Down & Dirty: Dawg (Dirty Angels MC Book 7)
Page 23
Ace shrugged his broad shoulders. “Unless it was a hang-around or prospect who didn’t pan out. Ain’t too many members left from back then. Rocky an’ Doc’s in prison. As for the rest, quite a few of ‘em got taken out when shit began to get hot an’ heavy with the Shadow Warriors.”
“Grizz,” Dex mentioned.
“Who’s Grizz?” Brooke asked.
“One of the oldest members,” Dex answered. “At least not in prison,” he added quickly. He glanced at Ace. “Could it be Grizz?”
“Fuck. Don’t even say that out loud. Momma Bear would have his balls on a spit an’ be servin’ ‘em up at The Iron Horse lickity split.”
“Is The Iron Horse one of the club’s businesses?” Brooke asked. She didn’t remember if that one was on her list. If it wasn’t, she needed to add it.
“Yeah,” Dex answered.
“Who runs that?”
Ace snorted. “My son, Hawk. He definitely ain’t your father, either.”
“If it ain’t Grizz, then who?” Dex asked. “One of the members the Warriors killed?”
Ace pulled at his beard slowly and frowned. “Could be.”
“How ‘bout Rocky?”
“Dunno, boy. He’s old enough to be.” Ace regarded Brooke. “Question is, if you find ‘im, then what?”
That was a damn good question. She hadn’t thought that far ahead. She figured she needed to find out who he was and if he was still breathing, then...
Then depending who it was...
“If it ain’t you, an’ it ain’t Grizz. Might be Rocky.”
“Could be anyone, Dex. An’ she don’t even got any solid proof. Not even a fuckin’ name.”
“Maybe she could talk to D. Maybe his crew can help ‘er out.”
Ace scowled at Dex. “For what?”
“To help her figure out who ‘er pop is. What the fuck, Ace?”
“Why do you fuckin’ care, boy? Why do you wanna bring more drama into this damn club? Ain’t we got enough? You just wanna stick your dick in ‘er, an’ think she’ll give you a little grateful pussy if you help ‘er. Keep your nose outta it. For all we know her pop could be the same as yours since that deadbeat took off, leaving your fuckin’ mother with three little ones.”
“No.” Ace threw up his hands. “Don’t be stickin’ your dick in ‘er ‘til you know she ain’t your sister. For fuck’s sake! That’s all we fuckin’ need.” He stalked away grumbling.
“Um,” Brooke began, heat crawling up her neck.
“Yeah,” Dex muttered. He raked his fingers through his dark hair which was a little on the longer side. Not quite shaggy but not trimmed tight, either. His dark brown eyes landed on her. “Sorry ‘bout that. Kinda killed my fuckin’ boner, too.”
Brooke’s gaze automatically dropped to where his hand landed, then she closed her eyes and cursed herself for doing just that. But Ace was right, they could be siblings. She shuddered as she thought back on how Dex was staring at her earlier.
A knuckle grazed her cheek and she opened her eyes. “Ace is wrong. Ain’t my sister. My pop was no longer an Angel when your mom got knocked up. He got on his sled, took off an’ never came back.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, babe. ‘Cause that woulda sucked.”
“’Cause I’m gonna buy you a fuckin’ beer.”
She wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be a pick-up line. Because it if was, it sucked. But she had to admit, the man had a lot of confidence. “I don’t drink beer.”
“Whiskey, then.”
“We could still have a whiskey together even if we were related.”
“Yeah, but couldn’t do the rest of the stuff I have planned.”
Her eyebrows shot up her forehead. Maybe what she thought as confidence was actually cockiness. “Oh?”
“Oh, fuck yeah,” he whispered, then licked his lips.
Well, now his confidence was bordering on creepy. She needed to get the hell out of there.
“Dex!” Ace yelled across the shop. “Leave ‘er alone an’ get the fuck back to work. She needs to get gone.”
That was one thing she could agree on.
Dex’s lips twisted in a frown. “Guessin’ you ain’t from ‘round here.”
Brooke shook her head.
“Where you stayin’?”
“I...” Why the hell was she even going to answer his question? “Nowhere, yet.”
“Need a place to crash?”
“Are you offering?” she asked in disbelief.
