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Double Dragon's Blood

Page 19

by Kali Willows

  “No,” she shrieked.

  “I love you.” He fled out her open bedroom window.

  The cloth smoked and disintegrated from the heat of her breath. Her body temperature shot up and, as her wrist restraints, melted away, Kaida bolted out of bed and ran to the window.

  The first rays of dawn cascaded over the city and she crouched out of the opening, searching for him. Fear streaked through her when she saw him perching in his spot on the ledge.

  “No, Roark, come back in, please?”

  “Go back inside Kaida,” he growled. Sunlight crept across the rooftops and along the bricks toward him.

  “No.” She climbed out the window and scrambled over to him.

  “Get out of here, before you get hurt, I can’t protect you now.” His face contorted. “It’s happening.”

  “I’m not leaving you.”

  The last of the rays shifted up, touching the top of his head, moving over his body, turning him to stone for the last time.

  “Roark.” She lost her footing slipped, and fell. Lunging toward him, she grasped at anything she could, her fingers slipping off his smooth, hard arms and getting caught in the silver chain. Toppling over, she clutched at the cylinder and chain. The rest of her gargoyle lover turned to stone.

  “No.” she shrieked. Pulling herself up with the strength of the cursed metal, she crawled into his lap and clung to his neck. “Roark, don’t die, don’t leave me.” She heaved with violent sobs. “God damn you, why now?” She yanked her fingers free. “Roark, I love you.” Pressing her forehead against his face, she stared down at his body. “The chain is still metal.” Her tears streamed down her cheeks, splashing onto the necklace. A sizzle ended in a flaring spark. The end of the charm had cracked open revealing the parchment inside.

  “The curse.” She grabbed the rolled paper and opened it. Faded writing filled the page.

  Whimpering with desperation, she read the incantation aloud as the sun shone brighter against her back.

  “A dragon once, but now he’s gone. A man of stone, forever long. No curse shall lift, no love shall grow. Suffering is his, forever slow. No cure for him, no rest from pain, unless he finds, like him, a dame. Heed these words, or read aloud, suffer my wrath under this dark cloud. Be ye here, or be ye gone, his only redemption, the breath of the dragon’s bond.”

  “Come back to me.” She leaned back and watched him for a sign it worked. “I read the damn curse, change back, please, for me.” She stared at the withered paper. “The bond? But, I don’t know how.” She clung to him, devastated. “No, I can’t lose you. Not like this.” Searing pain shot through her chest and filled her head. The parchment burst into flames and disintegrated.

  Her vision flooded with a blazing orange. A fiery eruption filled her body and she breathed her flame over his mouth. Everything grew fuzzy, her head was spinning, and fought an encroaching darkness, still straddling the lap of her stone beloved. Terror flooded her when his wings started to crumble.

  “Oh, God, no, please no.” Clutching his neck, she closed her eyes. “I don’t want to live without you. I’ll fall to my death if I have to, but I’m not letting go of you until there’s nothing left.” Through hysterical sobs, her throat grew sore, and chest felt as though it was tearing in half. As she whispered her final words, the jarring, noxious odor of cinder enveloped her Warmth crept around her waist.

  “I’m hallucinating. It feels like you’re holding me.”

  “I’ll never let you go again, little dragon.”

  Gasping, she rocked back in disbelief, to see the stone crumble away. “Roark?”

  “I thought you never cried?” His gruff voice was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. He thumbed away her tears.

  “I can’t believe it worked.”

  “Whoa, baby, not so tight. I’m not indestructible anymore.” He pried her clenched fingers from his neck.

  “You mean, the gargoyle’s gone?”

  “Thanks to you, I’m all dragon now.”

  Kaida stroked his cinder-smeared cheek. Gripping a fistful of her hair, he drew her in with a long kiss.


  “Come on, Gershom, give it up,” Roark taunted.

  “No, I’m too old, and too set in my ways to even entertain such a ludicrous idea.” The old man banged his fist on the table.

  “Come on, you can’t stay a bachelor for eternity. I know she can help you at least break the ice.”

  “Kaida, what is wrong with your little dragon mind? An old fossil like me? Be serious.”

  “You said you couldn’t climb out on window ledges either, but here, you’ve been lying to me, and doing it every night for…how many millennia?”

  “At least four.” Roark teased.

  “It’s not funny, stop it you two. Eat your steak.” He hacked into the meat on his plate.

  “We want you to find some happiness, too, so I took the liberty of printing out the questionnaire.” Placing the paper on the table, she smiled at him. “Madame Eve is a miracle worker. Since I’ve taken your bachelor buddy away, you can’t plan on going solo forever.”

