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SEAL’s Fake Marriage (A Navy SEAL Romance)

Page 7

by Jordan, Ivy

  “Hey, what’s up?” Luke smiled as he opened the door.

  “I was just in the neighborhood,” I lied.

  “You look like shit,” he laughed, motioning for me to come inside.

  The place was nice, a little too nice for an ex-Navy SEAL. I stood at the entry, my feet placed upon a soft peach carpet, and stared around at the overly-floral decorated room.

  “Wow, this is cute,” I teased.

  Luke shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes in my direction. It was obvious he had reservations about his accommodations.

  “It’s not exactly the kind of place where you’d bring a date home,” he chuckled.

  I watched as he moved towards the kitchenette. He pulled two coffee cups from a shelf, both floral in design and small, almost dainty.

  “Coffee?” he asked, looking back at me.

  “Sure,” I smiled faintly, holding back the laughter working up inside of me.

  “So, what’s wrong with you?” he questioned.

  I wasn’t aware that my expression had given my mood away so easily, but obviously, it had. We’d spent quite a bit of time together over the years, and being in close combat situations with another man made it nearly impossible not to get to know them personally.

  “I’m good, just wanted to see my old friend,” I lied again.

  Luke’s eyebrows lifted, and his eyes slowly squinted in my direction. Yeah, I wasn’t fooling anyone, especially Luke.

  “Tell that bullshit to someone who’ll buy it,” Luke said sternly, moving from his tiny kitchenette to the living room.

  He sat down on a brown side chair, leaving me the flowered sofa to claim as my resting spot. My legs were too long for the short piece of furniture, and the coffee table was too close, giving me little room to stretch out and pretend to be comfortable.

  “This place is just not you,” I scoffed, pushing the table away from the sofa for some legroom.

  “No. I agree with you on that,” Luke laughed.

  He was never the type to seek out a one-night stand or bring a lady back to his place without getting to know her first. He was a romantic, something the other guys used to tease him about while in the SEALs. I respected his way of thinking, mainly because I was the same. I preferred a relationship, something meaningful, instead of casual sex.

  “So, what’s going on?” Luke asked, his tone becoming more serious.

  “Nothing, I just wanted to come by and see you,” I said, this time a little more convincingly.

  His head tilted, his eyes squinted, and his lips curled into a sheepish grin.

  “Where’s Blake this morning?” he asked.

  I shrugged my shoulders, trying to play it off as casually as possible, even though it was killing me inside. I didn’t know where she was, or why she’d taken off. That was the problem.

  “You don’t know where your wife is?” Luke questioned, his lips still curling as he teased me.

  “She was gone when I woke up,” I replied.

  “You two fighting already?” Luke pushed, still searching for the answers that he knew were there, festering close to the surface, ready to explode all over his peach carpet, his floral curtains, and his tiny flowered sofa.

  “No, actually, we’re getting along really well,” I admitted, feeling the heat blast onto my cheeks.

  Luke leaned back in his chair, his expression filled with curiosity as his eyes widened. “Really? How well?” he asked.

  I chuckled. I didn’t mean to, but it escaped my lips before I could stop it. I was giddy, like a high school kid who just had his first romp in the back of a pick up under the stars with the head cheerleader. Fuck, he was all over me with his eyes. He knew.

  Wasn’t that what I came here for, to ask his advice, unload all of my troubles onto him so he could sort them out?

  “You have to promise not to say anything,” I warned, leaning up from the tiny floral couch to expose my secret and bear my soul.

  “Oh, now I’m intrigued,” Luke grinned.

  “She kinda jumped me last night,” I admitted.

  His eyes widened. “Jumped you?”

  I nodded, and then immediately sank into my coffee, pushing the cup to my lips, allowing my eyes to reflect in the dark liquid, avoiding contact with Luke.

  “Buddy, you’re gonna have to give me more than that,” he pushed.

  I took a deep breath, leaned back against the hard cushion of the couch, and gripped the warm mug of coffee in my hands.

