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Jackson: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 1)

Page 22

by Chelsea Handcock

  Cash said, “I couldn’t agree more.”

  Chapter 34

  After about a half hour of driving in a silent car, Jacks couldn’t take it anymore, “Come on, Baby, we have a mission to complete and we cannot go in there pissed off at each other. We both have pasts. I mean, you didn’t think I was a virgin, did you? I will be the first one to admit I have done things that I am not proud of to complete a mission. But Ryleigh, what we have is different. I know I feel it, and I am hoping you are too.”

  Ryleigh had acted rashly, but dang, Cash talking about that other mission with that woman hit all of Ryleigh’s insecurities. She wanted to be special to Jacks, not just another mission. She wanted a future but hearing that he had gone on a similar mission with a woman acting as his wife, stung.

  “Yeah Jacks, I definitely feel something between us,” she admitted. “But I have been sitting here wondering if you knew that I was yours, as you put it, from the first moment you saw me. Why did you mention your other paid operatives in the conference room?”

  “Shit Baby, I was confused. I have never felt this way for anyone before, and it happened so quickly,” Jacks confessed. “I’m a man, Ryleigh, we don’t do feelings well. So, I tried to push you away. All I could think was if I were away from you, then I wouldn’t have to worry about what this thing was going on between us. But Ryleigh, we are way beyond that now. I won’t apologize for things I have done in the past, and I don’t expect you to either. I won’t even ask about them. But I will tell you that none of that stuff matters anymore because you are it for me.”

  “Jacks, I want to trust you so badly, but I have been let down so many times before. So, I am just going to go with it, for now. I’m giving you my trust, and I have never felt this way either. Maybe we both are just on edge a bit.”

  “Do you want to talk about what else happened back there? I almost lost control of my bear. Did that scare you? Ryleigh, that is a part of me; I cannot change. I am a Shifter, and if you have reservations about that then maybe we should talk about that now before we get any deeper with each other.”

  Jacks hoped that she could accept all of him because there really wasn’t another option. He was a Shifter; deadly and lethal in both forms. She needed to accept the possibly of seeing him shift from time to time.

  “No Jacks, I wasn’t scared. I have lived with a dragon for years, after all, but you do have a point. Even though I knew something was different with Dad, he didn’t come clean with me until recently. He still won’t show me his dragon. Will you show me your bear some day?”

  “Yeah, he needs to see you too,” Jacks replied.

  Well, at least her answer lessened some of his doubt. He was expecting a lot out of Ryleigh. First and foremost, what was happening between the two of them. It was fast, even by Shifter standards. Well, at least he thought so. He could honestly say that he knew for sure. Cash and Jessie had years together to grow, and he and Ryleigh seemed to be moving at lightning speed.

  “Does it hurt when you shift?” Ryleigh asked.

  “Yeah, in a way. I have been doing it since adolescence, so I hardly notice the pain anymore. It’s hard to explain if you have never shifted before.”

  Ryleigh could tell that Jacks was trying to gauge her reaction to him being a Shifter. She wanted to tell him that she didn’t care and tried to convey that with using her Dad, but maybe she needed to be a little more curious.

  “How about this, I will tell you what I already know about Shifters and then you can tell me more or tell me if I am wrong. I talked with my Dad and he explained some things, but I’m aware that I don’t know everything. He never went into your legends or beliefs and he also didn’t go into anything beyond the basics.”

  “Yeah, I think that might be a good idea. Hit me with what you know.”

  “Well, I already know that Shifters can change at will; the moon has nothing to do with it. Additionally, you are either born a Shifter or not. You also cannot turn anyone into a Shifter. It also seems that science cannot create a Shifter either. We may have the genes but they are dormant. There aren’t any reports of these experiments creating a Shifter that can actually shift. At least we haven’t found any yet. I know that you are stronger, heal faster. Your instincts are higher as well as eyesight and smell. But that is about it. Do you want to tell me anything more?”

  “Not much,” Jacks responded, “every animal is different just like every Shifter is different. But you do have a gist of the basics. We aren’t the Were people like in books. We can talk about it more in the future. Since we seem to be on the same page now, we absolutely need to get in mission mode.”

