother sound like a big business mogul and not the middle school teacher he is?

  Ignoring his weirdness, I shoot over a quick response.

  Me: Works for me. Let me know when you want to meet.

  Liam: I’ll be in touch.

  It’s official: he’s acting strange.

  A shuffle of feet pulls me from the response I begin to type. I click off my screen and peek up to find Caleb emerging from the hallway, overnight bag slipped over his shoulder and box in his arms.

  I give him a sad smile, and he returns it.

  “I think that’s everything.”

  “Caleb, I—”

  “Come on, Delia. You don’t have to say anything. This is mutual, right? We work better as friends. We pushed for romance where we shouldn’t have, and this is for the best. We agreed, remember? So no more apologizing. Let’s have coffee and then you can give me a hug and walk me to the door. Deal?”

  I wipe the errant tear rolling down my cheek and smile at what a sweet man he can be. I’ll miss that side of him. “Deal.”

  He sets the box on the floor near the door and strides into the kitchen like we’re not breaking up right now.

  “So, how’s life?” Caleb teases as he places his mug on the counter and takes a seat next to me.

  “With wit like that, how could I ever let you go?”

  He takes a sip of his coffee and smiles at me over the rim of the mug. “I know, I’m a catch.”

  “You’re something, Caleb.”

  “I’ll miss you.”

  I grin. “I know.”

  We sit together in silence. You’d think it’d be awkward or sad, but it feels comfortable, like we’re old friends.

  After another cup of coffee each, Caleb stands with finality.

  “I guess this is it.”

  “I guess it is. Let me grab my coat. I’ll walk you down.”

  He holds up a hand. “No, there’s no need for you to go all the way down there.”


  “Delia, come on. Let me have my pride, huh? I don’t want to do the walk of shame with my ex.”

  I grab at my chest, tears beginning to fill my eyes again. “That word sounds so harsh.”


  “No, ex. It stings.”

  “It’s what we are.”

  “I know, Caleb. I know.”

  He spreads his arms wide and I smile, falling into them. He wraps me in the saddest hug of my life; I know it will be the last one I share with him that will ever feel this intimate.

  “Don’t be a stranger, okay?”

  “I won’t.”

  He kisses the top of my head then lets me go. I wipe away the tear that’s managed to streak down my cheek as he picks up his bag and box of things.

  I grab the door for him and watch with sadness as he steps over the threshold.

  “Smile for me, pretty girl,” he says, turning back to me. “It’s not over. It’s the beginning of a new adventure.”

  I give him the grin he’s wanting before he turns his back to me, leaving me standing in the doorway, staring after the boy I could have loved.

  I close the door and give myself a shake.

  “It’s not the end, Delia.”

  “Are you talking to yourself again? It’s too early for that crap.” My roommate and best friend Zoe scuffles down the hall, curly caramel hair a mess, hazel eyes puffy from sleep. “I need coffee ASAP.”

  “There’s a fresh pot,” I tell her, pointing to the barely touched brew.

  “What’s not the end, Delia?”


  She pours her coffee and dumps enough creamer in there for a village. I make a face as she blows on the hot liquid. “Don’t start on me. You know I like my coffee the same color as my skin, so just shut it.” I wrinkle my nose more and she ignores me, taking a sip of her morning brew. “What were you just talking about? What’s not the end?”

  “Oh.” I brush a hand through my hair, tucking the long brown strands behind my ear. “Caleb and I broke up this morning.” Zoe lets out a gasp, sloshing hot coffee all over her hand. “Well, technically it was last night.”

  “Last night? Broke up? What the hell, Delia! Why didn’t you wake me up? I could have been there for you.”

  Since our first day of freshman year, Zoe’s been my rock. We met at orientation and have been inseparable since. After having to spend the last three years in the dorms, living in separate residences, we finally managed to score an apartment off campus this year. If we thought we were close before, it was nothing compared to now.

  “You were sleeping. We talked, and we’re fine now.”

  “Fine as in you worked your shit out and you’re back together?”