  I told him everything, every last detail, ending it with the fact I woke up with her gone from my bed, from my house.

  “So, where did she take off to?” he questioned.

  I wished I knew. I sighed, rolled my eyes as if I didn’t care, but I did. I cared a lot. I hated that she snuck out of the bed, that she left me to wake alone.

  “Maybe she regretted it,” I sighed.

  “Or maybe, she just got what she wanted,” Luke laughed.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I scoffed.

  Luke laughed again, this time with a deeper roar. It quickly turned into a chuckle, one that seemed to be out of control. His eyes peered into mine, watery and amused, and then he calmed, staring at me with pity.

  “Dude, she hit it and quit it. She used you,” he said sternly.

  “Bullshit,” I snapped.

  Luke leaned forward, his eyes blasting into mine with a strange mixture of amusement and wonder.

  “And that’s how you know you want more,” he said softly.

  More, what did that mean?

  “Pftt,” I shrugged his comment off, hoping to ignore any further input he might have.

  I shouldn’t have come here, told him.

  “It’s obvious you two have feelings for one another,” he smirked in my direction.

  “Yeah, we’ve been friends for years, and she’s Liam’s little sister,” I noted.

  “Yeah, about that. You might want to talk to Liam before you start dating your wife,” he grinned.

  Dating my wife?

  “Who said anything about dating?” I questioned.

  “Aiden, this is me you’re talking to, don’t try to deny you have feelings for this girl,” he smiled.

  “So, what difference does it make if I do? You said she used me,” I pointed out.

  “She also married you, and that wasn’t just to get your mom off your back or to have a place to stay,” he grinned.

  I exhaled long and hard, and then rested my elbows on my knees with my head in my hands. I had been feeling extremely anxious this morning. I hated that she left, that she didn’t stay and snuggle next to me in the warm bed. I didn’t hesitate when she came on to me. I’d wanted it too, just as much, probably more. I was falling for my wife, even though I didn’t want to admit it aloud.

  “You really think that’s a good idea?” I questioned.

  Luke nodded, his smile wide and excited.

  “I’ll think about it,” I agreed, standing from the tiny couch and carrying my coffee cup to the small kitchenette.

  “Good,” Luke patted me on the back as he walked with me towards the front door.

  “If you’re gonna stay around much longer, you really need to find a different place to live,” I teased.

  “I’ll be moving on soon enough,” he replied.

  I left Luke’s place with a strange feeling in my gut, one that I couldn’t remember ever having before.

  I pulled my truck in front of the diner, deciding the strange feeling was hunger and nothing more. I walked inside, looking around the small room until finding an empty booth, and made my way to the seat.

  I was the only one in the place eating alone, which didn’t help ease the strange feeling I was having. The waitress quickly took my breakfast order, filled my coffee cup, and disappeared into the kitchen. As she cleared the table of the other placemat and silverware before she left, I found myself feeling more alone than I’d ever felt.

  I ate quickly, uncomfortable with all the stares fro
m other patrons. As I finished paying, I noticed Alyssa walking by the diner. I left a tip on the table, and rushed out of the front doors, chasing her down as I called her name. She finally turned, looking over her shoulder at the ruckus I was creating.

  “Hey, Aiden,” she smiled.

  Her kind eyes instantly soothed some of my anxiousness.

  “Where are you headed?” I asked, as casually as I could muster.

  “I’ve got to pick up some dry cleaning,” she replied, motioning up the street to the small cleaner shop.

  “Can I walk with you?” I asked.

  She nodded and headed back on her course with me alongside her.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked cautiously.

  I hated that I was giving off that vibe of uneasiness, but it was out of my control at this point. With what Luke had said, suggested, and everything that had happened the night before to this morning, I was uneasy.

  “I wanted to get your advice,” I quickly asked.

  Alyssa stopped just before reaching the cleaners and stared at me with concern.

  “Of course,” she smiled.

  “It’s about Blake,” I sighed.

