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Double Dragon's Blood

Page 3

by Kali Willows

  “No, I…well, I guess it hadn’t occurred to me.”

  “Do you feel stronger? More powerful?”

  “I suppose, yes.” He fisted his hand and released it.

  “Before, you were the less-dominant twin. Ling led every aspect of your life, and you followed. How about your ambition?”

  “But, why me? If he was the dominant, why did he die? Why were you drawn to me?”

  “Why does the sun rise or the moon set? Why does the wind blow? It is nature’s way. There is no way to predict it, and you cannot deny it. We are true mates. Even if I had gone to Ling that night, I would never have been able to give him the dragon’s bond.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Lien held his gaze. “In the scrolls, I read that a dragoness can mate with any dragon—it’s survival of the fittest. If you research dragon mythology, it will tell you, they vie for her attention. She mates with the strongest, and could do so with more than one, if she wanted. However, she can only bond with one. When she does, no others will draw her attention again. It is the dragon way.”

  Shen held his silence.

  “Don’t you see?” She had to make him understand. “Even if we never mated, in time, Ling would have died anyway.”

  “Why?” Resentment tinged his voice.

  “Think about before that night. He had grown so sick, pale, and tired. Had he developed strange growths on his skin? I didn’t see anything, but….”

  “Yes, but his clothing covered them. The village doctor had never seen anything like it before.”

  “They were dragon scales, Shen. Every time you lost your temper, you would absorb some of his energy, his chi. Even without the bond, he would have turned and died. Maybe not that night, but the change had already begun.”

  “Scales? I had no idea.” He collected the book from her hand and flipped through it. The vein in his temple pulsed.

  “Now you do.” She rested back against her propped up pillows.

  “Is there anything in here about what just happened to you?”

  “Oh, that.” Lien sucked in her bottom lip. “That would be because my dragoness temper flared. In the last half of the book…it’s there.”

  “You’re joking.”

  “No, you made me so angry, it triggered the dragon within. If I had been in danger, I likely could have breathed fire.”

  “I would never have hurt you….” He closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. “Well, at least not physically. I never meant to cause you pain.”

  “I know. You are the gentlest person I have ever met.” She caressed his arm. There was a knock at the door. “Room service.” Her stomach grumbled.

  Shen removed his tie, took his jacket off, and laid it on the side of the couch. He studied the way her red satin robe clung to her sumptuous curves as she walked to the bathroom.

  “I’ll be right back. Go ahead and finish your food,” she called over her shoulder and closed the door behind her.

  Shen fished through his wallet and removed an old black and white photo of beaming twin boys, arms around each other’s shoulders.

  “I miss you, brother.” A single tear trickled down his cheek as he stared at the wrinkled picture.

  The journal was on the table in front of him. He retrieved the book and looked through it again. Now that the shock had eased, the lines of handwriting were not as much of a blur. On the very last page, he found a passage Lien had added.

  “February 21, 1952. Shen, if you don’t find peace with any of this, there is one more person who had something to say….” An arrow pointed to the back cover. Taped inside was a sealed envelope with a Kanji inscription on it, addressed:

  To my dearest brother, Shen.

  With great care, he peeled the tape, opened the envelope, and read the enclosed letter.

  Dear Shen,

  If you are reading this, I have passed over, and I imagine you will struggle with my death, just as I would, if you were to leave this world before me. I want you to know, whatever happened to me, whatever illness this is that took hold, I want your happiness in my absence. Honor me by choosing to live. We had agreed not to fight over her. Our parents would never understand the need to choose love over the arranged marriages they had planned for us. I know you love Lien Long as much as I do. I want you to marry her. She is your match. You have been the best brother I could have asked for, and I am grateful for our time together. From the afterlife, I shall bless you with harmony, good health, and double happiness.

  Forever and always, your brother,


  “I wondered what he wrote to you.” Lien’s soft voice roused him from the numbness. “What did he say?”

  “He gave us his blessing.” Shen swallowed hard past the lump in his throat as he forced his words out. Tears stung his sinuses. “Where did you get this?”

  “He left your sister a package with letters for both of us and his final wishes in it. He asked this letter be delivered to you, and after…it all happened, she decided she didn’t want your parents to know. They were still grieving.”

  “I know.” He grimaced. “You got a letter, too?”


  “What did it say?”

  “He knew we were in love with one another and said it didn’t hurt him. He wanted me to be with you because we were meant for each other.”

  “I had no idea.”

  “You left for America in such a rush and wouldn’t answer any of our letters. She came to me and asked me to give it to you.”

  “What ever happened to…?” He cringed and shook his head, unable to say it out loud.


  “Yes, did he get angry with you? Did he punish you?” Shen stared at the ground and waited for her reply.

  “No, he understood. His wife had other plans for his devious concubine, but he sent me away, released me from my debt to him.”

  He looked up to her with knitted brows. “Why?”

  “He knew my heart belonged to you.”

  “I’m so sorry, Lien. I’ve made such a mess for us both.”

  “It’s okay. It will be all right now.” She nestled beside him and cupped his face.

