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Trophy Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy

Page 11

by Lexi Archer

  Well, if things went where I was hoping they were going then those cocks would be finding a home very soon.

  6: Slow Seduction

  It started slow. Sensual. At first Blake was running his hands up and down her sides. Up to cup one of her tits in that sundress. The other guy was also starting to do his work from behind. She closed her eyes and her head fell back, her hair brushing against this Michael guy's chest as his own hands moved down to her hips and started moving around the curve of her ass.

  I watched in fascination, licking my lips as they just spent a moment exploring her body. Feeling every contour. Moving their hands up and down. Blake's hands and Michael's dark hands were a stark contrast to the bright white of her dress. A dress that was almost see-through in the fluorescent kitchen lighting from up above.

  There was just the rustle of her dress being moved, but then another sound joined in. A slow labored breathing. Hearing that there was no doubt in my mind that she was getting turned on now. It was a slow and steady pant as they continued feeling her. As Blake explored her body, running his hands over her tits and then moving a finger down inside her top but not quite moving in entirely to cup her tit which was maddeningly frustrating and arousing at the same time.

  It was a slow tease. It was obviously driving Abby absolutely wild. I knew how much she enjoyed having hands running all over her, exploring her body, and it was surprising that they were taking the time to truly explore her. Especially considering the sense of urgency I'd been expecting as they felt my wife's body for the first time.

  My wife's body. These were two almost strangers, two men she'd never been with before in her life, and they were running their hands all over her. They were exploring territory that was mine, and it was sending jealousy roaring through me like a raging bonfire. It was filling me with an incredible rush. I felt like I was drunk on the sight of my wife getting felt up by these two men. There was a sight I never thought I'd get to experience in my life, and yet it was happening right before me.

  Abby paused in moving her head back and forth. Her body was positively writhing between these two men. There were little sexy squeaks escaping her mouth. Her body seemed like it was on fire. There were gasps, almost moans.

  Only she paused and turned to look at me. She licked her lips, her eyes lidded with obvious arousal. Yeah, she was really fucking turned on. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind about that. Her breathing was coming in heaving gasps, and every gasp was thrusting her body up against Blake. Pressing against these two men who were pressing against her from both sides. Pressing their massive rock hard cocks against her ass and her pussy through that barely-there sundress.

  Finally Michael seemed to take a little bit of initiative. That surprised me. I figured if anything Blake would be more the aggressor in this forbidden dance. Michael moved up and he took one of the straps of her tight sundress in his massive fingers. I figured he might pull it down, but it seemed like some of that urgency that I'd expected was finally starting to take over just a little.

  He pulled up and then with a snap the strap broke. The dress fell down slightly on one side, the gentle curve of her tits pressing up was the only thing that caught it and prevented that entire half of her dress from falling down. Then the other strap caught and she was standing there between them on the verge of having one of her tits exposed to them completely.

  Abby's nipples were obvious. They were straining out. She hadn't bothered to wear a bra. Both because it didn't exactly go with this dress, and because as she'd so eloquently put it earlier when we were discussing our strategy for the night, why not? If she was already going to act like a complete and total wanton slut then why not go for the gold? Why not make it a little easier for these guys?

  Her dress falling down like that seemed to be the impetus that Blake needed to really get going. His hands moved back up to that forbidden exploration of her tits that he'd been enjoying so far. They moved down inside her dress once more and his eyes went wide. Abby looked up and her lidded eyes turned to a smile.

  Yeah, he'd just realized she wasn't wearing a bra. He'd just realized that her tits were completely exposed to him. And it was so fucking hot watching him come to that realization. Realizing that his fingers were probably brushing against her nipples now. He was probably exploring forbidden territory that had been off-limits to anyone but me for the duration of our marriage. It was a realization that we were finally crossing that line that she'd been talking about.

  And it really was one hell of a line. It was a line that almost had me coming in my pants, it was so fucking hot. The culmination of years of fantasizing, years of imagining a moment exactly like this, and now it was happening.

  Abby gasped as his hands continued moving over her tits. As he smiled down at her and continued his exploration. And meanwhile Michael repeated the motion he'd just made with her dress strap. He yanked the other one free and her dress fell down even more. This time it really was just her tits that were preventing her from being completely exposed to these two men. From being completely open to their desires.

  Of course that was crazy thinking. She was already completely open to their advances. She'd surrendered herself entirely. And now it was just a matter of seeing exactly where that surrender went. Of seeing exactly how they took her. I couldn't fucking wait!

  Blake's hand was still doing its work on my wife's tits, and so Michael took it upon himself to take care of her dress. He reached up under her arms and gave a quick tug and then she was completely free. Her tits were exposed to both of them. There was a sharp intake of breath in the room as Blake looked down on those treasures that I'm sure he'd been fantasizing about ever since the first time he saw my wife, despite his best efforts to look like he wasn't interested in her in any way whatsoever whenever I was around. I smiled. Yeah, he'd been pretty good at that act. He'd certainly had me good and fooled!