  “Oh no, are things not working out?” she questioned.

  “They are, maybe too well,” I chuckled, leaving her with a confused expression.

  I explained, in much less detail than I’d given Luke, about the night before. I avoided throwing Blake under the bus by telling her sister-in-law about our encounter, but instead just said we’d had a really great night, and that we were growing closer.

  “That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” Alyssa asked, surprised.

  “I guess. Luke suggested that I start dating my wife,” I chuckled, trying to make light of the heavy situation weighing on me.

  “That’s a great idea,” she agreed to my surprise.

  “Really? You don’t think it’s weird?” I questioned.

  “What’s weird is you not dating your wife,” she giggled.

  I blushed as she gave me a friendly smile.

  “I do think you need to talk to Liam about this; one more lie, or even withholding the truth could destroy your friendship,” she warned.

  That was the part that scared me more than anything, but I knew she was right.

  “Maybe I should just forget about the entire thing. It’s silly anyhow,” I shrugged.

  “Aiden, if you don’t talk to him now and things continue to go well, then what?” she said sternly.

  She had a point. I couldn’t guarantee that what happened last night wouldn’t happen again. In fact, I hoped it would. I wanted more, so much more.

  “I just don’t want to upset him,” I sighed, realizing he was already upset with me, and this would just ice the cake.

  “He’s at home. Go talk to him now,” she pushed.

  “I don’t even know if this is what Blake wants yet,” I admitted, not willing to tell her the details about how she snuck out of my bed in the middle of the night.

  “Even better, that way, he’s the first to know, and that will mean a lot to him, especially after everything that’s happened,” she grinned.

  I knew she was right. I just wasn’t used to feeling this vulnerable, and that strange feeling in my gut was growing, obviously proving not to be hunger with my full belly.

  I thanked her and agreed that her advice was best. I finished walking her to the cleaners and then headed back to my truck. I started the engine, feeling the rumble both from under my seat and in my stomach. I was sick at the thought of telling Liam that I had feelings for his little sister. I knew he wasn’t happy that I married her, so I couldn’t imagine he’d be very excited that I wanted to date her, too.

  The drive to Liam’s house was short, and when I pulled my truck into his driveway, he was sitting on the porch. My heart raced, and my palms started to sweat as they gripped tightly around the leather steering wheel of my truck. I wasn’t ready for this. I wasn’t even sure if this was necessary. After all, Blake left; she may have just been using me for sex, just like Luke suggested.

  “Hey, what a surprise,” Liam said as I stepped out of the truck.

  His tone was friendly, as if he’d gotten over the fact I married his little sister without his consent or even knowledge. Fuck, I hated to mess this up again.

  “I just ran into Alyssa; she said you’d be home sittin’ on your ass,” I teased.

  “Shit, that woman has a honey-do list a mile long. I’m just taking a break,” he sighed, leaning back into the wooden rocker on his front porch.

  I stood on the stoop, unsure if I should take a seat or remain standing while I delivered the news.

  “Where’s Holly?” I decided to stall.

  “She’s at a friend’s house. You want a beer?” Liam asked.

  It was early, and the biscuits and gravy I’d just eaten were still sitting heavily in my stomach.

  “No, thank you,” I replied.

  “Look, if this is about Blake, I get it, and after talking to Alyssa, I see it’s harmless,” Liam started.

  He wasn’t going to make this easy for me. That much was obvious. I shoved my hands in my pockets, leaned against the porch railing, and tried to avoid eye contact with my new brother-in-law.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked quickly picking up on my anxiousness.

  I looked up, his eyes so filled with worry that I knew prolonging this would only make things worse.

  “Nothing’s wrong; in fact, things are great,” I replied.

  “Well, then why you acting like a pansy here on my porch?” he teased playfully.

  “Wow, those are big words coming from such a small man,” I laughed.

  Liam’s chest pushed outward, showing off his thick, muscular frame, and his lips curled into a slight smile. There wasn’t anything small about him, other than the fact I shadowed over him when we stood side by side.