  “I do love you, I’ve never stopped.” He closed the book and laid it on the table.

  “I know. I love you, too.”

  Shen stared into the brilliance of her green eyes he had longed to admire once more. Drawn in by her sensuality, he moved closer until the exquisite warmth of her breath brushed over his lips then he retreated. Twirling a stray lock of ebony silk around his finger, he studied her exotic oval face.

  “I know. It’s a mess now.” She plucked out the bobby pins, and her glossy raven hair spilled across her shoulders.

  “Your hair is gorgeous.” He tousled it. “You had it cut?”

  “A trim. Do you like it?”

  “Very much. I want you, Lien.” He got to his feet and held his hand out to her.

  “I hope you do, as much as I want you.”

  He scooped her up into his arms, and she gasped.

  Face to face, he continued to suppress the urge to claim her lips just yet, carried her down the hall to the closed bedroom door, and kicked it open.

  He placed her on the king-sized bed and stripped off his shirt.

  “Wait.” She bolted up.

  “What is it?”

  “A special surprise for you.” Lien hurried to the adjoining bathroom and closed the door. In moments, she returned, carrying a small glass jar and paint brush.

  “An art lesson?” He arched his brows.

  “I wish to paint a whisper of pleasure to come on my emperor. That is what a good concubine does.”

  “Hey.” He gave her a stern glare. “I will be your emperor, Lien, but you are no concubine. You are my empress.” A tear spilled down her cheek, and Shen thumbed it away. “You will never be made to feel inferior again as long as I live and breathe.”

  “I am no empress, but I will forever be your dragoness.” She uns
crewed the lid, dropped it on the floor, and dipped the brush into the jar.

  “What is that?”

  “Cherry.” She held the tip up for him to taste.

  “Mmm.” He smacked his lips at the decadent treat.

  “I know you have become Americanized in your time here, but let us see if you recall these characters?”

  With precision, she painted two detailed Kanji symbols on his chest. “Do you know what they mean?”

  “How could I forget? It is double dragon and fire.”

  “You are my double dragon, and I will ignite your fiery passion.”

  “You already have.” Shen ran his thumb across her luscious lips.

  “Your turn.” She handed the brush and jar to him then opened her robe, exposing her pink satin and black lace bra and panties. The black garter belt held up sheer tan stockings.

  “You are a vision.” Intrigue filled his mind.

  Shen gazed into her vivid eyes then down to her flawless skin as he pondered. He painted his symbols across her chest then touched the tip of the brush to her lips. “For you, my love.”

  “Double happiness and eternity.” She traced her fingers along his jawline.

  Shen placed the brush and jar on the nightstand and eased her red silk robe off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. His insatiable appetite took hold when she licked her lips.

  “What would you prefer to try? The Walking Tiger, the Flying Dragon, or the Jumping Monkey?” She caressed his chest as she recited the pleasure checklist.

  “Lien, look at me.” He gazed at her. “You are not obligated to please me.”

  “It is what I have been taught to do.”

  “Then let me teach you for a change.” He could imagine no greater joy.

  “What? A different position?”

  “I will show you how a man makes love to the woman who possesses his heart.” Shen held her close and eased her back onto the bed. He stroked her inner thigh and blazed a trail of passionate kisses over her bare tummy and up her neck as he inched closer to her luscious lips.

  He traced the outline of her face and down her throat to her satin and lace bra. He smoothed his palm over the sheer material, down her belly, and unfastened the garter belt.

  Pure femininity radiated her slender curves. There was an air of mystery about Lien, as if she lay in wait for him to ravish her. The thrill of the hunt had never been so intoxicating. Unable to hold back any longer, he captured her lips with his.

  His engorged cock strained against the confines of his pants. When Lien explored the plains of his abdomen with her heated palm, Shen took her hand and guided it down to the front of his pants. He groaned as she kneaded his hungry flesh through the material.

  Her nails scraped across his chest as their tongues danced and curled together. Urgency filled him. He smoothed his palm down the length of her body. Her groans fueled his fire. He hooked a digit under the flimsy material of her panties. Shen glided his fingertip along the slickness of her pussy, and he circled her clitoris. She arched her back and let out a shaky breath. He dipped his finger inside her while she writhed under his touch.

  “That’s it, let go, Lien.” Shen got up and dropped his trousers to unleash his caged hard-on. Lien propped herself up on her elbows and watched him, excitement lighting up her luminescent orbs. He tore at the delicate fabric and tossed the ripped panties to the side. In a rush, he buried his face in her pussy, and she gasped out loud.

  “Shen.” She whimpered and rolled her hips. His dragoness gyrated against his tongue; her breathless rasps grew at each swirl of his tongue and plunge of his finger.

  His cock engorged and aching, he couldn’t take much more. He needed to be inside her. Eager to please his dragoness, he clamped his mouth over her clit and sucked harder, burying his finger deeper with each thrust, speeding his tempo.

  “Oh, I’m…I’m….” Her breaths grew ragged, her body tensed. Lien grasped handfuls of his hair as he feasted on her juices. “Yes!”

