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Jackson: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 1)

Page 28

by Chelsea Handcock

  Jacks continued.

  “But I want to be kept informed, not like before, Senior. If you expect me to take over, then you need to tell me everything. No more fucking secrets. I don’t have a problem making hard decisions, what I have a problem with is being blindsided. Got me?”

  Seniors laughing wasn’t what Jacks expected from his outburst.

  “You have balls, Son,” Senior chuckled. “I have to give you that. But until the day I hand over the reins, it will be my decision who knows what and when. Remember that,” Senior said as he was slipping out of the door.

  Fuck, Jacks thought to himself. He stood there a moment, processing what had happened before making his way back to his bedroom.

  Chapter 46

  Jacks slipped back into his and Ryleigh’s bedroom, stripped, and got back into bed. He didn’t want to think about everything Senior had just revealed. What he wanted to do was admire his beautiful sleeping mate. She looked so peaceful; healthier. He had to admit that he wasn’t doing his best at this mate thing. He needed to do more; hold Ryleigh closer without stifling her and protect her without crowding her. But he really had no idea how to do those things. He fell asleep thinking about all the what-ifs and possible outcomes. He was just happy for a few minutes; only he was worrying. She was safe, at peace, and hopefully happy. He could feel it through their bond, but Senior was right; those feelings would change if she knew everything. He’d be damned if he let that happen.

  Several hours later Jack's phone rang, waking him. The first thing he noticed was that he was alone in bed. That should have never happened. He should have sensed Ryleigh leaving, but he hadn’t, and that bugged the hell out of him. Caught in his thoughts, the line went dead. Shit. Getting up, he dressed and left the room in search of his mate. Finding her at the computer wasn’t a surprise, but finding all the guys with her was. They had all gathered around the conference table. His phone started to ring again. Answering it, he realized Senior was right once again.

  “Hey, shit man. Hold on a second I’m going to put you on speaker. Okay, hold on. Guys listen up, Kayden’s on the phone,” Jacks announced.

  “I have Cassie,” Kayden revealed. “She was at the Colorado Facility. Milo got the lead on. Shit, Ryleigh, I am so sorry.”

  “What are you sorry for? What happened, Kayden is Cassie okay?” Ryleigh pleaded.

  “Cassie is okay. A little worse for wear but okay. It's Zoey, Ryleigh, they took her.”

  “What do you mean they took her? Who took her Kayden and where is Milo?” Ryleigh begged.

  “Fuck, Ryleigh. I am so sorry, but all hell broke out,” Kayden apologized profusely.

  “Calm down, man, and don’t worry about Ryleigh right now I have her,” Jacks assured him. “Tell us what happened and what you need us to do.”

  “Shit Jacks, the placed looked abandoned, just like the one in Texas, but they were armed to the teeth. They were keeping Cassie underground. The facility was huge. We got six women out of there. My guys reported that Zoey just froze. We were taking heavy fire. They think she saw someone or something and just froze. I can’t be sure because I didn’t see it for myself. I was told that Milo was trying to get to her, but he got hit. Everyone that saw it said the bastard just kept on going. By the time, we got the scene contained, Zoey and Milo were both gone. Along with two of Milo’s guys. Max said Milo went after Zoey, but he was the only one that saw him.”

  “Baby, what are you doing, who are you calling?” Jacks asked.

  Ryleigh didn’t answer him, just holding up her hand.

  “Mia, did you do what I asked you to do before my mission? Oh, thank God. No Wyatt is here I will have him run the program. Thanks,” Ryleigh said and then hung up the phone.

  “Wyatt get your tracking program up and start tracking target HGA05,” Ryleigh commanded.

  Kayden was now screaming into the phone, “What’s going on, what target are you tracking?”

  “Calm down, Kayden, and I will explain,” Ryleigh said. “After Wyatt, had gone over his tracking program with me, I insisted that all my agents get one before a mission. Especially Zoey, since she likes to go lone wolf. So, I sent Mia out to implant her with the tracker. We can find her; the program is gold, and it sounds like Milo will either be with her or close by. We can find them and get them the hell out of there.”

  Wyatt spoke up, “I need to be within a hundred miles of the target, Alpha.”

  Jacks was the next to speak.

  “Kayden, I am going to send Wyatt your way. Cash can fly him out as soon as we get off the phone. What are you going to do about Cassie?”

  “I had Josh take her back to our base,” Kayden revealed. “She is freaked out and a little banged up; they kept her drugged. I want to keep her there until we find out what kind of threat she is still under.”

  “Sounds good. I will send Mia she can help,” Ryleigh said. “Someone is going to have to tell Cassie what is going on and what is going to happen now that she has been found. Those people had Cassie for a for a month she may already have a good idea. I also want Mia to check the other woman you found. If my suspicion is correct, they may be on the list we just found of Franklins. If not, we need to figure out why Pandora was holding them. I am going to send you the information we found regarding known Pandora facilities we need to make sure we are dealing with Pandora and not Eli’s Associates or God forbid someone else.”

  “Roger that forward the info, and I will get back to you. I’ll have Josh ready to pick up this Mia person once we have an ETA,” Kayden said.

  Ryleigh was still opening files when everyone started to leave.

  “Jacks, you need to go and help Kayden find Milo and Zoey, the rest of the guys should go too,” Ryleigh said.

  Yeah, this was what Senior had been talking about. Baby, I can’t just leave you alone here. We need to have a doctor check you out, and I just can’t leave you unprotected.

  “Jacks, I am safe here, better yet I feel safe here,” Ryleigh said.

  Cash spoke up, “Man, I hate to say it, but she is right. It sounds like it was a bloodbath down there. We need as many boots on the ground as possible to find Milo and Zoey and figure out what is going on. Dalton can stay with Ryleigh, and I will fly back as soon as I drop you guys off. Wyatt needs to be close and Ethan can back him up. Kayden needs your help with Milo MIA. His team is going to be unhinged without their leader. Shit man you know Dalton and I will protect her with our lives. You have work to do.”

  Dalton was the next, “I second that Alpha.”

  “Okay, we are a go then,” Jacks said. “Dalton will remain at base alone with Ryleigh, until Cash can get back. I know I don’t need to say it, but if anything happens to her…”

  “Yeah, I got it Alpha, Ryleigh is a top priority,” Dalton said. “I’m the Enforcer, Jacks. I will protect her just like I have always protected the rest of the team. You have my word and my vow.”

  Ryleigh’s face went white.

  “Ah guys, we have a problem,” she said. “This goes higher than Pandora or Davis Defense. If what I am reading is right and up to date, shit, I’m not even worried about Eli’s associates at this point. The experiments were government sponsored.”




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