  “You sure you don’t want a beer?” he offered again, reaching into a cooler sitting beside him on the porch.

  It was close to noon, it had to be, and I was starting to feel the need for some liquid courage.

  “Sure,” I accepted, reaching for the cold can of beer he handed towards me.

  I walked up onto the porch, took a seat in the wooden rocker next to him, and opened my beer. I stared into it for a moment, and then took a long swig. I was trying to gather my thoughts, determine the best way to go about telling Liam I was falling for his sister, my wife.

  “I thought the married life had you on a leash or something,” he joked.

  I chuckled, quickly taking another long sip.

  “Seriously, what’s eating you? You sure things are so great?” he pushed.

  I nodded, a strange smile growing on my face that I couldn’t control. He watched me, his blue eyes pushing into mine as if they searched for the truth, as if he knew I was hiding it deep inside.

  “I don’t want any secrets between us,” I blurted.

  Liam’s eyes widened as they stared in my direction. “Neither do I,” he stammered.

  “So, I’ve gotta just blurt it out I guess,” I sighed.

  It was obvious he wasn’t pleased with my announcement, his concern growing apparent on his strained face. “Well, blurt it out then,” he insisted.

  “I think I’m falling for Blake,” I admitted.

  Liam paused, his expression blank, and then suddenly he chuckled.

  “That’s rich,” he smiled in my direction.

  “I’d like to see where this goes, if anywhere,” I replied, not understanding why he was so amused.

  “Where it goes? Like marriage?” he teased.

  “I know this is all ass-backwards, but I just wanted your approval, before,” I stammered.

  “Before what?” he questioned, his face turning sour.

  “Before things got serious,” I said softly, quickly sipping on my beer.

  “What makes you think she wants anything from you?” he asked.

  “I think she’s got feelings for me
,” I said sternly.

  Liam didn’t look pleased with my revelation, and I knew he was catching on to the fact ‘things’ may have already happened.

  “I don’t see where I have a say in whether you date your wife or not,” Liam snapped.

  “I just don’t want any secrets. I haven’t even mentioned the idea to Blake yet,” I admitted, seemingly calming his anger.

  “Just don’t mess things up or break my sister’s heart,” he warned.

  I agreed, finished my beer, and left, feeling like although not happy, that Liam was at least open to the idea of Blake and me.

  Chapter Twelve


  The house was empty Monday evening when I returned home. I’d avoided Aiden all weekend, mostly by staying at the library to finish a few chapters of my book. Even though I hadn’t come face to face with him, he was all that was on my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about our night together, how perfect, how absolutely delicious it had been.

  I wanted more; I knew that, but I wasn’t ready to admit it to anyone, especially Aiden. What would Liam think? After the way he reacted to the marriage of convenience, I couldn’t imagine him being okay with the benefits I wanted to add.

  A bottle of white wine caught my eye, sitting on the top of the fridge, pushed almost to the wall. I’d never noticed Aiden drinking wine before, so I assumed he wouldn’t miss it if it was gone. I stretched up, reached the bottle, and pulled it towards my chest while I looked for a glass and corkscrew.

  The kitchen was huge, made for someone who loved to cook, and I still hadn’t become acquainted with where everything was stored. I shuffled through drawers until the corkscrew was found, and then reached for one of the wine glasses dangling from the built-in holder inside the cabinet.

  Just one glass, I told myself, just to take the edge off before Aiden showed up. I wondered if he’d been working so much over the weekend to avoid me for the same reasons I’d avoided him. Our meetings were extremely brief since that night and usually ended with me skipping out, coming up with the excuse that I was close to a breakthrough on the book. That was the farthest thing from the truth. I was stuck, my mind occupied with the memories of Aiden’s chiseled body, smooth skin, and seductive eyes. My body tingled all over every time I pictured him staring into my eyes that night as he held me, rocked into me, his body filling mine with more satisfaction than I’d ever imagined possible.


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