  “You're right though, we need to concentrate on the mission. Since we only have about 15 minutes until we get there, any last words of wisdom you would like to impart?”

  “Nope, just stick with me at all times and watch your back, baby. Let’s get this done, we’ve arrived,” Jacks asserted.

  Jacks and Ryleigh pulled up to the gate of the Franklin’s estate. The place looked like a mausoleum. Enormous and ostentatious with its manicured lawn and over the top water features. Once allowed into the inner sanctum, they were ushered into the den to meet with Julianne Franklin. Ryleigh couldn’t help but think that this woman could have been beautiful if she ate a hamburger and laid off the Botox. Even worse, as soon as she got a look at Jacks, she zeroed in like a cobra ready to strike. The woman had the nerve to ignore Ryleigh entirely and go right for Jacks.

  “Mr. Thompson, I presume, welcome to my home,” Julianne greeted, “I understand you are just here to be the muscle. She looked Jacks up and down, “and it is evident to see why that is. Do you work out often? I have a full gym available to you at any time; clothing optional of course,” she said, with a fake little giggle.

  Ryleigh wanted to puke, but Jacks seemed to preen for the wench.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Franklin,” Jacks responded, “and I might take you up on the offer of the gym. Depending on what the boss has to say of course. She’s the brains behind this duo.”

  “Oh, well. Of course, your wife,” she said, barely acknowledging Ryleigh. “I almost forgot, and please call me Julianne.”

  “Thanks, please call me Jon,” said Jacks.

  Ryleigh had enough and decided to get Skeletor off of Jacks. The woman was actually drooling, well that could have to do with her inability to move her lips, but there was actual drool.

  “Hello, Ms. Franklin, Amy Thompson.” Ryleigh introduced herself. “The Agency said that you would have all of your mother’s medical records available as well as most of the Physical Therapy equipment needed. They also stated that your mother’s doctors have already decided on a course of action for her therapy.”

  “Yes, here,” Julianne said, handing over a thick file, “if you have any questions, you need to talk to her doctors, but that won’t happen until Friday. She is to have intensive physical therapy at a minimum of three times a day at an hour for each session. I mean, for the love of all that is holy, that is all Sheila ever did. She just strapped her on the table and put all the machines on; they do the actual work.”

  The woman dismissed Ryleigh like an annoying little fly. She would have laughed if her green eyed monster wasn’t making an appearance. She did not like this woman pawing at her man.

  “So, Jon, I guess you would be the boss then since you will be doing most of the work,” Julianne flirted.

  Ryleigh could actually see her hands reaching out to grab handfuls of the woman’s perfectly coiffed hair. She was also wondering if Jacks had to put up with this type of attention on a daily basis. They had never been out in public before. He was a handsome man and some women didn’t have any tact. Ryleigh was almost embarrassed for the woman.

  Julianna took them to meet her mother and Ryleigh was shocked. The woman was not what they were lead to believe; she was catatonic, her pallor was gray, and she looked extremely bloated. Ryleigh suspected kidney failure, maybe congestive heart failure, but she didn
’t have any idea. All she knew was that the woman in the wheelchair was in bad shape, and she needed to be in an Intensive Care Unit at a hospital, not in this home.

  “Sorry, Miss Franklin, but when was the last time her doctors were here to see your mother?” Ryleigh asked.

  “Just about an hour ago, and he said she was fine. She always looks like that or do you think you know more than a medical doctor does, Amy?” Julianne cattily retorted. “Her doctors and I are responsible for her care, not you. Just follow the script and get paid. Your opinion is not wanted or needed. I have real professionals for that.”

  Damn it. Ryleigh had to play the part, but if the elder Mrs. Franklin lasted the day, let alone to Friday, Ryleigh would be surprised. It looked like a call to 911 was in her future so the woman could get the help she urgently needed. She could barely resist the need to take her pulse.

