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Blessed Blades (The Elven-Trinity Book 5)

Page 2

by Mark Albany

  “She was the one who got all hot and bothered, watching you take control of the conversation,” Braire hissed, a shot of pleasure making her shudder as she picked up her pace. “She was the one who wanted to see something happen. I was just…obliging her.”

  “Be that as it may, I have no intention of rewarding your bad behavior,” I replied, still struggling to keep my voice steady as Aliana’s moans grew in intensity. “Pumping you full of me seems like it would be such a reward. Aliana, however, might be willing to oblige.”

  I gripped the djinn by one of her horns and gently pulled her away from where she was trying to force my cock deeper inside her mouth. She pulled off with a soft pop as she sucked the fat head and looked up at me with a small pout playing over her full lips.

  “How would you feel about rewarding Braire for dragging us all the way over here?” I asked her, gently caressing her cheek with my thumb. “Say, with your mouth, while I watch?”

  “Yes, please,” she gasped, licking her lips as I helped her back to her feet and firmly smacked her ass as she turned around, walking to where Braire was still on her back on the bed. She climbed onto it as well, giving me a clear view of her dripping pussy as she crawled over to where the beastmistress had her legs wide open as invitation.

  As Aliana’s head dipped between Braire’s thighs, my hands went to my cock, slowly stroking it while I watched Braire’s eyes roll back in her head. Aliana’s lips and tongue applied just as much enthusiasm to working over Braire’s pussy as she had my cock, her wings fluttering excitedly.

  The way that she wagged her posterior was as much an invitation as Braire’s spread thighs. She shook her ass at me and let me watch as one hand moved down between her thighs, playing with her clit as the other reached up to grab one of Braire’s breasts. Braire herself was playing with the other, squeezing and tugging at her hardened nipple as both women moaned and murmured in pleasure.

  I wasn’t much for self-control, and, considering the circumstances, I doubted that I could resist even if I was. Less than a minute had passed before I moved toward the bed while I pulled my shirt off and tossed it aside, leaving me just as naked as the two of them as I climbed onto the bed. I licked my lips as I moved in behind Aliana and boldly placed my hands on her ass, then squeezed and smacked both cheeks, drawing a soft squeak from her that was heavily muffled by Braire’s pussy. I had no problem watching the djinn pleasure Braire, but I wasn’t going to be kept to the side.

  My hands spread her cheeks wide, teasing at the hole back there with my thumb as my free hand firmly gripped her hip and guided her down to rub her pussy over my cock, which was still wet from her mouth. She visibly shuddered under my grasp and moaned again as her hand, already down there, reached in further to grab my cock and guide it up to her wet hole, pushing herself back just as my hips thrust forward, almost of their own accord.

  She said something, but it was still muffled against Braire, who reached down, grabbed Aliana’s horns, and used them to keep the woman pinned between her thighs. Her moans turned to cries of pleasure as she pushed her hips up into Aliana’s mouth, wanting more. She was right on the edge—I felt it—and since I was pumping Aliana full from the opposite side, I knew that I wasn’t going to last for much longer, either. Wet sounds were shared between the three of us, and low slaps as my hips collided with her ass over and over again.

  Both of my hands gripped Aliana’s hips, and I pushed her down further into the bed as her walls wrapped tighter and tighter around me, her sounds of pleasure very audible now. I felt both women reach their climaxes, and I wasn’t far behind. My hips bucked hard into her from behind as my growl turned into a roar.

  Engaged as I was, I only realized that I had plowed her up to lie on top of Braire after I had slowly come down from my climax, gasping for breath as I held her closer to me, still buried to the hilt inside her.

  “Someone had something to get out,” Braire panted and stretched luxuriously. Aliana took advantage of her new spot to play with Braire’s breasts. A light sheen of sweat covered her skin. I ran my fingers up her back, following her spine all the way up to her neck.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I replied with a cheeky half-smile. “I’m always that passionate.”