  She arched her back and shook under him as her hot wetness spilled onto his tongue. He lapped her essence then inched his way back up and devoured her mouth. His cock rigid with desire, he kneeled in front of her.

  “I want you inside me, now,” she pled.

  He held her legs open and rubbed the tip of his cock along her heated pussy, swollen with pleasure. Focused on her core, he impaled her as deep as he could.

  “I’m yours, Shen, I’m yours.”

  She dug her nails into his back while he pumped into her. Already close to exploding, he had to slow his pace, or he would lose control. Shen tugged one side of her bra down and exposed her perfectly rounded breast. He pinched her rigid nipple then nipped and sucked it as he drove inside her tight pussy.

  “You feel so good, Lien.” He groaned long and hard.

  “Wait, Shen.” She plastered her palms against his chest.

  He stopped. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

  “No, but I was taught if you orgasm, it will diminish your yang. Your chi energy.”

  He thrust again and winked at her. “I’m willing to risk it.”

  “Well, it is also said if you cause your female to orgasm, you can increase your yang with my yin and prevent illness and aging.” She pulled him back to her and stole a deep, powerful kiss.

  “I got you once. Shall we try for another, just to be on the safe side?”

  At the emphatic nod from his woman, he slid in and out of her with rhythmic strokes. Lien wrapped her legs around his waist and raised her hips from the bed as he thrust into her. With shaky fingers, she reached down and massaged her engorged clit. “I’m there. Oh, God, I’m there.”

  He hauled back then shoved harder into her with each plunge. Her pussy clamped tight around his shaft, and she shook under him. He tensed then exploded, filling her with his cum while she screamed his name.

  Collapsing onto her, he chuckled. “The management should be at the door any moment after that.”

  Chapter Four

  Fresh from the sultry shower they had just shared, Lien snuggled in Shen’s arms in bed. “Do you wish to drink from the jade fountain?” She smoothed the edges of his hotel robe open and caressed his taut pecs.

  “What does that mean?”

  “My love, please do not be disappointed, but I cannot unlearn all of my lessons.”

  “I don’t expect you to.” He slid his fingers into her hair and combed through its length. “I want to be clear. You are not in servitude to me. You are my equal in every way.”

  Lien smiled with relief and leaned down and kissed Shen’s sweet lips. “I can learn to live with that.”

  “What does it mean?” He cradled the nape of her neck.


  “To drink from the jade fountain?”

  “Oh.” Her cheeks warmed at his question. “It is a method to enhance your yang, or rather the male energy. When he pleasures a woman, the man feeds off of her…juices.” She glanced down between her legs and giggled. “Her yin, to build longevity and youthfulness.”

  “What about when the woman feeds from the man. Does that give her vitality?” He intertwined his fingers with hers as she rested her hand on his chest.

  “I do not know.” She bit her lip with confusion.

  “What about when the man…?” He licked his lips. “Does he feed her yin, when he’s finished…inside of her…?”

  “No, ejaculation is meant for impregnation; otherwise, it is said, it depletes the man.”

  “Does that mean I can’t come with you?”

  “Not at all.” She kissed his cheek. “It just means we will have to work extra hard to build up the yang energy you expel.”

  “Well, if it is for my health, I will just have to oblige.” Shen rolled her onto her back and blazed a trail of heated kisses along her bare skin.

  “Wait.” She bolted out of bed.

  “What is it?”

  Lien moved to her suitcase propped open on the armchair by the wind
ow, eager to share more intimacy with her dragon.

  “Another surprise?” Shen waited on the bed, eyes sparkling.

  “The jade fountain requires a woman to exercise in order to experience earth-shattering bliss, and, in turn, provide the same for her lover.” She returned with a black velvet box and placed it in Shen’s hands.

  “What is it?” He opened the box to find six jade eggs nestled into velvet-lined grooves, an inch wide, with a long string attached to three of them. “What are these for?” He studied the small stones with fascination.

  “When we made love earlier, did you notice anything about my orgasm?”

  “Other than how gorgeous you are when you climax?”

  “Don’t be silly.” She gave his chest a playful slap. “These, are tools.”

  “For what?” His widened eyes made her laugh.

  “When I came, did you feel a special sensation around your cock?”

  “Yes, when you tightened, it was…so strong, it made me come fast.”

  “That is what these help me do.” She collected a few and explained her demonstration. “A concubine is to insert the eggs into herself to develop the muscles.”


  “When we flex the muscles inside, we can move them around. It builds intensity, not just in the muscles, but the climax heightens.”

  “Tough workout.”

  “Shall I show you, my love?”

  “It would be your pleasure, and mine, if you do.” Crinkles of amusement highlighted his green-eyed enthusiasm. “We’d better get started; we’re only young once.”

  She sighed, sorry to break the mood but something weighed on her mind. “There is something else we need to keep in mind.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Dragon’s don’t age the same way as humans.”

  “We don’t?”

  “No, the scrolls said humans age twice as fast as us. So, over time, people may start to question our youthful appearance.”

  “How should we deal with that?” He reached for her, but she ducked away, needing to continue their conversation before they could turn their attention to pleasure.


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