  “Enough of this night dreaming, young couples in love.” He shook his head. “I have no need for romance at my age,” he hissed. “I’m retired, you know. Excuse me, I forgot the matches for the candles.”

  “No problem, please sit down.” Kaida grinned and pursed her lips.

  “Baby, if you don’t mind....” Roark stood up, and leaned over the candelabra, and gently blew on the wick. Lighting all ten on the table, he sat down and put his arm around his dragoness.

  Snuggled close to his side, Kaida held his hand, resting on the table, the diamond on her ring finger glimmering under the candle light.


  Five Elements of Nature

  If you’re familiar with Chinese medicine or Feng Shui, then you might be aware of the five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Traditional Chinese philosophy is built on the comprehension of the five elements (called “Wu-xing” in Chinese) and the nature of their interaction with one another. The five elements are associated with the major planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. The composition of the five elements is obtained from the person’s birth time and place: year, month, day and time.

  To understand how we are influenced by the elements around us, will empower us to lead happier, more successful lives. The elements “work” in the way that wood nourishes fire, which feeds earth, which nourishes metal, which feeds water which nourishes wood to complete the cycle. Each element has marked characteristics linked with personality and physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges.

  Each animal of the Chinese Zodiac is marked by the five elements, the year you are born, not only denotes your Chinese astrological sign, but also the element associated with that year. One example would be Year of the Metal Dragon.

  The Chinese Horoscope for Dragons – Personality Traits

  Dragon people, as a whole, exude confidence, spontaneity and follow their own path, rather than listen to the advice of others. Precision, lofty standards and a preference to be in command, is tempered with an overt and honest manner. They are fierce protectors, passionate lovers and conquer their obstacles to obtain success.

  Earth Dragons:

  The Earth Dragon is a tranquil, more philosophical Dragon. They are appreciative of others' opinions even if they don’t agree with them. Their approach to a problem is one reason, as well as leadership and their tendency to be democratic. As a rule, they do not flare their tempers, but do demand respect. They treasure cooperation and are more tactful than the other Dragons. They are careful in thought and balance ideas well with ambitions.

  Fire Dragons:

  These are the most assertive and spirited of all dragons. They are prone to relentless determination and insist on a great deal from those around them. They are enigmatic and easily draw a crowd to their endeavor. Their avid aspirations can make them quick-tempered and fervent; ho
wever continue to aim for softer communication with their loved ones.

  Wood Dragons:

  They are inventive, curious and artistic. They tend to be both the intellectual and the go-getter, although their every move is levelheaded and guided by logic. Their drive and ambition brings their ideas to fruition however are able to conceal their dominant nature and try not to affront others. Although they are not as self-centered as other dragons, they are still outspoken and fearless when challenged.

  Metal Dragons:

  They are the most iron-willed of the Dragons. Honesty and integrity, they principal merits, they are clever and communicative, but can be critical and a tad zealous about their convictions. These doers have a combative nature. They posses little patience with laziness and tend to gravitate toward those on their own level of intellect or social standing This Dragon will rush in where angels fear to tread with success, as they give themselves no other option.

  Water Dragons:

  These more docile Dragons tend to favor optimal growth. Autonomous and tolerant, they are able to accept defeat and have a talent to know when and how to apply force if needed. Negotiators by nature, they are able to put aside their egos to better a situation, they tend to be less biased. Their patience is as formidable as their strength of will. They live by the to-thine-own-self-be-true philosophy and hold no ill will toward those who go the opposite way.

  Double Dragon’s Blood Family Tree

  Double Dragon’s Blood Earth Dragons are:

  Shen Li, Ling Li and Lien Long of Dragon’s Bond and Dragon Temptation, born in 1928. To counter the noticeable slower aging process of dragons, they tell people they were born in 1940, so not to let on their family secret.

  Double Dragon’s Blood Fire Dragons are:

  Tatsu Li, Yong Li, Kaida Li and Gwen Trembley of Double Dragon’s Seduction and Dragon Temptation and Dragon’s Breath, born in 1976.

  Double Dragon’s Blood Wood Dragon is:

  Roark Blackwell of Dragon’s Breath, born in 1724.



  When Kali Willows isn't busy being the married mother of two, certified trainer or counselor extraordinaire, she is shadowing worlds of paranormal passion & intrigue. Her goal in life? She has many, but her writing goal is creating emotional, compelling stories and characters you can't help but love, hate and cheer for. A good cup of tea with the crackling fire gets her creative juices flowing in the wee hours of the night, when the house is quiet and she can type away to her heart's desire.

  You can visit Kali at:




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