  “I think I’m going to have a bit of trouble walking,” Aliana said, turning her head to smile at me. “I appreciate your enthusiasm.”

  “I know you do,” I replied, and lightly patted her ass while I pulled back from her—just in time to hear the door open behind me. A glance back revealed Norel and Lyth stepping inside.

  The tall, turquoise-haired elf looked a little surprised to see us in that state, although from the look on Norel’s flushed and heated features, she seemed to know exactly what the two of them were walking into. There was a time when I would have blushed and reached for my clothes or something to cover myself, but that version of myself was a creature of the past, long since extinct. I couldn’t help but notice how Lyth’s eyes lingered on me when I stepped back from the bed, leaving Aliana and Braire still tangled together as I walked over to where my trousers had been left behind.

  “How can we help you?” I asked, showing no shame and no hurry in pulling my clothes back on as the silence in the room threatened to drag on.

  “We have…” Norel started, but her voice was suspiciously throaty, and she paused to clear her throat before continuing. “We have news. Good news.”


  Lyth had decided to step outside of the room to allow us to gather ourselves again, although she did so without mentioning anything about it. Norel stayed behind, leaning in to run her fingers down my side as I pulled my clothes back on.

  “You knew what we were in the middle of when you pulled Lyth into the room with you, right?” I asked, taking my time with the clothes for her benefit.

  “Hmm?” she grunted and looked up at me as if she hadn’t been paying attention. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Of course, you don’t,” I replied as I finished with my shirt and turned to face her, then pulled her closer and boldly cupped her breast through her shirt as I pressed a light kiss to her lips. “I don’t suppose you’d like a turn before we address this good news of yours?”

  She moaned softly and pushed her chest into my hands while pressing light kisses along my neck before taking a step back. “You certainly know how to tempt me, Grant, but I’m afraid this good news can’t wait. Although I will take you up on that offer at a later date.”

  “I look forward to it,” I replied with a chuckle, then nipped her neck and squeezed her breast again before I broke away from our embrace. I smiled when she let out a soft grunt of disapproval as I stepped away. I chuckled and shook my head as Aliana and Braire quickly recovered their clothes. We all stepped outside to see Lyth waiting for us. I couldn’t be sure due to the darker room but she seemed to be flushed as well, although she could just be embarrassed from what she’d seen. I didn’t want to make any assumptions at this point, especially since we needed to focus on greater issues at the moment.

  “What is this news, then?” Aliana asked, still adjusting her clothes to cover her breasts.

  “Well, with a bit of study and more than a little exploration, we were able to find a weapon that could be what we’re looking for,” Norel explained.

  I nodded. “That is better than just sitting around on our asses out here, waiting for Abarat to enact any plans he might have.”

  “The weapon, of course, is just the first step in the process of breaking a hold like Abarat’s,” Lyth noted. “The spell itself stems from a feeling of inferiority to the person laying the spell, paired with a hefty dose of magical mind manipulation. The way to break it, from what I’ve been able to determine, is to have an artifact capable of soaking away the magic used in the spell itself, while introducing another authority figure. Enter the sword that we tracked down, owned by Daryhan, one of the Elven Kings from before the war. It is known to be protected by a
powerful curse, however.”

  “Of course, it is.” I shook my head. “Well, first things first, we need to obtain that sword. We’ll deal with the curse when we get to it, troubling though it may be.”

  “Agreed,” Lyth said. “You can’t just expect a king from times past to leave his magically enchanted weapon around for just anyone to pick up. That would be irresponsible of him.”

  “And if there’s anything that we know about royalty, it’s that they hate irresponsibility.” Norel chuckled and shook her head. A hint of annoyance crossed Lyth’s features at the comment.

  “You wouldn’t by any chance happen to be related to this king, would you?” I asked her, and she turned to me, a little surprised by the question.