  Blake licked his lips and then his head moved down in between her tits. He started by burying his face in her cleavage and kissing over to one tit. His tongue swirled around one of her nipples which was already rock hard. It was a puffy pink treasure that was mine alone, and here there was another man taking it. There was this muscular guy standing before my wife and making her his. Completely devouring her.

  Meanwhile Michael was feeling up the other tit that Blake wasn't working on. His hands were moving in a slow and sensual caress working on that perfect globe. She had absolutely no tan lines thanks to a policy of tanning completely in the nude, something that never failed to turn me on as I imagined the neighbors maybe catching a glimpse of her doing that tanning in the nude in our backyard, and the entire time his other hand was working on her dress. Pulling it down and revealing more and more of her flat toned stomach. Revealing more of her body. Exposing the curve of her ass, and then the dress fell down and gravity took over the work. There were no more curves for it to get caught on as they continued their attention on her tits up above.

  Abby's body was covered in goose bumps as she started to let out the first true moans of the evening. Moans that struck at the very core of my soul. Moans that filled me with an insane jealousy, an insane desire, an insane urge to see more. To see them take my wife from me completely.

  Her dress pooled down on the ground with a gentle rustle and then she was almost completely naked in front of these two men who still had their clothes on. Who were still feeling her up reverently. Though they were starting to move faster. I could see they were starting to get really turned on. There was more and more of that urgency that I'd expected. I was just glad that up until this point they'd given one hell of a show.

  Abby moved to step out of the dress, only as she stepped out of it Blake reached down and cupped her ass on that side, pulling up so he was staring down at her rather than devouring one of her tits. Michael was more than happy to pick up where Blake left off, moving one of his big dark hands up to cup her newly freed tits glistening with spit from Blake's earlier oral exploration.

nbsp; As she lifted her other leg Blake reached down and grabbed her ass. He was holding her in the air and her legs wrapped around him. I licked my lips and stared. Leaned forward. Almost to the point that I lost my balance and very nearly went sprawling on the ground as the stool wobbled precariously underneath me. Only I managed to catch myself at the last minute.

  Damn. I needed to be more careful. That would've definitely ruined the moment for just a little while if I'd fallen on my ass while these two muscled men were enjoying the pleasures that my wife had to offer!

  Blake leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. It was the sight I'd been imagining. The sight that had filled my mind while I heard them kissing over the intercom. The sight I'd been denied up until this moment. Another man's lips pressing against my wife's. His tongue moving into her mouth as they dueled with one another. Hell, it looked like his massive tongue was almost like a cock that was fucking her mouth, and of course that brought to mind the vision of other cocks fucking her mouth. Something that I hoped I would be able to see soon enough.

  Only for now I was content with the vision of this man taking her. Then she leaned back, pulled away from the kiss, as he started pressing against her. As he started thrusting against her in the air. Pressing against her thong clad pussy which I had no doubt was completely soaked. Was completely ready to be taken by these two muscular men.

  Abby seemed confident that there was going to be absolutely no problem as Blake held her waist and she threw her upper torso back against Michael. And there wasn't. Michael was waiting. He was ready. His hands wrapped around her and continued massaging her tits. She fell back against his chest and then she was suspended in midair between these two muscular studs.

  She craned her head back and then her lips were pressing against Michael's. Her lips which were already slick with saliva from Blake, but Michael didn't seem to give a damn. No, he was more concerned with getting at my wife. With fucking her face with his tongue. I almost wanted to get my phone out and take a picture, preserve this moment forever, but I figured that might piss them off more than anything else. That might ruin the moment. And so I held back, as much as I wanted photographic evidence I also didn't want to do anything to potentially ruin this moment.

  They remained like that suspended in the air for what seemed like an eternity. Her making out with Michael and his dark skin behind her, Blake in the front looking down at the spot where their bodies came together and concentrating as he thrust against her. I almost wondered if he was going to disappoint me and come against her while he was basically dry humping her. That would be a pain in the ass. We'd gone to all this trouble and I wanted to see the actual show!

  Only I needn't worry. He finally stopped his thrusting, and I thought for a moment he might be coming, but no. He looked up to Michael. An unspoken signal passed between the two of them and Michael grinned. They were pulling on my wife. Pulling her down. Moving her down towards that air mattress. I licked my lips. It was time.

  In a flash she was sandwiched between the two of them, only this time she was sandwiched between the two of them on the ground. Both of them were on either side of her pressing against her just like they had a moment ago up above. Only it seemed that being down on the ground like that, being so close to the goal, was what they finally needed to really get things going into overdrive.

  Blake pulled up on his shirt and Michael did the same. Meanwhile Abby was working frantically at the front of Blake's jeans. She was working at the button, unzipping his pants, and then her hand disappeared inside.

  I felt lightheaded. I felt drunk. I felt like I was falling from the top of the Empire State building as I watched my wife's hand disappear down the front of another man's jeans. As I saw the added bulge of her hand running up and down the already considerable bulge on display in his jeans. Fuck!