  Their cover included that they were newlyweds and there were hard up for cash. She wanted to keep to it, but there was absolutely no way she was going to keep this up if the woman’s life was in danger. This mission might just be scrapped because Mrs. Franklin did not look good. Ryleigh might not have finished her residency, but she knew enough to know that lady was in a bad way. Ryleigh needed to see what Mrs. Franklin’s doctor had to say, and that information should be in the lady’s file.

  “Do what the doctors have outlined, Amy,” Julianne ordered. “Mother is overdue for therapy as it is. If Sheila hadn’t gotten knocked up and the little bastard decided to come early, then my poor mother wouldn’t be in this shape.”

  “Jon,” running her skeletal claws up Jacks' arm in what Ryleigh was sure meant to be a seductive move, Skeletor said, “Jon, once you get Mother situated for Amy, why don’t you come and join me for lunch. I can have my chef whip us up something decadent, you know something to fire the senses.”

  “Sorry, ma’am, but I need to stay with the wife until the session is over, but I am open for dinner. Well sorry, we both are,” Jacks responded.

  “Well, okay then. I will let you get to it, and Amy, I meant what I said,” Julianne ordered. “Follow the doctor’s orders to the letter, or there will be consequences. We both know why you are here, and you will not like it if you make me mad,” she said, as she left the room.

  Ryleigh had pushed the scrambler on her watch about two minutes into their conversation with Julianna. There had been movement in the hall, but no one actually came into the room. So, it was safe to assume either this room was not wired for sound or no one was currently listening.

  “Jon, can you please help me get Mrs. Franklin onto the bed?” Ryleigh requested. “I would like to start with a rub down and then I will proceed with the doctor’s orders.”

  Motioning Jacks closer, Ryleigh whispered, “Jacks, they are trying to kill this woman. She is either in kidney failure or worse, but most definitely congestive heart failure. I don’t think that she is going to make until Friday. We need to get her to a hospital. I think it’s too late, but crap, if I hook her up to the TENs unit at the intensity they want it, she won’t last ten minutes.”

  “Damn, is there anything you can do to help her?” Jacks asked. “But also, try to complete this mission.”

  “I don’t know, but if we are going to salvage anything, I am going to have to start the upload now,” Ryleigh said. “Maybe we will be lucky and hit pay dirt.”

  “Shit, we really need that drive, but something is better than nothing, right?”

  “Jacks, I just can’t just let this woman die. I need to read the notes from the doctor she supposedly saw earlier. I can’t imagine any doctor clearing her for PT.”

  “I know, honey. Well, it looks like I get to go and have lunch with the matchstick after all. Read the file. If you don’t like what you see, pull the plug and call for assistance. I don’t want this woman’s life or death on my head either.”

  “Give me five or ten minutes to read through the file. If I have to call 911, I will try to let you know. For now, I think you’re right; diverting Skeletor's attention is probably for the best. She might feed you a grape. I bet you're excited.”

  “Not really, but it’s the only way to scope everything out. Maybe with the commotion, the rescue workers will create an opening so we can get to the drive. We have to see at least if it is a possibility.”

  Jacks left the room.

  Chapter 35

  Ryleigh was just examining Mrs. Franklin when a short, little, older man came into the room.

  “What do you think you are doing, missy, and why is Edith in here? She should be in her room. Can’t you tell she is dying?” he asked.

  “Well, sorry, and who are you?” questioned Ryleigh.

  “I am her doctor, missy and don’t forget it,” he countered. “Now explain why in the hell you would hook a dying woman up to a TENs unit. What, are you trying to kill her?”

  “No, sorry. I just got here. My name is Amy Thompson; I am the new Physical Therapist. Julianne said that I was to follow the doctor’s orders to the letter. I tried to question her, but she stated that you insisted on intensive PT three times a day an hour each session. I was just doing a quick exam. I haven’t even thought about getting out the TENs unit, Sir.”

  Thank God for this little man. Ryleigh had been two second away from running for the phone. There were not doctor’s notes from an hour ago. Worst of all, there weren’t any doctor’s notes for several days.

