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Wreaking Havyk (The Hounds of Zeus MC Book 4)

Page 13

by Faith Gibson

  If that’s even Mateo.

  Get closer.

  Hayden flew lower and dropped down to perch atop the house. The boy was speaking rapid Spanish with the woman. Hayden’s understanding of the language was lacking, so he couldn’t follow the conversation. But the child was smiling, so if this was Mateo, he seemed happy and comfortable with both adults. After a few minutes, the woman stood and held out her hand for the boy.

  “Ven conmigo, Mateo. Vamos a prepararle el desayuno a Tomás.”

  Hayden didn’t know what the woman said, but he did recognize the two names – Mateo and Tomás. Yes! He had found Sadie’s son. If only he had his phone. Hayden flew over to a tree at the side of the house so he could take a peek inside. As far as he could tell, the woman and Mateo were the only ones there. He continued around the house to make sure. When he didn’t see anyone else, he took flight and headed for Devon’s.


  Sadie stood and headed to the kitchen, ignoring Spyder. Nora and Devon were whispering but stopped as soon as Sadie entered the room.

  “Sadie, do you need something?”

  “I’d like to go lie down in the bedroom.”

  “Of course, Honey. Do you want something to eat or drink? I have juice and tea.”

  “Just water would be nice, please.” Sadie was hungry, but she didn’t think she could keep anything down. She leaned against the doorframe while Nora got a glass out of the cabinet and placed it in the door of the fridge.

  “Do you remember where the bedroom is? You were kind of out of it when we left earlier.”

  “I remember.” Sadie took the glass and thanked the woman. Before she could turn away, Nora pressed her hand to Sadie’s cheek.

  “I know things seem bleak right now, but please remember Hayden’s on your side, and regardless of what you think of his occupation, he’s a good guy. All the Hounds are.”

  “Does your husband kill people for a living?” Sadie was tired, and her words came out harsher than intended.

  Nora glanced at Devon’s retreating back. “No. He isn’t a mercenary, but if he were, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. I’ve seen the evil in this world, and I appreciate those who put their lives on the line for those who are too weak to protect themselves. Like the military. They do the same thing as Hayden, only they’re sanctioned by the government to go after bad men. Men like your husband who buy and sell humans so someone else can use them as slaves or for sex. Humans as young as your Mateo. Think about that before you judge Hayden too harshly.” Nora squeezed Sadie’s shoulder before turning away and walking out the back door where her husband had gone.

  Sadie didn’t want to think about it, but Nora had planted the seed, and now Sadie wanted Hayden there so she could apologize. She didn’t want to go back to Juan. Didn’t want to become a prisoner again. She should have asked Nora for more pain meds to have for later, but since she hadn’t, Sadie took the water to the spare bedroom and closed the door. After taking a few sips of the cool liquid, she placed the glass on the nightstand, then curled up on the bed. When she closed her eyes, her precious Mateo’s smiling face filled her thoughts. Wherever he was, she doubted he was smiling, and that hurt her heart. Tears ran down her cheeks, wetting the pillow. She was so sick of crying, but she couldn’t help it.

  Nora was right; Hayden’s job, just because it was less than ethical, was important. If Juan was buying and selling people, he needed to be stopped. Before living with Juan, Sadie had never been around anyone who used anything harsher than marijuana. Some of her friends smoked pot, but they never abused it. Never got so strung out on something harsher where they would steal money just to have it. Yes, she had turned a blind eye to the fact that her husband sold drugs over the years, but she hadn’t really had a choice. Now she did. Now there was someone who could stop him from ruining people’s lives the way he ruined hers and her family’s.

  Hayden knew Dominic. Had met him. Had painted the most beautiful portrait of a younger Sadie. The gorgeous blond was freaking talented. Hayden hadn’t mentioned her mother, and Sadie had to wonder if losing a child and husband had taken a toll. Sadie knew in her heart the man she’d called father was dead. Killed because of drugs. Because of Juan Carlos Alvarez. So yeah, she agreed her husband being taken out wouldn’t be a big loss to the world.

  Then she’d be free. She’d no longer be married to the man. She and Mateo would be able to have a new life wherever she chose. Except… How would she live? If Juan were killed, would all his money go to her and Mateo? Did the man have a will? Or would Antonia fight her for everything? Her sister-in-law could have the houses and cars. All Sadie wanted was her and Mateo’s clothes and enough money to start over somewhere that wasn’t Mexico.

