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Wreaking Havyk (The Hounds of Zeus MC Book 4)

Page 22

by Faith Gibson

  Sadie thought Hayden was handsome before, but when he smiled at her words, his whole face lit up.

  “You are my heart, Sadie Rodriguez,” Hayden whispered before leaning down and pressing their lips together. If a kiss could talk, this one spoke volumes. It said she was his heart, his mate. Too fast or not, Sadie knew in that moment, she had found her forever.


  Hayden was nervous. He didn’t get nervous, but here he was. Sadie was in the passenger seat, and Mateo was buckled safely in a booster seat behind them. They were following Koda to his house where Sadie would be reunited with her family. He was worried how they would feel about Sadie going from one relationship to another with no time in between. He couldn’t explain to them she was his mate. They didn’t know about shifters. Hayden still had no idea what kind of shifter Kodiak was, but he guessed him to be a bear. Both his nickname and size would make sense if he were.

  Sadie still hadn’t told Mateo about his father’s demise. Hay had no idea how she would handle it, but he would be right there with her, if she wanted him to be. He planned on being at Sadie’s side every day going forward. If that’s what she wanted. If not? He’d somehow deal with it. They needed time alone to discuss their future. Time to figure out if they were staying in Texas or if Sadie was interested in moving to New York. Hayden hoped it was the latter because he already had a house there. It’s where his equipment was. Where his parents and brothers were. But he wasn’t so selfish to demand it. She was the one who’d lived the past eight years of her life as a victim. She was on her way to be reunited with her own family, and if she needed time with them in Texas, that’s where they would stay.

  When they pulled down a long driveway, Hayden was surprised to see a large sprawling estate. Koda didn’t come across as someone with a lot of money, but if he was a shifter, it was possible he’d already lived a long life and amassed a small fortune over the years. Maybe he was good at investing. Before Hayden could further contemplate how Koda made his money, the front door flew open, and Hayden was staring at Sadie thirty years into the future, if Lucy didn’t come up with a way to slow that rate at which human mates aged.

  Gloria Rodriguez flew down the front steps and didn’t stop until she was at the passenger door. Sadie pushed it open and fell into her mother’s outstretched arms. Giving the two women time to get reacquainted, Hayden unbuckled and exited the SUV, then went to the back door and unlatched a wide-eyed Mateo.

  “That’s your grandmother. Your mama’s mama.”

  “She’s pretty.” Mateo allowed Hayden to lift him into his arms, and the two stood watching. Dominic exited the house a lot slower than his mother had. He turned to Hayden, his brown eyes glistening. When his steps brought him within arm’s length, he halted, staring at the boy in Hayden’s arms. “Hello, Mateo.”

  Mateo clung to Hayden, and even though the boy was timid about the newcomer, it felt good to have his arms around Hayden’s neck. His weight was perfect, and in that moment, Hayden knew he’d found a piece of his forever.

  “Mateo, this is your Uncle Dominic. Your mama’s brother.”

  Dominic reached out to touch Mateo, but the child shrank away. It was no surprise, considering how most of the men in Mateo’s life had been hardened guards. “It’s okay, Buddy. Dominic loves you, and he would never hurt you. I promise.”

  Mateo met Hayden’s eyes, the doubt shining. Before Mateo could decide whether or not Hay was telling the truth, Sadie and her mom were there. Sadie held out her arms, and Mateo went to her. “Mijo, this is my mamá. Mom, this is my son.”

  Gloria swiped at the tears, but it did no good. They continued to fall as she took in her grandson. “Hola, Mateo. Es un placer conocerte.”

  “It is good to meet you too… Mamá, what do I call her?”

  Sadie laughed and looked at Gloria. “What would you like to be called?”

  “Oh, my. Well, I’m too young to be Nana, so how about GiGi?” Gloria asked Mateo.

  The little boy giggled, and it was the best sound in the world. It reminded Hayden of the twins’ laughter. He couldn’t wait to introduce Mateo to the two little dudes.

  Sadie turned to her brother. “Dom…” Her voice caught in her throat as she stepped into his open arms. Mateo clung tightly to Sadie’s neck, but he seemed to accept his uncle more easily with his mom hugging her brother with her free arm.