“Gotta room above church. Bed’s too small. Was hopin’ you had a motel room or somethin’.”
Or somethin’.
“Church,” she repeated. She knew that didn’t mean what it should. She had done some research on MCs before hopping in her car and heading to Shadow Valley. But she couldn’t remember what church meant in biker speak.
“Yeah. Was gonna move into the apartment upstairs, but D’s a stubborn fuck an’ thinks he’ll be raisin’ his kid up there. Jewelee’s havin’ a shit fit about it.”
She shook her head, lost on who he was talking about.
“Don’t matter. You end up bein’ a part of the DAMC, you’ll meet ‘em all eventually. This club’s like a big dysfunctional family.”
Her plan wasn’t to join the MC. Her plan was to find her father. Ask some questions. Take care of business and go the hell home. She wasn’t here to settle in with a bunch of bikers like they were long-lost family.
“How about if I just meet you somewhere?” She quickly added, “For that whiskey.” She certainly wasn’t meeting him for anything else. But she wouldn’t mind getting together with him and asking more questions since he seemed willing to help. Maybe get a chance to meet more of the club members. Try to find out who her father really was.
Or is.
And why she should even care, she hadn’t figured that part out yet, either.
She had loved the father who raised her, whether he was blood or not. But when she dug through that shoebox and found info in it to make her wonder who she really was, something had pulled at her.
And maybe he would understand the meaning behind some of the things her mother had written down in the diary that had been buried under some old newspaper clippings. Maybe he could clarify some of the cryptic scribblings.
But no matter what, it wasn’t like she needed an actual relationship with her biological father. She just wanted to know who he was. At thirty, she didn’t need any type of “daddy.”
Especially not the type that stood in front of her.
Wanting to buy her a whiskey.
Get Down & Dirty: Dex here:
In the Shadows Security Series
Want to read more about Diesel’s “Shadows?”
Keep an eye out in 2019 for the spin-off series starring the hard-core former special ops crew of
In the Shadows Security:
And learn how they earned their call names.
More information coming soon!
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Want to read a sample of my work? Download a sampler book here:
Bear’s Family Tree
Doc’s Family Tree
Also by Jeanne St. James
Made Maleen: A Modern Twist on a Fairy Tale
Rip Cord: The Complete Trilogy
Brothers in Blue Ser
(Can be read as standalones)
Brothers in Blue: Max
Brothers in Blue: Marc
Brothers in Blue: Matt
Teddy: A Brothers in Blue Novelette
The Dare Ménage Series:
(Can be read as standalones)
Double Dare
Daring Proposal
Dare to Be Three
A Daring Desire
Dare to Surrender
The Obsessed Novellas:
(All the novellas in this series are standalones)
Forever Him
Only Him
Needing Him
Loving Her
Temping Him
Down & Dirty: Dirty Angels MC Series:
(Can be read as standalones)
Down & Dirty: Zak
Down & Dirty: Jag
Down & Dirty: Hawk
Down & Dirty: Diesel
Down & Dirty: Axel
Down & Dirty: Slade
Down & Dirty: Dawg
Down & Dirty: Dex
Down & Dirty: Linc
Down & Dirty: Crow
You can find information on all of Jeanne’s books here:
Audio Books by Jeanne St. James
The following books are available in audio!
Down & Dirty: Zak (Dirty Angels MC, bk 1)
Down & Dirty: Jag (Dirty Angels MC, bk 2)
Forever Him (An Obsessed Novella)
Rip Cord: The Complete Trilogy
Double Dare (The Dare Menage Series, bk 1)
Coming soon:
Down & Dirty: Hawk (Dirty Angels MC, bk 3)
Down & Dirty: Diesel (Dirty Angels MC, bk 4)
Daring Proposal (The Dare Menage Series, bk 2)
The Brothers in Blue Series
About the Author
JEANNE ST. JAMES is a USA Today bestselling erotic romance author who loves an alpha male (or two). She was only thirteen when she started writing and her first paid published piece was an erotic story in Playgirl magazine. Her first erotic romance novel, Banged Up, was published in 2009. She is happily owned by farting French bulldogs. She writes M/F, M/M, and M/M/F ménages.
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