  If Dominic had a bike customized in her honor, he would want her around. Dominic would help her start over whether she had money or not. And if her mom was still around? Sadie could spend time getting to know her again, and Mateo would have a grandmother. He’d have a family who loved him. Dom and their mom would help them both in moving on.

  A knock on the door roused Sadie. She had fallen asleep amid questions and tears. “Sadie?” Hayden stuck his head in the room. She’d expected the angry man who stormed out of the house to be the same one to return. It wasn’t. Hayden was smiling. “I found him. I found Mateo.”

  “What?” Sadie jumped from the bed and grabbed Hayden’s arms. “Where? Is he okay? Is he here?”

  “Hold up.” Hayden placed his hands on her shoulders, urging her to sit on the bed. “He’s at a house about an hour from here. I couldn’t bring him back, but we are going to go get him. He’s with an older woman and a man named Tomás.”

  “Tomás? But he’s one of Juan’s guards. Why would he have Mateo? And what woman?”

  “I didn’t get her name. She’s older with gray hair. But Mateo seemed like he knew her.”

  “It could be Ana Marie or Elena. Why would they have my son?” Sadie shook her head, bringing the pain back with a vengeance, but she ignored it. “Come on, let’s go.” She stood again, but Hayden stopped her. Again. “What are you waiting for?”

  “We can’t go in guns blazing. We have to make sure we have a solid plan so Mateo doesn’t get hurt. The man – Tomás – he was watching your house. When a different man swapped off with him, I followed Tomás when he left. I have no idea if it’s just the three of them. And you aren’t going with us.”

  “Tell me. Tell me where my son is!” Sadie slapped Hayden’s chest several times before he grabbed her wrists.

  “Sadie, calm down.”

  “Don’t tell me to calm down!” Her voice cracked as the tears fell. She broke free from Hayden’s hold and took a step back.

  “I’m going to get him. I promise, I’m going to bring him back to you. I had to come get Spyder and Devon to go with me. If I went in alone, I could have been shot or worse, and then no one would know where Mateo is.” Hayden reached out like he was going to touch her but dropped his hand at the last second. “Your son is going to need things like clothes, so I want you to tell Nora his sizes so she can go shopping. You need clothes too.”

  “But I don’t have any money.”

  Hayden did touch her then. He used his thumbs to wipe away her tears, and Sadie leaned into his touch before remembering she was pissed at the man.

  “You don’t need to worry about that. I’ll take care of it. I’ll take care of—”

  “Havyk? You ready?” Spyder asked from the doorway.

  Hayden closed his eyes and sighed, removing his hands from her face. Turning toward the other man, he said, “Give me a minute.” Spyder inclined his head before backing out of the room, leaving them alone again. Sadie wanted to know what Hayden had been about to say before they were interrupted. She knew it was stupid to think this man could be interested in her, and Sadie wasn’t sure she wanted that anyway. Yes, she’d dreamed of someone saving her, but this was reality. Not some schoolgirl fantasy. Hayden could have his own wife for all she knew.

  “I need to make plans with the others so we can go get Mateo. Talk to Nora and tell her what you want her to get for you and Mateo. And not just clothes. Let her get him some toys or whatever will help keep him occupied while you’re here. Okay?”

  Sadie nodded. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry too. This is a stressful situation, but hopefully sooner rather than later, you’ll be able to move on with your life with your son.” Hayden stepped forward, cupped her face, and pressed his lips to her forehead. “I’ll send Nora in.” And with that, the man walked away, leaving Sadie wondering what his lips would have felt like against hers.

  A few minutes later, Nora entered the room carrying a tray. “Hey, Honey. I brought you something to eat.” Nora sat the tray on the dresser and handed Sadie a glass of juice. “Here’s some pain medicine. You haven’t taken anything since last night, and I just bet your head feels like it’s about to burst open.”

  Sadie took the pills, washing them down with the sweet juice. “Oh, that’s delicious.”

  “It’s agua de papaya. I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I made one of my favorites.”

  “That’s very thoughtful. Do I taste lime juice?” Sadie took another sip.