  Koda, who had been standing off to the side, eased his way closer until he was standing next to Gloria. She smiled up at the large male, and his eyes softened for his mate. “How about we head inside and get out of the heat?” Gloria put her small hand in his larger one, and the two of them led the way toward the house. With their arms wrapped around each other’s waist, Sadie and Dominic followed. Hayden wasn’t sure what to do. He wanted to go with them, but Sadie might want time alone to become reacquainted with her family. When they reached the steps, she turned loose of her brother and looked back at Hayden. She held out her hand to him, and the tightness in his chest eased. She wanted him with her, and there was no place he’d rather be.

  It didn’t take long for Dominic to single Hayden out. Sadie and Gloria sat on the sofa with Mateo between them. Although Koda was giving them space, his presence filled the room. He remained quiet when Dominic asked Hayden to go for a walk. The two of them headed through the house toward the back. When they reached the patio just off the kitchen, Dominic turned to Hayden.

  “Kodiak told me why you were here. The real reason. I’m forever in your debt, Havyk. If it had been anyone else who took that contract, I might be burying my sister instead of getting her and my nephew back.”

  Hayden almost said that anyone else would have done the same thing, but he knew it would be a lie. Not all mercenaries had a conscience. Some would have taken out Sadie along with Juan and not blinked an eye. Hayden shrugged one shoulder. “I realized who she was at the club. Even if she hadn’t been your long-lost sister, I would have done my homework. I don’t take out innocents.”

  “Don’t think I missed the way she reached out to you. Is there something going on between the two of you?”

  Hayden couldn’t tell Dominic the truth of mates, so he gave him another truth. “We’ve gotten close these last few days. Your sister is a magnificent woman, and I care for her deeply. I only want what’s best for her and Mateo.”

  Dominic crossed his arms over his chest. “And you think you’re what’s best? A mercenary?”

  “Yes. I take out the trash. I rid the world of people like Juan Carlos Alvarez. People who have no remorse in taking a teenage girl in trade. Forcing them into marriage when they’re barely legal. I may be a mercenary, but I’m a good male. I have a good heart. I know what Sadie’s been through these last eight years, and I’m just the kind of male she needs. Someone who will put her wants and needs first. Hers and Mateo’s. Someone who has a softer side when it comes to women. Is it too soon to move forward with a relationship? For some. I’m not rushing Sadie. I care about her enough that she can have all the time in the world to make her own decisions regarding what’s best for her and Mateo.”

  “But how does she know what’s best? She’s been sheltered. Hidden from the world. Who knows what Juan Carlos put her through? Don’t you think she’s latching onto you because you rescued her? She’s not had any outside contact for eight years. I don’t think she’s in the right mindset to make a responsible decision.”

  “And that’s why I just said I would give her all the time she needs. I’m not going to force Sadie to do anything she doesn’t want. I’ve waited my whole life for someone like her, so waiting a few weeks, months, or even years isn’t going to do any harm.” That was a lie. Hayden nor his beast would be able to stand being away from their mate, but if it’s what she needed, he’d find a way.

  “So, what’s your plan? Are you headed back to New York?”

  “Not right away. I have plenty of family here I can stay with. If Sadie decides she wants to remain in Texas, then I’ll move my busine
ss here so I’m close to her and Mateo. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for her, and that includes leaving my home so she can stay close to hers. I understand why you doubt what Sadie and I mean to each other. It’s only been a few days, but I know enough about your sister to know she’s the one for me. If after a while of us seeing each other it turns out she doesn’t feel the same, I’ll do the right thing.”

  Yes, we’ll kidnap her and tie her to the bed until she sees reason.

  You’re an idiot. We’re not tying her to the bed.

  But we will kidnap her?

  Maybe take her on a long vacation where it’s just the three of us.

  I can handle that.

  Hayden had to bite the inside of his jaw to keep from laughing aloud at his Gryphon. Sadie had been taken against her will once, so that was out of the question. Hayden didn’t think it would come to that, though. He’d encountered her passion when they kissed. Her softness when they embraced. The surety in her eyes when she smiled at him. No, it wouldn’t take months or years for Sadie to convince her family Hayden was the one she wanted, too soon or not.