  “Well, the royal families did tend to share a lot of information between them, which is how I knew that the ruins we found were where he was buried,” Lyth smoothly deflected, and I narrowed my eyes at her. Sure, that was enough of an answer on its own, but my personal curiosity would have been better satisfied with a few more details.

  There didn’t seem to be any more answers forthcoming, though, as the conversation moved on to more pressing matters.

  “I take it that you know where the sword is, then?” I asked, looking around at the rest of them, since the other three were suspiciously quiet in this conversation.

  “From what I remember, he was buried with the blade,” Lyth replied. “There are a handful of burial grounds used by the royal families across the Empire, with Daryhan buried in the grounds to the northeast. I was able to find it with Norel’s help and did a bit of projection to make sure that it was the place.”

  “Excellent.” I grinned and looked at everyone. “When do we leave?”

  “We should be ready for anything,” Norel pointed out. “And we’ll take Faye with us, just to make sure that the sword works. So, I suggest that we make it tomorrow morning. At dawn, shall we say?”

  Aliana, Lyth, and Braire all nodded in agreement. I wasn’t as enthusiastic about the concept, however.

  “Why is it always dawn?” I asked as I scowled and shook my head. “Why can’t we make it a nicer, more leisurely hour of the morning which would allow us all to be well-rested and ready for the trip?”

  Aliana smirked and shook her head at me, then leaned in to lightly kiss my cheek, but Norel and Braire seemed a little less amused by my suggestion. I amused one of them by it, though, which I had to consider a positive note. I returned Aliana’s light kiss, but on her lips. She grinned and bit her bottom lip.

  “Well, since that’s decided, I suppose we could all prepare for the journey ahead?” Lyth looked like she was pretending that she hadn’t seen the kiss. “Food and horses need to be readied for an early start in the morning, which means that we should probably have it done today. Shall we get to it, then?”

  She took her own advice before anyone else, and Norel was quick on her heels. The two of them seemed to get along better and better as time passed. I mused that it probably had something to do with how close Lyth and Frarris had been. Of course, the dragon couldn’t be bothered to stick around for longer than she was needed and had gone back into the mountains. Lyth said that she would return should we need her again, although the implication remained that something as powerful and ancient as a dragon wouldn’t come to our beck and call.

  I looked over at Braire as Aliana headed off to tend to one of the many chores that needed to be finished.

  “What?” she asked and stepped closer to me, then dragged my arm over her shoulders. “Are you still punishing me for my bad behavior?”

  “You know that I wasn’t really punishing you, right?” I replied as I pulled her closer and placed a light, tender kiss on top of her head.

  “Of course.” Braire grinned and pressed herself a little tighter into me. “Although, you do know that I will punish you right back for that? I’ll come up with a dastardly plot to pay you back.”

  “Well, if it’s anything like the punishment I subjected you to, I look forward to it,” I replied with a chuckle, idly playing with her hair as she guided us back into the room we’d just left. “On a different topic, does Lyth seem a little too used to being in charge to you? I mean, I know she was a member of a royal family and whatnot, but I can’t help but feel like she was a little more…commanding than I remember her being in the past.”

  Braire shrugged her shoulders. “The royal families were never that present in the lives of the rest of elvendom. They were powerful rulers, sure, but them interfering too deeply in the lives of the people that they ruled over was always frowned upon. So, yes, I suppose that she was a little more overbearing than she’s been in the past, but I think that is only because she was a little flustered.”

  “Why would she be flustered, I wonder?” I asked, only half-joking as we stepped back into the room, where the bed was still a mess as evidence of our love-making.

  “Well, I think it’s just because she wasn’t used to seeing someone as delicious as you in the nude.” She leaned in to press a light, teasing kiss on my neck.

  “Or someone like you,” I replied as my hand drifted down her back. I didn’t stop until I reached her ass, giving it a firm, possessive squeeze as I pulled her closer to me.