  “You do. As much as I love my tea full of sugar, I like my juices a bit less sweet. I hope it’s okay. Plus, I made you a couple different sandwiches. It’s technically time for breakfast, but I wasn’t sure what your stomach could keep down, so I fixed one with ham and cheese, and the other is a lighter one with cucumber and dill.”

  Sadie wanted to cry at the woman’s thoughtfulness, but she was tired of the tears. “I can’t tell you the last time I had a sandwich. Well, yes I can. I was fifteen. Is it crazy to miss something like that? I mean, who complains about having to eat something cooked for you at every meal?” Sadie picked up the triangle with cucumber and took a bite. She grinned at Nora who was watching her. “So good,” Sadie muttered before taking another bite.

  “What else do you miss? I was planning on cooking later, but if you want something simple, I’ll get it for you. And what about breakfast? Did you have a favorite cereal? Do you like Pop Tarts? Toaster waffles?” Nora tapped her finger against her lips.

  “Nora, it’s fine. I’m not going to put you out any more than I already have. And I won’t turn down a home-cooked meal. I’m sure whatever you fix will be different from what I’m used to. Everything I’ve eaten over the past eight years has been one Mexican dish after another. Don’t get me wrong; Elena’s a wonderful cook, but sometimes a girl just needs a cheeseburger or pizza. Mateo has never had pizza. Can you believe that?”

  “I’m so sorry.” Nora’s eyes filled with tears.

  Sadie sat down the sandwich and wiped her fingers on the cloth napkin. “I didn’t say all that to make you feel sorry for me. I was just letting you know you don’t have to go out of your way to fix something special. I’m going to enjoy whatever you cook.”

  Nora wiped her face and smiled. “Good to know. Now, Hayden wants me to go get you and Mateo some clothes. I can’t wait to meet your little boy. It’s been so long since Jericho and his sisters were small, it’ll be good to have a young’un in the house again.”

  “And I still can’t believe you and Devon are his parents. Devon and Jericho look more like brothers.”

  Nora smiled, but she changed the subject. “I need yours and Mateo’s sizes. I figure shorts and T-shirts for him plus sneakers. Is that okay? And what about you? What do you like to wear?”

  Sadie hated to tell Nora the way she’d had to dress, so instead of making the woman sad again, Sadie pointed at Nora’s clothes. “What you’re wearing is fine for me, but please, don’t go spend a lot of money on us.”

  “Hayden’s footing the bill, and he told me to spare no expense. He makes good money with those bikes he builds. He’s even won awards, so he can afford to splurge on you and Mateo.”

  “But why would he? I’m just some woman he rescued. Heck, he was supposed to ki—”

  “No.” Nora shook her head. “Let’s not think about that. As for why, Hayden sees how special you are, and as for Mateo? We’re all suckers for kids in this family.”

  Sadie picked up the rest of the cucumber sandwich and took a bite. Now that she’d started eating, her stomach was letting her know how long it had been since the soup. The pills were already working, and Sadie wanted to regain the strength she’d lost since being hit over the head. God, had it only been yesterday when Hayden had brought her to Nora’s house?

  “Now, about those sizes.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Hayden left Jericho at the house to watch over Sadie, while he, Spyder, and Devon went back to the house where Mateo was being held. Not that he thought anyone knew where the female was, but he didn’t trust her not to try and reach out to her family. Not that she knew how after this long. Sadie didn’t know if her mother was still in the area, or even alive, for that matter. But she knew Dominic was, and she was distraught.

  As Hayden drove to the run-down house, his phone rang. He hit the button on the steering wheel to answer. “Hey, Lucy. You’re on speaker. I’ve got Spyder and Devon in the car with me.”

  “Hey, guys. I ran the tag number you texted me, and it belongs to Alvarez.”

  “That kind of makes sense considering Sadie said Tomás is one of his guards. What doesn’t make sense is why he has Mateo.” Hayden called Lucy as soon as he returned to Devon’s and gave her the license plate number of the SUV he’d followed.

  “What if Alvarez is feeling heat from either the cops or some of his enemies? Maybe he had his guard take the boy to keep him safe.”

  “But why kill a handful of his own men?” Spyder asked.