  “Those weren’t my orders, missy. Must have been that wanker Todd. I swear, it’s like they can’t wait for nature to take its course. I told that dolt of a daughter that and she keeps on trying to hurry things up. Sheila did everything that wanker and that overindulged daughter told her to do. Thankfully, she went into labor early. Now maybe my Edith can die in peace. Now come on, I will take this up with Julianne. Help me get Edith back to her room and, missy, even if I am not here you do not touch my Edith. Do you understand? I don’t care what Julianne says. Edith will pass in her time and not when Julianne wants her to. The stupid girl, she already has all her daddy’s money, and now she wants her mom’s as well. She seems to think that she can make her die “naturally” before the deadline. Well, I will be damned if that little nitwit gets anything else. She has enough and she is just going to have to deal with it. Took after her daddy; that one’s completely self-absorbed and spoiled brat. She won’t be needing any physical therapy, but since you’re here, you might as well help make her more comfortable. I will make new orders and those you had better follow to the letter.

  “Will do Dr.?”

  “Oh, just call me Paul.”

  Ryleigh liked the little, old doctor. He seemed to really have a relationship with the patient, but she needed to ask a few more questions before she felt comfortable not calling 911.

  “Pleased to meet you, Paul. I would like to thank you for coming in when you did, I don’t wish to cause Mrs. Franklin any harm. Is she by chance in Hospice care? Should I arrange my schedule around her nurse? I can offer her some therapeutic massage to help make her last days a little more comfortable as long as I am not getting in anyone’s way.”

  “Well, I don’t know about that, missy. After all, you almost killed her, but that is neither here nor there. Now come on, times a wasting. She needs to be in her bed. To answer your question: no. That little piss ant daughter of hers won’t let a hospice nurse come in. She told the hospital that my son, who is also a doctor, and I could handle her end of life care. If you prove yourself, missy, I might let you do that massage stuff, but I will be watching, you.”

  Jacks was able to recon the entire bottom floor before running into Julianne. The woman made his skin crawl, and the way she kept trying to touch him made him want to vomit. The sad part was, he could see that she thought she was being sexy. As if a living skeleton was sexy to anyone. This was part of the job he didn’t like; making people believe he was interested in what they were offering, when he was most defiantly not.

  “What are you doing in my office, Jon?” Julianne s
olicited. “Aren’t you supposed to be flexing your muscles for my mother or are you looking for something else?”

  “No, ma’am. I was looking for you so that I could take you up on your offer of lunch,” Jacks said, licking his lips, “and I am ravenous.”

  Like a bee to honey; Jacks had her. She was getting bolder now that she thought Jacks was interested in more than food.

  The woman tried to walk over with a sway in her nonexistent hips and said, “I bet you are, Jon.” At the same time, she ran her hands over his chest, causing a shiver to run down his spine. It was almost like someone had just walked over his grave. Creepy. Well, at least the woman thought the reaction was something else. She was still trying to seduce him with her eyes and body, yuck. When she talked, it only got worse. Damn, he really needed to rethink his idea of doing anything to get the job done. There were defiantly things he wouldn’t be doing now that he found Ryleigh. He didn’t even think he could get it up to fake it with the woman.

  “But just how hungry are you?” Julianne said, trying to seduce Jacks. “My appetite is not easily quenched. I am a very demanding woman. I like my meat, and if I don’t get enough, I am just not a happy girl. I have even been known to send it right back to the chef.”

  Just then, she cupped his package, “Well, it looks like I won’t be sending anything back to the chef today. Jon, why don’t we have lunch in my study? It’s more private.”

  Ryleigh cleared her throat, “Ms. Franklin, if you wouldn’t mind taking your hand off of my husband’s penis, I would greatly appreciate it. I realize we are here for the week, but our employment contract said nothing of private sessions. That would cost a hell of a lot more than you are paying us now.”

  “Well, I never have. How dare you talk to me that way? Your husband came to me, after all,” Julianne accused. “I was only offering him lunch. Maybe if you satiate his hunger properly, he wouldn’t be looking to get fed somewhere else. But you are right. I did hire you to do a particular job. So, would you mind telling me why you aren’t doing that job?”


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