  “No, I saw where her eyes were when she pretended not to look at us,” Braire whispered and leaned in to kiss my neck again. “I didn’t need to share a bond with her to know that she wondered what your cock tasted like, all covered in Aliana’s cum as it was.”

  “Are you sure that you’re not projecting?” I asked and then chuckled softly, my hands still wandering over her body. “I saw where your eyes were similarly drawn.”

  “I might be,” she whispered with a noncommittal shrug. I smiled and pushed a little of the power in me into the runes on my hand, which was pressed against her ass. Her reaction was almost instant as she shivered against me.

  “Is this more punishment?” she asked, her voice low and full of need as the power kept pulsing through her body.

  “Possibly,” I whispered as my hands worked her clothes off, leaving her naked before me.

  “How might I get you to forgive me?” she asked, looking into my eyes as my hands rushed up over her body, exploring what I’d seen not too long before.

  “Get on your knees and ask,” I whispered, then leaned in to kiss her lips as my hands gripped her shoulders, then guided her to comply.

  Braire looked up at me as she dropped to her knees, a delicious sight as she settled at eye level with the bulge starting to appear in my trousers. She licked her lips and pulled my cock free of its confines, then smiled and cupped my balls in her hands as her tongue ran slowly over the underside of the shaft, drawing a long, delicious moan from me as my head dropped back.

  “I think I could get on board with this way to earn forgiveness,” she whispered to me before taking me into her mouth.


  With winter right around the corner, the sun spent fewer hours in the sky, distinctly making the world a darker place in warning of what was to come. I couldn’t shake the feeling that the rest of the world was holding its breath, waiting for something bad to happen.

  After Braire and I finished, we moved on to help with the preparations required for a trip like what we planned. As it turned out, there was a lot to do, especially since the mayor of the town had all but turned its day-to-day rule over to us. Getting him involved in the process of keeping the small town afloat again required a bit of convincing from Braire and myself, which ended with the sun already setting. I didn’t appreciate losing what remained of the sunlight and needing to do the rest of our preparations by torchlight, but I didn’t voice any complaints.

  The hour was late by the time we finished, which made my suggestion to sleep later into the morning and start our trip at a more reasonable hour a little easier to digest, but Lyth remained adamant that an early start was in our future and led Norel and Braire off to bed.

  Aliana and I were the last two left in the di
ning hall of the mayor’s house. We sat next to the fire, wrapped up together as I idly played with her hair.

  The silence was enjoyable for the most part, but as it started to drag on, I wondered if I needed to say something to keep Aliana from drifting off to sleep. Not that I didn’t want her to, mind, but if she was going to sleep in my arms, I preferred for it to happen in a spot where I could fall asleep alongside her.

  She turned her face up to look at me with a small smile on her lips. “How do you feel about all this?” She reached up to run her finger over my chin and jawline.

  “Fine,” I quickly replied, narrowing my eyes. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “You…well, you seemed a little unsettled with the whole leaving early aspect of it,” Aliana pointed out as her fingers stroked my jaw, then down my neck, and pulled me closer.

  “That was a joke,” I explained with a chuckle and shook my head. “For the most part. I don’t like getting up and being ready to leave with the sun. It’s a personal preference. I like my sleep.”

  Aliana chuckled softly. “Well, I just wanted to make sure that everything was all right.”

  “I do have one question, though,” I said as the silence threatened to take over again. “Why travel overland when you could open a portal to take us to the spot?”

  “I thought you hated my portals?” Aliana asked as she pressed herself tighter against me.

  “Well, I think I’d hate riding all the way to the northeast corner of the Empire even more,” I replied. “I love Horse, but that long a trip will make us hate each other.”

  Aliana laughed and leaned her head against my shoulder. “You need to come up with a better name for him than that.”

  “Why?” I shrugged. “He’s a horse, so the description fits, and any other name I thought of for him would just get in the way. Say I called him Grant. That would just confuse everyone around us.”


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