  “To make it look like someone else did it?” Lucy huffed. “Who knows why these monsters do the things they do? I mean, look at what Rhiannon went through.” Ryker’s mate had lived in her own version of Hell after her mother died.

  “Truth. What better way to make himself look like a victim?” Hayden drummed his fingers against the steering wheel. “Either way, I’m getting the boy back to his mother.”

  “Alvarez is still in California. He got a call from inside New Laredo General. Henry is tracking him, and so far, he isn’t on the move. He’s holed up in the hotel at the Bonaventure Casino in New Chula Vista.”

  “Is the sister still at the hospital? If so, she could have been the one to call him,” Devon asked.

  “Unless she checked herself out, she’s still there. Last I checked, Antonia Dominguez had been admitted.”

  “Dominguez?” Spyder asked before Hayden could. “I thought she was Alvarez’s sister.”

  “I knew that would be your next question, so I already did a little digging. It’s harder to find out about Alvarez and his family since they’re from Mexico. What I was able to find out is Antonia was the daughter of Jorge Dominguez, a man who was arrested twenty years ago.”

  “Let me guess? He was a drug lord.”

  “Yes, and guess who his protégé was? Juan Carlos Alvarez. Here’s where it gets interesting. Jorge wasn’t arrested for drugs but for vehicular manslaughter. From what I can tell, his assets weren’t seized.”

  “So, Alvarez took over when his boss went to prison, and Antonia has been living with the man ever since?” Hayden flipped on the blinker to take the exit off the freeway.

  “It would appear so. Oh, and Jorge was killed in a prison fight, so he won’t be getting out and trying to take the business back from Juan Carlos. That’s all I have so far. I’m keeping tabs on Alvarez, and I’ll let you know if he moves.”

  “Thank you for all you’re doing. Oh, Lucy? Will you please get a copy of Sadie’s birth certificate and Social Security card and send them to Devon’s?” Hayden wanted to give Sadie every advantage once this mess was over.

  “I’m on it. I’ll text you when it’s done.”

  “Thanks, Luce.” Hayden disconnected the call. “No wonder Antonia hates Sadie.”
r />   “Do you think Antonia has a thing for her so-called brother?” Devon asked.

  Hayden looked around, checking for the landmarks he’d seen from the sky. “Either that, or she’s pissed she didn’t get her daddy’s business and all the money that went with it. When we were at the club, the guard arguing with her mentioned her doing her job, which I took to mean she too was a guard. Plus, the video from the attack on the house showed her with a gun. So instead of being partners with Juan Carlos, she’s nothing more than the hired help. Fast forward twelve years from the time Dominguez went to prison. Alvarez takes Sadie into his home. When she’s old enough, he forces Sadie to marry him and give him an heir. Alvarez now has a son to take over the family business when he’s older, leaving Antonia in the shadows.”

  “Then why didn’t Antonia take the kid instead of Tomás and the older woman?” Spyder asked.

  “Who says she didn’t? It’s possible they’re all in on it together.” Devon caught Hayden’s eye in the rearview mirror. “Or Antonia could be the one who ordered the hit. There’s no one more dangerous than a woman scorned.”

  “Truth. Just ask Ryker.” Spyder turned in his seat. “How are we going to play this? Are we going to question Tomás and the woman? Are we taking them out afterward?”

  “They definitely need to be questioned. We need as many answers as we can get. Not only are we up against Alvarez, but now we have to worry about Antonia as well. If she didn’t have the kid taken, we need to find out who did. I say we determine their fate after we question them.” Hayden pointed at a gravel driveway. “That leads to the house. It sits back a ways off the road. I’m going to find somewhere to park where we can hide the car.” Hayden found another abandoned house a couple miles past the one where Mateo was being held. He parked behind the house so the SUV wouldn’t be seen from the road should someone happen to drive by.

  Instead of shifting and flying in, the three males jogged through the woods. The area they were in was heavily wooded, giving them the cover they needed. Daylight was fading, but their Gryphon vision allowed them to move through the dense trees. When they reached the edge of the property, Hayden held up a fist. He had already told Devon and Spyder the layout, and they had decided to split up with Hayden going in the front and the other two going in the back if Tomás wasn’t sitting outside. As luck would have it, the man was sitting where Hayden had last seen him, only he wasn’t alone. The woman and Tomás were watching as Mateo played with a dog.


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