  Dominic ran a hand through his dark hair. “I believe you. But man, I just got her back. Mom’s beside herself with worry about Sadie’s state of mind. She’s gonna need time to see for herself Sadie’s okay.”

  “I think once you talk to your sister, you’re both going to see she’s a strong woman. She’s had to be for Mateo. Yes, things will be different for her now that she’ll be free to come and go. She’s going to have some catching up of her own to do with regards to life outside her prison. But she’s got a whole passel of Lazlos to help with that. My family is extensive, and those who have met Sadie have already seen to it she gets the best start on her new life. Sadie had to grow up fast. She’s not the fifteen-year-old girl you remember. She’s a remarkable woman considering what she’s been through.”

  Dominic sighed. “Koda told me the same thing. He also said you would be good for Sadie.”

  That surprised Hayden. He and Koda had come to somewhat of a truce, but he never expected the other male to go to bat for him. It had to be because the male was a shifter and knew about mates. He knew no one else would ever be better for Sadie than Hayden.

  “I will be. I vow to you on all that’s holy Sadie will never want for anything. Not love, money, family, whatever her heart desires. If it’s within my power to give it, I will. Freely.”

  “Then I’ll do my best to see her as the woman she is.”

  Hayden felt the other male meant his words. Now, if Gloria would do the same, everything would be okay.


  Chapter Twenty-One


  As much as Sadie loved being back with her mother, she kept glancing toward the back of the house where Hayden and Dominic had gone. She figured her brother was giving Hayden the third degree, and it worried her. She didn’t want Dom to get all protective where Hayden was concerned. There was no need for it. Then again, Dominic didn’t know Hayden was a Gryphon. A shifter who thought of Sadie as his mate. If she could only explain that to her brother, it would make sense as to why the two of them were so close after only a few days.

  “Mama, I’m hungry.” Mateo had been speaking English more the longer he was away from Juan and their former home.

  Gloria jumped from the sofa. “I’ll make lunch. What would you like?”

  “Pizza!” Mateo shouted, pumping his little fist in the air.

  “Oh, Lord. Miss Nora has created a monster.” Sadie tickled Mateo’s sides, and the boy squirmed on her lap, laughing and begging her to stop.

  When Sadie ceased tormenting him, Mateo sat up and looked at Gloria. “Gigi, can you make pizza?”

  Gloria’s lips turned down for a second, then she just as quickly smiled, though it didn’t meet her eyes. “I don’t have the ingredients. If I had known you were coming, I’d have gone to the store. I could make you something else instead.”

  Koda stepped away from the wall he was leaning on, and put his hands on Gloria’s shoulders. “Gloria, there’s a frozen pizza in the freezer. I’m sure Mateo will be satisfied with that until you can go shopping.” Gloria leaned her head back against his stomach and reached a hand out to rest atop one of his. Koda threaded their fingers and brushed Gloria’s hair off her shoulder. The love between her mom and Koda was tangible, and Sadie wanted that for herself.

  Sadie turned her head toward the back of the house just as Hayden and Dominic returned. Sadie smiled at Hayden, hoping to convey her support. No matter what he and Dominic spoke about, Hayden was her first priority. Yes, she loved her brother, but he wasn’t her future. He wouldn’t be the one who held Sadie at night. Made love to her. Kissed her awake. Besides, her brother had his own life. He would probably spend time with her in the beginning, becoming reacquainted, then Dom would go back to whatever life he had been living the last eight years. Gloria had her life with Koda, and in that moment, Sadie knew what decision she would make when it came to staying in Texas or going to New York.

  Over the next week, Sadie split her time between Koda’s house, spending time with her mom, and Nora’s. When she was with her mother, Hayden gave them space to bond. She and Gloria returned to the house where Sadie had grown up. Walking back into her childhood home had been harder than she expected. Her room was the same as it had been the day her father took her to Juan. Sadie spent hours looking at all the mementos of her former life. None of her clothes fit any longer, but her favorite pair of cowboy boots slid over her feet like old friends welcoming her home. Sadie gathered a few photos, but other than that, there was nothing she needed from the house to carry with her into her new life. She and her mom looked around the house one last time before Gloria shut the door and locked it, planning on putting it up for sale now that Sadie said she didn’t want it.