  She was really starting to go to town. It was like she was a woman possessed as she felt his cock, but I was frustrated. I wanted to see it actually happening. I wanted to see her petite hands wrapped around his massive cock. I wanted to see her going at another man's cock as she completely abandoned herself to the lust she was feeling!

  Meanwhile Michael seemed to be once again taking up his role as the man who was unwrapping my wife. Undressing her and getting her ready for whatever it was they were going to do to her. He moved down to her ass, kissing down along her back. Then pausing to press his lips against one ass cheek, then another. I held my breath, wondered if he was going to pull aside the thin strip of her thong and go down on her ass, but he didn't go quite that far. No, he just hooked his hands in her thong. I held my breath, waited for the telltale rip that seemed to happen every time he went to work on a piece of my wife's clothing.

  Only this time there was no ripping. No, this time he pulled down on her thong. He slid down past her ass, down past her thighs, down past her legs and then she was kicking to give him a little bit of an assist as he pulled it off completely. He paused for a moment, brought that thong up to his nose, inhaled deeply, and then smiled as he looked over to me.

  "Damn that's a nice smelling piece of ass man," he said. "Thanks for sharing!"

  I didn't have a chance to respond. No, no sooner had he finished sniffing and delivering that quick thanks to me than he was moving back up. Kissing and licking along her ankles. Moving up in between her legs. Up to that spot where he'd been kissing her ass. And this time he buried his face in between her legs, right up against her pussy.

  I saw his tongue snake out and I felt like I was going to pass out from the blood loss as all of the blood in my body moved down to my cock. As my brain declared a state of emergency as I saw another man buried between my wife's legs, his nose between her ass cheeks as his tongue devoured her pussy. As the fireworks were instantly visible up above.

  Abby's reaction to that invasion was immediate. She loved to have her pussy eaten, and it seemed like the combination of this guy's skill and how incredibly turned on she already was combined to immediately send her over the edge. Her body started to shudder and that bulge in Blake's pants where she'd been moving her hand up and down came to a stop. It was as though the three of them were frozen in time for an eternity as her body shuddered under his tongue, though it was just a quick orgasm. A short one, even by her standards. After a moment it had passed, and then she was falling back to reality. She was breathing heavily and staring at Blake who moved down and started to pull his pants down.

  Finally his cock sprang free as he rolled away from my wife, rolled away from her hand for a moment, but then his pants were off entirely and he was rolling back. I was finally treated to the intoxicating sight of my wife's petite hand wrapped around another man's cock, and damn was it worth the wait! Holy shit was that intense!

  There was already a hell of a lot of pre-come leaking from the tip of his cock. My wife played with that. Ran her thumb around the head of his dick and then used that as lubrication as she started moving her tiny hand up and down his shaft. She moaned in time with her hands jerking motion, her hips thrusting up as Michael continued his exploration down between her legs. As her body churned and writhed under their collective ministrations. As she moved her hand up and down, seemingly in time with the way her hips were churning. Probably in time with Michael's tongue thrusting in and out of her body.

  This was all too much for me. I finally reached down and started unzipping my own pants. And the sound of my pants unzipping from across the room seemed to draw Abby's attention away from the world of pleasure she was enjoying. It pulled her back to reality for a moment as she pulled away and turned to look at me. As her eyes focused on my own. As we locked eyes as two men worked on her body.

  My hand had barely brushed against my cock and already I felt like I was going to explode just from the way she was looking at me. From the way she was locking eyes with me. Shit that was so fucking hot! But I didn't. No, I watched as her free hand, the hand that wasn't working on another man's cock, moved up and then she was crooking her finger towar
ds me. She was gesturing for me to come over and join them, or at the very least she was encouraging me to come over and get a closer view of the action, which I was more than happy to oblige. And so I stood up and moved across the room.

  That motion wasn't lost on Blake or Michael. Both of them turned their attention to me for a moment, but they very quickly went back to the hot woman underneath them. And so I had a front row seat as I looked down at them. As I looked down at Abby reaching across Blake and pulling one of the condoms I'd tossed to them out of his jeans pockets and reaching down to start putting it around his cock.

  I licked my lips. I felt an impossible tingle as though my entire body was falling asleep as I watched her hand stop at the tip of his cock which was covered in pre-come, as I saw the condom rolling down. Moving to cover him completely.

  The meaning couldn't be more clear. She was ready. It was about to happen. And Blake seemed to catch that meaning as well. He opened his eyes and looked up at me. He grinned. I might've had the upper hand earlier, but in this moment he was the man who was about to fuck my wife. In this moment it was clear he was the one taking control of things, and I was perfectly fucking fine with that. I just needed to see this.

  Abby reached down into his jeans again and grabbed a second condom. Tossed it down to Michael who got the hint when it smacked against his forehead and came to rest on her thighs. He was still going to town licking her pussy, but as soon as he felt that condom wrapper smack him and he was back in reality. He went cross eyed as he looked at it, and then he was up. He was scrambling to get it out of the wrapper and put it on.

  Yeah, he might be enjoying eating my wife out, but he was just as eager to feel his cock inside her as Blake was. Not that I could blame the guy!


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