  “No. Fine as in we’re friends. We made the right choice.”

  She plops down on the counter, her eyes wide and mouth hanging open. “I…I can’t believe it. You and Caleb, huh? That’s…wow.” She huffs, blowing a stray hair out of her face. “I never expected it. I believed you’d last the long haul. He was such a good guy.”

  I nod, taking a
seat next to her. “Is, Zoe. He’s still a good guy. It was mutual.”

  “So we don’t hate him?”

  I smile sadly. “No, we don’t hate him.”

  “Good, because he has one hell of an ass.”

  She bumps my shoulder and I laugh. When I realize it doesn’t hurt to do so, I know I’ll be okay.

  Ready for more? Start today!

  Let’s Get Textual


  To my Marine. Sometimes I cringe when I realize how much you’ve made it into my books. Every hero I write is you in some way. Then I realize how lucky I am, because every hero I write is pretty fucking amazing. Thank you for ten years of pure craziness. You’re my something else, and I wouldn’t change a damn thing about that. I love you.

  Mom, you’re my hero. I don’t tell you that enough, but it’s true. Thank you for always believing in me. Thanks for always being there despite the distance, and thanks for loving me unconditionally. That’s my favorite part about you.

  C, Stann, Laurie, and Nikki, thank you so much for your notes. Thanks for believing in Caleb and Zoe and for helping me fix that obnoxious FaceTime chapter, and a special shout-out to Stann for “nursing” my book.

  As always, my wonderful editor Caitlin with Editing by C. Marie. You push me in the best way possible and I truly feel like my writing has improved because of you. Thank you.

  Colleen Hoover, I screenshot all the mean things you say to me. One day I’m going to make a book, and everyone is going to know what an asshole you really are. Kidding…maybe.

  My assholes, you know who you are. You’re all the worst but in the best way possible.

  I have to give Sara Ney a big thank you too. She’s always there with her wicked cool accent to answer my random questions or give me advice. You are kind of like the really old big sister with amazing eyebrows I never wanted, but I’ll never admit that again—like, ever. Douchebag.

  #soulmate and Dammit Diann, you two…gah, you just do something to me. Thanks for the best Marco Polo adventures ever.

  To my family, by blood and by marriage, your support means everything.

  Teagan’s Tidbits, we’ve grown so much over the last few months, and I can’t believe how much I’ve come to rely on you all. You’re my rock, my happy place, my special people. Thanks for always being there to participate in my stupid live videos, to creep on the Marine, and to put up with my pizza obsession. It really does mean a lot to me that I have a place where I can just be me and feel accepted and loved. You guys give me that. So, thanks. Okay, enough sappy shit. I don’t want Aubrey to think I like her or something.

  Readers, thank you for all your support. I cannot believe the enthusiasm that poured in for Delia and Zach when Let’s Get Textual released. It’s still blowing my mind every day. When you guys said you wanted a book for Zoe and Robbie, I panicked because I always knew in my heart that Zoe and Caleb were end game. I was so scared I wasn’t going to be able to deliver what you guys wanted, but if you’ve made it this far and you believe in Zoe and Caleb too, thank you. Thanks for giving me a chance to make you laugh and fall in love with them. I hope you see now why I think they’re such a great pair.

  With love and unwavering gratitude,


  Other titles by Teagan Hunter:

  Here’s to Tomorrow

  Here’s to Yesterday

  Here’s to Forever: A Novella

  Here’s to Now

  We Are the Stars

  Let’s Get Textual

  I Wanna Text You Up

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  About the Author

  TEAGAN HUNTER is a Missouri-raised gal, but currently lives in North Carolina with her US Marine husband, where she spends her days begging him for a cat. She survives off coffee, pizza, and sarcasm. When she’s not writing, you can find her binge-watching various TV shows, especially Supernatural and One Tree Hill. She enjoys cold weather, buys more paperbacks than she’ll ever read, and never says no to brownies.

  You can find Teagan on Faceboook



  Her website

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