  Sadie finally explained to Mateo that his father wasn’t coming home. She refused to tell him Juan was in heaven with the angels because Sadie knew if there was a Hell, that’s where her husband was. Mateo didn’t cry. He didn’t ask questions. He seemed to take it in stride, but Sadie figured at some point, it would hit him his papa was really gone. Hayden and his family, along with Dominic and his MC, made sure to keep Mateo occupied so he rarely had time to think about his father.

  Nolan and Grayson remained in New Laredo. Nolan worked on Sadie’s legal situation while Grayson played with Mateo. Even when they went to Gloria’s, Nolan allowed his grandson to accompany them. The male knew Mateo needed the distraction, and Grayson loved being around Mateo. Sadie kept an ear on the boys when they were off in another room, and she’d often hear them chatting in Spanish.

  Also during that week, Hayden had located Ana Marie. The older woman had returned to the house only to find it empty. Instead of going back to the hotel, she had remained there alone. Waiting. Hayden explained what happened, and Ana had been distraught. Having worked for Juan over twenty years, she had no idea what to do with her life. Hayden, being the wonderful male he was, offered to either send her back to Mexico or put her in touch with some of his family who would find her a place to live and retire, if that’s what she wished. After speaking with Sadie, Hayden mentioned allowing Ana to remain with them and Mateo. The boy loved his nanny like another grandmother. Rory would take to Mateo like she did all the kids, but she wouldn’t begrudge Ana stepping in and helping with Mateo. Ana sobbed when Hayden made the offer, begging him to let her remain in their employ.

  Gloria was skeptical at first, asking how a woman could work for such a monster and be a good person at the same time. It was Ana herself who explained how she came to work for first Dominguez, then Juan when he took over the business. Like Sadie, Ana had been given to the drug lord. Like Sadie, Ana had been forced to produce Dominguez an heir when his wife failed. It was sitting in Gloria’s kitchen that Ana Marie admitted to being Antonia’s mother. When she learned of her daughter’s demise, the woman wept silent tears, but when she composed herself, she explained that Antonia never k
new Ana was her mother. Jorge’s wife had claimed the title up until the day she disappeared. At that point, Ana was just the nanny in Antonia’s eyes, and she didn’t see what good it would do to tell the girl otherwise.

  Mateo was visiting with Gloria, and Ana was there too, bonding with Gloria as Sadie’s mom helped them learn about life in the States. Sadie was sitting at Nora’s dining room table with Nolan seated across from her and Hayden at her side where he usually was. Not only had Sadie spent time with her mom, she’d also met a bunch of Hayden’s family. When he said he had plenty of support in Texas, he wasn’t kidding. His six older sisters, who didn’t look much older than Hayden, had welcomed Sadie with open arms. As had their kids and the older grandkids. Mateo had yet to meet them because Sadie was giving Gloria time to bond with her grandchild. Once Mateo got entrenched in all the other boys and girls his age, she was afraid she’d never get him to leave.

  Over the last few days, Sadie and Hayden had grown closer. They shared stolen kisses whenever possible, but that was as far as Hayden had allowed things to go. Sadie was going crazy wanting more. She was appreciative to Hayden for taking things slow, but if the erection pressed against her whenever they were kissing was any indication, he was having a hard time not moving things to the next level. Sadie smirked inwardly. He was definitely hard. She often caught him staring at her ass or her chest, then rearranging his hard-on when he thought she wasn’t looking. Being a little on the thick side, she was glad he found her enticing.

  “I have good news,” Nolan said, bring Sadie back to the present. “I filed the paperwork to have your last names changed to Rodriguez. Since Juan isn’t alive to contest the change, it should go through rather quickly. Lucy was able to locate a couple bank accounts in yours and Mateo’s names. She was also able to get into Juan’s accounts and move the money into new accounts in a fake name. That way the government can’t track it back to you. She doubts she found everything, but at least you will be set going forward. As far as the house here, it was never changed from Hector Ramirez’s name, so we can’t touch it. Now, we just need to decide what to do about the house in Nuevo Laredo. According to my friend down there, it looks like someone has already moved in, but it’s technically yours.”


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